132 lines
6.5 KiB
132 lines
6.5 KiB
import json
import os
import re
ok = True
def report(arg):
global ok
ok = False
for file_name in sorted(os.listdir("_data/signed")):
if not file_name.endswith(".yaml"):
report(f"{file_name} has invalid extension: expected .yaml.")
if " " in file_name:
report(f"{file_name} file name contains spaces. Please remove them.")
if any(c.lower() not in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-. " for c in file_name):
report(f"{file_name} file name contains special characters, which may render the file unusable for Windows users. Please remove these characters.")
with open(f"_data/signed/{file_name}") as f:
contents = f.read().replace("\r", "")
if "\n\n" in contents.rstrip("\n") or contents.startswith("\n"):
report(f"{file_name} contains empty lines. Please remove them.")
if contents.endswith("\n\n\n"):
report(f"{file_name} contains too many trailing empty lines. Please remove them.")
existing_keys = {}
for i, line in enumerate(contents.split("\n")):
if not line:
if line.strip() == "":
report(f"{file_name} has an empty line {i + 1} with whitespace. Please remove this line.")
if line != line.rstrip():
report(f"{file_name} has excess whitespace at the end of line {i + 1}.")
if line != line.lstrip():
report(f"{file_name} has excess whitespace at the beginning of line {i + 1}.")
line = line.strip()
if ":" in line:
key = line[:line.index(":")]
value = line[line.index(":") + 1:]
if key.strip() == "" or any(c.lower() not in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" for c in key):
key = None
value = line
key = None
value = line
if key is None:
report(f"{file_name} has line {i + 1} which does not seem to specify a key, such as 'name:' or 'link:'. Please prepend the line with key or remove the line entirely.")
if key != key.strip():
report(f"{file_name} contains a space between the key '{key}' and the colon, please remove it.")
key = key.strip()
if key != key.lower():
report(f"{file_name} contains a non-lowercase key {key} on line {i + 1}. Please convert it to lowercase.")
key = key.lower()
if not value.startswith(" "):
report(f"A space is missing after '{key}:' in {file_name} on line {i + 1}. Please add it.")
value = value[1:]
if value != value.strip():
report(f"{file_name} contains too many spaces after '{key}:' on line {i + 1}, please keep exactly one space.")
value = value.strip()
if value == "":
report(f"{file_name} contains an empty '{key}:' on line {i + 1}, please fix this.")
if "*" in value:
report(f"{file_name} contains an asterisk on line {i + 1}. The signatures are not rendered as Markdown, so formatting won't work. Please remove the asterisk.")
if key.lower() in existing_keys:
report(f"{file_name} contains duplicate key '{key}'.")
existing_keys[key.lower()] = i
if key == "name":
if any(c.strip() == "" and c != " " for c in value):
report(f"{file_name} contains an unexpected special whitespace character on line {i + 1}. Please replace it with a space.")
if len(" ".join(value.split())) < len(value):
report(f"{file_name} contains double space on line {i + 1}. Please keep a single space.")
if ": " in value and (value[0] != "\"" or value[-1] != "\""):
report(f"{file_name} contains a colon followed by a space (': ') in the name on line {i + 1}. This will cause the parser to parse the file incorrectly. Please wrap the name in double quotes.")
elif value.replace(" ", "").startswith("name"):
report(f"The name in {file_name} starts with 'name' on line {i + 1}. This may indicate a placeholder.")
if value[0] == "\"" and value[-1] == "\"":
value = json.loads(value)
except Exception:
report(f"{file_name} contains an incorrectly encoded name on line {i + 1}. Please make sure the quoting is correct.")
elif key == "link":
if value[0] == "\"" and value[-1] == "\"":
value = json.loads(value)
except Exception:
report(f"{file_name} contains an incorrectly encoded link on line {i + 1}. Please make sure the quoting is correct.")
if any(c.strip() == "" for c in value):
report(f"{file_name} contains unexpected whitespace on line {i + 1}. Please remove whitespace from the link.")
if value.startswith("mailto:"):
if "@" not in value:
report(f"{file_name} uses mailto: on line {i + 1}, but the part that follows doesn't look like e-mail and does not contain '@' character. Please fix the address.")
elif "://" in value:
protocol = value.split("://")[0]
if protocol not in ("http", "https"):
report(f"{file_name} uses a strange protocol '{protocol}' on line {i + 1}. Please use https:// or http://.")
elif "@" in value and not value.startswith("mailto:"):
report(f"{file_name} seems to use a e-mail in a link on line {i + 1}. Please add 'mailto:' before the e-mail.")
elif value == "/#":
report(f"{file_name} doesn't specify any link protocol on line {i + 1}. Please add https:// or http://.")
report(f"{file_name} contains an unrecognized key {key} on line {i + 1}. Only 'name:' and 'link:' are supported.")
if "name" not in existing_keys:
report(f"{file_name} doesn't contain a name. Please specify your name or your alias.")
if "link" not in existing_keys:
report(f"{file_name} doesn't contain a link. Please specify a link to your online profile, e.g. on GitHub. If you really don't have a link, use /#")
if "name" in existing_keys and "link" in existing_keys and (existing_keys["name"] != 0 or existing_keys["link"] != 1):
report(f"{file_name} incorrectly orders name and link. Please put the name on the first line and the link on the second line.")
if not ok:
raise SystemExit(1)