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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import shutil
import glob
import atexit
import textwrap
import site
from scripttest import TestFileEnvironment, FoundDir
from tests.path import Path, curdir, u
from pip.util import rmtree
pyversion = sys.version[:3]
# the directory containing all the tests
here = Path(__file__).abspath.folder
# the root of this pip source distribution
src_folder = here.folder
download_cache = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='pip-test-cache')
site_packages_suffix = site.USER_SITE[len(site.USER_BASE) + 1:]
def path_to_url(path):
Convert a path to URI. The path will be made absolute and
will not have quoted path parts.
(adapted from pip.util)
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
filepath = path.split(os.path.sep)
url = '/'.join(filepath)
if drive:
return 'file:///' + drive + url
return 'file://' +url
def demand_dirs(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
# Tweak the path so we can find up-to-date pip sources
# (http://bitbucket.org/ianb/pip/issue/98)
sys.path = [src_folder] + sys.path
def create_virtualenv(where, distribute=False):
import virtualenv
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
distribute = True
where, use_distribute=distribute, unzip_setuptools=True)
return virtualenv.path_locations(where)
def relpath(root, other):
"""a poor man's os.path.relpath, since we may not have Python 2.6"""
prefix = root+Path.sep
assert other.startswith(prefix)
return Path(other[len(prefix):])
if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ:
del os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
except NameError:
def any(seq):
for item in seq:
if item:
return True
return False
def clear_environ(environ):
return dict(((k, v) for k, v in environ.items()
if not k.lower().startswith('pip_')))
def install_setuptools(env):
easy_install = os.path.join(env.bin_path, 'easy_install')
version = 'setuptools==0.6c11'
if sys.platform != 'win32':
return env.run(easy_install, version)
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for f in glob.glob(easy_install+'*'):
shutil.copy2(f, tempdir)
return env.run(os.path.join(tempdir, 'easy_install'), version)
env = None
def reset_env(environ=None, use_distribute=None, system_site_packages=False, sitecustomize=None):
"""Return a test environment.
Keyword arguments:
environ: an environ object to use.
use_distribute: use distribute, not setuptools.
system_site_packages: create a virtualenv that simulates --system-site-packages.
sitecustomize: a string containing python code to add to sitecustomize.py.
global env
# FastTestPipEnv reuses env, not safe if use_distribute specified
if use_distribute is None and not system_site_packages:
env = FastTestPipEnvironment(environ, sitecustomize=sitecustomize)
env = TestPipEnvironment(environ, use_distribute=use_distribute, sitecustomize=sitecustomize)
if system_site_packages:
#testing often occurs starting from a private virtualenv (e.g. with tox)
#from that context, you can't successfully use virtualenv.create_environment
#to create a 'system-site-packages' virtualenv
#hence, this workaround
return env
class TestFailure(AssertionError):
An "assertion" failed during testing.
# This cleanup routine prevents the __del__ method that cleans up the tree of
# the last TestPipEnvironment from firing after shutil has already been
# unloaded. It also ensures that FastTestPipEnvironment doesn't leave an
# environment hanging around that might confuse the next test run.
def _cleanup():
global env
del env
rmtree(download_cache, ignore_errors=True)
rmtree(fast_test_env_root, ignore_errors=True)
rmtree(fast_test_env_backup, ignore_errors=True)
class TestPipResult(object):
def __init__(self, impl, verbose=False):
self._impl = impl
if verbose:
if self.stderr:
print('======= stderr ========')
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self._impl, attr)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
def stdout(self):
return self._impl.stdout.replace('\r\n', '\n')
def stderr(self):
return self._impl.stderr.replace('\r\n', '\n')
def __str__(self):
return str(self._impl).replace('\r\n', '\n')
# Python doesn't automatically forward __str__ through __getattr__
def __str__(self):
return str(self._impl)
def assert_installed(self, pkg_name, with_files=[], without_files=[], without_egg_link=False, use_user_site=False):
e = self.test_env
pkg_dir = e.venv/ 'src'/ pkg_name.lower()
if use_user_site:
egg_link_path = e.user_site / pkg_name + '.egg-link'
egg_link_path = e.site_packages / pkg_name + '.egg-link'
if without_egg_link:
if egg_link_path in self.files_created:
raise TestFailure('unexpected egg link file created: '\
'%r\n%s' % (egg_link_path, self))
if not egg_link_path in self.files_created:
raise TestFailure('expected egg link file missing: '\
'%r\n%s' % (egg_link_path, self))
egg_link_file = self.files_created[egg_link_path]
if not (# FIXME: I don't understand why there's a trailing . here
and egg_link_file.bytes[:-1].strip().endswith(pkg_dir)):
raise TestFailure(textwrap.dedent(u('''\
Incorrect egg_link file %r
Expected ending: %r
------- Actual contents -------
-------------------------------''' % (
pkg_dir + u('\n.'),
if use_user_site:
pth_file = Path.string(e.user_site / 'easy-install.pth')
pth_file = Path.string(e.site_packages / 'easy-install.pth')
if (pth_file in self.files_updated) == without_egg_link:
raise TestFailure('%r unexpectedly %supdated by install' % (
pth_file, (not without_egg_link and 'not ' or '')))
if (pkg_dir in self.files_created) == (curdir in without_files):
raise TestFailure(textwrap.dedent('''\
expected package directory %r %sto be created
actually created:
''') % (
(curdir in without_files and 'not ' or ''),
for f in with_files:
if not (pkg_dir/f).normpath in self.files_created:
raise TestFailure('Package directory %r missing '\
'expected content %f' % (pkg_dir, f))
for f in without_files:
if (pkg_dir/f).normpath in self.files_created:
raise TestFailure('Package directory %r has '\
'unexpected content %f' % (pkg_dir, f))
class TestPipEnvironment(TestFileEnvironment):
"""A specialized TestFileEnvironment for testing pip"""
# Attribute naming convention
# ---------------------------
# Instances of this class have many attributes representing paths
# in the filesystem. To keep things straight, absolute paths have
# a name of the form xxxx_path and relative paths have a name that
# does not end in '_path'.
# The following paths are relative to the root_path, and should be
# treated by clients as instance attributes. The fact that they
# are defined in the class is an implementation detail
# where we'll create the virtual Python installation for testing
# Named with a leading dot to reduce the chance of spurious
# results due to being mistaken for the virtualenv package.
venv = Path('.virtualenv')
# The root of a directory tree to be used arbitrarily by tests
scratch = Path('scratch')
exe = sys.platform == 'win32' and '.exe' or ''
verbose = False
def __init__(self, environ=None, use_distribute=None, sitecustomize=None):
self.root_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp('-piptest'))
# We will set up a virtual environment at root_path.
self.scratch_path = self.root_path / self.scratch
self.venv_path = self.root_path / self.venv
if not environ:
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ = clear_environ(environ)
environ['PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE'] = str(download_cache)
environ['PIP_NO_INPUT'] = '1'
environ['PIP_LOG_FILE'] = str(self.root_path/'pip-log.txt')
super(TestPipEnvironment, self).__init__(
self.root_path, ignore_hidden=False,
environ=environ, split_cmd=False, start_clear=False,
cwd=self.scratch_path, capture_temp=True, assert_no_temp=True)
if use_distribute is None:
use_distribute = os.environ.get('PIP_TEST_USE_DISTRIBUTE', False)
self.use_distribute = use_distribute
# Create a virtualenv and remember where it's putting things.
virtualenv_paths = create_virtualenv(self.venv_path, distribute=self.use_distribute)
assert self.venv_path == virtualenv_paths[0] # sanity check
for id, path in zip(('venv', 'lib', 'include', 'bin'), virtualenv_paths):
#fix for virtualenv issue #306
if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info") and id == 'lib':
path = os.path.join(self.venv_path, 'lib-python', pyversion)
setattr(self, id+'_path', Path(path))
setattr(self, id, relpath(self.root_path, path))
assert self.venv == TestPipEnvironment.venv # sanity check
if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
self.site_packages = self.venv/'site-packages'
self.site_packages = self.lib/'site-packages'
self.user_base_path = self.venv_path/'user'
self.user_site_path = self.venv_path/'user'/site_packages_suffix
self.user_site = relpath(self.root_path, self.user_site_path)
self.environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
# create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated instead of created
open(self.user_site_path/'easy-install.pth', 'w').close()
# put the test-scratch virtualenv's bin dir first on the PATH
self.environ['PATH'] = Path.pathsep.join((self.bin_path, self.environ['PATH']))
# test that test-scratch virtualenv creation produced sensible venv python
result = self.run('python', '-c', 'import sys; print(sys.executable)')
pythonbin = result.stdout.strip()
if Path(pythonbin).noext != self.bin_path/'python':
raise RuntimeError(
"Oops! 'python' in our test environment runs %r"
" rather than expected %r" % (pythonbin, self.bin_path/'python'))
# make sure we have current setuptools to avoid svn incompatibilities
if not self.use_distribute:
# Uninstall whatever version of pip came with the virtualenv.
# Earlier versions of pip were incapable of
# self-uninstallation on Windows, so we use the one we're testing.
self.run('python', '-c',
'"import sys; sys.path.insert(0, %r); import pip; sys.exit(pip.main());"' % os.path.dirname(here),
'uninstall', '-vvv', '-y', 'pip')
# Install this version instead
self.run('python', 'setup.py', 'install', cwd=src_folder, expect_stderr=True)
#create sitecustomize.py and add patches
if sitecustomize:
# Ensure that $TMPDIR exists (because we use start_clear=False, it's not created for us)
if self.temp_path and not os.path.exists(self.temp_path):
def _ignore_file(self, fn):
if fn.endswith('__pycache__') or fn.endswith(".pyc"):
result = True
result = super(TestPipEnvironment, self)._ignore_file(fn)
return result
def run(self, *args, **kw):
if self.verbose:
print('>> running %s %s' % (args, kw))
cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
run_from = kw.pop('run_from', None)
assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
cwd = Path.string(cwd or run_from or self.cwd)
assert not isinstance(cwd, Path)
return TestPipResult(super(TestPipEnvironment, self).run(cwd=cwd, *args, **kw), verbose=self.verbose)
def __del__(self):
rmtree(str(self.root_path), ignore_errors=True)
def _use_cached_pypi_server(self):
# previously, this was handled in a pth file, and not in sitecustomize.py
# pth processing happens during the construction of sys.path.
# 'import pypi_server' ultimately imports pkg_resources (which intializes pkg_resources.working_set based on the current state of sys.path)
# pkg_resources.get_distribution (used in pip.req) requires an accurate pkg_resources.working_set
# therefore, 'import pypi_server' shouldn't occur in a pth file.
patch = """
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, %r)
import pypi_server
sys.path.remove(%r)""" % (str(here), str(here))
def _create_empty_sitecustomize(self):
"Create empty sitecustomize.py."
sitecustomize_path = self.lib_path / 'sitecustomize.py'
sitecustomize = open(sitecustomize_path, 'w')
def _add_to_sitecustomize(self, snippet):
"Adds a python code snippet to sitecustomize.py."
sitecustomize_path = self.lib_path / 'sitecustomize.py'
sitecustomize = open(sitecustomize_path, 'a')
''' %snippet))
fast_test_env_root = here / 'tests_cache' / 'test_ws'
fast_test_env_backup = here / 'tests_cache' / 'test_ws_backup'
class FastTestPipEnvironment(TestPipEnvironment):
def __init__(self, environ=None, sitecustomize=None):
import virtualenv
self.root_path = fast_test_env_root
self.backup_path = fast_test_env_backup
self.scratch_path = self.root_path / self.scratch
# We will set up a virtual environment at root_path.
self.venv_path = self.root_path / self.venv
if not environ:
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ = clear_environ(environ)
environ['PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE'] = str(download_cache)
environ['PIP_NO_INPUT'] = '1'
environ['PIP_LOG_FILE'] = str(self.root_path/'pip-log.txt')
self.root_path, ignore_hidden=False,
environ=environ, split_cmd=False, start_clear=False,
cwd=self.scratch_path, capture_temp=True, assert_no_temp=True)
virtualenv_paths = virtualenv.path_locations(self.venv_path)
for id, path in zip(('venv', 'lib', 'include', 'bin'), virtualenv_paths):
#fix for virtualenv issue #306
if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info") and id == 'lib':
path = os.path.join(self.venv_path, 'lib-python', pyversion)
setattr(self, id+'_path', Path(path))
setattr(self, id, relpath(self.root_path, path))
assert self.venv == TestPipEnvironment.venv # sanity check
if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
self.site_packages = self.venv/'site-packages'
self.site_packages = self.lib/'site-packages'
self.user_base_path = self.venv_path/'user'
self.user_site_path = self.venv_path/'user'/'lib'/self.lib.name/'site-packages'
self.user_site = relpath(self.root_path, self.user_site_path)
self.environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = self.user_base_path
# put the test-scratch virtualenv's bin dir first on the PATH
self.environ['PATH'] = Path.pathsep.join((self.bin_path, self.environ['PATH']))
self.use_distribute = os.environ.get('PIP_TEST_USE_DISTRIBUTE', False)
if self.root_path.exists:
if self.backup_path.exists:
shutil.copytree(self.backup_path, self.root_path, True)
# Create a virtualenv and remember where it's putting things.
create_virtualenv(self.venv_path, distribute=self.use_distribute)
# create easy-install.pth in user_site, so we always have it updated instead of created
open(self.user_site_path/'easy-install.pth', 'w').close()
# test that test-scratch virtualenv creation produced sensible venv python
result = self.run('python', '-c', 'import sys; print(sys.executable)')
pythonbin = result.stdout.strip()
if Path(pythonbin).noext != self.bin_path/'python':
raise RuntimeError(
"Oops! 'python' in our test environment runs %r"
" rather than expected %r" % (pythonbin, self.bin_path/'python'))
# make sure we have current setuptools to avoid svn incompatibilities
if not self.use_distribute:
# Uninstall whatever version of pip came with the virtualenv.
# Earlier versions of pip were incapable of
# self-uninstallation on Windows, so we use the one we're testing.
self.run('python', '-c',
'"import sys; sys.path.insert(0, %r); import pip; sys.exit(pip.main());"' % os.path.dirname(here),
'uninstall', '-vvv', '-y', 'pip')
# Install this version instead
self.run('python', 'setup.py', 'install', cwd=src_folder, expect_stderr=True)
shutil.copytree(self.root_path, self.backup_path, True)
#create sitecustomize.py and add patches
if sitecustomize:
assert self.root_path.exists
# Ensure that $TMPDIR exists (because we use start_clear=False, it's not created for us)
if self.temp_path and not os.path.exists(self.temp_path):
def __del__(self):
pass # shutil.rmtree(str(self.root_path), ignore_errors=True)
def run_pip(*args, **kw):
result = env.run('pip', *args, **kw)
ignore = []
for path, f in result.files_before.items():
# ignore updated directories, often due to .pyc or __pycache__
if (path in result.files_updated and
isinstance(result.files_updated[path], FoundDir)):
for path in ignore:
del result.files_updated[path]
return result
def write_file(filename, text, dest=None):
"""Write a file in the dest (default=env.scratch_path)
env = get_env()
if dest:
complete_path = dest/ filename
complete_path = env.scratch_path/ filename
f = open(complete_path, 'w')
def mkdir(dirname):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(get_env().scratch_path, dirname))
def get_env():
if env is None:
return env
# FIXME ScriptTest does something similar, but only within a single
# ProcResult; this generalizes it so states can be compared across
# multiple commands. Maybe should be rolled into ScriptTest?
def diff_states(start, end, ignore=None):
Differences two "filesystem states" as represented by dictionaries
of FoundFile and FoundDir objects.
Returns a dictionary with following keys:
Dictionary of files/directories found only in the start state.
Dictionary of files/directories found only in the end state.
Dictionary of files whose size has changed (FIXME not entirely
reliable, but comparing contents is not possible because
FoundFile.bytes is lazy, and comparing mtime doesn't help if
we want to know if a file has been returned to its earlier
Ignores mtime and other file attributes; only presence/absence and
size are considered.
ignore = ignore or []
def prefix_match(path, prefix):
if path == prefix:
return True
prefix = prefix.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
return path.startswith(prefix)
start_keys = set([k for k in start.keys()
if not any([prefix_match(k, i) for i in ignore])])
end_keys = set([k for k in end.keys()
if not any([prefix_match(k, i) for i in ignore])])
deleted = dict([(k, start[k]) for k in start_keys.difference(end_keys)])
created = dict([(k, end[k]) for k in end_keys.difference(start_keys)])
updated = {}
for k in start_keys.intersection(end_keys):
if (start[k].size != end[k].size):
updated[k] = end[k]
return dict(deleted=deleted, created=created, updated=updated)
def assert_all_changes(start_state, end_state, expected_changes):
Fails if anything changed that isn't listed in the
start_state is either a dict mapping paths to
scripttest.[FoundFile|FoundDir] objects or a TestPipResult whose
files_before we'll test. end_state is either a similar dict or a
TestPipResult whose files_after we'll test.
Note: listing a directory means anything below
that directory can be expected to have changed.
start_files = start_state
end_files = end_state
if isinstance(start_state, TestPipResult):
start_files = start_state.files_before
if isinstance(end_state, TestPipResult):
end_files = end_state.files_after
diff = diff_states(start_files, end_files, ignore=expected_changes)
if list(diff.values()) != [{}, {}, {}]:
raise TestFailure('Unexpected changes:\n' + '\n'.join(
[k + ': ' + ', '.join(v.keys()) for k, v in diff.items()]))
# Don't throw away this potentially useful information
return diff
def _create_test_package(env):
version_pkg_path = env.scratch_path/'version_pkg'
write_file('version_pkg.py', textwrap.dedent('''\
def main():
'''), version_pkg_path)
write_file('setup.py', textwrap.dedent('''\
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
'''), version_pkg_path)
env.run('git', 'init', cwd=version_pkg_path)
env.run('git', 'add', '.', cwd=version_pkg_path)
env.run('git', 'commit', '-q',
'--author', 'Pip <python-virtualenv@googlegroups.com>',
'-am', 'initial version', cwd=version_pkg_path)
return version_pkg_path
def _change_test_package_version(env, version_pkg_path):
write_file('version_pkg.py', textwrap.dedent('''\
def main():
print("some different version")'''), version_pkg_path)
env.run('git', 'clean', '-qfdx', cwd=version_pkg_path, expect_stderr=True)
env.run('git', 'commit', '-q',
'--author', 'Pip <python-virtualenv@googlegroups.com>',
'-am', 'messed version',
cwd=version_pkg_path, expect_stderr=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.stderr.write("Run pip's tests using nosetests. Requires virtualenv, ScriptTest, mock, and nose.\n")