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Paul Nasrat f54f422e11 Merge pull request #677 from blaze33/develop
Explicitly ignore rel='download' links while looking for html pages.
2012-10-24 06:02:37 -07:00

131 lines
4.9 KiB

import os
from pip.backwardcompat import urllib
from tests.path import Path
from pip.index import package_to_requirement, HTMLPage, get_mirrors, DEFAULT_MIRROR_HOSTNAME
from pip.index import PackageFinder, Link, InfLink
from tests.test_pip import reset_env, run_pip, pyversion, here
from string import ascii_lowercase
from mock import patch
def test_package_name_should_be_converted_to_requirement():
Test that it translates a name like Foo-1.2 to Foo==1.3
assert package_to_requirement('Foo-1.2') == 'Foo==1.2'
assert package_to_requirement('Foo-dev') == 'Foo==dev'
assert package_to_requirement('Foo') == 'Foo'
def test_html_page_should_be_able_to_scrap_rel_links():
Test scraping page looking for url in href
page = HTMLPage("""
<!-- The <th> elements below are a terrible terrible hack for setuptools -->
<strong>Home Page:</strong>
<!-- <th>Home Page -->
<a href="http://supervisord.org/">http://supervisord.org/</a>
</li>""", "supervisor")
links = list(page.scraped_rel_links())
assert len(links) == 1
assert links[0].url == 'http://supervisord.org/'
def test_html_page_should_be_able_to_filter_links_by_rel():
Test selecting links by the rel attribute
page = HTMLPage("""
<a href="http://example.com/page.html">Some page</a>
<a href="http://example.com/archive-1.2.3.tar.gz" rel="download">Download URL</a>
<a href="http://example.com/home.html" rel="homepage">Homepage</a>
""", "archive")
links = list(page.rel_links())
urls = [l.url for l in links]
hlinks = list(page.rel_links(('homepage',)))
dlinks = list(page.rel_links(('download',)))
assert len(links) == 2
assert 'http://example.com/archive-1.2.3.tar.gz' in urls
assert 'http://example.com/home.html' in urls
assert len(hlinks) == 1
assert hlinks[0].url == 'http://example.com/home.html'
assert len(dlinks) == 1
assert dlinks[0].url == 'http://example.com/archive-1.2.3.tar.gz'
def test_get_mirrors(mock_gethostbyname_ex):
# Test when the expected result comes back
# from socket.gethostbyname_ex
mock_gethostbyname_ex.return_value = ('g.pypi.python.org', [DEFAULT_MIRROR_HOSTNAME], [''])
mirrors = get_mirrors()
# Expect [a-g].pypi.python.org, since last mirror
# is returned as g.pypi.python.org
assert len(mirrors) == 7
for c in "abcdefg":
assert c + ".pypi.python.org" in mirrors
def test_get_mirrors_no_cname(mock_gethostbyname_ex):
# Test when the UNexpected result comes back
# from socket.gethostbyname_ex
# (seeing this in Japan and was resulting in 216k
# invalid mirrors and a hot CPU)
mock_gethostbyname_ex.return_value = (DEFAULT_MIRROR_HOSTNAME, [DEFAULT_MIRROR_HOSTNAME], [''])
mirrors = get_mirrors()
# Falls back to [a-z].pypi.python.org
assert len(mirrors) == 26
for c in ascii_lowercase:
assert c + ".pypi.python.org" in mirrors
def test_sort_locations_file_find_link():
Test that a file:// find-link dir gets listdir run
find_links_url = 'file://' + os.path.join(here, 'packages')
find_links = [find_links_url]
finder = PackageFinder(find_links, [])
files, urls = finder._sort_locations(find_links)
assert files and not urls, "files and not urls should have been found at find-links url: %s" % find_links_url
def test_sort_locations_file_not_find_link():
Test that a file:// url dir that's not a find-link, doesn't get a listdir run
index_url = 'file://' + os.path.join(here, 'indexes', 'empty_with_pkg')
finder = PackageFinder([], [])
files, urls = finder._sort_locations([index_url])
assert urls and not files, "urls, but not files should have been found"
def test_install_from_file_index_hash_link():
Test that a pkg can be installed from a file:// index using a link with a hash
env = reset_env()
index_url = 'file://' + os.path.join(here, 'indexes', 'simple')
result = run_pip('install', '-i', index_url, 'simple==1.0')
egg_info_folder = env.site_packages / 'simple-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_file_index_url_quoting():
Test url quoting of file index url with a space
index_url = 'file://' + urllib.quote(str(Path(here).abspath/'indexes'/'in dex').replace('\\', '/'))
env = reset_env()
result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', '--index-url', index_url, 'simple', expect_error=False)
assert (env.site_packages/'simple') in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert (env.site_packages/'simple-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion) in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_inflink_greater():
"""Test InfLink compares greater."""
assert InfLink > Link(object())