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"""Test the test support."""
import sys
import os
from os.path import abspath, join, curdir, isdir, isfile
from nose import SkipTest
from tests.local_repos import local_checkout
from tests.test_pip import here, reset_env, run_pip, pyversion
patch_urlopen = """
def mock_urlopen():
import pip
pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen = mock_urlopen
def test_pypiproxy_patch_applied():
Test the PyPIProxy.setup() patch was applied, and sys.path returned to normal
env = reset_env()
result = env.run('python', '-c', "import pip; print(pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen.__module__)")
#if it were not patched, the result would be 'urllib2'
assert "pypi_server"== result.stdout.strip(), result.stdout
#confirm the temporary sys.path adjustment is gone
result = env.run('python', '-c', "import sys; print(sys.path)")
paths = eval(result.stdout.strip())
assert here not in paths, paths
def test_add_patch_to_sitecustomize():
Test adding monkey patch snippet to sitecustomize.py (using TestPipEnvironment)
env = reset_env(sitecustomize=patch_urlopen, use_distribute=True)
result = env.run('python', '-c', "import pip; print(pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen.__module__)")
assert "sitecustomize"== result.stdout.strip(), result.stdout
def test_add_patch_to_sitecustomize_fast():
Test adding monkey patch snippet to sitecustomize.py (using FastTestPipEnvironment)
env = reset_env(sitecustomize=patch_urlopen)
result = env.run('python', '-c', "import pip; print(pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen.__module__)")
assert "sitecustomize"== result.stdout.strip(), result.stdout
def test_sitecustomize_not_growing_in_fast_environment():
Test that the sitecustomize is not growing with redundant patches in the cached fast environment
patch = "fu = 'bar'"
env1 = reset_env(sitecustomize=patch)
sc1 = env1.lib_path / 'sitecustomize.py'
size1 = os.stat(sc1).st_size
env2 = reset_env(sitecustomize=patch)
sc2 = env2.lib_path / 'sitecustomize.py'
size2 = os.stat(sc2).st_size
assert size1==size2, "size before, %d != size after, %d" %(size1, size2)
def test_tmp_dir_exists_in_env():
Test that $TMPDIR == env.temp_path and path exists, and env.assert_no_temp() passes
#need these tests to ensure the assert_no_temp feature of scripttest is working
env = reset_env(use_distribute=True)
env.assert_no_temp() #this fails if env.tmp_path doesn't exist
assert env.environ['TMPDIR'] == env.temp_path
assert isdir(env.temp_path)
def test_tmp_dir_exists_in_fast_env():
Test that $TMPDIR == env.temp_path and path exists and env.assert_no_temp() passes (in fast env)
#need these tests to ensure the assert_no_temp feature of scripttest is working
env = reset_env()
env.assert_no_temp() #this fails if env.tmp_path doesn't exist
assert env.environ['TMPDIR'] == env.temp_path
assert isdir(env.temp_path)