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mirror of https://github.com/pypa/pip synced 2023-12-13 21:30:23 +01:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, tempfile, shutil, glob, atexit, textwrap
from path import *
pyversion = sys.version[:3]
# the directory containing all the tests
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# the root of this pip source distribution
src = os.path.dirname(here)
download_cache = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'pip-test-cache')
def demand_dirs(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
# Tweak the path so we can find up-to-date pip sources
# (http://bitbucket.org/ianb/pip/issue/98) and scripttest (because my
# split_cmd patch hasn't been accepted/released yet).
sys.path = [src, os.path.join(src, 'scripttest')] + sys.path
from scripttest import TestFileEnvironment
def create_virtualenv(where):
save_argv = sys.argv
import virtualenv
sys.argv = ['virtualenv', '--quiet', '--no-site-packages', where]
sys.argv = save_argv
return virtualenv.path_locations(where)
if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ:
del os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
except NameError:
def any(seq):
for item in seq:
if item:
return True
return False
def clear_environ(environ):
return dict(((k, v) for k, v in environ.iteritems()
if not k.lower().startswith('pip_')))
def install_setuptools(env):
easy_install = os.path.join(env.bin_dir, 'easy_install')
version = 'setuptools==0.6c11'
if sys.platform != 'win32':
return env.run(easy_install, version)
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for f in glob.glob(easy_install+'*'):
shutil.copy2(f, tempdir)
return env.run(os.path.join(tempdir, 'easy_install'), version)
def reset_env(environ = None):
global env
env = TestPipEnvironment(environ)
return env
env = None
class TestFailure(AssertionError):
An "assertion" failed during testing.
# This cleanup routine prevents the __del__ method that cleans up the
# tree of the last TestPipEnvironment from firing after shutil has
# already been unloaded.
def _cleanup():
global env
del env
shutil.rmtree(download_cache, ignore_errors=True)
class TestPipResult(object):
def __init__(self, impl):
self._impl = impl
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self._impl,attr)
# Python doesn't automatically forward __str__ through __getattr__
def __str__(self):
return str(self._impl)
def assert_installed(self, pkg_name, with_files=[], without_files=[], without_egg_link=False):
e = self.test_env
pkg_dir = e.relative_env_path/ 'src'/ pkg_name.lower()
egg_link_path = e.site_packages / pkg_name + '.egg-link'
if without_egg_link:
if egg_link_path in self.files_created:
raise TestFailure, 'unexpected egg link file created: %r' % egg_link_path
egg_link_file = self.files_created[egg_link_path]
if not (# FIXME: I don't understand why there's a trailing . here
and egg_link_file.bytes[:-1].strip().endswith(pkg_dir)):
raise TestFailure, textwrap.dedent(u'''\
Incorrect egg_link file %r
Expected ending: %r
------- Actual contents -------
-------------------------------''' % (
pkg_dir + u'\n.',
pth_file = Path.string(e.site_packages / 'easy-install.pth')
if (pth_file in self.files_updated) == without_egg_link:
raise TestFailure, '%r unexpectedly %supdated by install' % (
pth_file, ('' if without_egg_link else 'not '))
if (pkg_dir in self.files_created) == (curdir in without_files):
raise TestFailure, textwrap.dedent('''\
expected package directory %r %sto be created
actually created:
''') % (
('not ' if curdir in without_files else ''),
for f in with_files:
if not (pkg_dir/f).normpath in self.files_created:
raise TestFailure, 'Package directory %r missing expected content %f' % (pkg_dir,f)
for f in without_files:
if (pkg_dir/f).normpath in self.files_created:
raise TestFailure, 'Package directory %r has unexpected content %f' % (pkg_dir,f)
class TestPipEnvironment(TestFileEnvironment):
def __init__(self, environ=None):
self.root_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp('-piptest'))
# We will set up a virtual environment at root_path.
self.scratch_path = self.root_path / 'scratch'
# where we'll create the virtualenv for testing
self.relative_env_path = Path('env')
self.env_path = self.root_path / self.relative_env_path
if not environ:
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ = clear_environ(environ)
environ['PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE'] = str(download_cache)
environ['PIP_NO_INPUT'] = '1'
environ['PIP_LOG_FILE'] = str(self.root_path/'pip-log.txt')
self.root_path, ignore_hidden=False,
environ=environ, split_cmd=False, start_clear=False,
cwd=self.scratch_path, capture_temp=True, assert_no_temp=True
# Create a virtualenv and remember where it's putting things.
self.home_dir, self.lib_dir, self.inc_dir, self.bin_dir = tuple(Path(x) for x in create_virtualenv(self.env_path))
assert self.lib_dir.startswith(self.root_path)
self.site_packages = Path(self.lib_dir[len(self.root_path):].lstrip(Path.sep)) / 'site-packages'
# put the test-scratch virtualenv's bin dir first on the PATH
self.environ['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join( (self.bin_dir, self.environ['PATH']) )
# test that test-scratch virtualenv creation produced sensible venv python
result = self.run('python', '-c', 'import sys; print sys.executable')
pythonbin = result.stdout.strip()
if Path(pythonbin).noext != self.bin_dir/'python':
raise RuntimeError(
"Oops! 'python' in our test environment runs %r"
" rather than expected %r" % (pythonbin, self.bin_dir/'python'))
# make sure we have current setuptools to avoid svn incompatibilities
# Uninstall whatever version of pip came with the virtualenv.
# Earlier versions of pip were incapable of
# self-uninstallation on Windows, so we use the one we're testing.
self.run('python', '-c',
'import sys;sys.path.insert(0, %r);import pip;sys.exit(pip.main());' % os.path.dirname(here),
'uninstall', '-y', 'pip')
# Install this version instead
self.run('python', 'setup.py', 'install', cwd=src)
def run(self, *args, **kw):
cwd = kw.pop('cwd', None)
run_from = kw.pop('run_from',None)
assert not cwd or not run_from, "Don't use run_from; it's going away"
cwd = Path.string(cwd or run_from or self.cwd)
assert not isinstance(cwd,Path)
return TestPipResult( super(TestPipEnvironment,self).run(cwd=cwd,*args,**kw) )
def __del__(self):
shutil.rmtree(self.root_path, ignore_errors=True)
def run_pip(*args, **kw):
return env.run('pip', *args, **kw)
def write_file(filename, text, dest=None):
"""Write a file in the dest (default=env.scratch_path)
env = get_env()
if dest:
complete_path = dest/ filename
complete_path = env.scratch_path/ filename
f = open(complete_path, 'w')
def mkdir(dirname):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(get_env().scratch_path, dirname))
def get_env():
if env is None:
return env
# FIXME ScriptTest does something similar, but only within a single
# ProcResult; this generalizes it so states can be compared across
# multiple commands. Maybe should be rolled into ScriptTest?
def diff_states(start, end, ignore=None):
Differences two "filesystem states" as represented by dictionaries
of FoundFile and FoundDir objects.
Returns a dictionary with following keys:
Dictionary of files/directories found only in the start state.
Dictionary of files/directories found only in the end state.
Dictionary of files whose size has changed (FIXME not entirely
reliable, but comparing contents is not possible because
FoundFile.bytes is lazy, and comparing mtime doesn't help if
we want to know if a file has been returned to its earlier
Ignores mtime and other file attributes; only presence/absence and
size are considered.
ignore = ignore or []
start_keys = set([k for k in start.keys()
if not any([k.startswith(i) for i in ignore])])
end_keys = set([k for k in end.keys()
if not any([k.startswith(i) for i in ignore])])
deleted = dict([(k, start[k]) for k in start_keys.difference(end_keys)])
created = dict([(k, end[k]) for k in end_keys.difference(start_keys)])
updated = {}
for k in start_keys.intersection(end_keys):
if (start[k].size != end[k].size):
updated[k] = end[k]
return dict(deleted=deleted, created=created, updated=updated)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.stderr.write("Run pip's tests using nosetests. Requires virtualenv, ScriptTest, and nose.\n")