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593 lines
21 KiB

import os
import subprocess
import textwrap
import pytest
from mock import Mock, patch
from pretend import stub
import pip
from pip.download import PipSession
from pip.exceptions import InstallationError, RequirementsFileParseError
from pip.index import PackageFinder
from pip.req.req_file import (
break_args_options, ignore_comments, join_lines, parse_requirements,
preprocess, process_line, skip_regex
from pip.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
from tests.lib import requirements_file
def session():
return PipSession()
def finder(session):
return PackageFinder([], [], session=session)
def options(session):
return stub(
isolated_mode=False, index_url='default_url',
format_control=pip.index.FormatControl(set(), set()))
class TestPreprocess(object):
"""tests for `preprocess`"""
def test_comments_and_joins_case1(self):
content = textwrap.dedent("""\
req1 \\
# comment \\
result = preprocess(content, None)
assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')]
def test_comments_and_joins_case2(self):
content = textwrap.dedent("""\
# comment
result = preprocess(content, None)
assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1')]
def test_comments_and_joins_case3(self):
content = textwrap.dedent("""\
req1 \\
# comment
result = preprocess(content, None)
assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')]
def test_skip_regex_after_joining_case1(self, options):
content = textwrap.dedent("""\
options.skip_requirements_regex = 'pattern'
result = preprocess(content, options)
assert list(result) == [(3, 'line2')]
def test_skip_regex_after_joining_case2(self, options):
content = textwrap.dedent("""\
pattern \\
options.skip_requirements_regex = 'pattern'
result = preprocess(content, options)
assert list(result) == [(3, 'line3')]
class TestIgnoreComments(object):
"""tests for `ignore_comment`"""
def test_ignore_line(self):
lines = [(1, ''), (2, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')]
result = ignore_comments(lines)
assert list(result) == [(2, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')]
def test_ignore_comment(self):
lines = [(1, 'req1'), (2, '# comment'), (3, 'req2')]
result = ignore_comments(lines)
assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')]
def test_strip_comment(self):
lines = [(1, 'req1'), (2, 'req # comment'), (3, 'req2')]
result = ignore_comments(lines)
assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (2, 'req'), (3, 'req2')]
class TestJoinLines(object):
"""tests for `join_lines`"""
def test_join_lines(self):
lines = enumerate([
'line 1',
'line 2:1 \\',
'line 2:2',
'line 3:1 \\',
'line 3:2 \\',
'line 3:3',
'line 4'
], start=1)
expect = [
(1, 'line 1'),
(2, 'line 2:1 line 2:2'),
(4, 'line 3:1 line 3:2 line 3:3'),
(7, 'line 4'),
assert expect == list(join_lines(lines))
def test_last_line_with_escape(self):
lines = enumerate([
'line 1',
'line 2 \\',
], start=1)
expect = [
(1, 'line 1'),
(2, 'line 2 '),
assert expect == list(join_lines(lines))
class TestSkipRegex(object):
"""tests for `skip_reqex``"""
def test_skip_regex_pattern_match(self):
options = stub(skip_requirements_regex='.*Bad.*')
line = '--extra-index-url Bad'
assert [] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options))
def test_skip_regex_pattern_not_match(self):
options = stub(skip_requirements_regex='.*Bad.*')
line = '--extra-index-url Good'
assert [(0, line)] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options))
def test_skip_regex_no_options(self):
options = None
line = '--extra-index-url Good'
assert [(0, line)] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options))
def test_skip_regex_no_skip_option(self):
options = stub(skip_requirements_regex=None)
line = '--extra-index-url Good'
assert [(0, line)] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options))
class TestProcessLine(object):
"""tests for `process_line`"""
def test_parser_error(self):
with pytest.raises(RequirementsFileParseError):
list(process_line("--bogus", "file", 1))
def test_parser_offending_line(self):
line = 'pkg==1.0.0 --hash=somehash'
with pytest.raises(RequirementsFileParseError) as err:
list(process_line(line, 'file', 1))
assert line in str(err.value)
def test_parser_non_offending_line(self):
list(process_line('pkg==1.0.0 --hash=sha256:somehash', 'file', 1))
except RequirementsFileParseError:
pytest.fail('Reported offending line where it should not.')
def test_only_one_req_per_line(self):
# pkg_resources raises the ValueError
with pytest.raises(InstallationError):
list(process_line("req1 req2", "file", 1))
def test_yield_line_requirement(self):
line = 'SomeProject'
filename = 'filename'
comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1)
req = InstallRequirement.from_line(line, comes_from=comes_from)
assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req)
def test_yield_line_constraint(self):
line = 'SomeProject'
filename = 'filename'
comes_from = '-c %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1)
req = InstallRequirement.from_line(
line, comes_from=comes_from, constraint=True)
found_req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1, constraint=True))[0]
assert repr(found_req) == repr(req)
assert found_req.constraint is True
def test_yield_line_requirement_with_spaces_in_specifier(self):
line = 'SomeProject >= 2'
filename = 'filename'
comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1)
req = InstallRequirement.from_line(line, comes_from=comes_from)
assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req)
assert str(req.req.specifier) == '>=2'
def test_yield_editable_requirement(self):
url = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject'
line = '-e %s' % url
filename = 'filename'
comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1)
req = InstallRequirement.from_editable(url, comes_from=comes_from)
assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req)
def test_yield_editable_constraint(self):
url = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject'
line = '-e %s' % url
filename = 'filename'
comes_from = '-c %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1)
req = InstallRequirement.from_editable(
url, comes_from=comes_from, constraint=True)
found_req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1, constraint=True))[0]
assert repr(found_req) == repr(req)
assert found_req.constraint is True
def test_nested_requirements_file(self, monkeypatch):
line = '-r another_file'
req = InstallRequirement.from_line('SomeProject')
import pip.req.req_file
def stub_parse_requirements(req_url, finder, comes_from, options,
session, wheel_cache, constraint):
return [(req, constraint)]
parse_requirements_stub = stub(call=stub_parse_requirements)
monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements',
assert list(process_line(line, 'filename', 1)) == [(req, False)]
def test_nested_constraints_file(self, monkeypatch):
line = '-c another_file'
req = InstallRequirement.from_line('SomeProject')
import pip.req.req_file
def stub_parse_requirements(req_url, finder, comes_from, options,
session, wheel_cache, constraint):
return [(req, constraint)]
parse_requirements_stub = stub(call=stub_parse_requirements)
monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements',
assert list(process_line(line, 'filename', 1)) == [(req, True)]
def test_options_on_a_requirement_line(self):
line = 'SomeProject --install-option=yo1 --install-option yo2 '\
'--global-option="yo3" --global-option "yo4"'
filename = 'filename'
req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]
assert req.options == {
'global_options': ['yo3', 'yo4'],
'install_options': ['yo1', 'yo2']}
def test_hash_options(self):
"""Test the --hash option: mostly its value storage.
Make sure it reads and preserve multiple hashes.
line = ('SomeProject --hash=sha256:2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b1'
'61e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 '
'3553bcdb9c666fa90125a3c79f90397bdf5f6a13de828684f '
filename = 'filename'
req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]
assert req.options == {'hashes': {
'sha256': ['2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e730433'
'sha384': ['59e1748777448c69de6b800d7a33bbfb9ff1b463e44354c3553bcd'
def test_set_isolated(self, options):
line = 'SomeProject'
filename = 'filename'
options.isolated_mode = True
result = process_line(line, filename, 1, options=options)
assert list(result)[0].isolated
def test_set_finder_no_index(self, finder):
list(process_line("--no-index", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == []
def test_set_finder_index_url(self, finder):
list(process_line("--index-url=url", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url']
def test_set_finder_find_links(self, finder):
list(process_line("--find-links=url", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.find_links == ['url']
def test_set_finder_extra_index_urls(self, finder):
list(process_line("--extra-index-url=url", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url']
def test_set_finder_trusted_host(self, finder):
list(process_line("--trusted-host=url", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.secure_origins == [('*', 'url', '*')]
def test_noop_always_unzip(self, finder):
# noop, but confirm it can be set
list(process_line("--always-unzip", "file", 1, finder=finder))
def test_set_finder_allow_all_prereleases(self, finder):
list(process_line("--pre", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.allow_all_prereleases
def test_relative_local_find_links(self, finder, monkeypatch):
Test a relative find_links path is joined with the req file directory
# Make sure the test also passes on windows
req_file = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(
nested_link = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(
exists_ = os.path.exists
def exists(path):
if path == nested_link:
return True
monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', exists)
list(process_line("--find-links=rel_path", req_file, 1,
assert finder.find_links == [nested_link]
def test_relative_http_nested_req_files(self, finder, monkeypatch):
Test a relative nested req file path is joined with the req file url
req_file = 'http://me.com/me/req_file.txt'
def parse(*args, **kwargs):
return iter([])
mock_parse = Mock()
mock_parse.side_effect = parse
monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse)
list(process_line("-r reqs.txt", req_file, 1, finder=finder))
call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0]
assert call[1][0] == 'http://me.com/me/reqs.txt'
def test_relative_local_nested_req_files(self, finder, monkeypatch):
Test a relative nested req file path is joined with the req file dir
req_file = os.path.normpath('/path/req_file.txt')
def parse(*args, **kwargs):
return iter([])
mock_parse = Mock()
mock_parse.side_effect = parse
monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse)
list(process_line("-r reqs.txt", req_file, 1, finder=finder))
call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0]
assert call[1][0] == os.path.normpath('/path/reqs.txt')
def test_absolute_local_nested_req_files(self, finder, monkeypatch):
Test an absolute nested req file path
req_file = '/path/req_file.txt'
def parse(*args, **kwargs):
return iter([])
mock_parse = Mock()
mock_parse.side_effect = parse
monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse)
list(process_line("-r /other/reqs.txt", req_file, 1, finder=finder))
call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0]
assert call[1][0] == '/other/reqs.txt'
def test_absolute_http_nested_req_file_in_local(self, finder, monkeypatch):
Test a nested req file url in a local req file
req_file = '/path/req_file.txt'
def parse(*args, **kwargs):
return iter([])
mock_parse = Mock()
mock_parse.side_effect = parse
monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse)
list(process_line("-r http://me.com/me/reqs.txt", req_file, 1,
call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0]
assert call[1][0] == 'http://me.com/me/reqs.txt'
def test_set_finder_process_dependency_links(self, finder):
"--process-dependency-links", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.process_dependency_links
class TestBreakOptionsArgs(object):
def test_no_args(self):
assert ('', '--option') == break_args_options('--option')
def test_no_options(self):
assert ('arg arg', '') == break_args_options('arg arg')
def test_args_short_options(self):
result = break_args_options('arg arg -s')
assert ('arg arg', '-s') == result
def test_args_long_options(self):
result = break_args_options('arg arg --long')
assert ('arg arg', '--long') == result
class TestOptionVariants(object):
# this suite is really just testing optparse, but added it anyway
def test_variant1(self, finder):
list(process_line("-i url", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url']
def test_variant2(self, finder):
list(process_line("-i 'url'", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url']
def test_variant3(self, finder):
list(process_line("--index-url=url", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url']
def test_variant4(self, finder):
list(process_line("--index-url url", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url']
def test_variant5(self, finder):
list(process_line("--index-url='url'", "file", 1, finder=finder))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url']
class TestParseRequirements(object):
"""tests for `parse_requirements`"""
def test_remote_reqs_parse(self):
Test parsing a simple remote requirements file
# this requirements file just contains a comment previously this has
# failed in py3: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/760
for req in parse_requirements(
'tests/req_just_comment.txt', session=PipSession()):
def test_multiple_appending_options(self, tmpdir, finder, options):
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
fp.write("--extra-index-url url1 \n")
fp.write("--extra-index-url url2 ")
list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder=finder,
session=PipSession(), options=options))
assert finder.index_urls == ['url1', 'url2']
def test_skip_regex(self, tmpdir, finder, options):
options.skip_requirements_regex = '.*Bad.*'
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
fp.write("--extra-index-url Bad \n")
fp.write("--extra-index-url Good ")
list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder=finder,
options=options, session=PipSession()))
assert finder.index_urls == ['Good']
def test_join_lines(self, tmpdir, finder):
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
fp.write("--extra-index-url url1 \\\n--extra-index-url url2")
list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder=finder,
assert finder.index_urls == ['url1', 'url2']
def test_req_file_parse_no_only_binary(self, data, finder):
data.reqfiles.join("supported_options2.txt"), finder,
expected = pip.index.FormatControl(set(['fred']), set(['wilma']))
assert finder.format_control == expected
def test_req_file_parse_comment_start_of_line(self, tmpdir, finder):
Test parsing comments in a requirements file
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
fp.write("# Comment ")
reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder,
assert not reqs
def test_req_file_parse_comment_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir, finder):
Test parsing comments in a requirements file
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
fp.write("https://example.com/foo.tar.gz # Comment ")
reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder,
assert len(reqs) == 1
assert reqs[0].link.url == "https://example.com/foo.tar.gz"
def test_req_file_parse_egginfo_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir, finder):
Test parsing comments in a requirements file
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder,
assert len(reqs) == 1
assert reqs[0].name == "wat"
def test_req_file_no_finder(self, tmpdir):
Test parsing a requirements file without a finder
with open(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), "w") as fp:
--find-links https://example.com/
--index-url https://example.com/
--extra-index-url https://two.example.com/
parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), session=PipSession())
def test_install_requirements_with_options(self, tmpdir, finder, session,
global_option = '--dry-run'
install_option = '--prefix=/opt'
content = '''
--only-binary :all:
INITools==2.0 --global-option="{global_option}" \
--install-option "{install_option}"
'''.format(global_option=global_option, install_option=install_option)
with requirements_file(content, tmpdir) as reqs_file:
req = next(parse_requirements(reqs_file.abspath,
req.source_dir = os.curdir
with patch.object(subprocess, 'Popen') as popen:
popen.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = b""
last_call = popen.call_args_list[-1]
args = last_call[0][0]
assert (
0 < args.index(global_option) < args.index('install') <
assert options.format_control.no_binary == set([':all:'])
assert options.format_control.only_binary == set([])