-- contrib/buildbot_all.lua -- Copyright (C) 2012 Andrzje Bieniek -- Copyright (C) 2017 Jörg Thalheim -- -- This file is part of Vicious. -- -- Vicious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- Vicious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with Vicious. If not, see . -- {{{ Grab environment local setmetatable = setmetatable local pcall = pcall local json_status, json = pcall(require, "json") local io = { popen = io.popen } local pairs = pairs local assert = assert -- }}} local bb = {} --list of all buildbot builders local bs = {OK=1, FAILED=2, RUNNING=3} local bc = {"green", "red", "yellow"} local buildbot_all = {} BB = {} BB.__index = BB function BB.create(url, builder) local b = {} setmetatable(b,BB) b.url = url -- buildbot url b.builder = builder -- builder name b.lastChecked = 0 -- last checked build number b.lastSuccessful = 0 -- last successful build number b.lastResult = nil -- last json parsed result b.lastError = nil -- last error string or nil if no error return b end function BB:_queryBuildbot(build_number) local f = io.popen("curl --connect-timeout 1 "..self.url.."/json/builders/"..self.builder.."/builds/"..build_number) local jsbuilder = f:read("*all") f:close() if #jsbuilder == 0 then return false, "can't read from url" end local result_status, result = pcall(json.decode, jsbuilder, false) if not result_status then return false, "can't parse json data" end return true, result end function BB:_getBuildStatus(result) if #result['text'] > 0 then local text = result['text'] if text[1] == "build" and text[2] == "successful" and #text == 2 then --successful return bs.OK else --failed return bs.FAILED end else --in progress return bs.RUNNING end end -- Function queries buildbot to refresh builds status. -- * if build is successful or failed it will not be queried again, number is stored in lasteChecked -- * up to 10 last builds will be checked to find last successful build function BB:refresh() local last_pass_fail = 0 local nr = -1 local last_result local iter_counter = 0 self.lastError = nil self.lastResult = nil --- there is a gap to fill in, iterate all not checked builds starting from latest while nr > self.lastChecked or nr == -1 do local r_status, r = self:_queryBuildbot(nr) local s if not r_status then self.lastError = r return end s = self:_getBuildStatus(r) if not last_result then last_result = r end nr = r['number'] assert(nr > 0) if last_pass_fail == 0 and (s == bs.OK or s == bs.FAILED) then last_pass_fail = nr end if s == bs.OK then --successful self.lastSuccessful = nr break; end nr = nr - 1 iter_counter = iter_counter + 1 if iter_counter > 10 then --check max last 10 builds when searching for successful build break; end end if last_pass_fail ~= 0 then self.lastChecked = last_pass_fail end if last_result then self.lastResult = last_result end end function BB:getLastSuccessful() return self.lastSuccessful end function BB:getCurrent() return self.lastResult['number'] end function BB:getCurrentStatus() return self:_getBuildStatus(self.lastResult) end function BB:getBuilder() return self.builder end function BB:getError() return self.lastError end local function getBuilderStatus(b) local s = "[" .. b:getBuilder() --check if json library was loaded correctly if not json_status then return s .. ".can't find libluaX.X-json]" end local err = b:getError() if err then return s .. "." .. err .. "]" end if b:getLastSuccessful() ~= 0 then success_build_nr_str = "".. b:getLastSuccessful() .."" else success_build_nr_str = "-" end local current_build_color = bc[b:getCurrentStatus()] current_build_nr_str = ""..b:getCurrent().."" if current_build_color ~= "green" then s = s .. "." .. current_build_nr_str end return s .. "." .. success_build_nr_str .. "]" end -- {{{ Buildbot widget type local function worker(format, warg) if #bb == 0 then --fill up bb with builders when worker function is run for the first time for i,v in pairs(warg) do bb[#bb+1] = BB.create(v["url"], v["builder"]) end end local str = "" for i,v in pairs(bb) do v:refresh() str = str .. " " .. getBuilderStatus(v) end return {str .. " "} end -- }}} setmetatable(buildbot_all, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })