digmorepaka c5ec30a125
Rev 5
L430 disabled due to missing patches for fw, fixed padding *once again, sigh*.
2020-04-12 11:59:46 +02:00

124 lines
5.4 KiB

# init
echo " d888 d8b "
echo "d8888 Y8P "
echo " 888 "
echo " 888 888 888 888 888 888d888 8888b. 888 88888b. "
echo " 888 888 888 888 888 888P\` \`88b 888 888 \`88b "
echo " 888 Y88 88P 888 888 888 .d888888 888 888 888 "
echo " 888 Y8bd8P Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 "
echo "8888888 Y88P \`Y88888 888 \`Y888888 888 888 888 "
echo " 888 "
echo " Y8b d88P "
echo " \`Y88P\` "
echo "Software-based jailbreak for IvyBridge (xx30) series ThinkPads"
echo "Revision 5"
# Give the network time to come online
if ! ping -q -c 1 -W 1 >/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;32mWaiting 10 seconds for Network...\e[0m" && sleep 10; fi
# verify EFI vars
if [ ! -d "/sys/firmware/efivars" ] && [ ! -d "/sys/firmware/efi" ]; then
echo -e "\e[1;31mEFI Vars not found! Make sure you are running in UEFI mode! Exiting.\e[0m"
exit 1
# Get BIOS version
bios=$(dmidecode -t bios | grep -i version | awk {'print $2'})
machine=$(dmidecode -t system | grep -i "Family" | awk {'print $3$4'})
version=$(dmidecode -t bios | grep -i "Version" | awk {'print $3'} | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/\.//g')
flashsize=$(/root/flashrom/flashrom -p internal:laptop=force_I_want_a_brick --ifd -i bios -N -r /tmp/backup.rom > /dev/null && du /tmp/backup.rom | sed "s/[^0-9]//g")
padding=$(expr $flashsize - 4096)
echo "You may see an error about flash regions being locked, this is expected and should not be a concern."
# Check if BIOS version is valid
case $machine in
if [ "259" -gt "$version" ]; then machine="X230t" && valid="true"; fi ;;
if [ "261" -gt "$version" ]; then valid="true"; fi ;;
if [ "265" -gt "$version" ]; then valid="true"; fi ;;
if [ "260" -gt "$version" ]; then valid="true"; fi ;;
if [ "259" -gt "$version" ]; then valid="true"; fi ;;
# Flash unlock works, fw patches don't. Temporarily disabled.
# L430)
# if [ "255" -gt "$version" ]; then valid="true"; fi ;;
if [ $valid == "false" ]; then
echo -e "\e[1;31mNo Valid BIOS detected, but you can still attempt the S3 exploit to see if your machine may be compatible in the future."
echo -e "\eYou will not be able to flash a custom BIOS, but this data can help make your device compatible in the future.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1;32mDetected Compatible Configuration - $machine $bios ($(dmidecode -t bios | grep -i "Version" | awk {'print $3'} | sed 's/(//g')).\e[0m"
read -p "Press Enter key to attempt BIOS exploit. Your ThinkPad will suspend as part of the process. Press the power button to wake it up!"
/root/chipsec/chipsec_main.py -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,mmio_wr,0xFED1F804,0x6009,0x2
systemctl suspend
echo "Waiting for wake from S3 sleep..."
sleep 5
setpci -s 00:1f.0 dc.b=09
/root/chipsec/chipsec_util.py mmio write SPIBAR 0x74 0x4 0xAAF0800
/root/chipsec/chipsec_util.py mmio write SPIBAR 0x78 0x4 0xADE0AD0
/root/chipsec/chipsec_util.py mmio write SPIBAR 0x7C 0x4 0xB100B10
/root/chipsec/chipsec_util.py mmio write SPIBAR 0x80 0x4 0xBFF0B40
# make sure BIOS is writable now
if [ $(/root/chipsec/chipsec_main.py -m common.bios_wp | sed 's/\n//g' | grep -c 'None of the SPI protected ranges write-protect BIOS region') == 0 ]; then
echo -e "\e[1;31mBIOS still write-protected! Something went wrong or your device is not compatible. Exiting.\e[0m"
exit 1
elif [ $valid == "false" ]; then
echo -e "\e[1;32mBIOS no longer write-protected! Your machine is compatible but unsupported. Please report the following details as a GitHub issue:"
echo -e "Machine: $machine\nBIOS: $bios\nVersion: $(dmidecode -t bios | grep -i "Version" | awk {'print $3'} | sed 's/(//g')\nFlashsize: $flashsize \e[0m"
read -p "Press Enter to exit the script."
exit 1
echo -e "\e[1;32mPlease enter a choice:\e[0m"
$([[ $valid == "true" ]]) && echo "1) Flash Modified Lenovo BIOS"
$([[ $machine == "X230" ]]) && echo "0) Flash LVDS Modified Lenovo BIOS for X330(X230 FHD/QHD)"
echo "2) Flash a custom BIOS from URL"
echo "3) Shutdown / Abort Procedure"
read choice
case $choice in
"0") if [[ $machine == "X230" ]]; then machine="X330"; fi ;;
echo "Enter the full URL for your 4MB BIOS file. Double, triple, and QUADRUPLE check that you are providing the CORRECT file! "
read userInput
if [[ -n "$userInput" ]]
echo "Downloading from $userInput"
wget $userInput -O /root/bios/custom.rom
"3") shutdown NOW ;;
*) ;;
read -p "Press Enter key to begin flashing your jailbroken BIOS! Do NOT let the ThinkPad shut off during this process, you will need a hardware programmer to fix it!"
echo -e "\e[1;32mFlashing BIOS...\e[0m"
# pad the BIOS to 12MB or 16MB before flashing
dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/bios/pad bs=1K count=$padding
cat /root/bios/pad /root/bios/$machine.rom > /root/bios/rom.temp
/root/flashrom/flashrom -p internal:laptop=force_I_want_a_brick -w /root/bios/rom.temp --ifd -i bios -N
rm /root/bios/pad
rm /root/bios/rom.temp
read -p "All done! Press Enter key to restart your ThinkPad or CTRL+C to exit to shell."
reboot NOW