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Albert Cervera i Areny 97de6ad8bb Insert new Character() objects instead of rendering text directly in
formatedText() function. This allows us to use the formated text algorithm
in other places, not only for 'printing'.
2008-08-30 19:16:29 +02:00

329 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (C) 2008 by Albert Cervera i Areny
# albert@nan-tic.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
# Do not import everything as Template is defined in string too
from string import lower
import codecs
import tempfile
import shutil
import math
from temporaryfile import *
from gamera.core import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class Character:
def __init__(self):
self.character = None
self.box = None
def boxComparison(x, y):
if x.box.x() > y.box.x():
return 1
elif x.box.x() < y.box.x():
return -1
return 0
class Ocr:
file = ""
def ocr(self):
directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
path = os.path.join( directory, 'tesseract' )
os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'tesseract', 'tesseract', self.file, path, '-l', 'spa', 'batch.nochop', 'makebox' )
f=codecs.open(path + '.txt', 'r', 'utf-8')
content = f.read()
shutil.rmtree(directory, True)
return content
def parseTesseractOutput(self, input):
output = []
# Output example line: "w 116 1724 133 1736"
# Coordinates start at bottom left corner but we convert this into top left.
# Convert pixel coordinates into millimeters too.
for x in input.split('\n'):
if not x:
line = x.split(' ')
x1 = int(line[1])
x2 = int(line[3])
y1 = self.height - int(line[2])
y2 = self.height - int(line[4])
width = x2 - x1
height = y1 - y2
c = Character()
c.character = line[0]
x1 = float(x1) / self.dotsPerMillimeterX
width = float(width) / self.dotsPerMillimeterX
y2 = float(y2) / self.dotsPerMillimeterY
height = float(height) / self.dotsPerMillimeterY
c.box = QRectF( x1, y2, width, height )
output.append( c )
return output
def textInRegion(self, region):
return self.formatedText( region )
## @brief Uses convert to convert the given image (QImage) into gray scale
def convertToGrayScale(self, image, output):
input = TemporaryFile.create( '.tif' )
image.save( input, 'TIFF' )
os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'convert', 'convert', '-type', 'grayscale', '-depth', '8', input, output)
# Uses Gamera OTSU threashold algorithm to convert into binary
def convertToBinary(self, input, output):
image = load_image(input)
# Converting
img = image.to_greyscale()
# Thresholding
onebit = img.otsu_threshold()
# Saving for tesseract processing
## @brief Scans the given image (QImage) with the OCR.
def scan(self, image):
self.image = image
self.width = self.image.width()
self.height = self.image.height()
self.dotsPerMillimeterX = float( self.image.dotsPerMeterX() ) / 1000.0
self.dotsPerMillimeterY = float( self.image.dotsPerMeterY() ) / 1000.0
self.file = TemporaryFile.create('.tif')
self.convertToGrayScale(image, self.file)
txt = lower( self.ocr() )
self.boxes = self.parseTesseractOutput(txt)
## @brief Obtains top most box of the given list
def topMostBox(self, boxes):
top = None
for x in boxes:
if not top or x.box.y() < top.box.y():
top = x
return top
## @brief Obtain text lines in a list of lines where each line is a list
# of ordered characters.
# Note that no spaces are added in this functions and each character is a
# Character class instance.
# The algorithm used is pretty simple:
# 1- Put all boxes in a list ('boxes')
# 2- Search top most box, remove from pending 'boxes' and add in a new line
# 3- Search all boxes that vertically intersect with current box, remove from
# pending and add in the current line
# 4- Go to number 2 until all boxes have been processed.
# 5- Sort the characters of each line by the y coordinate.
def textLines(self, region=None):
if region:
# Filter out boxes not in the given region
boxes = []
for x in self.boxes:
if region.intersects(x.box):
# Copy as we'll remove items from the list
boxes = self.boxes[:]
lines = []
while boxes:
box = self.topMostBox( boxes )
boxes.remove( box )
line = []
line.append( box )
toRemove = []
for x in boxes:
if x.box.top() > box.box.bottom():
elif x.box.bottom() < box.box.top():
line.append( x )
toRemove.append( x )
for x in toRemove:
boxes.remove( x )
lines.append( line )
# Now that we have all boxes in its line. Sort each of
# them
for line in lines:
line.sort( boxComparison )
return lines
def formatedText(self, region=None):
lines = self.textLines( region )
# Now we have all lines with their characters in their positions
# Here we write them in a text and add spaces appropiately.
# In order to not be distracted with character widths of letters
# like 'm' or 'i' (which are very wide and narrow), we average
# width of the letters on a per line basis. This shows good
# results, by now, on text with the same char size in the line,
# which is quite usual.
# Note we must always use unicode strings
text = u''
for line in lines:
width = 0
count = 0
left = None
spacesToAdd = []
words = []
for c in line:
if left:
# If separtion between previous and current char
# is greater than a third of the average character
# width we'll add a space.
if c.box.left() - left > ( width / count ) / 3:
if spacesToAdd:
words.append( line[spacesToAdd[-1]:count] )
spacesToAdd.append( count )
# c.character is already a unicode string
left = c.box.right()
width += c.box.width()
count += 1
# Try to find out if they are fixed sized characters
# We've got some problems with fixed sized fonts. In some cases the 'I' letter will
# have the width of a pipe but the distance between characters will be fixed. In these
# cases it's very probable our algorithm will add incorrect spaces before and/or after
# the 'I' letter. This should be fixed by somehow determining if it's a fixed sized
# font. The commented code below tries to do just that by calculating distances within
# the letters of each word. We need to find out if something like this can work and
# use it.
#for x in words:
#dist = []
#for c in range( len(x)-1 ):
#dist.append( x[c+1].box.center().x() - x[c].box.center().x() )
#print 'Paraula: ', (u''.join( [i.character for i in x] )).encode( 'ascii', 'ignore')
#print 'Distancies: ', dist
# Reverse so indexes are still valid after insertions
previousIdx = None
for idx in spacesToAdd:
c = Character()
c.character = u' '
c.box = QRectF()
c.box.setTop( line[idx - 1].box.top() )
c.box.setBottom( line[idx - 1].box.bottom() )
c.box.setLeft( line[idx - 1].box.right() )
c.box.setRight( line[idx].box.left() )
line.insert( idx, c )
for c in line:
text += c.character
text += u'\n'
return text
## @brief Calculates slope of text lines
# This value is used by deskew() function to rotate image and
# align text horitzontally. Note that the slope can be calculated
# by the text of only a region of the image.
# Algorithm:
# 1- Calculate textLines()
# 2- For each line with more than three characters calculate the linear
# regression (pick up slope) given by the x coordinate of the box and
# y as the middle point of the box.
# 3- Calculate the average of all slopes.
def slope(self, region=None):
# TODO: We should probably discard values that highly differ
# from the average for the final value to be used to rotate.
lines = self.textLines( region )
slopes = []
for line in lines:
if len(line) < 3:
x = [b.box.x() for b in line]
y = [b.box.y()+ (b.box.height()/2) for b in line]
slope, x, y = linearRegression(x, y)
slopes.append( slope )
if len(slopes) == 0:
return 0
average = 0
for x in slopes:
average += x
average = average / len(slopes)
return average
def deskewOnce(self, region=None):
slope = self.slope( region )
transform = QTransform()
transform.rotateRadians( -math.atan( slope ) )
self.image = self.image.transformed( transform, Qt.SmoothTransformation )
def deskew(self, region=None):
slope = self.slope( region )
if slope > 0.001:
self.deskewOnce( self, region )
slope = self.slope( region )
if slope > 0.001:
self.deskewOnce( self, region )
def initOcrSystem():
# Linear regression of y = ax + b
# Usage
# real, real, real = linearRegression(list, list)
# Returns coefficients to the regression line "y=ax+b" from x[] and y[], and R^2 Value
def linearRegression(X, Y):
if len(X) != len(Y):
raise ValueError, 'unequal length'
N = len(X)
if N <= 2:
raise ValueError, 'three or more values needed'
Sx = Sy = Sxx = Syy = Sxy = 0.0
for x, y in map(None, X, Y):
Sx = Sx + x
Sy = Sy + y
Sxx = Sxx + x*x
Syy = Syy + y*y
Sxy = Sxy + x*y
det = Sxx * N - Sx * Sx
a, b = (Sxy * N - Sy * Sx)/det, (Sxx * Sy - Sx * Sxy)/det
meanerror = residual = 0.0
for x, y in map(None, X, Y):
meanerror = meanerror + (y - Sy/N)**2
residual = residual + (y - a * x - b)**2
RR = 1 - residual/meanerror
ss = residual / (N-2)
Var_a, Var_b = ss * N / det, ss * Sxx / det
#print "y=ax+b"
#print "N= %d" % N
#print "a= %g \pm t_{%d;\alpha/2} %g" % (a, N-2, math.sqrt(Var_a))
#print "b= %g \pm t_{%d;\alpha/2} %g" % (b, N-2, math.sqrt(Var_b))
#print "R^2= %g" % RR
#print "s^2= %g" % ss
return a, b, RR