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mirror of https://github.com/pypa/pip synced 2023-12-13 21:30:23 +01:00
2021-08-20 13:37:49 +01:00

316 lines
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import os
import re
from pip import __version__
from pip._internal.commands.show import search_packages_info
from pip._internal.operations.install.legacy import (
from pip._internal.utils.unpacking import untar_file
from tests.lib import create_test_package_with_setup
def test_basic_show(script):
Test end to end test for show command.
result = script.pip("show", "pip")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert len(lines) == 10
assert "Name: pip" in lines
assert f"Version: {__version__}" in lines
assert any(line.startswith("Location: ") for line in lines)
assert "Requires: " in lines
def test_show_with_files_not_found(script, data):
Test for show command with installed files listing enabled and
installed-files.txt not found.
editable = data.packages.joinpath("SetupPyUTF8")
script.pip("install", "-e", editable)
result = script.pip("show", "-f", "SetupPyUTF8")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert len(lines) == 12
assert "Name: SetupPyUTF8" in lines
assert "Version: 0.0.0" in lines
assert any(line.startswith("Location: ") for line in lines)
assert "Requires: " in lines
assert "Files:" in lines
assert "Cannot locate RECORD or installed-files.txt" in lines
def test_show_with_files_from_wheel(script, data):
Test that a wheel's files can be listed.
wheel_file = data.packages.joinpath("simple.dist-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl")
script.pip("install", "--no-index", wheel_file)
result = script.pip("show", "-f", "simple.dist")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Name: simple.dist" in lines
assert "Cannot locate RECORD or installed-files.txt" not in lines[6], lines[6]
assert re.search(r"Files:\n( .+\n)+", result.stdout)
assert f" simpledist{os.sep}__init__.py" in lines[6:]
def test_show_with_files_from_legacy(tmp_path, script, data):
Test listing files in the show command (legacy installed-files.txt).
# Since 'pip install' now always tries to build a wheel from sdist, it
# cannot properly generate a setup. The legacy code path is basically
# 'setup.py install' plus installed-files.txt, which we manually generate.
source_dir = tmp_path.joinpath("unpacked-sdist")
setuptools_record = tmp_path.joinpath("installed-record.txt")
untar_file(data.packages.joinpath("simple-1.0.tar.gz"), str(source_dir))
result = script.pip("show", "--files", "simple")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Cannot locate RECORD or installed-files.txt" not in lines[6], lines[6]
assert re.search(r"Files:\n( .+\n)+", result.stdout)
assert f" simple{os.sep}__init__.py" in lines[6:]
def test_missing_argument(script):
Test show command with no arguments.
result = script.pip("show", expect_error=True)
assert "ERROR: Please provide a package name or names." in result.stderr
def test_find_package_not_found():
Test trying to get info about a nonexistent package.
result = search_packages_info(["abcd3"])
assert len(list(result)) == 0
def test_report_single_not_found(script):
Test passing one name and that isn't found.
# We choose a non-canonicalized name to test that the non-canonical
# form is logged.
# Also, the following should report an error as there are no results
# to print. Consequently, there is no need to pass
# allow_stderr_warning=True since this is implied by expect_error=True.
result = script.pip("show", "Abcd-3", expect_error=True)
assert "WARNING: Package(s) not found: Abcd-3" in result.stderr
assert not result.stdout.splitlines()
def test_report_mixed_not_found(script):
Test passing a mixture of found and not-found names.
# We test passing non-canonicalized names.
result = script.pip("show", "Abcd3", "A-B-C", "pip", allow_stderr_warning=True)
assert "WARNING: Package(s) not found: A-B-C, Abcd3" in result.stderr
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert len(lines) == 10
assert "Name: pip" in lines
def test_search_any_case():
Search for a package in any case.
result = list(search_packages_info(["PIP"]))
assert len(result) == 1
assert result[0].name == "pip"
def test_more_than_one_package():
Search for more than one package.
result = list(search_packages_info(["pIp", "pytest", "Virtualenv"]))
assert len(result) == 3
def test_show_verbose_with_classifiers(script):
Test that classifiers can be listed
result = script.pip("show", "pip", "--verbose")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Name: pip" in lines
assert re.search(r"Classifiers:\n( .+\n)+", result.stdout)
assert "Intended Audience :: Developers" in result.stdout
def test_show_verbose_installer(script, data):
Test that the installer is shown (this currently needs a wheel install)
wheel_file = data.packages.joinpath("simple.dist-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl")
script.pip("install", "--no-index", wheel_file)
result = script.pip("show", "--verbose", "simple.dist")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Name: simple.dist" in lines
assert "Installer: pip" in lines
def test_show_verbose(script):
Test end to end test for verbose show command.
result = script.pip("show", "--verbose", "pip")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert any(line.startswith("Metadata-Version: ") for line in lines)
assert any(line.startswith("Installer: ") for line in lines)
assert "Entry-points:" in lines
assert "Classifiers:" in lines
def test_all_fields(script):
Test that all the fields are present
result = script.pip("show", "pip")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
expected = {
actual = {re.sub(":.*$", "", line) for line in lines}
assert actual == expected
def test_pip_show_is_short(script):
Test that pip show stays short
result = script.pip("show", "pip")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert len(lines) <= 10
def test_pip_show_divider(script, data):
Expect a divider between packages
script.pip("install", "pip-test-package", "--no-index", "-f", data.packages)
result = script.pip("show", "pip", "pip-test-package")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "---" in lines
def test_package_name_is_canonicalized(script, data):
script.pip("install", "pip-test-package", "--no-index", "-f", data.packages)
dash_show_result = script.pip("show", "pip-test-package")
underscore_upper_show_result = script.pip("show", "pip-test_Package")
assert underscore_upper_show_result.returncode == 0
assert underscore_upper_show_result.stdout == dash_show_result.stdout
def test_show_required_by_packages_basic(script, data):
Test that installed packages that depend on this package are shown
editable_path = os.path.join(data.src, "requires_simple")
script.pip("install", "--no-index", "-f", data.find_links, editable_path)
result = script.pip("show", "simple")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Name: simple" in lines
assert "Required-by: requires-simple" in lines
def test_show_required_by_packages_capitalized(script, data):
Test that the installed packages which depend on a package are shown
where the package has a capital letter
editable_path = os.path.join(data.src, "requires_capitalized")
script.pip("install", "--no-index", "-f", data.find_links, editable_path)
result = script.pip("show", "simple")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Name: simple" in lines
assert "Required-by: Requires-Capitalized" in lines
def test_show_required_by_packages_requiring_capitalized(script, data):
Test that the installed packages which depend on a package are shown
where the package has a name with a mix of
lower and upper case letters
required_package_path = os.path.join(data.src, "requires_capitalized")
script.pip("install", "--no-index", "-f", data.find_links, required_package_path)
editable_path = os.path.join(data.src, "requires_requires_capitalized")
script.pip("install", "--no-index", "-f", data.find_links, editable_path)
result = script.pip("show", "Requires_Capitalized")
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Name: Requires-Capitalized" in lines
assert "Required-by: requires-requires-capitalized" in lines
def test_show_skip_work_dir_pkg(script):
Test that show should not include package
present in working directory
# Create a test package and create .egg-info dir
pkg_path = create_test_package_with_setup(script, name="simple", version="1.0")
script.run("python", "setup.py", "egg_info", expect_stderr=True, cwd=pkg_path)
# Show should not include package simple when run from package directory
result = script.pip("show", "simple", expect_error=True, cwd=pkg_path)
assert "WARNING: Package(s) not found: simple" in result.stderr
def test_show_include_work_dir_pkg(script):
Test that show should include package in working directory
if working directory is added in PYTHONPATH
# Create a test package and create .egg-info dir
pkg_path = create_test_package_with_setup(script, name="simple", version="1.0")
script.run("python", "setup.py", "egg_info", expect_stderr=True, cwd=pkg_path)
script.environ.update({"PYTHONPATH": pkg_path})
# Show should include package simple when run from package directory,
# when package directory is in PYTHONPATH
result = script.pip("show", "simple", cwd=pkg_path)
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
assert "Name: simple" in lines