================= Migration Details ================= Version 0.3 =========== 1. SQL to move party_address to nereid_user ------------------------------------------- Address which was used for login was migrated to nereid_user. To retain the existing users and their IDs (used in sessions) the users data needs to be migrated from party.address to nereid.user SQL:: INSERT INTO nereid_user SELECT "address"."id" AS id, "address"."create_date" AS create_date, "address"."write_date" AS write_date, "address"."create_uid" AS create_uid, "address"."write_uid" AS write_uid, "party"."company" AS company, "address"."party" AS party, "address"."activation_code" AS activation_code, "address"."salt" AS salt, "contact_mechanism"."value" AS email, "address"."password" AS password FROM party_address AS address JOIN party_party AS party ON party.id = address.party LEFT JOIN party_contact_mechanism AS contact_mechanism ON contact_mechanism.id = address.email WHERE "address"."email" IS NOT NULL AND "address"."password" IS NOT NULL AND "party"."company" IS NOT NULL; 2. Application Settings ----------------------- `TRYTON_USER` and `GUEST_USER` which were application config parameters in previous version are now part of `nereid.website` settings. This avoids looking up IDs of these records from database to then build the app settings. This affects two places: 1. Application settings in launchers: `TRYTON_USER` and `GUEST_USER` needs not be specified anymore. 2. Unit Tests: `application_user` (eqv. of `TRYTON_USER`) and `guest_user` are not