Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/pypa/pip synced 2023-12-13 21:30:23 +01:00
2020-10-30 07:16:19 +05:30

107 lines
3 KiB

profile = black
skip =
known_third_party =
max-line-length = 88
exclude =
enable-extensions = G
extend-ignore =
G200, G202,
# black adds spaces around ':'
per-file-ignores =
# G: The plugin logging-format treats every .log and .error as logging.
noxfile.py: G
# B011: Do not call assert False since python -O removes these calls
tests/*: B011
# TODO: Remove IOError from except (OSError, IOError) blocks in
# these files when Python 2 is removed.
# In Python 3, IOError have been merged into OSError
# https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8-bugbear/issues/110
src/pip/_internal/utils/filesystem.py: B014
src/pip/_internal/network/cache.py: B014
src/pip/_internal/utils/misc.py: B014
follow_imports = silent
ignore_missing_imports = True
disallow_untyped_defs = True
disallow_any_generics = True
follow_imports = skip
ignore_errors = True
addopts = --ignore src/pip/_vendor --ignore tests/tests_cache -r aR
markers =
network: tests that need network
unit: unit tests
integration: integration tests
bzr: VCS: Bazaar
svn: VCS: Subversion
mercurial: VCS: Mercurial
git: VCS: git
yaml: yaml based tests
branch = True
# Do not gather coverage for vendored libraries.
omit = */_vendor/*
# Centralized absolute file prefix for coverage files.
data_file = ${COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR}/.coverage
# By default, each covered process will try to truncate and then write to
# `data_file`, but with `parallel`, they will write to separate files suffixed
# with hostname, pid, and a timestamp.
parallel = True
# If not set, then at the termination of each worker (when using pytest-xdist),
# the following is traced: "Coverage.py warning: Module pip was previously
# imported, but not measured (module-not-measured)"
disable_warnings = module-not-measured
# We intentionally use "source0" here because pytest-cov unconditionally sets
# "source" after loading the config.
source0 =
# The primary source code path which other paths will be combined into.
# Unit test source directory e.g.
# `.tox/coverage-py3/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/pip/...`
# Functional test virtual environment directories, which look like
# `tmpdir/pip0/pip/src/pip/...`
exclude_lines =
# We must re-state the default because the `exclude_lines` option overrides
# it.
pragma: no cover
# This excludes typing-specific code, which will be validated by mypy anyway.
# Can be set to exclude e.g. `if PY2:` on Python 3
universal = 1
license_file = LICENSE.txt