# A clone of the arcade game Stacker # Copyright (C) 2007 Clint Herron # Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Nguyễn Gia Phong # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """A clone of the arcade game Stacker""" __version__ = '2.1.0' __all__ = ['Slacker'] from contextlib import ExitStack, redirect_stdout from importlib.resources import path from io import StringIO from math import cos, pi from random import randrange with redirect_stdout(StringIO()): import pygame from pygame import (K_0, K_1, K_9, K_ESCAPE, K_SPACE, KEYDOWN, QUIT, K_q, Rect, draw, event, image) from pygame.display import flip, set_caption, set_icon, set_mode from pygame.font import Font from pygame.time import get_ticks TANGO = {'Butter': ((252, 233, 79), (237, 212, 0), (196, 160, 0)), 'Orange': ((252, 175, 62), (245, 121, 0), (206, 92, 0)), 'Chocolate': ((233, 185, 110), (193, 125, 17), (143, 89, 2)), 'Chameleon': ((138, 226, 52), (115, 210, 22), (78, 154, 6)), 'Sky Blue': ((114, 159, 207), (52, 101, 164), (32, 74, 135)), 'Plum': ((173, 127, 168), (117, 80, 123), (92, 53, 102)), 'Scarlet Red': ((239, 41, 41), (204, 0, 0), (164, 0, 0)), 'Aluminium': ((238, 238, 236), (211, 215, 207), (186, 189, 182), (136, 138, 133), (85, 87, 83), (46, 52, 54))} BG_COLOR = TANGO['Aluminium'][5] COLOR_MAJOR = TANGO['Scarlet Red'] COLOR_MINOR = TANGO['Sky Blue'] MAJOR = 5 INTRO, PLAYING, LOSE, WIN = range(4) MAX_WIDTH = (1,)*7 + (2,)*5 + (3,)*3 WIN_LEVEL = 15 SCREEN_SIZE = SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 280, 600 BOARD_SIZE = BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT = 7, 15 TILE_SIZE = 40 MAX_SPEED, WIN_SPEED, SPEED_DIFF = 70, 100, 5 INIT_SPEED = MAX_SPEED + (BOARD_HEIGHT + 1)*SPEED_DIFF class SlackerTile: """SlackerTile(x, y) -> SlackerTile Slacker object for storing tiles. """ def __init__(self, screen, x, y, state=1, missed_time=None): self.screen, self.x, self.y = screen, x, y if state == LOSE: self.dim = 1 elif missed_time is None: self.dim = 0 else: self.dim = 2 self.missed_time = missed_time self.wiggle = state in (INTRO, WIN) def get_xoffset(self, maxoffset, duration=820): """Return the offset on x-axis to make the tile complete an cycle of wiggling oscillation in given duration (in milliseconds). """ if not self.wiggle: return 0 return maxoffset * cos((get_ticks()/duration+self.y/BOARD_HEIGHT)*pi) def get_yoffset(self): """Return the offset on y-axis when the tile is falling.""" if self.missed_time is None: return 0 return (get_ticks() - self.missed_time)**2 / 25000 def isfallen(self): """Return if the tile has fallen off the screen.""" return self.y + self.get_yoffset() > BOARD_HEIGHT def draw(self, max_x_offset=2): """Draw the tile.""" if self.y < MAJOR: color = COLOR_MAJOR else: color = COLOR_MINOR rect = Rect((self.x+self.get_xoffset(max_x_offset))*TILE_SIZE, (self.y+self.get_yoffset())*TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE) draw.rect(self.screen, color[self.dim], rect) draw.rect(self.screen, BG_COLOR, rect, TILE_SIZE // 11) class Slacker: """This class provides functions to run the game Slacker, a clone of the popular arcade game Stacker. """ def __init__(self, restart=False): self.exit_stack = ExitStack() self.font = self.data('VT323-Regular.ttf') self.board = [[False]*BOARD_WIDTH for _ in range(BOARD_HEIGHT)] self.game_state = PLAYING if restart else INTRO self.falling_tiles = [] self.speed = INIT_SPEED + randrange(5) self.speed_ratio = 1.0 self.width = MAX_WIDTH[-1] self.y = BOARD_HEIGHT - 1 def __enter__(self): pygame.init() set_caption('Slacker') set_icon(image.load(self.data('icon.png'))) self.screen = set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) return self def __exit__(self, *exc): pygame.quit() self.exit_stack.close() def data(self, resource): """Return a true filesystem path for specified resource.""" return str(self.exit_stack.enter_context( path('slacker_game', resource))) def draw_text(self, string, height): """Width-fit the string in the screen on the given height.""" font = Font(self.font, int(SCREEN_WIDTH*2.5/(len(string)+1))) text = font.render(string, False, COLOR_MINOR[0]) self.screen.blit(text, ((SCREEN_WIDTH - text.get_width()) // 2, int(SCREEN_HEIGHT * height))) def intro(self): """Draw the intro screen.""" for i in [(2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2), (1.5, 3), (4.5, 3), (1.5, 4), (2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (4.5, 6), (1.5, 7), (4.5, 7), (2, 8), (3, 8), (4, 8)]: SlackerTile(self.screen, *i, state=INTRO).draw(1.5) if get_ticks() // 820 % 2: self.draw_text('Press Spacebar', 0.75) def draw_board(self): """Draw the board and the tiles inside.""" for y, row in enumerate(self.board): for x, block in enumerate(row): if block: SlackerTile(self.screen, x, y, self.game_state).draw() # Draw the falling tiles for ft in self.falling_tiles: if ft.isfallen(): self.falling_tiles.remove(ft) else: ft.draw() def update_screen(self): """Draw the whole screen and everything inside.""" self.screen.fill(BG_COLOR) if self.game_state == INTRO: self.intro() elif self.game_state in (PLAYING, LOSE, WIN): self.draw_board() flip() def update_movement(self): """Update the direction the blocks are moving in.""" speed = self.speed * self.speed_ratio positions = BOARD_WIDTH + self.width - 2 p = int(round(get_ticks()/speed)) % (positions*2) self.x = (-p % positions if p > positions else p) - self.width + 1 self.board[self.y] = [0 <= x - self.x < self.width for x in range(BOARD_WIDTH)] def key_hit(self): """Process the current position of the blocks relatively to the ones underneath when user hit the switch, then decide if the user will win, lose or go to the next level of the tower. """ if self.y < BOARD_HEIGHT - 1: for x in range(max(0, self.x), min(self.x + self.width, BOARD_WIDTH)): # If there isn't any block underneath if not self.board[self.y + 1][x]: # Get rid of the block not standing on solid ground self.board[self.y][x] = False # Then, add that falling block to falling_tiles self.falling_tiles.append(SlackerTile( self.screen, x, self.y, missed_time=get_ticks())) self.width = sum(self.board[self.y]) if not self.width: self.game_state = LOSE elif not self.y: self.game_state = WIN else: self.y -= 1 self.width = min(self.width, MAX_WIDTH[self.y]) self.speed = MAX_SPEED + self.y*SPEED_DIFF + randrange(5) def handle_intro(self): """Handle events in intro.""" for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: return False if e.type != KEYDOWN: continue if e.key in (K_ESCAPE, K_q): return False if e.key == K_SPACE: self.game_state = PLAYING return True def handle_playing(self): """Handle events in game.""" for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: return False if e.type != KEYDOWN: continue if e.key == K_SPACE: self.key_hit() elif e.key in (K_ESCAPE, K_q): self.__init__() # Yes, these are cheats. elif e.key == K_0: self.width += self.width < BOARD_WIDTH elif K_1 <= e.key <= K_9 + 1: self.speed_ratio = (K_9-e.key+1) / 5.0 self.update_movement() return True def handle_ending(self): """Handle events in ending screens.""" for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: return False if e.type == KEYDOWN: self.__init__(restart=True) return True def handle_events(self): """Handle queued events.""" if self.game_state == INTRO: return self.handle_intro() if self.game_state == PLAYING: return self.handle_playing() if self.game_state in (LOSE, WIN): return self.handle_ending() return False