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# coding=iso-8859-1
# Copyright (C) 2008 by Albert Cervera i Areny
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from Barcode import *
from Ocr import *
from DataMatrix import *
from Analyzer import *
from Template import *
from Document import *
from Trigram import *
from Hamming import *
from LevenshteinDistance import *
from Translator import *
from Range import *
import tempfile
class Analyze(QThread):
def __init__(self, analyzer, image, parent=None):
QThread.__init__(self, parent)
self.analyzer = analyzer
self.image = image
def run(self):
self.analyzer.scan( self.image )
class Recognizer(QObject):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self.analyzers = {}
for x in Analyzer.analyzers:
self.analyzers[x] = Analyzer.create(x)
self.ocr = self.analyzers['text']
self.image = None
self.threads = []
## @brief Returns the text of a given region of the image.
def textInRegion(self, region, type=None):
if type in self.analyzers.keys():
return self.analyzers[type].textInRegion( region )
return None
## @brief Returns the bounding rectangle of the text returned by textInRegion for
# the given region.
def featureRectInRegion(self, region, type=None):
if type in self.analyzers:
return self.analyzers[type].featureRectInRegion( region )
return None
def boxes(self, type):
if type in self.analyzers:
return self.analyzers[type].boxes
return []
def analyzersAvailable(self):
return self.analyzers.keys()
# Synchronous
def recognize(self, image):
self.image = image
for analyzer in self.analyzers.values():
analyzer.scan( image )
#self.barcode.scan( image )
#self.ocr.scan( image )
## @brief Asynchronous: Starts analyzers in background threads. Emits finished() at the end
def startRecognition(self, image):
self.image = image
self.threads = []
for analyzer in self.analyzers.values():
thread = Analyze( analyzer, image, self )
self.connect( thread, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.recognitionFinished )
self.threads.append( thread )
def recognitionFinished(self):
for thread in self.threads:
if thread.isRunning():
self.emit( SIGNAL('finished()') )
self.threads = []
def filter(self, value, filterType):
numeric = '0123456789'
alphabetic = 'abc<EFBFBD>defghijklmn<EFBFBD>opqrstuvwxyz'
if filterType == 'numeric':
return u''.join( [x for x in value if x in numeric] )
elif filterType == 'alphabetic':
return u''.join( [x for x in value if x in alphabetic] )
elif filterType == 'alphanumeric':
return u''.join( [x for x in value if x in numeric+alphabetic] )
elif filterType == 'none':
return value
print "Filter type '%s' not implemented" % filterType
return value
## @brief Extracts the information of the recognized image using the
# given template.
# Optionally an x and y offset can be applied to the template before
# extracting data.
# Note that the image must have been scanned (using scan() or startScan())
# before using this function.
def extractWithTemplate(self, template, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0):
if not template:
return None
document = Document()
for templateBox in template.boxes:
if not templateBox.text:
rect = QRectF( templateBox.rect )
rect.translate( xOffset, yOffset )
text = self.textInRegion( rect, templateBox.recognizer )
text = self.filter( text, templateBox.filter )
documentBox = DocumentBox()
documentBox.text = text
documentBox.templateBox = templateBox
document.addBox( documentBox )
return document
## @brief Tries to find out the best template in 'templates' for the current
# image.
# Use the optional parameter 'offset' to specify up to how many millimeters
# the template should be translated to find the best match. Setting this to
# 5 (the default) will make the template move 5 millimeter to the right,
# 5 to the left, 5 to the top and 5 to the bottom. This means 121 positions
# per template.
# Note that the image must have been scanned (using scan() or startScan())
# before using this function.
def findMatchingTemplateByOffset( self, templates, offset = 5 ):
max = 0
best = {
'template': None,
'document': Document(),
'xOffset' : 0,
'yOffset' : 0
for template in templates:
if not template.boxes:
# Consider up to 5 millimeter offset
for xOffset in range(-5,6):
for yOffset in range(-5,6):
score = 0
matcherBoxes = 0
currentDocument = self.extractWithTemplate( template, xOffset, yOffset )
for documentBox in currentDocument.boxes:
templateBox = documentBox.templateBox
if documentBox.templateBox.type != 'matcher':
print "Jumping %s due to type %s" % (, templateBox.type )
matcherBoxes += 1
similarity = Trigram.trigram( documentBox.text, templateBox.text )
score += similarity
score = score / matcherBoxes
if score > max:
max = score
best = {
'template': template,
'document': currentDocument,
'xOffset' : xOffset,
'yOffset' : yOffset
print "Template %s has score %s with offset (%s,%s)" % (, score, xOffset, yOffset)
return best
## @brief Tries to find out the best template in 'templates' for the current
# image.
# This algorithm starts by looking for template boxes of type 'matching' in the
# text and then looks if the relative positions of the new document and template
# boxes are similar. This is intended to be faster than exhaustive algorithm used
# in findMatchingTemplateByOffset().
# Note that the image must have been scanned (using scan() or startScan())
# before using this function.
def findMatchingTemplateByText( self, templates ):
max = 0
best = {
'template': None,
'document': Document(),
'xOffset' : 0,
'yOffset' : 0
for template in templates:
if not template.boxes:
# Find out template's offset
offset = self.findTemplateOffset( template )
if not offset:
score = 0
matcherBoxes = 0
# Apply template with offset found
currentDocument = self.extractWithTemplate( template, offset.x(), offset.y() )
for documentBox in currentDocument.boxes:
if documentBox.templateBox.type != 'matcher':
templateBox = documentBox.templateBox
matcherBoxes += 1
similarity = Trigram.trigram( documentBox.text, templateBox.text )
score += similarity
score = score / matcherBoxes
print "Score: ", score
if score > max:
max = score
best = {
'template': template,
'document': currentDocument,
'xOffset' : offset.x(),
'yOffset' : offset.y()
return best
## @brief Returns a QPoint with the offset that needs to be applied to the given
# template to best fit the current image.
def findTemplateOffset( self, template ):
if not template.boxes:
return QPoint( 0, 0 )
lines = self.ocr.textLinesWithSpaces()
print "FORMATED: ", self.ocr.formatedText().encode( 'ascii', 'replace' )
# Create a default translator only once
translator = Translator()
# This list will keep a pointer to each template box of type 'matcher'
matchers = []
for templateBox in template.boxes:
if templateBox.type != 'matcher':
templateBoxText = templateBox.text.strip()
templateBox.ranges = Range.extractAllRangesFromDocument( lines, len(templateBoxText), templateBox.featureRect.width() + 2 )
for ran in templateBox.ranges:
text = ran.text()
#value = Hamming.hamming( text, templateBoxText, translator )
#value = 1.0 - Trigram.trigram( text, templateBoxText )
value = Levenshtein.levenshtein( text, templateBoxText )
ran.distance = value
#print "Comparison: '%s', '%s', '%f'" % (text.encode('ascii','ignore'), templateBoxText, value)
#five = u'|'.join( [ x.text().encode('ascii','ignore') for x in templateBox.ranges[0:200] ])
#print 'First five ranges: ', five
templateBox.ranges.sort( rangeDistanceComparison )
for x in templateBox.ranges[0:20]:
print "Comparison: '%s', '%s', '%f'" % (x.text().encode('ascii','replace'), templateBoxText, x.distance)
#five = u'|'.join( [ x.text().encode('ascii','ignore') for x in templateBox.ranges[0:10] ])
#print 'First five ranges: ', five
if templateBox.ranges:
bestRange = templateBox.ranges[0]
print "The best match for template box '%s' is '%s' with distance %d" % (templateBoxText, bestRange.text().encode('ascii','replace'), bestRange.distance )
matchers.append( templateBox )
# Once we have all ranges sorted for each template box we search which
# range combination matches the template.
iterator = TemplateBoxRangeIterator( matchers )
i = 0
for ranges in iterator:
documentBoxCenter = ranges[0].rect().center()
templateBoxCenter = matchers[0]
diff = documentBoxCenter - templateBoxCenter
#print "Difference: ", diff
#print "Document: ", documentBoxCenter
#print "Template: ", templateBoxCenter
found = True
for pos in range(1,len(ranges)):
documentBoxCenter = ranges[pos].rect().center()
templateBoxCenter = matchers[pos]
d = documentBoxCenter - templateBoxCenter
# If difference of relative positions of boxes between
# template and document are bigger than 5mm we discard
# the ranges
#print "Difference in loop: ", d
#print "Document: %s, %s" % ( documentBoxCenter, ranges[pos].rect() )
#print "Template: ", templateBoxCenter
#print "Comparison: %s --- %s" % (abs(d.x()) + 5.0, abs(diff.x() ) )
if abs(d.x() - diff.x()) > 5:
found = False
if abs(d.y() - diff.y()) > 5:
found = False
if found:
i += 1
if i > 1000:
if found:
return diff
return None
class TemplateBoxRangeIterator:
def __init__(self, boxes):
self.boxes = boxes
self.pos = [0] * len(self.boxes)
self.loopPos = [0] * len(self.boxes)
self.added = None
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
result = []
for x in range(len(self.boxes)):
result.append( self.boxes[x].ranges[ self.loopPos[x] ] )
#print '----'
#print (u', '.join( [x.text() for x in result] )).encode('ascii', 'replace')
#print self.pos
#print self.loopPos
if self.loopPos == self.pos:
# Search next value to add
value = float('infinity')
pos = 0
for x in range(len(self.pos)):
if self.pos[x] >= len(self.boxes[x].ranges) - 1:
if self.boxes[x].ranges[ self.pos[x] + 1 ].distance < value:
value = self.boxes[x].ranges[ self.pos[x] + 1 ].distance
self.added = x
# If value is Infinity it means that we reached the end
# of all possible iterations
if value == float('infinity'):
raise StopIteration
self.pos[self.added] += 1
self.loopPos = [0] * len(self.boxes)
self.loopPos[self.added] = self.pos[self.added]
for x in range(len(self.loopPos)):
if x == self.added:
if self.loopPos[x] < self.pos[x]:
self.loopPos[x] += 1
return result