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"""Tests for the resolver
import os
import re
import pytest
from tests.lib import DATA_DIR, create_basic_wheel_for_package, path_to_url
from tests.lib.yaml_helpers import generate_yaml_tests, id_func
_conflict_finder_re = re.compile(
# Conflicting Requirements: \
# A 1.0.0 requires B == 2.0.0, C 1.0.0 requires B == 1.0.0.
[ ]
[ ]requires[ ]
def _convert_to_dict(string):
def stripping_split(my_str, splitwith, count=None):
if count is None:
return [x.strip() for x in my_str.strip().split(splitwith)]
return [x.strip() for x in my_str.strip().split(splitwith, count)]
parts = stripping_split(string, ";")
retval = {}
retval["depends"] = []
retval["extras"] = {}
retval["name"], retval["version"] = stripping_split(parts[0], " ")
for part in parts[1:]:
verb, args_str = stripping_split(part, " ", 1)
assert verb in ["depends"], "Unknown verb {!r}".format(verb)
retval[verb] = stripping_split(args_str, ",")
return retval
def handle_install_request(script, requirement):
assert isinstance(requirement, str), (
"Need install requirement to be a string only"
result = script.pip(
"--no-index", "--find-links", path_to_url(script.scratch_path),
requirement, "--verbose",
retval = {
"_result_object": result,
if result.returncode == 0:
# Check which packages got installed
retval["install"] = []
for path in result.files_created:
if path.endswith(".dist-info"):
name, version = (
).rsplit("-", 1)
# TODO: information about extras.
retval["install"].append(" ".join((name, version)))
# TODO: Support checking uninstallations
# retval["uninstall"] = []
elif "conflicting" in result.stderr.lower():
retval["conflicting"] = []
message = result.stderr.rsplit("\n", 1)[-1]
# XXX: There might be a better way than parsing the message
for match in re.finditer(message, _conflict_finder_re):
di = match.groupdict()
"required_by": "{} {}".format(di["name"], di["version"]),
"selector": di["selector"]
return retval
"case", generate_yaml_tests(DATA_DIR.parent / "yaml"), ids=id_func
def test_yaml_based(script, case):
available = case.get("available", [])
requests = case.get("request", [])
transaction = case.get("transaction", [])
assert len(requests) == len(transaction), (
"Expected requests and transaction counts to be same"
# Create a custom index of all the packages that are supposed to be
# available
# XXX: This doesn't work because this isn't making an index of files.
for package in available:
if isinstance(package, str):
package = _convert_to_dict(package)
assert isinstance(package, dict), "Needs to be a dictionary"
create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, **package)
available_actions = {
"install": handle_install_request
# use scratch path for index
for request, expected in zip(requests, transaction):
# The name of the key is what action has to be taken
assert len(request.keys()) == 1, "Expected only one action"
# Get the only key
action = list(request.keys())[0]
assert action in available_actions.keys(), (
"Unsupported action {!r}".format(action)
# Perform the requested action
effect = available_actions[action](script, request[action])
result = effect["_result_object"]
del effect["_result_object"]
assert effect == expected, str(result)