#This file is part of emailvalid. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of #this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. ''' Checks a comma separated list of eMails ''' __version__ = '1.0' import re def check_email(email): """ Get if email is valid. @ and . characters validation :email: str return: True or False """ patern = re.compile(r'''^[A-Za-z0-9\.!#\$%&'\*\+-/=\?\^_`\{|\}~]+''' '''@[A-Za-z0-9\.!#\$%&'\*\+-/=\?\^_`\{|\}~]+\.[a-zA-Z]*$''') if not email: return False email = email.replace(';',',') #replace emails separator ; -> , emails = email.split(',') for email in emails: if not re.match(patern, email.strip()): return False return True