
407 lines
21 KiB

------ Prodlot Quality Control on Input ------
In order to test functionality of set Quality Control Tests to Production Lots
in Input Pickings...
I create a Product without Quality Control
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_wo_qc0}:
name: Product without quality control
type: product
categ_id: product.cat0
procure_method: make_to_stock
supply_method: buy
cost_method: standard
valuation: manual_periodic
standard_price: 200.0
uom_id: product.product_uom_unit
uom_po_id: product.product_uom_unit
I create a Production Lot of Product
!record {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_wo_qc0}:
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_wo_qc0
I create a Product with the generic template assigned with Input trigger
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_generic0}:
name: Product with generic test
type: product
categ_id: product.cat0
procure_method: make_to_stock
supply_method: buy
cost_method: standard
valuation: manual_periodic
standard_price: 300.0
uom_id: product.product_uom_unit
uom_po_id: product.product_uom_unit
- sequence: 1
trigger_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.qc_trigger_input
template_type: generic
template_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.qc_test_template_generic0
I create a Production Lot of Product
!record {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_generic0}:
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_generic0
I create a Product with the generic and specific template assigned with Input trigger
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_related0}:
name: Product with specific test
type: product
categ_id: product.cat0
procure_method: make_to_stock
supply_method: buy
cost_method: standard
valuation: manual_periodic
standard_price: 450.0
uom_id: product.product_uom_unit
uom_po_id: product.product_uom_unit
- sequence: 1
trigger_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.qc_trigger_input
template_type: generic
template_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.qc_test_template_generic0
- sequence: 2
trigger_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.qc_trigger_input
template_type: related
template_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.qc_test_template_related0
Checking the Product has two Template Trigger lines
!assert {model: product.product, id: product_product_related0, string: The Product with generic and specific templates doesn't have two lines of Template Triggers!}:
- len(qc_template_trigger_ids) == 2
I create a Production Lot of Product
!record {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0}:
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_related0
Creating an Input Picking with three movements for the three Lots
!record {model: stock.picking, id: stock_picking_input0}:
type: in
# name: AC120002
partner_id: base.main_partner
address_id: base.main_address
invoice_state: none
move_type: direct
date: '2012-02-21 17:19:01'
max_date: '2012-02-21 17:19:31'
min_date: '2012-02-21 17:19:17'
- name: Product without quality control
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_wo_qc0
prodlot_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.prodlot_wo_qc0
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 5.0
product_uos_qty: 5.0
location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
company_id: base.main_company
- name: Product with generic test
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_generic0
prodlot_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.prodlot_generic0
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 3.0
product_uos_qty: 3.0
location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
company_id: base.main_company
- name: Product with specific test
product_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.product_product_related0
prodlot_id: nan_prodlot_quality_control_input.prodlot_related0
product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
product_qty: 1.0
product_uos_qty: 1.0
location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
company_id: base.main_company
company_id: base.main_company
Checking the Production Lot of product without Quality Control is in 'Valid'
state, doesn't have current Test nor any Trigger Test line
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_wo_qc0, string: The Lot of product without Quality Control is not in the expected 'Valid' state!}:
- state == 'valid'
- not current_qc_test_id
- len(qc_test_trigger_ids) == 0
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic QC Template is in
'Pending Test' state and it has only one Test Trigger
# !assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_generic0, string: The lot of product with generic qc template is not in the expected 'pending test' state or it hasn't the expected number of test triggers (expected only one)!}:
# - state == 'pending_test'
# - current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_generic0')
# - len(qc_test_trigger_ids) == 1
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_generic0'), context)
assert lot.state == 'pending_test', "The State of Lot is not the expected 'pending_test'. It is '%s'" % lot.state
assert lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), "The template of current Test Trigger is not the expected '%d'. It is '%d'" % (ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id)
assert len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids) == 1, "The number of Test Trigger lines is not 1 as expected. It is %d" % len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids)
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic and related QC Template
is in 'Pending Test' state and it has two Test Trigger
# !assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0, string: The lot of product with generic and related qc template is not in the expected 'pending test' state or it hasn't the expected number of test triggers (expected only two)!}:
# - state == 'pending_test'
# - current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_generic0')
# - len(qc_test_trigger_ids) == 2
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
assert lot.state == 'pending_test', "The State of Lot is not the expected 'pending_test'. It is '%s'" % lot.state
assert lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), "The template of current Test Trigger is not the expected '%d'. It is '%d'" % (ref('qc_test_template_generic0'), lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id)
assert len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids) == 2, "The number of Test Trigger lines is not 2 as expected. It is %d" % len(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids)
Filling up the two current Quality Tests with valid values and 'Confirm' it
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
import netsvc
test_line_proxy = self.pool.get('qc.test.line')
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
lot1 = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_generic0'), context)
lot2 = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
test_line_proxy.write(cr, uid, [
], {'actual_value_ql': ref('qc_posible_value_yes0')}, context)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot1.current_qc_test_id.id,
'confirm', cr)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot2.current_qc_test_id.id,
'confirm', cr)
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic QC Template remains in
'Pending Test' state and its test is success and in 'Waiting' state
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_generic0, string: The lot of product with generic qc template is not in the expected 'pending test' state or its test is not in expected 'Waiting' state!}:
- state == 'pending_test'
- current_qc_test_id.state == 'waiting'
- current_qc_test_id.success == True
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic and related QC Template
remains in 'Pending Test' state and its test is success and in 'Waiting' state
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0, string: The lot of product with generic and related qc template is not in the expected 'pending test' state or its test is not in expected 'Waiting' state!}:
- state == 'pending_test'
- current_qc_test_id.state == 'waiting'
- current_qc_test_id.success == True
Aproving the two current Quality Tests
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
import netsvc
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
lot1 = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_generic0'), context)
lot2 = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot1.current_qc_test_id.id,
'approve', cr)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot2.current_qc_test_id.id,
'approve', cr)
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic QC Template is in 'Valid'
state and its test is in 'Success' state
!assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_generic0, string: The lot of product with generic qc template is not in the expected 'Valid' state or its test is not in expected 'Success' state!}:
- state == 'valid'
- current_qc_test_id.state == 'success'
Canceling the Quality Test of Lot with generic Template and checking test is
in 'Draft' state and the Lot is in 'Pending Test'
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
import netsvc
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_generic0'), context)
print "First Test Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0]), lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.id, lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.state)
print "Current Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id), lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.id, lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.state)
print "State: %s" % lot.state
wkf_instance_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.instance').search(cr, uid, [('wkf_id','=',16),('res_id','=',lot.id)], context=context)
for wkf_instance in self.pool.get('workflow.instance').browse(cr, uid, wkf_instance_ids):
print "Wkf instance %d: state=%s" % (wkf_instance.id, wkf_instance.state)
wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
wkf_workitem_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').search(cr, uid, [('inst_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
print "Workitems: ",wkf_workitem_ids
for wkf_workitem in self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').browse(cr, uid, wkf_workitem_ids):
print "Wkf workitem for instance %d in activity %s: subflow_id=%d and state=%s" % (
if wkf_workitem.subflow_id:
print "Wkf instance %d (%s, %d): state=%s" % (
wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','=',wkf_workitem.subflow_id.id)], context=context)
for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'qc.test', lot.current_qc_test_id.id, 'cancel', cr)
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_generic0'), context)
print "First Test Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0]), lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.id, lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.state)
print "Current Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id), lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.id, lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.state)
print "State: %s" % lot.state
wkf_instance_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.instance').search(cr, uid, [('wkf_id','=',16),('res_id','=',lot.id)], context=context)
for wkf_instance in self.pool.get('workflow.instance').browse(cr, uid, wkf_instance_ids):
print "Wkf instance %d: state=%s" % (wkf_instance.id, wkf_instance.state)
wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
wkf_workitem_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').search(cr, uid, [('inst_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
print "Workitems: ",wkf_workitem_ids
for wkf_workitem in self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').browse(cr, uid, wkf_workitem_ids):
print "Wkf workitem for instance %d in activity %s: subflow_id=%d and state=%s" % (
if wkf_workitem.subflow_id:
print "Wkf instance %d (%s, %d): state=%s" % (
wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','=',wkf_workitem.subflow_id.id)], context=context)
for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
Checking the Production Lot of product with generic and related QC Template
is in 'Pending Test' state because its current test is now the second test
# !assert {model: stock.production.lot, id: prodlot_related0, string: The lot of product with generic and related qc template is not in the expected 'pending test' state!}:
# - state == 'pending_test'
# - current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_related0')
# - current_qc_test_id.state == 'draft'
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
import netsvc
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
print "First Test Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0]), lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.id, lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.state)
print "Second Test Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[1]), lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[1].test_id.id, lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[1].test_id.state)
print "Current Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id), lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.id, lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.state)
print "State: %s" % lot.state
wkf_instance_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.instance').search(cr, uid, [('wkf_id','=',16),('res_id','=',lot.id)], context=context)
for wkf_instance in self.pool.get('workflow.instance').browse(cr, uid, wkf_instance_ids):
print "Wkf instance %d: state=%s" % (wkf_instance.id, wkf_instance.state)
wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
wkf_workitem_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').search(cr, uid, [('inst_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
print "Workitems: ",wkf_workitem_ids
for wkf_workitem in self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').browse(cr, uid, wkf_workitem_ids):
print "Wkf workitem for instance %d in activity %s: subflow_id=%d and state=%s" % (
if wkf_workitem.subflow_id:
print "Wkf instance %d (%s, %d): state=%s" % (
wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','=',wkf_workitem.subflow_id.id)], context=context)
for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
# wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'stock.production.lot', lot.id, 'next_test', cr)
# lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('prodlot_related0'), context)
# print "First Test Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0]), lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.id, lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[0].test_id.state)
# print "Second Test Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[1]), lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[1].test_id.id, lot.qc_test_trigger_ids[1].test_id.state)
# print "Current Trigger: %s (%d, %s)" % (str(lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id), lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.id, lot.current_qc_test_trigger_id.test_id.state)
# print "State: %s" % lot.state
# wkf_instance_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.instance').search(cr, uid, [('wkf_id','=',16),('res_id','=',lot.id)], context=context)
# for wkf_instance in self.pool.get('workflow.instance').browse(cr, uid, wkf_instance_ids):
# print "Wkf instance %d: state=%s" % (wkf_instance.id, wkf_instance.state)
# wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
# for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
# print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
# wkf_workitem_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').search(cr, uid, [('inst_id','in',wkf_instance_ids)], context=context)
# print "Workitems: ",wkf_workitem_ids
# for wkf_workitem in self.pool.get('workflow.workitem').browse(cr, uid, wkf_workitem_ids):
# print "Wkf workitem for instance %d in activity %s: subflow_id=%d and state=%s" % (
# wkf_workitem.inst_id.id,
# wkf_workitem.act_id.name,
# wkf_workitem.subflow_id.id,
# wkf_workitem.state)
# if wkf_workitem.subflow_id:
# print "Wkf instance %d (%s, %d): state=%s" % (
# wkf_workitem.subflow_id.id,
# wkf_workitem.subflow_id.res_type,
# wkf_workitem.subflow_id.res_id,
# wkf_workitem.subflow_id.state)
# wkf_trigger_ids = self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').search(cr, uid, [('instance_id','=',wkf_workitem.subflow_id.id)], context=context)
# for wkf_trigger in self.pool.get('workflow.triggers').browse(cr, uid, wkf_trigger_ids):
# print "Wkf trigger for instance %d (%s, %d): workitem=%d" % (wkf_trigger.instance_id.id, wkf_trigger.model, wkf_trigger.res_id, wkf_trigger.workitem_id.id)
assert lot.state == 'pending_test', "The State of Lot is not the expected 'pending_test'. It is '%s'" % lot.state
assert lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id == ref('qc_test_template_related0'), "The template of current Test Trigger is not the expected '%d'. It is '%d'" % (ref('qc_test_template_related0'), lot.current_qc_test_id.test_template_id.id)
!python {model: stock.production.lot}: |
print "ADEU"