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Mathieu Bridon 62875be050 Record installed files in a deterministic order
Installed files are recorded by Pip in the order the underlying tool
(Distutils, Setuptools, ...) recorded them.

Unfortunately, at least Setuptools doesn't record them in a
deterministic order in the case of a directory being installed, as it
uses os.walk to find the list of files.

We could fix all those underlying tools to record their files in a
deterministic order in all situations. But fixing it once here in Pip
for all tools is certainly simpler and more future-proof.

This makes the installation more reproducible, and therefore more
2017-10-26 22:29:19 +02:00

1284 lines
47 KiB

import distutils
import glob
import os
import sys
import textwrap
from os.path import curdir, join, pardir
import pytest
from pip._internal import pep425tags
from pip._internal.status_codes import ERROR
from pip._internal.utils.misc import rmtree
from tests.lib import (
_create_svn_repo, _create_test_package, create_test_package_with_setup,
need_bzr, need_mercurial, path_to_url, pyversion, pyversion_tuple,
from tests.lib.local_repos import local_checkout
from tests.lib.path import Path
def test_without_setuptools(script, data):
script.pip("uninstall", "setuptools", "-y")
result = script.run(
"python", "-c",
"import pip._internal; pip._internal.main(["
"'install', "
"'INITools==0.2', "
"'-f', '%s', "
"'--no-binary=:all:'])" % data.packages,
assert (
"Could not import setuptools which is required to install from a "
"source distribution."
in result.stderr
assert "Please install setuptools" in result.stderr
def test_with_setuptools_and_import_error(script, data):
# Make sure we get an ImportError while importing setuptools
setuptools_init_path = script.site_packages_path.join(
"setuptools", "__init__.py")
with open(setuptools_init_path, 'a') as f:
f.write('\nraise ImportError("toto")')
result = script.run(
"python", "-c",
"import pip._internal; pip._internal.main(["
"'install', "
"'INITools==0.2', "
"'-f', '%s', "
"'--no-binary=:all:'])" % data.packages,
assert (
"Could not import setuptools which is required to install from a "
"source distribution."
in result.stderr
assert "Traceback " in result.stderr
assert "ImportError: toto" in result.stderr
def test_pip_second_command_line_interface_works(script, data):
Check if ``pip<PYVERSION>`` commands behaves equally
# On old versions of Python, urllib3/requests will raise a warning about
# the lack of an SSLContext.
kwargs = {}
if pyversion_tuple < (2, 7, 9) or pyversion_tuple[:2] == (3, 3):
kwargs['expect_stderr'] = True
args = ['pip%s' % pyversion]
args.extend(['install', 'INITools==0.2'])
args.extend(['-f', data.packages])
result = script.run(*args, **kwargs)
egg_info_folder = (
script.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
initools_folder = script.site_packages / 'initools'
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
assert initools_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_exit_status_code_when_no_requirements(script):
Test install exit status code when no requirements specified
result = script.pip('install', expect_error=True)
assert "You must give at least one requirement to install" in result.stderr
assert result.returncode == ERROR
def test_install_exit_status_code_when_blank_requirements_file(script):
Test install exit status code when blank requirements file specified
script.pip('install', '-r', 'blank.txt')
def test_install_from_pypi(script):
Test installing a package from PyPI.
result = script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools==0.2')
egg_info_folder = (
script.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
initools_folder = script.site_packages / 'initools'
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
assert initools_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
# Should not display where it's looking for files
assert "Looking in indexes: " not in result.stdout
assert "Looking in links: " not in result.stdout
def test_editable_install(script):
Test editable installation.
result = script.pip('install', '-e', 'INITools==0.2', expect_error=True)
assert (
"INITools==0.2 should either be a path to a local project or a VCS url"
in result.stderr
assert not result.files_created
assert not result.files_updated
def test_install_editable_from_svn(script):
Test checking out from svn.
checkout_path = _create_test_package(script)
repo_url = _create_svn_repo(script, checkout_path)
result = script.pip(
'-e', 'svn+' + repo_url + '#egg=version-pkg'
result.assert_installed('version-pkg', with_files=['.svn'])
def _test_install_editable_from_git(script, tmpdir):
"""Test cloning from Git."""
pkg_path = _create_test_package(script, name='testpackage', vcs='git')
args = ['install', '-e', 'git+%s#egg=testpackage' % path_to_url(pkg_path)]
result = script.pip(*args, **{"expect_error": True})
result.assert_installed('testpackage', with_files=['.git'])
def test_install_editable_from_git(script, tmpdir):
_test_install_editable_from_git(script, tmpdir)
def test_install_editable_from_git_autobuild_wheel(
script, tmpdir, common_wheels):
script.pip('install', 'wheel', '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels)
_test_install_editable_from_git(script, tmpdir)
def test_install_editable_uninstalls_existing(data, script, tmpdir):
Test that installing an editable uninstalls a previously installed
non-editable version.
to_install = data.packages.join("pip-test-package-0.1.tar.gz")
result = script.pip_install_local(to_install)
assert 'Successfully installed pip-test-package' in result.stdout
result.assert_installed('piptestpackage', editable=False)
result = script.pip(
'install', '-e',
'%s#egg=pip-test-package' %
result.assert_installed('pip-test-package', with_files=['.git'])
assert 'Found existing installation: pip-test-package 0.1' in result.stdout
assert 'Uninstalling pip-test-package-' in result.stdout
assert 'Successfully uninstalled pip-test-package' in result.stdout
def test_install_editable_uninstalls_existing_from_path(script, data):
Test that installing an editable uninstalls a previously installed
non-editable version from path
to_install = data.src.join('simplewheel-1.0')
result = script.pip_install_local(to_install)
assert 'Successfully installed simplewheel' in result.stdout
simple_folder = script.site_packages / 'simple'
result.assert_installed('simple', editable=False)
assert simple_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
result = script.pip(
'install', '-e',
install_path = script.site_packages / 'simplewheel.egg-link'
assert install_path in result.files_created, str(result)
assert 'Found existing installation: simplewheel 1.0' in result.stdout
assert 'Uninstalling simplewheel-' in result.stdout
assert 'Successfully uninstalled simplewheel' in result.stdout
assert simple_folder in result.files_deleted, str(result.stdout)
def test_install_editable_from_hg(script, tmpdir):
"""Test cloning from Mercurial."""
pkg_path = _create_test_package(script, name='testpackage', vcs='hg')
args = ['install', '-e', 'hg+%s#egg=testpackage' % path_to_url(pkg_path)]
result = script.pip(*args, **{"expect_error": True})
result.assert_installed('testpackage', with_files=['.hg'])
def test_vcs_url_final_slash_normalization(script, tmpdir):
Test that presence or absence of final slash in VCS URL is normalized.
pkg_path = _create_test_package(script, name='testpackage', vcs='hg')
args = ['install', '-e', 'hg+%s/#egg=testpackage' % path_to_url(pkg_path)]
result = script.pip(*args, **{"expect_error": True})
result.assert_installed('testpackage', with_files=['.hg'])
def test_install_editable_from_bazaar(script, tmpdir):
"""Test checking out from Bazaar."""
pkg_path = _create_test_package(script, name='testpackage', vcs='bazaar')
args = ['install', '-e', 'bzr+%s/#egg=testpackage' % path_to_url(pkg_path)]
result = script.pip(*args, **{"expect_error": True})
result.assert_installed('testpackage', with_files=['.bzr'])
def test_vcs_url_urlquote_normalization(script, tmpdir):
Test that urlquoted characters are normalized for repo URL comparison.
'install', '-e',
'%s/#egg=django-wikiapp' %
def test_install_from_local_directory(script, data):
Test installing from a local directory.
to_install = data.packages.join("FSPkg")
result = script.pip('install', to_install, expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = script.site_packages / 'fspkg'
egg_info_folder = (
script.site_packages / 'FSPkg-0.1.dev0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_relative_directory(script, data):
Test installing a requirement using a relative path.
egg_info_file = (
script.site_packages / 'FSPkg-0.1.dev0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
egg_link_file = (
script.site_packages / 'FSPkg.egg-link'
package_folder = script.site_packages / 'fspkg'
# Compute relative install path to FSPkg from scratch path.
full_rel_path = data.packages.join('FSPkg') - script.scratch_path
full_rel_url = (
'file:' + full_rel_path.replace(os.path.sep, '/') + '#egg=FSPkg'
embedded_rel_path = script.scratch_path.join(full_rel_path)
# For each relative path, install as either editable or not using either
# URLs with egg links or not.
for req_path in (full_rel_path, full_rel_url, embedded_rel_path):
# Regular install.
result = script.pip('install', req_path,
assert egg_info_file in result.files_created, str(result)
assert package_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'fspkg')
# Editable install.
result = script.pip('install', '-e' + req_path,
assert egg_link_file in result.files_created, str(result)
script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'fspkg')
def test_install_quiet(script, data):
Test that install -q is actually quiet.
# Apparently if pip install -q is not actually quiet, then it breaks
# everything. See:
# https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3418
# https://github.com/docker-library/python/issues/83
to_install = data.packages.join("FSPkg")
result = script.pip('install', '-qqq', to_install, expect_error=False)
assert result.stdout == ""
assert result.stderr == ""
def test_hashed_install_success(script, data, tmpdir):
Test that installing various sorts of requirements with correct hashes
Test file URLs and index packages (which become HTTP URLs behind the
file_url = path_to_url(
(data.packages / 'simple-1.0.tar.gz').abspath)
with requirements_file(
'simple2==1.0 --hash=sha256:9336af72ca661e6336eb87bc7de3e8844d853e'
'{simple} --hash=sha256:393043e672415891885c9a2a0929b1af95fb866d6c'
tmpdir) as reqs_file:
script.pip_install_local('-r', reqs_file.abspath, expect_error=False)
def test_hashed_install_failure(script, tmpdir):
"""Test that wrong hashes stop installation.
This makes sure prepare_files() is called in the course of installation
and so has the opportunity to halt if hashes are wrong. Checks on various
kinds of hashes are in test_req.py.
with requirements_file('simple2==1.0 --hash=sha256:9336af72ca661e6336eb87b'
tmpdir) as reqs_file:
result = script.pip_install_local('-r',
assert len(result.files_created) == 0
def test_install_from_local_directory_with_symlinks_to_directories(
script, data):
Test installing from a local directory containing symlinks to directories.
to_install = data.packages.join("symlinks")
result = script.pip('install', to_install, expect_error=False)
pkg_folder = script.site_packages / 'symlinks'
egg_info_folder = (
script.site_packages / 'symlinks-0.1.dev0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert pkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_from_local_directory_with_no_setup_py(script, data):
Test installing from a local directory with no 'setup.py'.
result = script.pip('install', data.root, expect_error=True)
assert not result.files_created
assert "is not installable. File 'setup.py' not found." in result.stderr
def test_editable_install_from_local_directory_with_no_setup_py(script, data):
Test installing from a local directory with no 'setup.py'.
result = script.pip('install', '-e', data.root, expect_error=True)
assert not result.files_created
assert "is not installable. File 'setup.py' not found." in result.stderr
@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info >= (3,4)")
def test_install_argparse_shadowed(script):
# When argparse is in the stdlib, we support installing it
# even though that's pretty useless because older packages did need to
# depend on it, and not having its metadata will cause pkg_resources
# requirements checks to fail // trigger easy-install, both of which are
# bad.
# XXX: Note, this test hits the outside-environment check, not the
# in-stdlib check, because our tests run in virtualenvs...
result = script.pip('install', 'argparse>=1.4')
assert "Not uninstalling argparse" in result.stdout
@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info < (3,4)")
def test_upgrade_argparse_shadowed(script):
# If argparse is installed - even if shadowed for imported - we support
# upgrading it and properly remove the older versions files.
script.pip('install', 'argparse==1.3')
result = script.pip('install', 'argparse>=1.4')
assert "Not uninstalling argparse" not in result.stdout
def test_install_curdir(script, data):
Test installing current directory ('.').
run_from = data.packages.join("FSPkg")
# Python 2.4 Windows balks if this exists already
egg_info = join(run_from, "FSPkg.egg-info")
if os.path.isdir(egg_info):
result = script.pip('install', curdir, cwd=run_from, expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = script.site_packages / 'fspkg'
egg_info_folder = (
script.site_packages / 'FSPkg-0.1.dev0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_pardir(script, data):
Test installing parent directory ('..').
run_from = data.packages.join("FSPkg", "fspkg")
result = script.pip('install', pardir, cwd=run_from, expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = script.site_packages / 'fspkg'
egg_info_folder = (
script.site_packages / 'FSPkg-0.1.dev0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_global_option(script):
Test using global distutils options.
(In particular those that disable the actual install action)
result = script.pip(
'install', '--global-option=--version', "INITools==0.1",
assert '0.1\n' in result.stdout
def test_install_with_pax_header(script, data):
test installing from a tarball with pax header for python<2.6
script.pip('install', 'paxpkg.tar.bz2', cwd=data.packages)
def test_install_with_hacked_egg_info(script, data):
test installing a package which defines its own egg_info class
run_from = data.packages.join("HackedEggInfo")
result = script.pip('install', '.', cwd=run_from)
assert 'Successfully installed hackedegginfo-0.0.0\n' in result.stdout
def test_install_using_install_option_and_editable(script, tmpdir):
Test installing a tool using -e and --install-option
folder = 'script_folder'
url = 'git+git://github.com/pypa/pip-test-package'
result = script.pip(
'install', '-e', '%s#egg=pip-test-package' %
local_checkout(url, tmpdir.join("cache")),
'--install-option=--script-dir=%s' % folder,
script_file = (
script.venv / 'src' / 'pip-test-package' /
folder / 'pip-test-package' + script.exe
assert script_file in result.files_created
def test_install_global_option_using_editable(script, tmpdir):
Test using global distutils options, but in an editable installation
url = 'hg+http://bitbucket.org/runeh/anyjson'
result = script.pip(
'install', '--global-option=--version', '-e',
'%s@0.2.5#egg=anyjson' % local_checkout(url, tmpdir.join("cache")),
assert 'Successfully installed anyjson' in result.stdout
def test_install_package_with_same_name_in_curdir(script):
Test installing a package with the same name of a local folder
result = script.pip('install', 'mock==0.6')
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'mock-0.6.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
mock100_setup_py = textwrap.dedent('''\
from setuptools import setup
def test_install_folder_using_dot_slash(script):
Test installing a folder using pip install ./foldername
pkg_path = script.scratch_path / 'mock'
result = script.pip('install', './mock')
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'mock-100.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_folder_using_slash_in_the_end(script):
Test installing a folder using pip install foldername/ or foldername\
pkg_path = script.scratch_path / 'mock'
result = script.pip('install', 'mock' + os.path.sep)
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'mock-100.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_folder_using_relative_path(script):
Test installing a folder using pip install folder1/folder2
script.scratch_path.join("initools", "mock").mkdir()
pkg_path = script.scratch_path / 'initools' / 'mock'
result = script.pip('install', Path('initools') / 'mock')
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'mock-100.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_package_which_contains_dev_in_name(script):
Test installing package from pypi which contains 'dev' in name
result = script.pip('install', 'django-devserver==0.0.4')
devserver_folder = script.site_packages / 'devserver'
egg_info_folder = (
script.site_packages / 'django_devserver-0.0.4-py%s.egg-info' %
assert devserver_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_package_with_target(script):
Test installing a package using pip install --target
target_dir = script.scratch_path / 'target'
result = script.pip_install_local('-t', target_dir, "simple==1.0")
assert Path('scratch') / 'target' / 'simple' in result.files_created, (
# Test repeated call without --upgrade, no files should have changed
result = script.pip_install_local(
'-t', target_dir, "simple==1.0", expect_stderr=True,
assert not Path('scratch') / 'target' / 'simple' in result.files_updated
# Test upgrade call, check that new version is installed
result = script.pip_install_local('--upgrade', '-t',
target_dir, "simple==2.0")
assert Path('scratch') / 'target' / 'simple' in result.files_updated, (
egg_folder = (
Path('scratch') / 'target' / 'simple-2.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion)
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, (
# Test install and upgrade of single-module package
result = script.pip_install_local('-t', target_dir, 'singlemodule==0.0.0')
singlemodule_py = Path('scratch') / 'target' / 'singlemodule.py'
assert singlemodule_py in result.files_created, str(result)
result = script.pip_install_local('-t', target_dir, 'singlemodule==0.0.1',
assert singlemodule_py in result.files_updated, str(result)
def test_install_package_with_root(script, data):
Test installing a package using pip install --root
root_dir = script.scratch_path / 'root'
result = script.pip(
'install', '--root', root_dir, '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index',
normal_install_path = (
script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'simple-1.0-py%s.egg-info' %
# use distutils to change the root exactly how the --root option does it
from distutils.util import change_root
root_path = change_root(
os.path.join(script.scratch, 'root'),
assert root_path in result.files_created, str(result)
# Should show find-links location in output
assert "Looking in indexes: " not in result.stdout
assert "Looking in links: " in result.stdout
def test_install_package_with_prefix(script, data):
Test installing a package using pip install --prefix
prefix_path = script.scratch_path / 'prefix'
result = script.pip(
'install', '--prefix', prefix_path, '-f', data.find_links,
'--no-binary', 'simple', '--no-index', 'simple==1.0',
rel_prefix_path = script.scratch / 'prefix'
install_path = (
distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix=rel_prefix_path) /
assert install_path in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_editable_with_prefix(script):
# make a dummy project
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
site_packages = os.path.join(
'prefix', 'lib', 'python{0}'.format(pyversion), 'site-packages')
site_packages = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix='prefix')
# make sure target path is in PYTHONPATH
pythonpath = script.scratch_path / site_packages
script.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = pythonpath
# install pkga package into the absolute prefix directory
prefix_path = script.scratch_path / 'prefix'
result = script.pip(
'install', '--editable', pkga_path, '--prefix', prefix_path)
# assert pkga is installed at correct location
install_path = script.scratch / site_packages / 'pkga.egg-link'
assert install_path in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_package_conflict_prefix_and_user(script, data):
Test installing a package using pip install --prefix --user errors out
prefix_path = script.scratch_path / 'prefix'
result = script.pip(
'install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', '--user',
'--prefix', prefix_path, 'simple==1.0',
expect_error=True, quiet=True,
assert (
"Can not combine '--user' and '--prefix'" in result.stderr
# skip on win/py3 for now, see issue #782
@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info >= (3,)")
def test_install_package_that_emits_unicode(script, data):
Install a package with a setup.py that emits UTF-8 output and then fails.
Refs https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/326
to_install = data.packages.join("BrokenEmitsUTF8")
result = script.pip(
'install', to_install, expect_error=True, expect_temp=True, quiet=True,
assert (
'FakeError: this package designed to fail on install' in result.stdout
assert 'UnicodeDecodeError' not in result.stdout
def test_install_package_with_utf8_setup(script, data):
"""Install a package with a setup.py that declares a utf-8 encoding."""
to_install = data.packages.join("SetupPyUTF8")
script.pip('install', to_install)
def test_install_package_with_latin1_setup(script, data):
"""Install a package with a setup.py that declares a latin-1 encoding."""
to_install = data.packages.join("SetupPyLatin1")
script.pip('install', to_install)
def test_url_req_case_mismatch_no_index(script, data):
tar ball url requirements (with no egg fragment), that happen to have upper
case project names, should be considered equal to later requirements that
reference the project name using lower case.
tests/data/packages contains Upper-1.0.tar.gz and Upper-2.0.tar.gz
'requiresupper' has install_requires = ['upper']
Upper = '/'.join((data.find_links, 'Upper-1.0.tar.gz'))
result = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index', '-f', data.find_links, Upper, 'requiresupper'
# only Upper-1.0.tar.gz should get installed.
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Upper-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Upper-2.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder not in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_url_req_case_mismatch_file_index(script, data):
tar ball url requirements (with no egg fragment), that happen to have upper
case project names, should be considered equal to later requirements that
reference the project name using lower case.
tests/data/packages3 contains Dinner-1.0.tar.gz and Dinner-2.0.tar.gz
'requiredinner' has install_requires = ['dinner']
This test is similar to test_url_req_case_mismatch_no_index; that test
tests behaviour when using "--no-index -f", while this one does the same
test when using "--index-url". Unfortunately this requires a different
set of packages as it requires a prepared index.html file and
subdirectory-per-package structure.
Dinner = '/'.join((data.find_links3, 'dinner', 'Dinner-1.0.tar.gz'))
result = script.pip(
'install', '--index-url', data.find_links3, Dinner, 'requiredinner'
# only Upper-1.0.tar.gz should get installed.
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Dinner-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Dinner-2.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder not in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_url_incorrect_case_no_index(script, data):
Same as test_url_req_case_mismatch_no_index, except testing for the case
where the incorrect case is given in the name of the package to install
rather than in a requirements file.
result = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index', '-f', data.find_links, "upper",
# only Upper-2.0.tar.gz should get installed.
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Upper-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder not in result.files_created, str(result)
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Upper-2.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_url_incorrect_case_file_index(script, data):
Same as test_url_req_case_mismatch_file_index, except testing for the case
where the incorrect case is given in the name of the package to install
rather than in a requirements file.
result = script.pip(
'install', '--index-url', data.find_links3, "dinner",
# only Upper-2.0.tar.gz should get installed.
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Dinner-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder not in result.files_created, str(result)
egg_folder = script.site_packages / 'Dinner-2.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
# Should show index-url location in output
assert "Looking in indexes: " in result.stdout
assert "Looking in links: " not in result.stdout
def test_compiles_pyc(script):
Test installing with --compile on
script.pip("install", "--compile", "--no-binary=:all:", "INITools==0.2")
# There are many locations for the __init__.pyc file so attempt to find
# any of them
exists = [
os.path.exists(script.site_packages_path / "initools/__init__.pyc"),
exists += glob.glob(
script.site_packages_path / "initools/__pycache__/__init__*.pyc"
assert any(exists)
def test_no_compiles_pyc(script):
Test installing from wheel with --compile on
script.pip("install", "--no-compile", "--no-binary=:all:", "INITools==0.2")
# There are many locations for the __init__.pyc file so attempt to find
# any of them
exists = [
os.path.exists(script.site_packages_path / "initools/__init__.pyc"),
exists += glob.glob(
script.site_packages_path / "initools/__pycache__/__init__*.pyc"
assert not any(exists)
def test_install_upgrade_editable_depending_on_other_editable(script):
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
script.pip('install', '--editable', pkga_path)
result = script.pip('list', '--format=freeze')
assert "pkga==0.1" in result.stdout
pkgb_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkgb'
from setuptools import setup
script.pip('install', '--upgrade', '--editable', pkgb_path, '--no-index')
result = script.pip('list', '--format=freeze')
assert "pkgb==0.1" in result.stdout
def test_install_subprocess_output_handling(script, data):
args = ['install', data.src.join('chattymodule')]
# Regular install should not show output from the chatty setup.py
result = script.pip(*args)
assert 0 == result.stdout.count("HELLO FROM CHATTYMODULE")
script.pip("uninstall", "-y", "chattymodule")
# With --verbose we should show the output.
# Only count examples with sys.argv[1] == egg_info, because we call
# setup.py multiple times, which should not count as duplicate output.
result = script.pip(*(args + ["--verbose"]))
assert 1 == result.stdout.count("HELLO FROM CHATTYMODULE egg_info")
script.pip("uninstall", "-y", "chattymodule")
# If the install fails, then we *should* show the output... but only once,
# even if --verbose is given.
result = script.pip(*(args + ["--global-option=--fail"]),
assert 1 == result.stdout.count("I DIE, I DIE")
result = script.pip(*(args + ["--global-option=--fail", "--verbose"]),
assert 1 == result.stdout.count("I DIE, I DIE")
def test_install_log(script, data, tmpdir):
# test that verbose logs go to "--log" file
f = tmpdir.join("log.txt")
args = ['--log=%s' % f,
'install', data.src.join('chattymodule')]
result = script.pip(*args)
assert 0 == result.stdout.count("HELLO FROM CHATTYMODULE")
with open(f, 'r') as fp:
# one from egg_info, one from install
assert 2 == fp.read().count("HELLO FROM CHATTYMODULE")
def test_install_topological_sort(script, data):
args = ['install', 'TopoRequires4', '--no-index', '-f', data.packages]
res = str(script.pip(*args, expect_error=False))
order1 = 'TopoRequires, TopoRequires2, TopoRequires3, TopoRequires4'
order2 = 'TopoRequires, TopoRequires3, TopoRequires2, TopoRequires4'
assert order1 in res or order2 in res, res
def test_install_wheel_broken(script, data, common_wheels):
script.pip('install', 'wheel', '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels)
res = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index', '-f', data.find_links, '-f', common_wheels,
assert "Successfully installed wheelbroken-0.1" in str(res), str(res)
def test_cleanup_after_failed_wheel(script, data, common_wheels):
script.pip('install', 'wheel', '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels)
res = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index', '-f', data.find_links, '-f', common_wheels,
# One of the effects of not cleaning up is broken scripts:
script_py = script.bin_path / "script.py"
assert script_py.exists, script_py
shebang = open(script_py, 'r').readline().strip()
assert shebang != '#!python', shebang
# OK, assert that we *said* we were cleaning up:
assert "Running setup.py clean for wheelbrokenafter" in str(res), str(res)
def test_install_builds_wheels(script, data, common_wheels):
# We need to use a subprocess to get the right value on Windows.
res = script.run('python', '-c', (
'from pip._internal.utils import appdirs; '
wheels_cache = os.path.join(res.stdout.rstrip('\n'), 'wheels')
# NB This incidentally tests a local tree + tarball inputs
# see test_install_editable_from_git_autobuild_wheel for editable
# vcs coverage.
script.pip('install', 'wheel', '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels)
to_install = data.packages.join('requires_wheelbroken_upper')
res = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index', '-f', data.find_links, '-f', common_wheels,
to_install, expect_stderr=True)
expected = ("Successfully installed requires-wheelbroken-upper-0"
" upper-2.0 wheelbroken-0.1")
# Must have installed it all
assert expected in str(res), str(res)
wheels = []
for top, dirs, files in os.walk(wheels_cache):
# and built wheels for upper and wheelbroken
assert "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for upper" in str(res), str(res)
assert "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for wheelb" in str(res), str(res)
# But not requires_wheel... which is a local dir and thus uncachable.
assert "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for requir" not in str(res), str(res)
# wheelbroken has to run install
# into the cache
assert wheels != [], str(res)
# and installed from the wheel
assert "Running setup.py install for upper" not in str(res), str(res)
# the local tree can't build a wheel (because we can't assume that every
# build will have a suitable unique key to cache on).
assert "Running setup.py install for requires-wheel" in str(res), str(res)
# wheelbroken has to run install
assert "Running setup.py install for wheelb" in str(res), str(res)
# We want to make sure we used the correct implementation tag
assert wheels == [
def test_install_no_binary_disables_building_wheels(
script, data, common_wheels):
script.pip('install', 'wheel', '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels)
to_install = data.packages.join('requires_wheelbroken_upper')
res = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index', '--no-binary=upper', '-f', data.find_links,
'-f', common_wheels,
to_install, expect_stderr=True)
expected = ("Successfully installed requires-wheelbroken-upper-0"
" upper-2.0 wheelbroken-0.1")
# Must have installed it all
assert expected in str(res), str(res)
# and built wheels for wheelbroken only
assert "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for wheelb" in str(res), str(res)
# But not requires_wheel... which is a local dir and thus uncachable.
assert "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for requir" not in str(res), str(res)
# Nor upper, which was blacklisted
assert "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for upper" not in str(res), str(res)
# the local tree can't build a wheel (because we can't assume that every
# build will have a suitable unique key to cache on).
assert "Running setup.py install for requires-wheel" in str(res), str(res)
# And these two fell back to sdist based installed.
assert "Running setup.py install for wheelb" in str(res), str(res)
assert "Running setup.py install for upper" in str(res), str(res)
def test_install_no_binary_disables_cached_wheels(script, data, common_wheels):
script.pip('install', 'wheel', '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels)
# Seed the cache
'install', '--no-index', '-f', data.find_links, '-f', common_wheels,
script.pip('uninstall', 'upper', '-y')
res = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index', '--no-binary=:all:', '-f', data.find_links,
'upper', expect_stderr=True)
assert "Successfully installed upper-2.0" in str(res), str(res)
# No wheel building for upper, which was blacklisted
assert "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for upper" not in str(res), str(res)
# Must have used source, not a cached wheel to install upper.
assert "Running setup.py install for upper" in str(res), str(res)
def test_install_editable_with_wrong_egg_name(script):
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
result = script.pip(
'install', '--editable', 'file://%s#egg=pkgb' % pkga_path,
assert ("egg_info for package pkgb produced metadata "
"for project name pkga. Fix your #egg=pkgb "
"fragments.") in result.stderr
assert "Successfully installed pkga" in str(result), str(result)
def test_install_tar_xz(script, data):
import lzma # noqa
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("No lzma support")
res = script.pip('install', data.packages / 'singlemodule-0.0.1.tar.xz')
assert "Successfully installed singlemodule-0.0.1" in res.stdout, res
def test_install_tar_lzma(script, data):
import lzma # noqa
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("No lzma support")
res = script.pip('install', data.packages / 'singlemodule-0.0.1.tar.lzma')
assert "Successfully installed singlemodule-0.0.1" in res.stdout, res
def test_double_install(script):
Test double install passing with two same version requirements
result = script.pip('install', 'pip', 'pip',
msg = "Double requirement given: pip (already in pip, name='pip')"
assert msg not in result.stderr
def test_double_install_fail(script):
Test double install failing with two different version requirements
result = script.pip('install', 'pip==*', 'pip==7.1.2', expect_error=True)
msg = ("Double requirement given: pip==7.1.2 (already in pip==*, "
assert msg in result.stderr
def test_install_incompatible_python_requires(script, common_wheels):
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
'install', 'setuptools>24.2', # This should not be needed
'--no-index', '-f', common_wheels,
result = script.pip('install', pkga_path, expect_error=True)
assert ("pkga requires Python '<1.0' "
"but the running Python is ") in result.stderr, str(result)
def test_install_incompatible_python_requires_editable(script, common_wheels):
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
'install', 'setuptools>24.2', # This should not be needed
'--no-index', '-f', common_wheels,
result = script.pip(
'install', '--editable=%s' % pkga_path, expect_error=True)
assert ("pkga requires Python '<1.0' "
"but the running Python is ") in result.stderr, str(result)
def test_install_incompatible_python_requires_wheel(script, common_wheels):
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
'install', 'setuptools>24.2', # This should not be needed
'--no-index', '-f', common_wheels,
script.pip('install', 'wheel', '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels)
'python', 'setup.py', 'bdist_wheel', '--universal', cwd=pkga_path)
result = script.pip('install', './pkga/dist/pkga-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl',
assert ("pkga requires Python '<1.0' "
"but the running Python is ") in result.stderr
def test_install_compatible_python_requires(script, common_wheels):
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
'install', 'setuptools>24.2', # This should not be needed
'--no-index', '-f', common_wheels,
res = script.pip('install', pkga_path, expect_error=True)
assert "Successfully installed pkga-0.1" in res.stdout, res
def test_install_environment_markers(script):
# make a dummy project
pkga_path = script.scratch_path / 'pkga'
from setuptools import setup
'missing_pkg; python_version=="1.0"',
res = script.pip('install', '--no-index', pkga_path, expect_stderr=True)
# missing_pkg should be ignored
assert ("Ignoring missing-pkg: markers 'python_version == \"1.0\"' don't "
"match your environment") in res.stderr, str(res)
assert "Successfully installed pkga-0.1" in res.stdout, str(res)
def test_install_pep508_with_url(script):
res = script.pip(
'install', '--no-index',
assert "Successfully installed packaging-15.3" in str(res), str(res)
def test_install_pep508_with_url_in_install_requires(script):
pkga_path = create_test_package_with_setup(
script, name='pkga', version='1.0',
res = script.pip('install', pkga_path, expect_error=True)
assert "Direct url requirement " in res.stderr, str(res)
assert "are not allowed for dependencies" in res.stderr, str(res)
def test_installing_scripts_outside_path_prints_warning(script):
result = script.pip_install_local(
"--prefix", script.scratch_path, "script_wheel1", expect_error=True
assert "Successfully installed script-wheel1" in result.stdout, str(result)
assert "--no-warn-script-location" in result.stderr
def test_installing_scripts_outside_path_can_suppress_warning(script):
result = script.pip_install_local(
"--prefix", script.scratch_path, "--no-warn-script-location",
assert "Successfully installed script-wheel1" in result.stdout, str(result)
assert "--no-warn-script-location" not in result.stderr
def test_installing_scripts_on_path_does_not_print_warning(script):
result = script.pip_install_local("script_wheel1")
assert "Successfully installed script-wheel1" in result.stdout, str(result)
assert "--no-warn-script-location" not in result.stderr
def test_installed_files_recorded_in_deterministic_order(script, data):
Ensure that we record the files installed by a package in a deterministic
order, to make installs reproducible.
to_install = data.packages.join("FSPkg")
result = script.pip('install', to_install, expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = script.site_packages / 'fspkg'
egg_info = 'FSPkg-0.1.dev0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
installed_files_path = (
script.site_packages / egg_info / 'installed-files.txt'
assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert installed_files_path in result.files_created, str(result)
installed_files_path = result.files_created[installed_files_path].full
installed_files_lines = [
p for p in Path(installed_files_path).read_text().split('\n') if p
assert installed_files_lines == sorted(installed_files_lines)