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2008-12-30 02:34:00 +01:00

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# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Albert Cervera i Areny <albert@nan-tic.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.uic import *
from NanScan.Template import *
from NanScan.Ocr import *
from NanScan.Recognizer import *
from TemplateStorageManager import *
from OpenTemplateDialog import *
from Commands import *
from Koo.Dialogs.LoginDialog import LoginDialog
from Koo import Rpc
class ToolWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
loadUi( 'toolwidget.ui', self )
for x in TemplateBox.recognizers:
self.uiRecognizer.addItem( x )
for x in TemplateBox.types:
self.uiType.addItem( x )
for x in TemplateBox.filters:
self.uiFilter.addItem( x )
self._box = None
self.connect( self.uiRecognizer, SIGNAL('activated(QString)'), self.recognizerChanged )
def recognizerChanged(self, recognizer):
self.emit(SIGNAL('recognizerChanged(QString)'), recognizer)
def setText(self, text):
self.uiText.setText( text )
def setBox(self, box):
self._box = box
def getBox(self):
return self._box
def store(self):
if not self._box:
self._box.rect = QRectF( self.uiX.value(), self.uiY.value(), self.uiWidth.value(), self.uiHeight.value() )
self._box.recognizer = unicode( self.uiRecognizer.currentText() )
self._box.type = unicode( self.uiType.currentText() )
self._box.filter = unicode( self.uiFilter.currentText() )
self._box.name = unicode( self.uiName.text() )
self._box.text = unicode( self.uiText.text() )
def enable(self, value):
if not value:
self.uiX.setValue( -1 )
self.uiY.setValue( -1 )
self.uiWidth.setValue( -1 )
self.uiHeight.setValue( -1 )
self.uiRecognizer.setEnabled( value )
self.uiName.setEnabled( value )
self.uiText.setEnabled( value )
self.uiType.setEnabled( value )
self.uiFilter.setEnabled( value )
def load(self):
if self._box:
self.enable( True )
self.uiX.setValue( self._box.rect.x() )
self.uiY.setValue( self._box.rect.y() )
self.uiWidth.setValue( self._box.rect.width() )
self.uiHeight.setValue( self._box.rect.height() )
self.uiRecognizer.setCurrentIndex( self.uiRecognizer.findText( self._box.recognizer ) )
self.uiType.setCurrentIndex( self.uiType.findText( self._box.type ) )
self.uiFilter.setCurrentIndex( self.uiFilter.findText( self._box.filter ) )
self.uiText.setText( self._box.text )
self.uiName.setText( self._box.name )
self.enable( False )
class TemplateBoxItem(QGraphicsRectItem):
def __init__(self, rect, featureRect = None):
QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, rect)
self.templateBox = None
if featureRect:
self.feature = QGraphicsRectItem(featureRect, self)
self.feature.setZValue( -1 )
class DocumentScene(QGraphicsScene):
CreationMode = 1
SelectionMode = 2
MovingState = 1
CreationState = 2
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self._imageBoxesVisible = True
self._templateBoxesVisible = True
self._featureBoxesVisible = True
self._binarizedVisible = False
self._mode = self.CreationMode
self._selection = None
self._activeItem = None
self._imageBoxes = None
self._templateBoxes = []
self._activeItemPen = QPen( QBrush( QColor('green') ), 1 )
self._activeItemBrush = QBrush( QColor( 0, 255, 0, 50 ) )
self._boxItemPen = QPen( QBrush( QColor( 'red' ) ), 1 )
self._boxItemBrush = QBrush( QColor( 255, 0, 0, 50 ) )
self._selectionPen = QPen( QBrush( QColor( 'blue' ) ), 1 )
self._selectionBrush = QBrush( QColor( 0, 0, 255, 50 ) )
self._circleItemPen = QPen( QBrush( QColor( 'yellow' ) ), 1 )
self._circleItemBrush = QBrush( QColor( 255, 255, 0, 50 ) )
self.state = None
self.recognizer = None
self._image = None
self._oneBitImage = None
self._template = None
self.dotsPerMillimeterX = None
self.dotsPerMillimeterY = None
def setDocument(self, recognizer):
self.recognizer = recognizer
image = self.recognizer.image
self.dotsPerMillimeterX = float( image.dotsPerMeterX() ) / 1000.0
self.dotsPerMillimeterY = float( image.dotsPerMeterY() ) / 1000.0
print "DOTS PER MILLIMETER %s, %s" % (self.dotsPerMillimeterX, self.dotsPerMillimeterY)
self._image = self.addPixmap( QPixmap.fromImage( image ) )
self._imageBoxes = self.createItemGroup( [] )
for i in self.recognizer.boxes('text'):
#rect = QGraphicsRectItem( i.box, self._imageBoxes )
rect = QGraphicsRectItem( self.mapRectFromRecognizer( i.box ), self._imageBoxes )
rect.setPen( self._boxItemPen )
rect.setBrush( self._boxItemBrush )
self._imageBoxes.addToGroup( rect )
for i in self.recognizer.boxes('barcode'):
#circle = QGraphicsEllipseItem( i.position.x(), i.position.y(), 40, 40 )
rect = QRectF( i.position.x() - 5, i.position.y() - 5, 10, 10 )
circle = QGraphicsEllipseItem( self.mapRectFromRecognizer( rect ) )
circle.setPen( self._circleItemPen )
circle.setBrush( self._circleItemBrush )
self._imageBoxes.addToGroup( circle )
for i in self.recognizer.boxes('dataMatrix'):
rect = QGraphicsRectItem( self.mapRectFromRecognizer( i.box ), self._imageBoxes )
rect.setPen( self._boxItemPen )
rect.setBrush( self._boxItemBrush )
self._imageBoxes.addToGroup( rect )
self.setImageBoxesVisible( self._imageBoxesVisible )
self._imageBoxes.setZValue( 2 )
self._oneBitImage = self.addPixmap( QPixmap.fromImage( self.recognizer.image ) )
self._oneBitImage.setZValue( 1 )
self.setBinarizedVisible( self._binarizedVisible )
self.setTemplateBoxesVisible( self._templateBoxesVisible )
def mapRectFromRecognizer(self, rect):
# When there's no image loaded yet, return the same rect
if not self.dotsPerMillimeterX:
return rect
box = QRectF()
box.setX( rect.x() * self.dotsPerMillimeterX )
box.setY( rect.y() * self.dotsPerMillimeterY )
box.setWidth( rect.width() * self.dotsPerMillimeterX )
box.setHeight( rect.height() * self.dotsPerMillimeterY )
return box
def mapRectToRecognizer(self, rect):
# When there's no image loaded yet, return the same rect
if not self.dotsPerMillimeterX:
return rect
box = QRectF()
box.setX( rect.x() / self.dotsPerMillimeterX )
box.setY( rect.y() / self.dotsPerMillimeterY )
box.setWidth( rect.width() / self.dotsPerMillimeterX )
box.setHeight( rect.height() / self.dotsPerMillimeterY )
return box
def mapPointFromRecognizer(self, point):
# When there's no image loaded yet, return the same point
if not self.dotsPerMillimeterX:
return point
d = QPointF()
d.setX( point.x() * self.dotsPerMillimeterX )
d.setY( point.y() * self.dotsPerMillimeterY )
return d
def mapPointToRecognizer(self, point):
# When there's no image loaded yet, return the same point
if not self.dotsPerMillimeterX:
return point
d = QPointF()
d.setX( point.x() / self.dotsPerMillimeterX )
d.setY( point.y() / self.dotsPerMillimeterY )
return d
def setTemplate(self, template):
self._template = template
self.connect( template, SIGNAL('boxAdded(PyQt_PyObject)'), self.templateBoxAdded )
self.connect( template, SIGNAL('boxRemoved(PyQt_PyObject)'), self.templateBoxRemoved )
for box in self._template.boxes:
self.addTemplateBox( box )
def templateBoxAdded(self, box):
self.addTemplateBox( box )
def templateBoxRemoved(self, box):
for x in self._templateBoxes:
if x.templateBox == box:
self.removeTemplateBox( x )
def isEnabled(self):
if self._template and self.recognizer:
return True
return False
def clear(self):
if self._imageBoxes:
self.destroyItemGroup( self._imageBoxes )
for x in self.items():
self.removeItem( x )
def clearTemplate(self):
for x in self._templateBoxes:
self.removeItem( x )
self._templateBoxes = []
def clearImage(self):
if self._imageBoxes:
# When an Item Group is removed all children
# are reparented. So remove all children after
# destroying the group.
boxes = []
for x in self._imageBoxes.children():
boxes.append( x )
self.destroyItemGroup( self._imageBoxes )
for x in boxes:
self.removeItem( x )
if self._image:
self.removeItem( self._image )
if self._oneBitImage:
self.removeItem( self._oneBitImage )
def setImageBoxesVisible(self, value):
self._imageBoxesVisible = value
if self._imageBoxes:
self._imageBoxes.setVisible( value )
def setTemplateBoxesVisible(self, value):
self._templateBoxesVisible = value
for item in self.items():
if item and unicode(item.data( 0 ).toString()) == 'TemplateBox':
item.setVisible( value )
def setFeatureBoxesVisible(self, value):
self._featureBoxesVisible = value
for item in self.items():
if item and unicode(item.data( 0 ).toString()) == 'TemplateBox':
item.feature.setVisible( value )
def setBinarizedVisible(self, value):
self._binarizedVisible = value
self._oneBitImage.setVisible( value )
def setMode(self, mode):
self._mode = mode
def setActiveItem(self, item):
previousBox = None
if self._activeItem:
self._activeItem.setPen( self._selectionPen )
self._activeItem.setBrush( self._selectionBrush )
previousBox = self._activeItem.templateBox
currentBox = None
self._activeItem = item
if item:
self._activeItem.setPen( self._activeItemPen )
self._activeItem.setBrush( self._activeItemBrush )
currentBox = self._activeItem.templateBox
self.emit( SIGNAL('currentTemplateBoxChanged(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)'), currentBox, previousBox )
def activeItem(self):
return self._activeItem
def createTemplateBox(self, rect):
item = TemplateBoxItem( rect )
item.setPen( self._selectionPen )
item.setBrush( self._selectionBrush )
item.setZValue( 5 )
item.setData( 0, QVariant( 'TemplateBox' ) )
self._templateBoxes.append( item )
self.addItem( item )
return item
def addTemplateBox(self, box):
item = TemplateBoxItem( self.mapRectFromRecognizer( box.rect ), self.mapRectFromRecognizer( box.featureRect ) )
item.setPen( self._selectionPen )
item.setBrush( self._selectionBrush )
item.setZValue( 5 )
item.setData( 0, QVariant( 'TemplateBox' ) )
item.templateBox = box
item.setVisible( self._templateBoxesVisible )
self._templateBoxes.append( item )
self.addItem( item )
self.setActiveItem( item )
return item
def removeTemplateBox(self, item):
if self._activeItem == item:
self.setActiveItem( None )
self._templateBoxes.remove( item )
self.removeItem( item )
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
if not self.isEnabled():
if self._mode == self.CreationMode:
# Search if there's a TemplateBox where the user clicked
# If so, make the item active.
for item in self.items( event.scenePos() ):
if unicode(item.data(0).toString()) == 'TemplateBox':
self.setActiveItem( item )
# Otherwise, create a new template box
rect = QRectF(event.scenePos().x(), event.scenePos().y(), 1, 1)
self._selection = self.createTemplateBox( rect )
elif self._mode == self.SelectionMode:
item = self.itemAt( event.scenePos() )
if item != self._activeItem:
self._activeItem.setBrush( QBrush() )
self._activeItem.setPen( QPen() )
self._activeItem = item
self._activeItem.setBrush( self._activeItemBrush )
self._activeItem.setBrush( self._activeItemBrush )
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
if not self.isEnabled():
if self._mode == self.CreationMode and self._selection:
# Remove the selection. Currently main window will handle
# the signaland add the box in the template.
rect = self._selection.rect()
self.removeItem( self._selection )
self._selection = None
self.emit( SIGNAL('newTemplateBox(QRectF)'), self.mapRectToRecognizer( rect ) )
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
self.emit( SIGNAL('mouseMoved'), event.scenePos() )
if not self.isEnabled():
if self._mode == self.CreationMode and self._selection:
rect = self._selection.rect()
rect.setBottomRight( event.scenePos() )
self._selection.setRect( rect )
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
Unnamed = _('unnamed')
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)
loadUi( 'mainwindow.ui', self )
self.scene = DocumentScene()
self.uiView.setScene( self.scene )
self.uiView.setRenderHints( QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.TextAntialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform )
self.uiView.setCacheMode( QGraphicsView.CacheBackground )
self._template = Template( self.Unnamed )
self.uiTool = ToolWidget( self.uiToolDock )
self.undoGroup = QUndoGroup( self )
stack = QUndoStack( self.undoGroup )
self.undoGroup.setActiveStack( stack )
# Let default Qt Undo and Redo Actions handle the Undo/Redo actions
# And put them at the very beggining of the Edit menu
undoAction = self.undoGroup.createUndoAction( self.menuEdit )
undoAction.setShortcut( "Ctrl+Z" )
redoAction = self.undoGroup.createRedoAction( self.menuEdit )
redoAction.setShortcut( "Ctrl+Shift+Z" )
if self.menuEdit.actions():
firstAction = self.menuEdit.actions()[0]
firstAction = None
self.menuEdit.insertAction( firstAction, undoAction )
self.menuEdit.insertAction( firstAction, redoAction )
self.connect( self.scene, SIGNAL('newTemplateBox(QRectF)'), self.newTemplateBox )
self.connect( self.scene, SIGNAL('currentTemplateBoxChanged(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)'), self.currentTemplateBoxChanged)
self.connect( self.scene, SIGNAL('mouseMoved'), self.sceneMouseMoved )
self.connect( self.actionExit, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.close )
self.connect( self.actionOpenImage, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.openImage )
self.connect( self.actionOpenTemplate, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.openTemplate )
self.connect( self.actionToggleImageBoxes, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.toggleImageBoxes )
self.connect( self.actionToggleTemplateBoxes, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.toggleTemplateBoxes )
self.connect( self.actionToggleFeatureBoxes, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.toggleFeatureBoxes )
self.connect( self.actionToggleBinarized, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.toggleBinarized )
self.connect( self.actionLogin, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.login )
self.connect( self.actionSaveTemplate, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.saveTemplate )
self.connect( self.actionSaveTemplateAs, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.saveTemplateAs )
self.connect( self.actionNewTemplate, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.newTemplate )
self.connect( self.actionDelete, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.removeTemplateBox )
self.connect( self.actionZoom, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.zoom )
self.connect( self.actionUnzoom, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.unzoom )
self.connect( self.actionFindMatchingTemplateByOffset, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.findMatchingTemplateByOffset )
self.connect( self.actionFindMatchingTemplateByText, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.findMatchingTemplateByText )
QTimer.singleShot( 1000, self.setup )
# Login defaults
LoginDialog.defaultHost = 'localhost'
LoginDialog.defaultPort = 8070
LoginDialog.defaultProtocol = 'socket://'
LoginDialog.defaultUserName = 'admin'
self.recognizer = Recognizer()
self.connect( self.recognizer, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.recognized )
def setup(self):
#self.scene.setDocument( 'c-0.tif' )
self.connect( self.uiTool, SIGNAL('recognizerChanged(QString)'), self.recognizerChanged )
self.uiToolDock.setWidget( self.uiTool )
#Rpc.session.login( 'http://admin:admin@', 'g1' )
def sceneMouseMoved(self, pos):
self.updatePosition( pos )
def findMatchingTemplateByOffset(self):
self.findMatchingTemplate( 'offset' )
def findMatchingTemplateByText(self):
self.findMatchingTemplate( 'text' )
def findMatchingTemplate(self, type):
if type == 'offset':
title = _('Template search by offset')
title = _('Template search by text')
if not self.recognizer.image:
QMessageBox.information( self, title, _('No image opened. Please open an image to find a matching template.') )
if not Rpc.session.logged():
if not self.login():
templates = TemplateStorageManager.loadAll()
time = QTime()
if type == 'offset':
result = self.recognizer.findMatchingTemplateByOffset( templates )
result = self.recognizer.findMatchingTemplateByText( templates )
elapsed = time.elapsed()
if not result['template']:
QMessageBox.information( self, title, _('No template found for the current image. Took %d milliseconds') % elapsed )
self._template = result['template']
QMessageBox.information( self, title, _('Template found with offset (%.2f, %.2f) in %d milliseconds') % (result['xOffset'], result['yOffset'], elapsed) )
def recognizerChanged(self, recognizer):
rect = self.uiTool.box.rect
self.uiTool.setText( self.scene.recognizer.textInRegion( rect, unicode(recognizer) ) )
def newTemplateBox(self, rect):
# Creating and adding the box to the template
# will automatically create the Rect in the Scene
box = TemplateBox()
box.rect = rect
box.text = self.scene.recognizer.textInRegion( rect, 'text' )
box.featureRect = self.scene.recognizer.featureRectInRegion( rect, 'text' )
add = AddTemplateBoxUndoCommand( self._template, box )
self.undoGroup.activeStack().push( add )
#def setCurrentTemplateBox(self, box):
#if self.uiTool.box:
#self.uiTool.box = box
def currentTemplateBoxChanged(self, current, previous):
if self.uiTool.box:
self.uiTool.box = current
self.actionDelete.setEnabled( bool(current) )
def openImage(self):
self.fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self )
if self.fileName.isNull():
QApplication.setOverrideCursor( Qt.BusyCursor )
self.recognizer.startRecognition( QImage(self.fileName) )
def recognized(self):
self.scene.setDocument( self.recognizer )
def toggleImageBoxes(self):
self.scene.setImageBoxesVisible( self.actionToggleImageBoxes.isChecked() )
def toggleTemplateBoxes(self):
self.scene.setTemplateBoxesVisible( self.actionToggleTemplateBoxes.isChecked() )
def toggleFeatureBoxes(self):
self.scene.setFeatureBoxesVisible( self.actionToggleFeatureBoxes.isChecked() )
def toggleBinarized(self):
self.scene.setBinarizedVisible( self.actionToggleBinarized.isChecked() )
def removeTemplateBox(self):
if not self.uiTool.box:
delete = DeleteUndoCommand( self._template, self.uiTool.box )
self.undoGroup.activeStack().push( delete )
def zoom(self):
self.uiView.scale( 1.2, 1.2 )
def unzoom(self):
self.uiView.scale( 0.8, 0.8 )
def login(self):
dialog = LoginDialog( self )
if dialog.exec_() == QDialog.Rejected:
return False
if Rpc.session.login( dialog.url, dialog.databaseName ) > 0:
return True
return False
def newTemplate(self):
answer = QMessageBox.question(self, _('New Template'), _('Do you want to save changes to the current template?'), QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel )
if answer == QMessageBox.Cancel:
elif answer == QMessageBox.Save:
if not self.saveTemplate():
self._template = Template( self.Unnamed )
self.scene.setTemplate( self._template )
def saveTemplate(self):
if not Rpc.session.logged():
if not self.login():
return False
if not self._template.id:
(name, ok) = QInputDialog.getText( self, _('Save template'), _('Template name:') )
if not ok:
return False
self._template.name = unicode(name)
if self._template.id:
Rpc.session.call( '/object', 'execute', 'nan.template', 'write', [self._template.id], {'name': self._template.name } )
ids = Rpc.session.call( '/object', 'execute', 'nan.template.box', 'search', [('template','=',self._template.id)] )
Rpc.session.call( '/object', 'execute', 'nan.template.box', 'unlink', ids )
self._template.id = Rpc.session.call( '/object', 'execute', 'nan.template', 'create', {'name': self._template.name } )
for x in self._template.boxes:
values = {
'x': x.rect.x(),
'y': x.rect.y(),
'width': x.rect.width(),
'height': x.rect.height(),
'feature_x' : x.featureRect.x(),
'feature_y' : x.featureRect.y(),
'feature_width' : x.featureRect.width(),
'feature_height' : x.featureRect.height(),
'template': self._template.id,
'name': x.name,
'text': x.text,
'recognizer': x.recognizer,
'type': x.type,
'filter': x.filter
Rpc.session.call( '/object', 'execute', 'nan.template.box', 'create', values )
return True
def saveTemplateAs(self):
id = self._template.id
self._template.id = 0
if not self.saveTemplate():
self._template.id = id
def openTemplate(self):
if not Rpc.session.logged():
if not self.login():
dialog = OpenTemplateDialog(self)
if dialog.exec_() == QDialog.Rejected:
model = dialog.group[dialog.id]
self._template = Template( model.value('name') )
self._template.id = model.id
fields = Rpc.session.execute('/object', 'execute', 'nan.template.box', 'fields_get')
model.value('boxes').addFields( fields )
for x in model.value('boxes'):
box = TemplateBox()
box.rect = QRectF( x.value('x'), x.value('y'), x.value('width'), x.value('height') )
box.featureRect = QRectF( x.value('feature_x'), x.value('feature_y'),
x.value('feature_width'), x.value('feature_height') )
box.name = x.value('name')
box.text = x.value('text')
box.recognizer = x.value('recognizer')
box.type = x.value('type')
box.filter = x.value('filter')
self._template.addBox( box )
def updateTitle(self):
self.setWindowTitle( "Planta - [%s]" % self._template.name )
if Rpc.session.logged():
server = '%s [%s]' % (Rpc.session.url, Rpc.session.databaseName)
shortcut = unicode( self.actionLogin.shortcut().toString() )
if shortcut:
server = _('Press %s to login') % shortcut
server = 'not logged in'
self.uiServer.setText( server )
def updatePosition(self, pos):
pos = self.uiView.mapToScene( self.uiView.mapFromGlobal( QCursor.pos() ) )
pos = self.scene.mapPointToRecognizer( pos )
position = _('(%.2f, %.2f)') % (pos.x(), pos.y())
self.uiPosition.setText( position )
def updateActions(self):
# Allow deleting if there's a TemplateBox selected
self.actionDelete.setEnabled( bool(self.uiTool.box) )