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Chris Hunt 60f6ed9387 Move wheel.Wheel to models.wheel.Wheel
This aligns more closely with how the class is used and makes it easier
to move the rest of the wheel module to a dedicated module for
2019-12-02 11:52:51 +08:00

727 lines
24 KiB

"""Tests for wheel binary packages and .dist-info."""
import csv
import logging
import os
import textwrap
import pytest
from mock import patch
from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement
from pip._internal import pep425tags, wheel
from pip._internal.commands.wheel import WheelCommand
from pip._internal.exceptions import InvalidWheelFilename, UnsupportedWheel
from pip._internal.locations import get_scheme
from pip._internal.models.scheme import Scheme
from pip._internal.models.wheel import Wheel
from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS
from pip._internal.utils.misc import hash_file
from pip._internal.utils.unpacking import unpack_file
from pip._internal.wheel import (
from pip._internal.wheel_builder import get_legacy_build_wheel_path
from tests.lib import DATA_DIR, assert_paths_equal
def call_get_legacy_build_wheel_path(caplog, names):
wheel_path = get_legacy_build_wheel_path(
command_args=['arg1', 'arg2'],
command_output='output line 1\noutput line 2\n',
return wheel_path
def test_get_legacy_build_wheel_path(caplog):
actual = call_get_legacy_build_wheel_path(caplog, names=['name'])
assert_paths_equal(actual, '/tmp/abcd/name')
assert not caplog.records
def test_get_legacy_build_wheel_path__no_names(caplog):
actual = call_get_legacy_build_wheel_path(caplog, names=[])
assert actual is None
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
record = caplog.records[0]
assert record.levelname == 'WARNING'
assert record.message.splitlines() == [
"Legacy build of wheel for 'pendulum' created no files.",
"Command arguments: arg1 arg2",
'Command output: [use --verbose to show]',
def test_get_legacy_build_wheel_path__multiple_names(caplog):
# Deliberately pass the names in non-sorted order.
actual = call_get_legacy_build_wheel_path(
caplog, names=['name2', 'name1'],
assert_paths_equal(actual, '/tmp/abcd/name1')
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
record = caplog.records[0]
assert record.levelname == 'WARNING'
assert record.message.splitlines() == [
"Legacy build of wheel for 'pendulum' created more than one file.",
"Filenames (choosing first): ['name1', 'name2']",
"Command arguments: arg1 arg2",
'Command output: [use --verbose to show]',
["pip = pip._internal.main:pip",
"pip:pip = pip._internal.main:pip"])
def test_get_entrypoints(tmpdir, console_scripts):
entry_points = tmpdir.joinpath("entry_points.txt")
with open(str(entry_points), "w") as fp:
common:one = module:func
common:two = module:other_func
assert wheel.get_entrypoints(str(entry_points)) == (
dict([console_scripts.split(' = ')]),
def test_raise_for_invalid_entrypoint_ok():
_raise_for_invalid_entrypoint("hello = hello:main")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("entrypoint", [
"hello = hello",
"hello = hello:",
def test_raise_for_invalid_entrypoint_fail(entrypoint):
with pytest.raises(MissingCallableSuffix):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("outrows, expected", [
('', '', 'a'),
('', '', ''),
], [
('', '', ''),
('', '', 'a'),
# Include an int to check avoiding the following error:
# > TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
('', '', 1),
('', '', ''),
], [
('', '', ''),
('', '', 1),
def test_sorted_outrows(outrows, expected):
actual = wheel.sorted_outrows(outrows)
assert actual == expected
def call_get_csv_rows_for_installed(tmpdir, text):
path = tmpdir.joinpath('temp.txt')
# Test that an installed file appearing in RECORD has its filename
# updated in the new RECORD file.
installed = {'a': 'z'}
changed = set()
generated = []
lib_dir = '/lib/dir'
with wheel.open_for_csv(path, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
outrows = wheel.get_csv_rows_for_installed(
reader, installed=installed, changed=changed,
generated=generated, lib_dir=lib_dir,
return outrows
def test_get_csv_rows_for_installed(tmpdir, caplog):
text = textwrap.dedent("""\
outrows = call_get_csv_rows_for_installed(tmpdir, text)
expected = [
('z', 'b', 'c'),
('d', 'e', 'f'),
assert outrows == expected
# Check there were no warnings.
assert len(caplog.records) == 0
def test_get_csv_rows_for_installed__long_lines(tmpdir, caplog):
text = textwrap.dedent("""\
outrows = call_get_csv_rows_for_installed(tmpdir, text)
expected = [
('z', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
('e', 'f', 'g'),
('h', 'i', 'j', 'k'),
assert outrows == expected
messages = [rec.message for rec in caplog.records]
expected = [
"RECORD line has more than three elements: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']",
"RECORD line has more than three elements: ['h', 'i', 'j', 'k']"
assert messages == expected
def test_wheel_version(tmpdir, data):
future_wheel = 'futurewheel-1.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl'
broken_wheel = 'brokenwheel-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl'
future_version = (1, 9)
unpack_file(data.packages.joinpath(future_wheel), tmpdir + 'future')
unpack_file(data.packages.joinpath(broken_wheel), tmpdir + 'broken')
assert wheel.wheel_version(tmpdir + 'future') == future_version
assert not wheel.wheel_version(tmpdir + 'broken')
def test_check_compatibility():
name = 'test'
# Major version is higher - should be incompatible
higher_v = (vc[0] + 1, vc[1])
# test raises with correct error
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedWheel) as e:
wheel.check_compatibility(higher_v, name)
assert 'is not compatible' in str(e)
# Should only log.warning - minor version is greater
higher_v = (vc[0], vc[1] + 1)
wheel.check_compatibility(higher_v, name)
# These should work fine
wheel.check_compatibility(wheel.VERSION_COMPATIBLE, name)
# E.g if wheel to install is 1.0 and we support up to 1.2
lower_v = (vc[0], max(0, vc[1] - 1))
wheel.check_compatibility(lower_v, name)
class TestWheelFile(object):
def test_std_wheel_pattern(self):
w = Wheel('simple-1.1.1-py2-none-any.whl')
assert w.name == 'simple'
assert w.version == '1.1.1'
assert w.pyversions == ['py2']
assert w.abis == ['none']
assert w.plats == ['any']
def test_wheel_pattern_multi_values(self):
w = Wheel('simple-1.1-py2.py3-abi1.abi2-any.whl')
assert w.name == 'simple'
assert w.version == '1.1'
assert w.pyversions == ['py2', 'py3']
assert w.abis == ['abi1', 'abi2']
assert w.plats == ['any']
def test_wheel_with_build_tag(self):
# pip doesn't do anything with build tags, but theoretically, we might
# see one, in this case the build tag = '4'
w = Wheel('simple-1.1-4-py2-none-any.whl')
assert w.name == 'simple'
assert w.version == '1.1'
assert w.pyversions == ['py2']
assert w.abis == ['none']
assert w.plats == ['any']
def test_single_digit_version(self):
w = Wheel('simple-1-py2-none-any.whl')
assert w.version == '1'
def test_non_pep440_version(self):
w = Wheel('simple-_invalid_-py2-none-any.whl')
assert w.version == '-invalid-'
def test_missing_version_raises(self):
with pytest.raises(InvalidWheelFilename):
def test_invalid_filename_raises(self):
with pytest.raises(InvalidWheelFilename):
def test_supported_single_version(self):
Test single-version wheel is known to be supported
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-py2-none-any.whl')
assert w.supported(tags=[('py2', 'none', 'any')])
def test_supported_multi_version(self):
Test multi-version wheel is known to be supported
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl')
assert w.supported(tags=[('py3', 'none', 'any')])
def test_not_supported_version(self):
Test unsupported wheel is known to be unsupported
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-py2-none-any.whl')
assert not w.supported(tags=[('py1', 'none', 'any')])
def test_supported_osx_version(self):
Wheels built for macOS 10.6 are supported on 10.9
tags = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_9_intel', impl='cp'
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-cp27-none-macosx_10_6_intel.whl')
assert w.supported(tags=tags)
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-cp27-none-macosx_10_9_intel.whl')
assert w.supported(tags=tags)
def test_not_supported_osx_version(self):
Wheels built for macOS 10.9 are not supported on 10.6
tags = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_6_intel', impl='cp'
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-cp27-none-macosx_10_9_intel.whl')
assert not w.supported(tags=tags)
def test_supported_multiarch_darwin(self):
Multi-arch wheels (intel) are supported on components (i386, x86_64)
universal = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_universal', impl='cp'
intel = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_intel', impl='cp'
x64 = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_x86_64', impl='cp'
i386 = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_i386', impl='cp'
ppc = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_ppc', impl='cp'
ppc64 = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_ppc64', impl='cp'
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-cp27-none-macosx_10_5_intel.whl')
assert w.supported(tags=intel)
assert w.supported(tags=x64)
assert w.supported(tags=i386)
assert not w.supported(tags=universal)
assert not w.supported(tags=ppc)
assert not w.supported(tags=ppc64)
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-cp27-none-macosx_10_5_universal.whl')
assert w.supported(tags=universal)
assert w.supported(tags=intel)
assert w.supported(tags=x64)
assert w.supported(tags=i386)
assert w.supported(tags=ppc)
assert w.supported(tags=ppc64)
def test_not_supported_multiarch_darwin(self):
Single-arch wheels (x86_64) are not supported on multi-arch (intel)
universal = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_universal', impl='cp'
intel = pep425tags.get_supported(
'27', platform='macosx_10_5_intel', impl='cp'
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-cp27-none-macosx_10_5_i386.whl')
assert not w.supported(tags=intel)
assert not w.supported(tags=universal)
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-cp27-none-macosx_10_5_x86_64.whl')
assert not w.supported(tags=intel)
assert not w.supported(tags=universal)
def test_support_index_min(self):
Test results from `support_index_min`
tags = [
('py2', 'none', 'TEST'),
('py2', 'TEST', 'any'),
('py2', 'none', 'any'),
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-py2-none-any.whl')
assert w.support_index_min(tags=tags) == 2
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-py2-none-TEST.whl')
assert w.support_index_min(tags=tags) == 0
def test_support_index_min__none_supported(self):
Test a wheel not supported by the given tags.
w = Wheel('simple-0.1-py2-none-any.whl')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_unpack_wheel_no_flatten(self, tmpdir):
filepath = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'packages',
unpack_file(filepath, tmpdir)
assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'meta-1.0.dist-info'))
def test_purelib_platlib(self, data):
Test the "wheel is purelib/platlib" code.
packages = [
("pure_wheel", data.packages.joinpath("pure_wheel-1.7"), True),
("plat_wheel", data.packages.joinpath("plat_wheel-1.7"), False),
("pure_wheel", data.packages.joinpath(
"pure_wheel-_invalidversion_"), True),
("plat_wheel", data.packages.joinpath(
"plat_wheel-_invalidversion_"), False),
for name, path, expected in packages:
assert wheel.root_is_purelib(name, path) == expected
def test_version_underscore_conversion(self):
Test that we convert '_' to '-' for versions parsed out of wheel
w = Wheel('simple-0.1_1-py2-none-any.whl')
assert w.version == '0.1-1'
class TestInstallUnpackedWheel(object):
Tests for moving files from wheel src to scheme paths
def prep(self, data, tmpdir):
self.name = 'sample'
self.wheelpath = data.packages.joinpath(
self.req = Requirement('sample')
self.src = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'src')
self.dest = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dest')
unpack_file(self.wheelpath, self.src)
self.scheme = Scheme(
purelib=os.path.join(self.dest, 'lib'),
platlib=os.path.join(self.dest, 'lib'),
headers=os.path.join(self.dest, 'headers'),
scripts=os.path.join(self.dest, 'bin'),
data=os.path.join(self.dest, 'data'),
self.src_dist_info = os.path.join(
self.src, 'sample-1.2.0.dist-info')
self.dest_dist_info = os.path.join(
self.scheme.purelib, 'sample-1.2.0.dist-info')
def assert_installed(self):
# lib
assert os.path.isdir(
os.path.join(self.scheme.purelib, 'sample'))
# dist-info
metadata = os.path.join(self.dest_dist_info, 'METADATA')
assert os.path.isfile(metadata)
# data files
data_file = os.path.join(self.scheme.data, 'my_data', 'data_file')
assert os.path.isfile(data_file)
# package data
pkg_data = os.path.join(
self.scheme.purelib, 'sample', 'package_data.dat')
assert os.path.isfile(pkg_data)
def test_std_install(self, data, tmpdir):
self.prep(data, tmpdir)
def test_install_prefix(self, data, tmpdir):
prefix = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'some', 'path')
self.prep(data, tmpdir)
scheme = get_scheme(
bin_dir = 'Scripts' if WINDOWS else 'bin'
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'some', 'path', bin_dir))
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'some', 'path', 'my_data'))
def test_dist_info_contains_empty_dir(self, data, tmpdir):
Test that empty dirs are not installed
# e.g. https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1632#issuecomment-38027275
self.prep(data, tmpdir)
src_empty_dir = os.path.join(
self.src_dist_info, 'empty_dir', 'empty_dir')
assert os.path.isdir(src_empty_dir)
assert not os.path.isdir(
os.path.join(self.dest_dist_info, 'empty_dir'))
class TestMessageAboutScriptsNotOnPATH(object):
tilde_warning_msg = (
"NOTE: The current PATH contains path(s) starting with `~`, "
"which may not be expanded by all applications."
def _template(self, paths, scripts):
with patch.dict('os.environ', {'PATH': os.pathsep.join(paths)}):
return wheel.message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(scripts)
def test_no_script(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
assert retval is None
def test_single_script__single_dir_not_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
assert retval is not None
assert "--no-warn-script-location" in retval
assert "foo is installed in '/c/d'" in retval
assert self.tilde_warning_msg not in retval
def test_two_script__single_dir_not_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
scripts=['/c/d/foo', '/c/d/baz']
assert retval is not None
assert "--no-warn-script-location" in retval
assert "baz and foo are installed in '/c/d'" in retval
assert self.tilde_warning_msg not in retval
def test_multi_script__multi_dir_not_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
scripts=['/c/d/foo', '/c/d/bar', '/c/d/baz', '/a/b/c/spam']
assert retval is not None
assert "--no-warn-script-location" in retval
assert "bar, baz and foo are installed in '/c/d'" in retval
assert "spam is installed in '/a/b/c'" in retval
assert self.tilde_warning_msg not in retval
def test_multi_script_all__multi_dir_not_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
'/c/d/foo', '/c/d/bar', '/c/d/baz',
'/a/b/c/spam', '/a/b/c/eggs'
assert retval is not None
assert "--no-warn-script-location" in retval
assert "bar, baz and foo are installed in '/c/d'" in retval
assert "eggs and spam are installed in '/a/b/c'" in retval
assert self.tilde_warning_msg not in retval
def test_two_script__single_dir_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
scripts=['/a/b/foo', '/a/b/baz']
assert retval is None
def test_multi_script__multi_dir_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
scripts=['/a/b/foo', '/a/b/bar', '/a/b/baz', '/c/d/bin/spam']
assert retval is None
def test_multi_script__single_dir_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
scripts=['/a/b/foo', '/a/b/bar', '/a/b/baz']
assert retval is None
def test_single_script__single_dir_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin'],
assert retval is None
def test_PATH_check_case_insensitive_on_windows(self):
retval = self._template(
scripts=['c:\\a\\b\\c', 'C:/A/b/d']
assert retval is None
assert retval is not None
assert self.tilde_warning_msg not in retval
def test_trailing_ossep_removal(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=[os.path.join('a', 'b', '')],
scripts=[os.path.join('a', 'b', 'c')]
assert retval is None
def test_missing_PATH_env_treated_as_empty_PATH_env(self):
scripts = ['a/b/foo']
env = os.environ.copy()
del env['PATH']
with patch.dict('os.environ', env, clear=True):
retval_missing = wheel.message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(scripts)
with patch.dict('os.environ', {'PATH': ''}):
retval_empty = wheel.message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(scripts)
assert retval_missing == retval_empty
def test_no_script_tilde_in_path(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin', '~/e', '/f/g~g'],
assert retval is None
def test_multi_script_all_tilde__multi_dir_not_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/a/b', '/c/d/bin', '~e/f'],
'/c/d/foo', '/c/d/bar', '/c/d/baz',
'/a/b/c/spam', '/a/b/c/eggs', '/e/f/tilde'
assert retval is not None
assert "--no-warn-script-location" in retval
assert "bar, baz and foo are installed in '/c/d'" in retval
assert "eggs and spam are installed in '/a/b/c'" in retval
assert "tilde is installed in '/e/f'" in retval
assert self.tilde_warning_msg in retval
def test_multi_script_all_tilde_not_at_start__multi_dir_not_on_PATH(self):
retval = self._template(
paths=['/e/f~f', '/c/d/bin'],
'/c/d/foo', '/c/d/bar', '/c/d/baz',
'/e/f~f/c/spam', '/e/f~f/c/eggs'
assert retval is not None
assert "--no-warn-script-location" in retval
assert "bar, baz and foo are installed in '/c/d'" in retval
assert "eggs and spam are installed in '/e/f~f/c'" in retval
assert self.tilde_warning_msg not in retval
class TestWheelHashCalculators(object):
def prep(self, tmpdir):
self.test_file = tmpdir.joinpath("hash.file")
# Want this big enough to trigger the internal read loops.
self.test_file_len = 2 * 1024 * 1024
with open(str(self.test_file), "w") as fp:
self.test_file_hash = \
self.test_file_hash_encoded = \
def test_hash_file(self, tmpdir):
h, length = hash_file(self.test_file)
assert length == self.test_file_len
assert h.hexdigest() == self.test_file_hash
def test_rehash(self, tmpdir):
h, length = wheel.rehash(self.test_file)
assert length == str(self.test_file_len)
assert h == self.test_file_hash_encoded
class TestWheelCommand(object):
def test_save_wheelnames(self, tmpdir):
wheel_filenames = ['Flask-1.1.dev0-py2.py3-none-any.whl']
links_filenames = [
expected = wheel_filenames + links_filenames[1:]
expected = [filename + '\n' for filename in expected]
temp_file = tmpdir.joinpath('wheelfiles')
WheelCommand('name', 'summary').save_wheelnames(
with open(temp_file, 'r') as f:
test_content = f.readlines()
assert test_content == expected