Modifies configuration account.

Now expect account configuration in one line, and ask for type of account
insted for server, users, and type.

servers = angel HOSTED
This commit is contained in:
?ngel ?lvarez 2013-06-03 17:18:19 +02:00
parent 3eff06cea5
commit a413e80518
1 changed files with 17 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -75,22 +75,26 @@ def _get_issue_id(repo):
return open(issue_file, 'r').read().strip()
def _get_list(ui, list_name, default=""):
list_values = ui.config('review', list_name, default=default).split()
result = ""
def _get_list(ui, default=""):
list_values = ui.config('review', 'servers', default=default).split('\n')
if len(list_values) == 1:
return list_values[0]
server, user, host_type = list_values[0].split(' ')
return server, user, host_type
elif len(list_values) > 1:
result = ""
for list_value in list_values:
result += "\t(%s) %s\n" % (list_values.index(list_value), list_value)
value = ui.prompt("Choose the %s:\n%s type number (default 0):"
% (list_name, result))
result += "\t(%s) %s\n" % (list_values.index(list_value),
value = ui.prompt("Choose configuration, (default 0): \n%s"
% (result))
answ = int(value)
answ = 0
if answ < len(list_values) and answ >= 0:
return list_values[answ]
server, user, host_type = list_values[answ].split(' ')
return server, user, host_type
return default
@ -144,7 +148,10 @@ def review(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = \
repo.status(node1, node2, unknown=True)
server = _get_list(ui, 'servers', default='')
server, username, account_type = _get_list(ui, default=('', None, 'GOOGLE'))
if not username:
username = GetEmail(ui)
if opts['id'] or opts['url']:
issue_id = _get_issue_id(repo) or ''
msg = '%s' % issue_id
@ -153,12 +160,7 @@ def review(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
ui.status(msg, '\n')
username = _get_list(ui, 'usernames')
if not username:
username = GetEmail(ui)
ui.setconfig('review', 'username', username)
host_header = ui.config('review', 'host_header')
account_type = _get_list(ui, 'account_types', default='GOOGLE')
rpc_server = GetRpcServer(server, username, host_header, True,
account_type, ui)
@ -406,12 +408,9 @@ def review_commit(orig, ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
issue_id = _get_issue_id(repo)
issue_file = _get_issue_file(repo)
if os.path.isfile(issue_file):
server = _get_list(ui, 'servers',
username = _get_list(ui, 'usernames')
server, username, account_type = _get_list(ui, default=('', username, 'GOOGLE'))
if server and username:
host_header = ui.config('review', 'host_header')
account_type = _get_list(ui, 'account_types', default='GOOGLE')
rpc_server = GetRpcServer(server, username, host_header, True,
account_type, ui)
xsrf_request = urllib2.Request(urlparse.urljoin(server,