-- Vicious module initialization -- Copyright (C) 2009 Lucas de Vries -- Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Adrian C. (anrxc) -- Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Joerg Thalheim -- Copyright (C) 2012 Arvydas Sidorenko -- Copyright (C) 2013 Dodo -- Copyright (C) 2014 blastmaster -- Copyright (C) 2015,2019 Daniel Hahler -- Copyright (C) 2017 James Reed -- Copyright (C) 2017 getzze -- Copyright (C) 2017 mutlusun -- Copyright (C) 2018 Beniamin Kalinowski -- Copyright (C) 2018,2020 Nguyễn Gia Phong -- -- This file is part of Vicious. -- -- Vicious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- Vicious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with Vicious. If not, see . -- {{{ Setup environment local type = type local pairs = pairs local tonumber = tonumber local timer = type(timer) == "table" and timer or require("gears.timer") local os = { time = os.time } local table = { insert = table.insert, remove = table.remove } local helpers = require("vicious.helpers") -- Vicious: widgets for the awesome window manager local vicious = {} vicious.widgets = require("vicious.widgets") --vicious.contrib = require("vicious.contrib") -- Initialize tables local timers = {} local registered = {} local widget_cache = {} -- }}} -- {{{ Local functions -- {{{ Update a widget local function update(widget, reg, disablecache) -- Check if there are any equal widgets if reg == nil then for w, i in pairs(registered) do if w == widget then for _, r in pairs(i) do update(w, r, disablecache) end end end return end local update_time = os.time() local function format_data(data) local ret if type(data) == "table" then local escaped_data = {} for k, v in pairs(data) do if type(v) == "string" then escaped_data[k] = helpers.escape(v) else escaped_data[k] = v end end if type(reg.format) == "string" then ret = helpers.format(reg.format, escaped_data) elseif type(reg.format) == "function" then ret = reg.format(widget, escaped_data) end end return ret or data end local function topercent(e) return tonumber(e) and tonumber(e) / 100 end local function update_value(data) local fmtd_data = format_data(data) if widget.add_value ~= nil then if widget.get_stack ~= nil and widget:get_stack() then for idx, _ in ipairs(widget:get_stack_colors()) do if fmtd_data[idx] then widget:add_value(topercent(fmtd_data[idx]), idx) end end else widget:add_value(topercent(fmtd_data)) end elseif widget.set_value ~= nil then widget:set_value(topercent(fmtd_data)) elseif widget.set_markup ~= nil then widget:set_markup(fmtd_data) else widget.text = fmtd_data end end local function update_cache(data, t, cache) -- Update cache if t and cache then cache.time, cache.data = t, data end end -- Check for cached output newer than the last update local c = widget_cache[reg.wtype] if c and update_time < c.time + reg.timeout and not disablecache then update_value(c.data) elseif reg.wtype then if type(reg.wtype) == "table" and reg.wtype.async then if not reg.lock then reg.lock = true return reg.wtype.async(reg.format, reg.warg, function(data) update_cache(data, update_time, c) update_value(data) reg.lock=false end) end else local data = reg.wtype(reg.format, reg.warg) update_cache(data, update_time, c) update_value(data) end end end -- }}} -- {{{ Register from reg object local function regregister(reg) if not reg.running then if registered[reg.widget] == nil then registered[reg.widget] = {} table.insert(registered[reg.widget], reg) else local already = false for w, i in pairs(registered) do if w == reg.widget then for _, v in pairs(i) do if v == reg then already = true break end end if already then break end end end if not already then table.insert(registered[reg.widget], reg) end end -- Start the timer if reg.timeout > 0 then local tm = timers[reg.timeout] and timers[reg.timeout].timer tm = tm or timer({ timeout = reg.timeout }) if tm.connect_signal then tm:connect_signal("timeout", reg.update) else tm:add_signal("timeout", reg.update) end if not timers[reg.timeout] then timers[reg.timeout] = { timer = tm, refs = 1 } else timers[reg.timeout].refs = timers[reg.timeout].refs + 1 end if not tm.started then tm:start() end -- Initial update reg.update() end reg.running = true end end -- }}} -- }}} -- {{{ Global functions -- {{{ Register a widget function vicious.register(widget, wtype, format, timeout, warg) local reg = { -- Set properties wtype = wtype, lock = false, format = format, timeout = timeout or 2, warg = warg, widget = widget, } reg.timer = timeout -- For backward compatibility. -- Set functions function reg.update() update(widget, reg) end -- Register a reg object regregister(reg) -- Return a reg object for reuse return reg end -- }}} -- {{{ Unregister a widget function vicious.unregister(widget, keep, reg) if reg == nil then for w, i in pairs(registered) do if w == widget then for _, v in pairs(i) do reg = vicious.unregister(w, keep, v) end end end return reg end if not keep then for w, i in pairs(registered) do if w == widget then for k, v in pairs(i) do if v == reg then table.remove(registered[w], k) end end end end end if not reg.running then return reg end -- Disconnect from timer local tm = timers[reg.timeout] if tm.timer.disconnect_signal then tm.timer:disconnect_signal("timeout", reg.update) else tm.timer:remove_signal("timeout", reg.update) end reg.running = false -- Stop the timer tm.refs = tm.refs - 1 if tm.refs == 0 and tm.timer.started then tm.timer:stop() end return reg end -- }}} -- {{{ Enable caching of a widget type function vicious.cache(wtype) if wtype ~= nil then if widget_cache[wtype] == nil then widget_cache[wtype] = { data = nil, time = 0 } end end end -- }}} -- {{{ Force update of widgets function vicious.force(wtable) if type(wtable) == "table" then for _, w in pairs(wtable) do update(w, nil, true) end end end -- }}} -- {{{ Suspend all widgets function vicious.suspend() for w, i in pairs(registered) do for _, v in pairs(i) do vicious.unregister(w, true, v) end end end -- }}} -- {{{ Activate a widget function vicious.activate(widget) for w, i in pairs(registered) do if widget == nil or w == widget then for _, v in pairs(i) do regregister(v) end end end end -- }}} -- {{{ Get formatted data from a synchronous widget type function vicious.call(wtype, format, warg) if wtype.async ~= nil then return nil end local data = wtype(format, warg) if type(format) == "string" then return helpers.format(format, data) elseif type(format) == "function" then return format(wtype, data) end end -- }}} -- {{{ Get formatted data from an asynchronous widget type function vicious.call_async(wtype, format, warg, callback) if wtype.async == nil then callback() return end wtype.async( format, warg, function (data) if type(format) == "string" then callback(helpers.format(format, data)) elseif type(format) == "function" then callback(format(wtype, data)) else callback() end end) end -- }}} return vicious -- }}}