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import logging
import pytest
from pip import __version__
from pip._internal.network.session import CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES, PipSession
def get_user_agent():
return PipSession().headers["User-Agent"]
def test_user_agent():
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert user_agent.startswith("pip/{}".format(__version__))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, expected_like_ci', [
('BUILD_ID', True),
('CI', True),
('PIP_IS_CI', True),
# Test a prefix substring of one of the variable names we use.
('BUILD', False),
def test_user_agent__ci(monkeypatch, name, expected_like_ci):
# Delete the variable names we use to check for CI to prevent the
# detection from always returning True in case the tests are being run
# under actual CI. It is okay to depend on CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES
# here (part of the code under test) because this setup step can only
# prevent false test failures. It can't cause a false test passage.
monkeypatch.delenv(ci_name, raising=False)
# Confirm the baseline before setting the environment variable.
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert '"ci":null' in user_agent
assert '"ci":true' not in user_agent
monkeypatch.setenv(name, 'true')
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert ('"ci":true' in user_agent) == expected_like_ci
assert ('"ci":null' in user_agent) == (not expected_like_ci)
def test_user_agent_user_data(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA", "some_string")
assert "some_string" in PipSession().headers["User-Agent"]
class TestPipSession:
def test_cache_defaults_off(self):
session = PipSession()
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["http://"], "cache")
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["https://"], "cache")
def test_cache_is_enabled(self, tmpdir):
cache_directory = tmpdir.joinpath("test-cache")
session = PipSession(cache=cache_directory)
assert hasattr(session.adapters["https://"], "cache")
assert (
session.adapters["https://"].cache.directory == cache_directory
def test_http_cache_is_not_enabled(self, tmpdir):
session = PipSession(cache=tmpdir.joinpath("test-cache"))
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["http://"], "cache")
def test_insecure_host_adapter(self, tmpdir):
session = PipSession(
assert "https://example.com/" in session.adapters
# Check that the "port wildcard" is present.
assert "https://example.com:" in session.adapters
# Check that the cache isn't enabled.
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["https://example.com/"], "cache")
def test_add_trusted_host(self):
# Leave a gap to test how the ordering is affected.
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host3']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
insecure_adapter = session._insecure_adapter
prefix2 = 'https://host2/'
prefix3 = 'https://host3/'
prefix3_wildcard = 'https://host3:'
# Confirm some initial conditions as a baseline.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None)
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert session.adapters[prefix3_wildcard] is insecure_adapter
assert prefix2 not in session.adapters
# Test adding a new host.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None), ('host2', None)
# Check that prefix3 is still present.
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert session.adapters[prefix2] is insecure_adapter
# Test that adding the same host doesn't create a duplicate.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None), ('host2', None)
], 'actual: {}'.format(session.pip_trusted_origins)
prefix4 = 'https://host4:8080/'
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None),
('host2', None), ('host4', 8080)
assert session.adapters[prefix4] is insecure_adapter
def test_add_trusted_host__logging(self, caplog):
Test logging when add_trusted_host() is called.
trusted_hosts = ['host0', 'host1']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
# Test adding an existing host.
session.add_trusted_host('host1', source='somewhere')
# Test calling add_trusted_host() on the same host twice.
actual = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records]
# Observe that "host0" isn't included in the logs.
expected = [
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host1' (from somewhere)"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
assert actual == expected
def test_iter_secure_origins(self):
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3:8080']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
actual = list(session.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 9
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
assert actual[-3:] == [
('*', 'host1', '*'),
('*', 'host2', '*'),
('*', 'host3', 8080)
def test_iter_secure_origins__trusted_hosts_empty(self):
Test iter_secure_origins() after passing trusted_hosts=[].
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=[])
actual = list(session.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 6
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
'location, trusted, expected',
("http://pypi.org/something", [], False),
("https://pypi.org/something", [], True),
("git+http://pypi.org/something", [], False),
("git+https://pypi.org/something", [], True),
("git+ssh://git@pypi.org/something", [], True),
("http://localhost", [], True),
("", [], True),
("http://example.com/something/", [], False),
("http://example.com/something/", ["example.com"], True),
# Try changing the case.
("http://eXample.com/something/", ["example.cOm"], True),
# Test hosts with port.
("http://example.com:8080/something/", ["example.com"], True),
# Test a trusted_host with a port.
("http://example.com:8080/something/", ["example.com:8080"], True),
("http://example.com/something/", ["example.com:8080"], False),
def test_is_secure_origin(self, caplog, location, trusted, expected):
class MockLogger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.called = False
def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.called = True
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted)
actual = session.is_secure_origin(location)
assert actual == expected
log_records = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records]
if expected:
assert not log_records
assert len(log_records) == 1
actual_level, actual_message = log_records[0]
assert actual_level == 'WARNING'
assert 'is not a trusted or secure host' in actual_message