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import sys
import re
import textwrap
from doctest import OutputChecker, ELLIPSIS
from tests.lib.local_repos import local_checkout, local_repo
distribute_re = re.compile('^distribute==[0-9.]+\n', re.MULTILINE)
def _check_output(result, expected):
checker = OutputChecker()
actual = str(result)
## FIXME! The following is a TOTAL hack. For some reason the
## __str__ result for pkg_resources.Requirement gets downcased on
## Windows. Since INITools is the only package we're installing
## in this file with funky case requirements, I'm forcibly
## upcasing it. You can also normalize everything to lowercase,
## but then you have to remember to upcase <BLANKLINE>. The right
## thing to do in the end is probably to find out how to report
## the proper fully-cased package name in our error message.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
actual = actual.replace('initools', 'INITools')
# This allows our existing tests to work when run in a context
# with distribute installed.
actual = distribute_re.sub('', actual)
def banner(msg):
return '\n========== %s ==========\n' % msg
assert checker.check_output(expected, actual, ELLIPSIS), banner('EXPECTED')+expected+banner('ACTUAL')+actual+banner(6*'=')
def test_freeze_basic(script):
Some tests of freeze, first we have to install some stuff. Note that
the test is a little crude at the end because Python 2.5+ adds egg
info to the standard library, so stuff like wsgiref will show up in
the freezing. (Probably that should be accounted for in pip, but
currently it is not).
# and something else to test out:
result = script.pip_install_local('-r', script.scratch_path/'initools-req.txt')
result = script.pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: pip freeze
-- stdout: --------------------
_check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_svn(script, tmpdir):
"""Test freezing a svn checkout"""
checkout_path = local_checkout('svn+http://svn.colorstudy.com/INITools/trunk', tmpdir.join("cache"))
#svn internally stores windows drives as uppercase; we'll match that.
checkout_path = checkout_path.replace('c:', 'C:')
result = script.run('svn', 'co', '-r10',
local_repo('svn+http://svn.colorstudy.com/INITools/trunk', tmpdir.join("cache")),
result = script.run('python', 'setup.py', 'develop',
cwd=script.scratch_path/ 'initools-trunk', expect_stderr=True)
result = script.pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze
-- stdout: --------------------
-e %s@10#egg=INITools-0.3.1dev...-dev_r10
...""" % checkout_path)
_check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_git_clone(script, tmpdir):
Test freezing a Git clone.
result = script.run('git', 'clone', local_repo('git+http://github.com/pypa/pip-test-package.git', tmpdir.join("cache")), 'pip-test-package')
result = script.run('git', 'checkout', '7d654e66c8fa7149c165ddeffa5b56bc06619458',
cwd=script.scratch_path / 'pip-test-package', expect_stderr=True)
result = script.run('python', 'setup.py', 'develop',
cwd=script.scratch_path / 'pip-test-package')
result = script.pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze
-- stdout: --------------------
...-e %s@...#egg=pip_test_package-...
...""" % local_checkout('git+http://github.com/pypa/pip-test-package.git', tmpdir.join("cache")))
_check_output(result, expected)
result = script.pip('freeze', '-f',
'%s#egg=pip_test_package' % local_checkout('git+http://github.com/pypa/pip-test-package.git', tmpdir.join("cache")),
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: pip freeze -f %(repo)s#egg=pip_test_package
-- stdout: --------------------
-f %(repo)s#egg=pip_test_package...
-e %(repo)s@...#egg=pip_test_package-0.1.1
...""" % {'repo': local_checkout('git+http://github.com/pypa/pip-test-package.git', tmpdir.join("cache"))})
_check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_mercurial_clone(script, tmpdir):
Test freezing a Mercurial clone.
result = script.run('hg', 'clone',
'-r', 'c9963c111e7c',
local_repo('hg+http://bitbucket.org/pypa/pip-test-package', tmpdir.join("cache")),
result = script.run('python', 'setup.py', 'develop',
cwd=script.scratch_path/'pip-test-package', expect_stderr=True)
result = script.pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze
-- stdout: --------------------
...-e %s@...#egg=pip_test_package-...
...""" % local_checkout('hg+http://bitbucket.org/pypa/pip-test-package', tmpdir.join("cache")))
_check_output(result, expected)
result = script.pip('freeze', '-f',
'%s#egg=pip_test_package' % local_checkout('hg+http://bitbucket.org/pypa/pip-test-package', tmpdir.join("cache")),
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze -f %(repo)s#egg=pip_test_package
-- stdout: --------------------
-f %(repo)s#egg=pip_test_package
...-e %(repo)s@...#egg=pip_test_package-dev
...""" % {'repo': local_checkout('hg+http://bitbucket.org/pypa/pip-test-package', tmpdir.join("cache"))})
_check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_bazaar_clone(script, tmpdir):
Test freezing a Bazaar clone.
checkout_path = local_checkout('bzr+http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Edjango-wikiapp/django-wikiapp/release-0.1', tmpdir.join("cache"))
#bzr internally stores windows drives as uppercase; we'll match that.
checkout_pathC = checkout_path.replace('c:', 'C:')
result = script.run('bzr', 'checkout', '-r', '174',
local_repo('bzr+http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Edjango-wikiapp/django-wikiapp/release-0.1', tmpdir.join("cache")),
result = script.run('python', 'setup.py', 'develop',
result = script.pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze
-- stdout: --------------------
...-e %s@...#egg=django_wikiapp-...
...""" % checkout_pathC)
_check_output(result, expected)
result = script.pip('freeze', '-f',
'%s/#egg=django-wikiapp' % checkout_path,
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze -f %(repo)s/#egg=django-wikiapp
-- stdout: --------------------
-f %(repo)s/#egg=django-wikiapp
...-e %(repoC)s@...#egg=django_wikiapp-...
...""" % {'repoC': checkout_pathC, 'repo': checkout_path})
_check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_with_local_option(script):
Test that wsgiref (from global site-packages) is reported normally, but not with --local.
result = script.pip('install', 'initools==0.2')
result = script.pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze
-- stdout: --------------------
# The following check is broken (see
# http://bitbucket.org/ianb/pip/issue/110). For now we are simply
# neutering this test, but if we can't find a way to fix it,
# this whole function should be removed.
# _check_output(result, expected)
result = script.pip('freeze', '--local', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: ...pip freeze --local
-- stdout: --------------------
_check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_with_requirement_option(script):
Test that new requirements are created correctly with --requirement hints
ignores = textwrap.dedent("""\
# Unchanged requirements below this line
-r ignore.txt
--requirement ignore.txt
-Z ignore
--always-unzip ignore
-f http://ignore
-i http://ignore
--extra-index-url http://ignore
--find-links http://ignore
--index-url http://ignore
""") + ignores)
result = script.pip('install', 'initools==0.2')
result = script.pip_install_local('simple')
result = script.pip('freeze', '--requirement', 'hint.txt', expect_stderr=True)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
Script result: pip freeze --requirement hint.txt
-- stderr: --------------------
Requirement file contains NoExist==4.2, but that package is not installed
-- stdout: --------------------
""") + ignores + "## The following requirements were added by pip --freeze:..."
_check_output(result, expected)