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import logging
import os.path
import pytest
from mock import Mock
from pip._vendor import html5lib, requests
from pip._internal.download import PipSession
from pip._internal.index import (
CandidateEvaluator, HTMLPage, Link, PackageFinder, Search,
_check_link_requires_python, _clean_link, _determine_base_url,
_extract_version_from_fragment, _find_name_version_sep, _get_html_page,
from pip._internal.models.candidate import InstallationCandidate
from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope
from pip._internal.models.selection_prefs import SelectionPreferences
from pip._internal.models.target_python import TargetPython
from tests.lib import CURRENT_PY_VERSION_INFO, make_test_finder
@pytest.mark.parametrize('requires_python, expected', [
('== 3.6.4', False),
('== 3.6.5', True),
# Test an invalid Requires-Python value.
('invalid', True),
def test_check_link_requires_python(requires_python, expected):
version_info = (3, 6, 5)
link = Link('https://example.com', requires_python=requires_python)
actual = _check_link_requires_python(link, version_info)
assert actual == expected
def check_caplog(caplog, expected_level, expected_message):
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
record = caplog.records[0]
assert record.levelname == expected_level
assert record.message == expected_message
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ignore_requires_python, expected', [
(None, (
False, 'DEBUG',
"Link requires a different Python (3.6.5 not in: '== 3.6.4'): "
(True, (
True, 'DEBUG',
"Ignoring failed Requires-Python check (3.6.5 not in: '== 3.6.4') "
"for link: https://example.com"
def test_check_link_requires_python__incompatible_python(
caplog, ignore_requires_python, expected,
Test an incompatible Python.
expected_return, expected_level, expected_message = expected
link = Link('https://example.com', requires_python='== 3.6.4')
actual = _check_link_requires_python(
link, version_info=(3, 6, 5),
assert actual == expected_return
check_caplog(caplog, expected_level, expected_message)
def test_check_link_requires_python__invalid_requires(caplog):
Test the log message for an invalid Requires-Python.
link = Link('https://example.com', requires_python='invalid')
actual = _check_link_requires_python(link, version_info=(3, 6, 5))
assert actual
expected_message = (
"Ignoring invalid Requires-Python ('invalid') for link: "
check_caplog(caplog, 'DEBUG', expected_message)
class TestCandidateEvaluator:
def test_init__target_python(self):
Test the target_python argument.
target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=(3, 7, 3))
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(
# The target_python attribute should be set as is.
assert evaluator._target_python is target_python
def test_init__target_python_none(self):
Test passing None for the target_python argument.
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(
# Spot-check the default TargetPython object.
actual_target_python = evaluator._target_python
assert actual_target_python._given_py_version_info is None
assert actual_target_python.py_version_info == CURRENT_PY_VERSION_INFO
'py_version_info,ignore_requires_python,expected', [
((3, 6, 5), None, (True, '1.12')),
# Test an incompatible Python.
((3, 6, 4), None, (False, None)),
# Test an incompatible Python with ignore_requires_python=True.
((3, 6, 4), True, (True, '1.12')),
def test_evaluate_link(
self, py_version_info, ignore_requires_python, expected,
target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=py_version_info)
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(
link = Link(
requires_python='== 3.6.5',
search = Search(
supplied='twine', canonical='twine', formats=['source'],
actual = evaluator.evaluate_link(link, search=search)
assert actual == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('yanked_reason, allow_yanked, expected', [
(None, True, (True, '1.12')),
(None, False, (True, '1.12')),
('', True, (True, '1.12')),
('', False, (False, 'yanked for reason: <none given>')),
('bad metadata', True, (True, '1.12')),
('bad metadata', False,
(False, 'yanked for reason: bad metadata')),
# Test a unicode string with a non-ascii character.
(u'curly quote: \u2018', True, (True, '1.12')),
(u'curly quote: \u2018', False,
(False, u'yanked for reason: curly quote: \u2018')),
def test_evaluate_link__allow_yanked(
self, yanked_reason, allow_yanked, expected,
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(allow_yanked=allow_yanked)
link = Link(
search = Search(
supplied='twine', canonical='twine', formats=['source'],
actual = evaluator.evaluate_link(link, search=search)
assert actual == expected
def test_evaluate_link__incompatible_wheel(self):
Test an incompatible wheel.
target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=(3, 6, 4))
# Set the valid tags to an empty list to make sure nothing matches.
target_python._valid_tags = []
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(
link = Link('https://example.com/sample-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl')
search = Search(
supplied='sample', canonical='sample', formats=['binary'],
actual = evaluator.evaluate_link(link, search=search)
expected = (
False, "none of the wheel's tags match: py2-none-any, py3-none-any"
assert actual == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('yanked_reason, expected', [
# Test a non-yanked file.
(None, 0),
# Test a yanked file (has a lower value than non-yanked).
('bad metadata', -1),
def test_sort_key__is_yanked(self, yanked_reason, expected):
Test the effect of is_yanked on _sort_key()'s return value.
url = 'https://example.com/mypackage.tar.gz'
link = Link(url, yanked_reason=yanked_reason)
candidate = InstallationCandidate('mypackage', '1.0', link)
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(allow_yanked=True)
sort_value = evaluator._sort_key(candidate)
# Yanked / non-yanked is reflected in the first element of the tuple.
actual = sort_value[0]
assert actual == expected
def make_mock_candidate(self, version, yanked_reason=None):
url = 'https://example.com/pkg-{}.tar.gz'.format(version)
link = Link(url, yanked_reason=yanked_reason)
candidate = InstallationCandidate('mypackage', version, link)
return candidate
def test_get_best_candidate__no_candidates(self):
Test passing an empty list.
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(allow_yanked=True)
actual = evaluator.get_best_candidate([])
assert actual is None
def test_get_best_candidate__all_yanked(self, caplog):
Test all candidates yanked.
candidates = [
self.make_mock_candidate('1.0', yanked_reason='bad metadata #1'),
# Put the best candidate in the middle, to test sorting.
self.make_mock_candidate('3.0', yanked_reason='bad metadata #3'),
self.make_mock_candidate('2.0', yanked_reason='bad metadata #2'),
expected_best = candidates[1]
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(allow_yanked=True)
actual = evaluator.get_best_candidate(candidates)
assert actual is expected_best
assert str(actual.version) == '3.0'
# Check the log messages.
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
record = caplog.records[0]
assert record.levelname == 'WARNING'
assert record.message == (
'The candidate selected for download or install is a yanked '
"version: 'mypackage' candidate "
'(version 3.0 at https://example.com/pkg-3.0.tar.gz)\n'
'Reason for being yanked: bad metadata #3'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('yanked_reason, expected_reason', [
# Test no reason given.
('', '<none given>'),
# Test a unicode string with a non-ascii character.
(u'curly quote: \u2018', u'curly quote: \u2018'),
def test_get_best_candidate__yanked_reason(
self, caplog, yanked_reason, expected_reason,
Test the log message with various reason strings.
candidates = [
self.make_mock_candidate('1.0', yanked_reason=yanked_reason),
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(allow_yanked=True)
actual = evaluator.get_best_candidate(candidates)
assert str(actual.version) == '1.0'
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
record = caplog.records[0]
assert record.levelname == 'WARNING'
expected_message = (
'The candidate selected for download or install is a yanked '
"version: 'mypackage' candidate "
'(version 1.0 at https://example.com/pkg-1.0.tar.gz)\n'
'Reason for being yanked: '
) + expected_reason
assert record.message == expected_message
def test_get_best_candidate__best_yanked_but_not_all(self, caplog):
Test the best candidates being yanked, but not all.
candidates = [
self.make_mock_candidate('4.0', yanked_reason='bad metadata #4'),
# Put the best candidate in the middle, to test sorting.
self.make_mock_candidate('3.0', yanked_reason='bad metadata #3'),
expected_best = candidates[1]
evaluator = CandidateEvaluator(allow_yanked=True)
actual = evaluator.get_best_candidate(candidates)
assert actual is expected_best
assert str(actual.version) == '2.0'
# Check the log messages.
assert len(caplog.records) == 0
class TestPackageFinder:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('allow_yanked', [False, True])
def test_create__allow_yanked(self, allow_yanked):
Test that allow_yanked is passed to CandidateEvaluator.
search_scope = SearchScope([], [])
selection_prefs = SelectionPreferences(
finder = PackageFinder.create(
evaluator = finder.candidate_evaluator
assert evaluator._allow_yanked == allow_yanked
def test_create__target_python(self):
Test that target_python is passed to CandidateEvaluator as is.
search_scope = SearchScope([], [])
selection_prefs = SelectionPreferences(
target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=(3, 7, 3))
finder = PackageFinder.create(
evaluator = finder.candidate_evaluator
actual_target_python = evaluator._target_python
assert actual_target_python is target_python
assert actual_target_python.py_version_info == (3, 7, 3)
def test_add_trusted_host(self):
# Leave a gap to test how the ordering is affected.
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host3']
session = PipSession(insecure_hosts=trusted_hosts)
finder = make_test_finder(
insecure_adapter = session._insecure_adapter
prefix2 = 'https://host2/'
prefix3 = 'https://host3/'
# Confirm some initial conditions as a baseline.
assert finder.trusted_hosts == ['host1', 'host3']
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert prefix2 not in session.adapters
# Test adding a new host.
assert finder.trusted_hosts == ['host1', 'host3', 'host2']
# Check that prefix3 is still present.
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert session.adapters[prefix2] is insecure_adapter
# Test that adding the same host doesn't create a duplicate.
assert finder.trusted_hosts == ['host1', 'host3', 'host2'], (
'actual: {}'.format(finder.trusted_hosts)
def test_add_trusted_host__logging(self, caplog):
Test logging when add_trusted_host() is called.
trusted_hosts = ['host1']
session = PipSession(insecure_hosts=trusted_hosts)
finder = make_test_finder(
with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
# Test adding an existing host.
finder.add_trusted_host('host1', source='somewhere')
# Test calling add_trusted_host() on the same host twice.
actual = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records]
expected = [
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host1' (from somewhere)"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
assert actual == expected
def test_iter_secure_origins(self):
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host2']
finder = make_test_finder(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
actual = list(finder.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 8
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
assert actual[-2:] == [
('*', 'host1', '*'),
('*', 'host2', '*'),
def test_iter_secure_origins__none_trusted_hosts(self):
Test iter_secure_origins() after passing trusted_hosts=None.
# Use PackageFinder.create() rather than make_test_finder()
# to make sure we're really passing trusted_hosts=None.
search_scope = SearchScope([], [])
selection_prefs = SelectionPreferences(
finder = PackageFinder.create(
actual = list(finder.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 6
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
def test_sort_locations_file_expand_dir(data):
Test that a file:// dir gets listdir run with expand_dir
finder = make_test_finder(find_links=[data.find_links])
files, urls = finder._sort_locations([data.find_links], expand_dir=True)
assert files and not urls, (
"files and not urls should have been found at find-links url: %s" %
def test_sort_locations_file_not_find_link(data):
Test that a file:// url dir that's not a find-link, doesn't get a listdir
finder = make_test_finder()
files, urls = finder._sort_locations([data.index_url("empty_with_pkg")])
assert urls and not files, "urls, but not files should have been found"
def test_sort_locations_non_existing_path():
Test that a non-existing path is ignored.
finder = make_test_finder()
files, urls = finder._sort_locations(
[os.path.join('this', 'doesnt', 'exist')])
assert not urls and not files, "nothing should have been found"
("html", "url", "expected"),
(b"<html></html>", "https://example.com/", "https://example.com/"),
b"<base href=\"https://foo.example.com/\">"
b"<base><base href=\"https://foo.example.com/\">"
def test_determine_base_url(html, url, expected):
document = html5lib.parse(
html, transport_encoding=None, namespaceHTMLElements=False,
assert _determine_base_url(document, url) == expected
class MockLogger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.called = False
def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.called = True
("location", "trusted", "expected"),
("http://pypi.org/something", [], True),
("https://pypi.org/something", [], False),
("git+http://pypi.org/something", [], True),
("git+https://pypi.org/something", [], False),
("git+ssh://git@pypi.org/something", [], False),
("http://localhost", [], False),
("", [], False),
("http://example.com/something/", [], True),
("http://example.com/something/", ["example.com"], False),
("http://eXample.com/something/", ["example.cOm"], False),
def test_secure_origin(location, trusted, expected):
finder = make_test_finder(trusted_hosts=trusted)
logger = MockLogger()
finder._validate_secure_origin(logger, location)
assert logger.called == expected
("fragment", "canonical_name", "expected"),
# Trivial.
("pip-18.0", "pip", 3),
("zope-interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14),
# Canonicalized name match non-canonicalized egg info. (pypa/pip#5870)
("Jinja2-2.10", "jinja2", 6),
("zope.interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14),
("zope_interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14),
# Should be smart enough to parse ambiguous names from the provided
# package name.
("foo-2-2", "foo", 3),
("foo-2-2", "foo-2", 5),
# Should be able to detect collapsed characters in the egg info.
("foo--bar-1.0", "foo-bar", 8),
("foo-_bar-1.0", "foo-bar", 8),
# The package name must not ends with a dash (PEP 508), so the first
# dash would be the separator, not the second.
("zope.interface--4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14),
("zope.interface--", "zope-interface", 14),
# The version part is missing, but the split function does not care.
("zope.interface-", "zope-interface", 14),
def test_find_name_version_sep(fragment, canonical_name, expected):
index = _find_name_version_sep(fragment, canonical_name)
assert index == expected
("fragment", "canonical_name"),
# A dash must follow the package name.
("zope.interface4.5.0", "zope-interface"),
("zope.interface.4.5.0", "zope-interface"),
("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope-interface"),
("zope.interface", "zope-interface"),
def test_find_name_version_sep_failure(fragment, canonical_name):
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ctx:
_find_name_version_sep(fragment, canonical_name)
message = "{} does not match {}".format(fragment, canonical_name)
assert str(ctx.value) == message
("fragment", "canonical_name", "expected"),
# Trivial.
("pip-18.0", "pip", "18.0"),
("zope-interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"),
# Canonicalized name match non-canonicalized egg info. (pypa/pip#5870)
("Jinja2-2.10", "jinja2", "2.10"),
("zope.interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"),
("zope_interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"),
# Should be smart enough to parse ambiguous names from the provided
# package name.
("foo-2-2", "foo", "2-2"),
("foo-2-2", "foo-2", "2"),
("zope.interface--4.5.0", "zope-interface", "-4.5.0"),
("zope.interface--", "zope-interface", "-"),
# Should be able to detect collapsed characters in the egg info.
("foo--bar-1.0", "foo-bar", "1.0"),
("foo-_bar-1.0", "foo-bar", "1.0"),
# Invalid.
("the-package-name-8.19", "does-not-match", None),
("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope.interface", None),
("zope.interface-", "zope-interface", None),
("zope.interface4.5.0", "zope-interface", None),
("zope.interface.4.5.0", "zope-interface", None),
("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope-interface", None),
("zope.interface", "zope-interface", None),
def test_extract_version_from_fragment(fragment, canonical_name, expected):
version = _extract_version_from_fragment(fragment, canonical_name)
assert version == expected
def test_request_http_error(caplog):
link = Link('http://localhost')
session = Mock(PipSession)
session.get.return_value = resp = Mock()
resp.raise_for_status.side_effect = requests.HTTPError('Http error')
assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None
assert (
'Could not fetch URL http://localhost: Http error - skipping'
in caplog.text
def test_request_retries(caplog):
link = Link('http://localhost')
session = Mock(PipSession)
session.get.side_effect = requests.exceptions.RetryError('Retry error')
assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None
assert (
'Could not fetch URL http://localhost: Retry error - skipping'
in caplog.text
("url", "clean_url"),
# URL with hostname and port. Port separator should not be quoted.
("https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with space/",
# URL that is already properly quoted. The quoting `%`
# characters should not be quoted again.
# URL with IPv4 address and port.
(" space/",
# URL with IPv6 address and port. The `[]` brackets around the
# IPv6 address should not be quoted.
("https://[fd00:0:0:236::100]:8181/path/with space/",
# URL with query. The leading `?` should not be quoted.
# URL with colon in the path portion.
# URL with something that looks like a drive letter, but is
# not. The `:` should be quoted.
# VCS URL containing revision string.
("git+ssh://example.com/path to/repo.git@1.0#egg=my-package-1.0",
def test_clean_link(url, clean_url):
assert(_clean_link(url) == clean_url)
("url", "clean_url"),
# URL with Windows drive letter. The `:` after the drive
# letter should not be quoted. The trailing `/` should be
# removed.
("file:///T:/path/with spaces/",
@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'win32'")
def test_clean_link_windows(url, clean_url):
assert(_clean_link(url) == clean_url)
("url", "clean_url"),
# URL with Windows drive letter, running on non-windows
# platform. The `:` after the drive should be quoted.
("file:///T:/path/with spaces/",
@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'")
def test_clean_link_non_windows(url, clean_url):
assert(_clean_link(url) == clean_url)
class TestHTMLPage:
('anchor_html, expected'),
# Test not present.
('<a href="/pkg1-1.0.tar.gz"></a>', None),
# Test present with no value.
('<a href="/pkg2-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked></a>', ''),
# Test the empty string.
('<a href="/pkg3-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked=""></a>', ''),
# Test a non-empty string.
('<a href="/pkg4-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked="error"></a>', 'error'),
# Test a value with an escaped character.
('<a href="/pkg4-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked="version &lt 1"></a>',
'version < 1'),
# Test a yanked reason with a non-ascii character.
(u'<a href="/pkg-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked="curlyquote \u2018"></a>',
u'curlyquote \u2018'),
def test_iter_links__yanked_reason(self, anchor_html, expected):
html = (
# Mark this as a unicode string for Python 2 since anchor_html
# can contain non-ascii.
u'<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><head>'
html_bytes = html.encode('utf-8')
page = HTMLPage(html_bytes, url='https://example.com/simple/')
links = list(page.iter_links())
link, = links
actual = link.yanked_reason
assert actual == expected