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# coding=iso-8859-1
# Copyright (C) 2008 by Albert Cervera i Areny
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from barcode import *
from ocr import *
from template import *
from document import *
from trigram import *
import tempfile
# Smarter processing models and functions
def translate(text):
txt = text'addons/smart_attach/translations.txt', 'r', 'utf-8')
if not f:
print "File not found"
return txt
translations = f.readlines()
for x in translations:
for y in x[1:]:
txt = txt.replace( y, x[0] )
return txt
class Analyze(QThread):
def __init__(self, analyzer, file, parent=None):
QThread.__init__(self, parent)
self.analyzer = analyzer
self.file = file
def run(self):
self.analyzer.scan( self.file )
class Recognizer(QObject):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self.barcode = Barcode()
self.ocr = Ocr()
def textInRegion(self, region, type=None):
if type == 'barcode':
return self.barcode.textInRegion( region )
elif type == 'text':
return self.ocr.textInRegion( region )
return None
def boxes(self, type):
if type == 'barcode':
return self.barcode.boxes
elif type == 'text':
return self.ocr.boxes
return None
def analyzersAvailable(self):
return ['barcode', 'text']
# Synchronous: Returns the types of analyzers available
def scan(self, file):
self.fileName = file
self.barcode.scan( file )
self.ocr.scan( file )
# Asynchronous: Starts analyzers in background threads. Emits finished() at the end
def startScan(self, file):
self.fileName = file
self.ocrThread = Analyze( self.ocr, file, self )
self.barcodeThread = Analyze( self.barcode, file, self )
self.connect( self.ocrThread, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.scanFinished )
self.connect( self.barcodeThread, SIGNAL('finished()'), self.scanFinished )
def scanFinished(self):
if self.ocrThread.isFinished() and self.barcodeThread.isFinished():
self.emit( SIGNAL('finished()') )
def filter(self, value, filterType):
numeric = '0123456789'
alphabetic = 'abc<EFBFBD>defghijklmn<EFBFBD>opqrstuvwxyz'
if filterType == 'numeric':
return u''.join( [x for x in value if x in numeric] )
elif filterType == 'alphabetic':
return u''.join( [x for x in value if x in alphabetic] )
elif filterType == 'alphanumeric':
return u''.join( [x for x in value if x in numeric+alphabetic] )
elif filterType == 'none':
return value
print "Filter type '%s' not implemented" % filterType
return value
def scanWithTemplate(self, file, template):
if not template:
return None
self.scan( file )
document = Document()
for templateBox in template.boxes:
if not templateBox.text:
text = self.textInRegion( templateBox.rect, templateBox.recognizer )
text = self.filter( text, templateBox.filter )
documentBox = DocumentBox()
documentBox.text = text
documentBox.templateBox = templateBox
document.addBox( documentBox )
return document
# Tries to find out the best template in 'templates' for the image file given by 'image'
# TODO: Should be reestructured to use function scanWithTemplate()
def findBestTemplate( self, file, templates ):
self.scan( file )
max = 0
bestDocument = Document()
bestTemplate = None
for template in templates:
currentDocument = Document()
if not template.boxes:
score = 0
matcherBoxes = 0
for templateBox in template.boxes:
if not templateBox.text:
text = self.textInRegion( templateBox.rect, templateBox.recognizer )
text = self.filter( text, templateBox.filter )
documentBox = DocumentBox()
documentBox.text = text
documentBox.templateBox = templateBox
currentDocument.addBox( documentBox )
if templateBox.type != 'matcher':
print "Jumping %s due to type %s " % (, templateBox.type )
matcherBoxes += 1
similarity = Trigram.trigram( text, templateBox.text )
score += similarity
score = score / matcherBoxes
if score > max:
max = score
bestTemplate = template
bestDocument = currentDocument
print "Template %s has score %s" % (, score)
return { 'template': bestTemplate, 'document': bestDocument }