
386 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Albert Cervera i Areny <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from osv import osv, fields
import base64
import xml.dom.minidom
import tempfile
import os
import shutil
import codecs
import re
from NanScan.Template import *
from NanScan.Document import *
from NanScan.Recognizer import *
from NanScan.Ocr import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
class nan_template(osv.osv):
_name = 'nan.template'
_columns = {
'name' : fields.char('Name', 64, required=True),
'boxes' : fields.one2many('', 'template', 'Boxes'),
'attach_function' : fields.char('Attachment Function', 256),
'action_function' : fields.char('Action Function', 256),
'documents' : fields.one2many('nan.document', 'template', 'Documents')
# Returns a Template from the fields of a template. You'll usually use
# getTemplateFromId() or getAllTemplates()
def getTemplateFromData(self, cr, uid, data):
template = Template( data['name'] ) = data['id']
ids = self.pool.get('').search( cr, uid, [('template','=',data['id'])] )
boxes = self.pool.get('').read(cr, uid, ids)
for y in boxes:
box = TemplateBox() = y['id']
box.rect = QRectF( y['x'], y['y'], y['width'], y['height'] ) = y['name']
box.text = y['text']
box.recognizer = y['recognizer']
box.type = y['type']
box.filter = y['filter']
# Important step: ensure box.text is unicode!
if isinstance( box.text, str ):
box.text = unicode( box.text, 'latin-1' )
template.addBox( box )
print "GETTING TEMPLATE: %s WITH %d BOXES" % ( data['name'], len(boxes) )
return template
# Returns a Template from the given id
def getTemplateFromId(self, cr, uid, id):
templates = self.pool.get('nan.template').read(cr, uid, [id])
if not templates:
return None
return self.getTemplateFromData( cr, uid, templates[0] )
# Returns all templates in a list of objects of class Template
def getAllTemplates(self, cr, uid):
# Load templates into 'templates' list
templates = []
ids = self.pool.get('nan.template').search(cr, uid, [])
templateValues = self.pool.get('nan.template').read(cr, uid, ids)
for x in templateValues:
templates.append( self.getTemplateFromData( cr, uid, x ) )
return templates
class nan_template_box(osv.osv):
_name = ''
_columns = {
'template' : fields.many2one('nan.template', 'Template', required=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'x' : fields.float('X'),
'y' : fields.float('Y'),
'width' : fields.float('Width'),
'height' : fields.float('Height'),
'feature_x' : fields.float('Feature X'),
'feature_y' : fields.float('Feature Y'),
'feature_width' : fields.float('Feature Width'),
'feature_height' : fields.float('Feature Height'),
'name' : fields.char('Name', 256),
'text' : fields.char('Text', 256),
'recognizer': fields.selection( [('text','Text'),('barcode','Barcode'),('dataMatrix','Data Matrix')], 'Recognizer' ),
'type' : fields.selection( [('matcher','Matcher'),('input','Input')], 'Type' ),
'filter' : fields.selection( [('numeric','Numeric'), ('alphabetic','Alphabetic'), ('alphanumeric','Alphanumeric'), ('exists', 'Exists'), ('none', 'None')], 'Filter' )
def attachableDocuments(self, cr, uid, context={}):
obj = self.pool.get('ir.model')
ids =, uid, [])
res =, uid, ids, ['model', 'name'], context)
return [(r['model'], r['name']) for r in res]
class nan_document(osv.osv):
_name = 'nan.document'
_columns = {
'name' : fields.char('Name', 64),
'datas': fields.binary('Data'),
'properties': fields.one2many('', 'document', 'Properties'),
'template': fields.many2one('nan.template', 'Template' ),
'document': fields.reference('Document', selection=attachableDocuments, size=128),
'task' : fields.text('Task', readonly=True),
'state': fields.selection( [('pending','Pending'),('scanning','Scanning'),
('scanned','Scanned'), ('verified','Verified'),('processing','Processing'),
'State', required=True, readonly=True )
_defaults = {
'state': lambda *a: 'pending'
def write(self, cr, uid, ids, values, context=None):
# Scan after writting as it will modify the objects and thus a "modified in
# the meanwhile" would be thrown, so by now check which of the records
# we'll want to scan later
toScan = []
if 'template' in values:
for x in cr, uid, ids, ['state', 'template'], context ):
# We only scan the document if template has changed and the document
# is in 'scanned' state.
if x['state'] == 'scanned' and x['template'] != values['template']:
toScan.append( {'id': x['id'], 'template': values['template'] } )
ret = super(nan_document, self).write(cr, uid, ids, values, context)
for x in toScan:
self.scanDocumentWithTemplate( cr, uid, x['id'], x['template'] )
return ret
def scan_document_background(self, cr, uid, imageIds):
print "Scan document background"
self.pool.get('ir.cron').create(cr, uid, {
'name': 'Scan document',
'user_id': uid,
'model': 'nan.document',
'function': 'scan_document',
'args': repr([ imageIds, True ])
def scan_documents_batch(self, cr, uid, imageIds):
self.scan_document(cr, uid, imageIds)
self.pool.get('res.request').create( cr, uid, {
'act_from': uid,
'act_to': uid,
'name': 'Finished scanning documents',
'body': 'The auto_attach system has finished scanning the documents you requested. You can now go to the Scanned Documents queue to verify and process them.',
# If notify=True sends a request/notification to uid
def scan_document(self, cr, uid, imageIds, notify=False):
print "Scan_documentcalled"
# Load templates into 'templates' list
templates = self.pool.get('nan.template').getAllTemplates( cr, uid )
# Initialize Ocr System (Gamera)
recognizer = Recognizer()
# Iterate over all images and try to find the most similar template
for document in self.browse(cr, uid, imageIds):
if document.state not in ('pending','scanning'):
fp, image = tempfile.mkstemp()
fp = os.fdopen( fp, 'wb+' )
fp.write( base64.decodestring(document.datas) )
recognizer.recognize( QImage( image ) )
result = recognizer.findMatchingTemplateByOffset( templates )
template = result['template']
doc = result['document']
if not template:
print "No template found for document %s." %
print "The best template found for document %s is %s." % (,
if template:
template_id =
template_id = False
self.write(cr, uid, [], {'template': template_id, 'state': 'scanned'})
if doc:
obj = self.pool.get('')
for box in doc.boxes:
obj.create(cr, uid, {
'value': box.text,
if notify:
self.pool.get('res.request').create( cr, uid, {
'act_from': uid,
'act_to': uid,
'name': 'Finished scanning document',
'body': 'The auto_attach system has finished scanning the document you requested. A reference to the document can be found in field Document Ref 1.',
'ref_doc1': 'nan.document,%d' %,
self.executeAttachs( cr, uid, imageIds )
self.executeActions( cr, uid, imageIds, True )
def scanDocumentWithTemplate(self, cr, uid, documentId, templateId):
# Whether templateId is valid or not
# Remove previous properties
obj = self.pool.get('')
ids = cr, uid, [('document','=',documentId)] )
obj.unlink( cr, uid, ids )
if templateId:
# Initialize Ocr System (Gamera)
template = self.pool.get('nan.template').getTemplateFromId( cr, uid, templateId )
documents =, uid, [documentId])
if not documents:
document = documents[0]
fp, image = tempfile.mkstemp()
fp = os.fdopen( fp, 'wb+' )
fp.write( base64.decodestring( document['datas'] ) )
recognizer = Recognizer()
recognizer.recognize( QImage( image ) )
doc = recognizer.extractWithTemplate( image, template )
for box in doc.boxes:
obj.create(cr, uid, {
'value': box.text,
'document': document['id'],
self.executeAttachs( cr, uid, [documentId] )
self.executeActions( cr, uid, [documentId], True )
def process_document(self, cr, uid, ids):
self.executeActions( cr, uid, ids, False )
def _parseFunction(self, function, properties):
expression = re.match('(.*)\((.*)\)', function)
name =
parameters =
if name not in dir(self):
print "Function '%s' not found" % (name)
return False
parameters = parameters.split(',')
newParameters = []
for p in parameters:
value = p.strip()
if value.startswith( '#' ):
if value[1:] not in properties:
print "Property '%s' not found" % value
newParameters.append( "''" )
value = properties[ value[1:] ]
value = "'" + value.replace("'","\\'") + "'"
if type(value) != unicode:
value = unicode( value, errors='ignore' )
newParameters.append( value )
return (name, newParameters)
def executeActions( self, cr, uid, ids, explain ):
for document in self.browse( cr, uid, ids ):
print "Executing action on document with state ", document.state
if not explain and document.state not in ('verified','processing'):
print "Yes"
task = None
if document.template:
function = document.template.action_function
if function:
properties = dict( [(, unicode(x.value)) for x in] )
(name, parameters) = self._parseFunction(function, properties)
obj = self.pool.get('nan.document')
task = eval('obj.%s(cr, uid, explain, %s)' % ( name, ','.join( parameters ) ) )
if explain:
self.write( cr, uid, [], {'task': task} )
elif document.document:
# Attach document to the appropiate reference
ref = document.document.split(',')
model = ref[0]
id = ref[1]
self.pool.get( 'ir.attachment' ).create( cr, uid, {
'res_id': id,
'res_model': model,
'datas': document.datas,
'description': 'Document attached automatically'
self.write(cr, uid, [], {'state': 'processed'})
def executeAttachs( self, cr, uid, ids ):
for document in self.browse( cr, uid, ids ):
reference = None
if document.template:
function = document.template.attach_function
if function:
properties = dict( [(, unicode( x.value, 'latin-1' )) for x in] )
(name, parameters) = self._parseFunction(function, properties)
obj = self.pool.get('nan.document')
#print 'CALLING: obj.%s(cr, uid, %s)' % ( name, u','.join( parameters ) ),
reference = eval('obj.%s(cr, uid, %s)' % ( name, u','.join( parameters ) ) )
if reference:
self.write( cr, uid, [], {'document': '%s,%s' % (reference[0],reference[1]) } )
self.write( cr, uid, [], {'document': False} )
def actionAddPartner( self, cr, uid, explain, name ):
if explain:
return "A new partner with name '%s' will be created (if it doesn't exist already)." % name
if not self.pool.get( 'res.partner' ).search( cr, uid, [('name','=',name)]):
self.pool.get( 'res.partner' ).create( cr, uid, {'name': name} )
return True
def attachModelByField( self, cr, uid, model, field, name ):
table = self.pool.get( model )._table
# TODO: Security issues
cr.execute( 'SELECT id FROM "' + table + '" ORDER BY similarity("' + field + '",\'%s\') DESC LIMIT 1' % name )
record = cr.fetchone()
if not record:
return False
return ( model, record[0] )
class nan_document_property(osv.osv):
_name = ''
_columns = {
'name' : fields.char('Text', 256),
'value' : fields.char('Value', 256),
'document' : fields.many2one('nan.document', 'Document', required=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'template_box' : fields.many2one('', 'Template Box', required=True, ondelete='set null')