
296 lines
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------ Prodlot Quality Control on Input ------
In order to test functionality of set Quality Control Tests to Production Lots
in Input Pickings...
I create a Production Lot1 of Product without Quality Control
!record {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_wo_qc0}:
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_wo_qc0
Checking Lot1 exists and is in 'draft' state
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_wo_qc0, string: The Lost1 doesn't exists or is not in expected 'Draft' state!}:
- state == 'draft'
I create a Production Lot2 of Product with one Template Trigger
!record {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_generic0}:
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_generic0
Checking Lot2 exists and is in 'draft' state
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_generic0, string: The Lost2 doesn't exists or is not in expected 'Draft' state!}:
- state == 'draft'
I create a Production Lot3 of Product with two Template Triggers
!record {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0}:
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_related0
Checking Lot3 exists and is in 'draft' state
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0, string: The Lost3 doesn't exists or is not in expected 'Draft' state!}:
- state == 'draft'
Creating an Input Picking with three movements for the three Lots
!record {model: stock.picking, id: stock_picking_input0}:
type: in
# name: AC120002
partner_id: base.main_partner
address_id: base.main_address
invoice_state: none
move_type: direct
date: '2012-02-21 17:19:01'
max_date: '2012-02-21 17:19:31'
min_date: '2012-02-21 17:19:17'
- name: Product without quality control
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_wo_qc0
prodlot_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.prodlot_wo_qc0
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 5.0
product_uos_qty: 5.0
location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
company_id: base.main_company
- name: Product with generic test
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_generic0
prodlot_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.prodlot_generic0
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 3.0
product_uos_qty: 3.0
location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
company_id: base.main_company
- name: Product with specific test
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_related0
prodlot_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.prodlot_related0
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 1.0
product_uos_qty: 1.0
location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
company_id: base.main_company
company_id: base.main_company
Checking the Production Lot1 of product without Quality Control is in 'Valid'
state, doesn't have current Test nor any Trigger Test line and is Active
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_wo_qc0, string: The Lot of product without Quality Control is not in the expected 'Valid' state!}:
- state == 'valid'
- not current_qc_test_id
- len(qc_test_trigger_ids) == 0
- active == True
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic QC Template is in
'Pending Test' state and it has only one Test Trigger, and is Inactive
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_generic0'), context)
assert lot.state == 'pending_test', "The State of Lot is not the expected 'pending_test'. It is '%s'" % lot.state
assert lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), "The template of current Test Trigger is not the expected '%d'. It is '%d'" % (ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id)
assert len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids) == 1, "The number of Test Trigger lines is not 1 as expected. It is %d" % len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids)
assert lot.active == False, "The Lot1 is unexpectly active"
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic and related QC Template
is in 'Pending Test' state and it has two Test Trigger and is Inactive
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
assert lot.state == 'pending_test', "The State of Lot is not the expected 'pending_test'. It is '%s'" % lot.state
assert lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), "The template of current Test Trigger is not the expected '%d'. It is '%d'" % (ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id)
assert len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids) == 2, "The number of Test Trigger lines is not 2 as expected. It is %d" % len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids)
assert lot.active == False, "The Lot1 is unexpectly active"
I will confirm the Picking
!python {model: stock.picking}: |
import netsvc
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'stock.picking', ref('stock_picking_input0'),
'button_confirm', cr)
Checking the Picking is in 'Confirmed' state
!assert {model: stock.picking, id: stock_picking_input0, string: The Picking is not in the expected 'Done' state!}:
- state == 'confirmed'
Filling up the two current Quality Tests (the first with invalid value and
second with valid) and I will confirm and aprove them
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
import netsvc
test_line_proxy = self.pool.get('qc.test.line')
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
lot1 = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_generic0'), context)
test_line_proxy.write(cr, uid, [
], {'actual_value_ql': ref('qc_posible_value_no0')}, context)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot1.current_qc_test_id.id,
'confirm', cr)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot1.current_qc_test_id.id,
'approve', cr)
lot2 = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
test_line_proxy.write(cr, uid, [
], {'actual_value_ql': ref('qc_posible_value_yes0')}, context)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot2.current_qc_test_id.id,
'confirm', cr)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot2.current_qc_test_id.id,
'approve', cr)
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic QC Template is in
'Test Failed' state, its test is in 'Failed' state and Lot is inactive and
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_generic0, string: The lot of product with generic qc template is not in the expected 'Valid' state or its test is not in expected 'Success' state!}:
- state == 'test_failed'
- qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.state == 'failed'
- active == False
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic and related QC Template
is in 'Pending Test' state (Inactive) because its current test is now the second test
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
assert lot.state == 'pending_test', "The State of Lot is not the expected 'pending_test'. It is '%s'" % lot.state
assert lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_related0'), "The template of current Test Trigger is not the expected '%d'. It is '%d'" % (ref('qc_test_template_related0'), lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id)
assert lot.active == False, "The Lot3 is unexpectly active"
I will create another Input Picking without movements
!record {model: stock.picking, id: stock_picking_input1}:
type: in
partner_id: base.main_partner
address_id: base.main_address
invoice_state: none
move_type: direct
date: '2012-02-21 22:19:01'
max_date: '2012-02-21 22:19:31'
min_date: '2012-02-21 22:19:17'
I will move with Lot2 (with one Quality Test) to the new picking, to check
that Trigger Tests are not created another time
!python {model: stock.move}: |
move_ids = self.search(cr, uid,
[('prodlot_id', '=', ref('prodlot_generic0'))], context=context)
assert len(move_ids) == 1, "Has been found an unexpected number of " \
"Movements with Lot2. Expected 1 but found %d" % len(move_ids)
self.write(cr, uid, move_ids,
{'picking_id': ref('stock_picking_input1')}, context)
Checking the movement of Lot2 is in the new picking, it's lot remains in
'Test Failed' state, its test is in 'Failed' state and Lot is inactive and
it has only one Test Trigger
!python {model: stock.move}: |
move_ids = self.search(cr, uid,
[('prodlot_id', '=', ref('prodlot_generic0'))], context=context)
assert len(move_ids) == 1, "Has been found an unexpected number of " \
"Movements with Lot2. Expected 1 but found %d" % len(move_ids)
move = self.browse(cr, uid, move_ids[0], context)
assert move.picking_id.id == ref('stock_picking_input1'), "The move of " \
"Lot2 is not in the new picking as expected: %s" % str(move.picking_id)
assert move.prodlot_id.state == 'test_failed', "The Lot2 not remains in " \
"the expected 'Test Failed' state: %s" % move.prodlot_id.state
assert len(move.prodlot_id.qc_test_trigger_ids) == 1, "Lot2 doesn't have " \
"only one Test Trigger as expected: %d" \
% len(move.prodlot_id.qc_test_trigger_ids)
assert move.prodlot_id.active == False, "The Lot2 is not inactive"
I will assign and realize the Picking
!python {model: stock.picking}: |
import netsvc
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
self.action_assign(cr, uid, [ref('stock_picking_input0')], context)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'stock.picking', ref('stock_picking_input0'),
'button_done', cr)
Checking the Picking is in 'Done' state
!assert {model: stock.picking, id: stock_picking_input0, string: The Picking is not in the expected 'Done' state!}:
- state == 'done'
Checking the Lot1 remains in Valid and Active state
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_wo_qc0, string: The Lot without Quality Control is, unexpectly, not 'Valid' or not 'Active'!}:
- state == 'valid'
- active == True
Checking the Lot3 remains in 'Test pending' state and is inactive
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0, string: The Lot with two Quality Test is, unexpectly, not in 'Test pending' state or is 'Active'!}:
- state == 'pending_test'
- active == False
Filling up the current Quality Test of Lot3 with valid values and I will
confirm and aprove them
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
import netsvc
test_line_proxy = self.pool.get('qc.test.line')
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
test_line_proxy.write(cr, uid, [
], {'actual_value_ql': ref('qc_posible_value_yes0')}, context)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot.current_qc_test_id.id,
'confirm', cr)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot.current_qc_test_id.id,
'approve', cr)
Checking the Lot3 is in 'Valid' state and is active
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0, string: The Lot with two Quality Test is, unexpectly, not in 'Valid' state or is not 'Active'!}:
- state == 'valid'
- active == True
------ Prodlot Quality Control on Inputs END OK ------
!python {model: stock.picking}: |
print "THE END"