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mirror of https://github.com/pypa/pip synced 2023-12-13 21:30:23 +01:00
Ales Erjavec 660dafb37f Ignore errors in temporary directory cleanup
pip should not exit with an error when it fails to cleanup temporary
files after it has already successfully installed packages.
2023-07-17 15:15:41 +02:00

300 lines
9 KiB

import itertools
import os
import stat
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, Union
from unittest import mock
import pytest
from pip._internal.utils import temp_dir
from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir
from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import (
# No need to test symlinked directories on Windows
@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'")
def test_symlinked_path() -> None:
with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir:
assert os.path.exists(tmp_dir.path)
alt_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="pip-test-")
assert os.path.dirname(tmp_dir.path) == os.path.dirname(
# are we on a system where /tmp is a symlink
if os.path.realpath(alt_tmp_dir) != os.path.abspath(alt_tmp_dir):
assert os.path.dirname(tmp_dir.path) != os.path.dirname(alt_tmp_dir)
assert os.path.dirname(tmp_dir.path) == os.path.dirname(alt_tmp_dir)
assert not os.path.exists(tmp_dir.path)
def test_deletes_readonly_files() -> None:
def create_file(*args: str) -> None:
fpath = os.path.join(*args)
with open(fpath, "w") as f:
def readonly_file(*args: str) -> None:
fpath = os.path.join(*args)
os.chmod(fpath, stat.S_IREAD)
with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir:
create_file(tmp_dir.path, "normal-file")
create_file(tmp_dir.path, "readonly-file")
readonly_file(tmp_dir.path, "readonly-file")
create_file(tmp_dir.path, "subfolder", "normal-file")
create_file(tmp_dir.path, "subfolder", "readonly-file")
readonly_file(tmp_dir.path, "subfolder", "readonly-file")
def test_path_access_after_context_raises() -> None:
with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir:
path = tmp_dir.path
with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
_ = tmp_dir.path
assert path in str(e.value)
def test_path_access_after_clean_raises() -> None:
tmp_dir = TempDirectory()
path = tmp_dir.path
with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
_ = tmp_dir.path
assert path in str(e.value)
def test_create_and_cleanup_work() -> None:
tmp_dir = TempDirectory()
created_path = tmp_dir.path
assert tmp_dir.path is not None
assert os.path.exists(created_path)
assert not os.path.exists(created_path)
def test_adjacent_directory_names(name: str) -> None:
def names() -> Iterator[str]:
return AdjacentTempDirectory._generate_names(name)
chars = AdjacentTempDirectory.LEADING_CHARS
# Ensure many names are unique
# (For long *name*, this sequence can be extremely long.
# However, since we're only ever going to take the first
# result that works, provided there are many of those
# and that shorter names result in totally unique sets,
# it's okay to skip part of the test.)
some_names = list(itertools.islice(names(), 1000))
# We should always get at least 1000 names
assert len(some_names) == 1000
# Ensure original name does not appear early in the set
assert name not in some_names
if len(name) > 2:
# Names should be at least 90% unique (given the infinite
# range of inputs, and the possibility that generated names
# may already exist on disk anyway, this is a much cheaper
# criteria to enforce than complete uniqueness).
assert len(some_names) > 0.9 * len(set(some_names))
# Ensure the first few names are the same length as the original
same_len = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: len(x) == len(name), some_names))
assert len(same_len) > 10
# Check the first group are correct
expected_names = ["~" + name[1:]]
expected_names.extend("~" + c + name[2:] for c in chars)
for x, y in zip(some_names, expected_names):
assert x == y
# All names are going to be longer than our original
assert min(len(x) for x in some_names) > 1
# All names are going to be unique
assert len(some_names) == len(set(some_names))
if len(name) == 2:
# All but the first name are going to end with our original
assert all(x.endswith(name) for x in some_names[1:])
# All names are going to end with our original
assert all(x.endswith(name) for x in some_names)
def test_adjacent_directory_exists(name: str, tmpdir: Path) -> None:
block_name, expect_name = itertools.islice(
AdjacentTempDirectory._generate_names(name), 2
original = os.path.join(tmpdir, name)
blocker = os.path.join(tmpdir, block_name)
with AdjacentTempDirectory(original) as atmp_dir:
assert expect_name == os.path.split(atmp_dir.path)[1]
def test_adjacent_directory_permission_error(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
name = "ABC"
def raising_mkdir(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
raise OSError("Unknown OSError")
with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir:
original = os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, name)
monkeypatch.setattr("os.mkdir", raising_mkdir)
with pytest.raises(OSError):
with AdjacentTempDirectory(original):
def test_global_tempdir_manager() -> None:
with global_tempdir_manager():
d = TempDirectory(globally_managed=True)
path = d.path
assert os.path.exists(path)
assert not os.path.exists(path)
def test_tempdirectory_asserts_global_tempdir(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
monkeypatch.setattr(temp_dir, "_tempdir_manager", None)
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
deleted_kind = "deleted"
not_deleted_kind = "not-deleted"
(None, deleted_kind, False),
(_default, deleted_kind, False),
(True, deleted_kind, False),
(False, deleted_kind, True),
(None, not_deleted_kind, True),
(_default, not_deleted_kind, True),
(True, not_deleted_kind, False),
(False, not_deleted_kind, True),
(None, "unspecified", False),
(_default, "unspecified", False),
(True, "unspecified", False),
(False, "unspecified", True),
def test_tempdir_registry(
delete: Union[bool, _Default], kind: str, exists: bool
) -> None:
with tempdir_registry() as registry:
registry.set_delete(deleted_kind, True)
registry.set_delete(not_deleted_kind, False)
with TempDirectory(delete=delete, kind=kind) as d:
path = d.path
assert os.path.exists(path)
assert os.path.exists(path) == exists
@pytest.mark.parametrize("delete,exists", [(_default, True), (None, False)])
def test_temp_dir_does_not_delete_explicit_paths_by_default(
tmpdir: Path, delete: Optional[_Default], exists: bool
) -> None:
p = tmpdir / "example"
path = os.fspath(p)
with tempdir_registry() as registry:
registry.set_delete(deleted_kind, True)
with TempDirectory(path=path, delete=delete, kind=deleted_kind) as d:
assert str(d.path) == path
assert os.path.exists(path)
assert os.path.exists(path) == exists
@pytest.mark.parametrize("should_delete", [True, False])
def test_tempdir_registry_lazy(should_delete: bool) -> None:
Test the registry entry can be updated after a temp dir is created,
to change whether a kind should be deleted or not.
with tempdir_registry() as registry:
with TempDirectory(delete=None, kind="test-for-lazy") as d:
path = d.path
registry.set_delete("test-for-lazy", should_delete)
assert os.path.exists(path)
assert os.path.exists(path) == (not should_delete)
def test_tempdir_cleanup_ignore_errors() -> None:
os_unlink = os.unlink
# mock os.unlink to fail with EACCES for a specific filename to simulate
# how removing a loaded exe/dll behaves.
def unlink(name: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
if "bomb" in name:
raise PermissionError(name)
with mock.patch("os.unlink", unlink):
with TempDirectory(ignore_cleanup_errors=True) as tmp_dir:
path = tmp_dir.path
with open(os.path.join(path, "bomb"), "a"):
filename = os.path.join(path, "bomb")
assert os.path.isfile(filename)