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.. _`requirements file`:
Requirements files
When installing software, and Python packages in particular, it's common that
you get a lot of libraries installed. You just did ``easy_install MyPackage``
and you get a dozen packages. Each of these packages has its own version.
Maybe you ran that installation and it works. Great! Will it keep working?
Did you have to provide special options to get it to find everything? Did you
have to install a bunch of other optional pieces? Most of all, will you be able
to do it again? Requirements files give you a way to create an *environment*:
a *set* of packages that work together.
If you've ever tried to setup an application on a new system, or with slightly
updated pieces, and had it fail, pip requirements are for you. If you
haven't had this problem then you will eventually, so pip requirements are
for you too -- requirements make explicit, repeatable installation of packages.
So what are requirements files? They are very simple: lists of packages to
install. Instead of running something like ``pip MyApp`` and getting
whatever libraries come along, you can create a requirements file something like::
Then, regardless of what MyApp lists in ``setup.py``, you'll get a
specific version of Framework (0.9.4) and at least the 0.2 version of
Library. (You might think you could list these specific versions in
MyApp's ``setup.py`` -- but if you do that you'll have to edit MyApp
if you want to try a new version of Framework, or release a new
version of MyApp if you determine that Library 0.3 doesn't work with
your application.) You can also add optional libraries and support
tools that MyApp doesn't strictly require, giving people a set of
recommended libraries.
You can also include "editable" packages -- packages that are checked out from
Subversion, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar. These are just like using the ``-e``
option to pip. They look like::
-e svn+http://myrepo/svn/MyApp#egg=MyApp
You have to start the URL with ``svn+`` (``git+``, ``hg+`` or ``bzr+``), and
you have to include ``#egg=Package`` so pip knows what to expect at that URL.
You can also include ``@rev`` in the URL, e.g., ``@275`` to check out
revision 275.
Requirement files are mostly *flat*. Maybe ``MyApp`` requires
``Framework``, and ``Framework`` requires ``Library``. I encourage
you to still list all these in a single requirement file; it is the
nature of Python programs that there are implicit bindings *directly*
between MyApp and Library. For instance, Framework might expose one
of Library's objects, and so if Library is updated it might directly
break MyApp. If that happens you can update the requirements file to
force an earlier version of Library, and you can do that without
having to re-release MyApp at all.
Read the `requirements file format <http://pip.openplans.org/requirement-format.html>`_ to
learn about other features.
Freezing Requirements
So you have a working set of packages, and you want to be able to install them
elsewhere. `Requirements files`_ let you install exact versions, but it won't
tell you what all the exact versions are.
To create a new requirements file from a known working environment, use::
$ pip freeze > stable-req.txt
This will write a listing of *all* installed libraries to ``stable-req.txt``
with exact versions for every library. You may want to edit the file down after
generating (e.g., to eliminate unnecessary libraries), but it'll give you a
stable starting point for constructing your requirements file.
You can also give it an existing requirements file, and it will use that as a
sort of template for the new file. So if you do::
$ pip freeze -r devel-req.txt > stable-req.txt
it will keep the packages listed in ``devel-req.txt`` in order and preserve
The requirements file format
The requirements file is a way to get pip to install specific packages
to make up an *environment*. This document describes that format. To
read about *when* you should use requirement files, see `Requirements
Files <./#requirements-files>`_.
Each line of the requirements file indicates something to be
installed. For example::
tells pip to install the 3.0 version of MyPackage.
You can also install a package in an "editable" form. This puts the
source code into ``src/distname`` (making the name lower case) and
runs ``python setup.py develop`` on the package. To indicate
editable, use ``-e``, like::
-e svn+http://svn.myproject.org/svn/MyProject/trunk#egg=MyProject
The ``#egg=MyProject`` part is important, because while you can
install simply given the svn location, the project name is useful in
other places.
You can also specify the egg name for a non-editable url. This is useful to
point to HEAD locations on the local filesystem:
or relative paths:
If you need to give pip (and by association easy_install) hints
about where to find a package, you can use the ``-f``
(``--find-links``) option, like::
$ pip -f http://someserver.org/index-of-packages MyPackage==3.0
Pip will then look for a link at http://someserver.org/index-of-packages
that matches version ``3.0`` of ``MyPackage`` -- the link should be
like ``MyPackage-3.0.tar.gz``.
And if you want to install from a tarball or zip file with a direct link,
you don't need ``-f`` option, you just need to pass the absolute url, like::
$ pip install http://someserver.org/packages/MyPackage-3.0.tar.gz
Version Control
Right now pip knows of the following major version control systems:
Pip supports the URL schemes ``svn``, ``svn+svn``, ``svn+http``, ``svn+https``, ``svn+ssh``.
You can also give specific revisions to an SVN URL, like::
-e svn+svn://svn.myproject.org/svn/MyProject#egg=MyProject
-e svn+http://svn.myproject.org/svn/MyProject/trunk@2019#egg=MyProject
which will check out revision 2019. ``@{20080101}`` would also check
out the revision from 2008-01-01. You can only check out specific
revisions using ``-e svn+...``.
Pip currently supports cloning over ``git``, ``git+http`` and ``git+ssh``::
-e git://git.myproject.org/MyProject.git#egg=MyProject
-e git+http://git.myproject.org/MyProject/#egg=MyProject
-e git+ssh://git@myproject.org/MyProject/#egg=MyProject
Passing branch names, a commit hash or a tag name is also possible::
-e git://git.myproject.org/MyProject.git@master#egg=MyProject
-e git://git.myproject.org/MyProject.git@v1.0#egg=MyProject
-e git://git.myproject.org/MyProject.git@da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709#egg=MyProject
The supported schemes are: ``hg+http``, ``hg+https``,
``hg+static-http`` and ``hg+ssh``::
-e hg+http://hg.myproject.org/MyProject/#egg=MyProject
-e hg+https://hg.myproject.org/MyProject/#egg=MyProject
-e hg+ssh://hg@myproject.org/MyProject/#egg=MyProject
You can also specify a revision number, a revision hash, a tag name or a local
branch name::
-e hg+http://hg.myproject.org/MyProject/@da39a3ee5e6b#egg=MyProject
-e hg+http://hg.myproject.org/MyProject/@2019#egg=MyProject
-e hg+http://hg.myproject.org/MyProject/@v1.0#egg=MyProject
-e hg+http://hg.myproject.org/MyProject/@special_feature#egg=MyProject
Pip supports Bazaar using the ``bzr+http``, ``bzr+https``, ``bzr+ssh``,
``bzr+sftp``, ``bzr+ftp`` and ``bzr+lp`` schemes::
-e bzr+http://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/#egg=MyProject
-e bzr+sftp://user@myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/#egg=MyProject
-e bzr+ssh://user@myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/#egg=MyProject
-e bzr+ftp://user@myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/#egg=MyProject
-e bzr+lp:MyProject#egg=MyProject
Tags or revisions can be installed like this::
-e bzr+https://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/@2019#egg=MyProject
-e bzr+http://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/@v1.0#egg=MyProject
Recursive Requirements
If you wish, you can also refer to other requirements files, like::
-r Pylons-requirements.txt
This gives you a way of abstracting out sets of requirements. This
isn't, however, very friendly with `frozen requirements
<./#freezing-requirements>`_, as everything in
``Pylons-requirements.txt`` will show up in your frozen file.
Indexes, find-links
You can also provide values for the ``--index-url`` and ``--find-links``
options in your requirement files, like::
--index-url http://example.com/private-pypi/
Note that using ``--index-url`` removes the use of `PyPI
<http://pypi.python.org>`_, while using ``--extra-index-url`` will add
additional indexes.
``--find-links`` is more ad-hoc; instead of a complete "index", you
only need an HTML page of links to available packages. Simply by
putting all your private packages in a directory and using the Apache
auto-index, you can publish your packages so pip can find them.
``--find-links`` is always additive; pip looks at everything it can
find. Use it like::
--find-links http://example.com/private-packages/
Note that all these options must be on a line of their own.