
4141 lines
142 KiB

# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Views for Rietveld."""
import binascii
import datetime
import email # see incoming_mail()
import email.utils
import logging
import md5
import mimetypes
import os
import random
import re
import urllib
from cStringIO import StringIO
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from google.appengine.api import mail
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
from google.appengine.api import xmpp
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.runtime import DeadlineExceededError
from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors
from django import forms
# Import settings as django_settings to avoid name conflict with settings().
from django.conf import settings as django_settings
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
import django.template
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.utils import encoding
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from codereview import engine
from codereview import library
from codereview import models
from codereview import patching
from codereview import utils
from codereview.exceptions import FetchError
# Add our own custom template tags library.
### Constants ###
IS_DEV = os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Dev') # Development server
# Maximum forms fields length
MAX_URL = 2083
MAX_CC = 2000
### Form classes ###
class AccountInput(forms.TextInput):
# Associates the necessary css/js files for the control. See
# http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/media/.
# Don't forget to place {{formname.media}} into html header
# when using this html control.
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.css',)
js = (
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
output = super(AccountInput, self).render(name, value, attrs)
if models.Account.current_user_account is not None:
# TODO(anatoli): move this into .js media for this form
data = {'name': name, 'url': reverse(account),
'multiple': 'true'}
if self.attrs.get('multiple', True) == False:
data['multiple'] = 'false'
output += mark_safe(u'''
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("#id_%(name)s").autocomplete("%(url)s", {
max: 10,
highlight: false,
multiple: %(multiple)s,
multipleSeparator: ", ",
scroll: true,
scrollHeight: 300,
matchContains: true,
formatResult : function(row) {
return row[0].replace(/ .+/gi, '');
</script>''' % data)
return output
class IssueBaseForm(forms.Form):
subject = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_SUBJECT,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
description = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60}))
branch = forms.ChoiceField(required=False, label='Base URL')
base = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
reviewers = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
cc = forms.CharField(required=False,
label = 'CC',
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
private = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=False)
def set_branch_choices(self, base=None):
branches = models.Branch.all()
bound_field = self['branch']
choices = []
default = None
for b in branches:
if not b.repo_name:
b.repo_name = b.repo.name
pair = (b.key(), '%s - %s - %s' % (b.repo_name, b.category, b.name))
if default is None and (base is None or b.url == base):
default = b.key()
choices.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1].lower())
choices.insert(0, ('', '[See Base]'))
bound_field.field.choices = choices
if default is not None:
self.initial['branch'] = default
def get_base(self):
base = self.cleaned_data.get('base')
if not base:
key = self.cleaned_data['branch']
if key:
branch = models.Branch.get(key)
if branch is not None:
base = branch.url
if not base:
self.errors['base'] = ['You must specify a base']
return base or None
class NewForm(IssueBaseForm):
data = forms.FileField(required=False)
url = forms.URLField(required=False,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
send_mail = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=True)
class AddForm(forms.Form):
message = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_SUBJECT,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
data = forms.FileField(required=False)
url = forms.URLField(required=False,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
reviewers = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_REVIEWERS, required=False,
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
send_mail = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=True)
class UploadForm(forms.Form):
subject = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_SUBJECT)
description = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_DESCRIPTION, required=False)
content_upload = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
separate_patches = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
base = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_URL, required=False)
data = forms.FileField(required=False)
issue = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
reviewers = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_REVIEWERS, required=False)
cc = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_CC, required=False)
private = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=False)
send_mail = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
base_hashes = forms.CharField(required=False)
repo_guid = forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=MAX_URL)
def clean_base(self):
base = self.cleaned_data.get('base')
if not base and not self.cleaned_data.get('content_upload', False):
raise forms.ValidationError, 'Base URL is required.'
return self.cleaned_data.get('base')
def get_base(self):
return self.cleaned_data.get('base')
class UploadContentForm(forms.Form):
filename = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_FILENAME)
status = forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=20)
checksum = forms.CharField(max_length=32)
file_too_large = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
is_binary = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
is_current = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
def clean(self):
# Check presence of 'data'. We cannot use FileField because
# it disallows empty files.
super(UploadContentForm, self).clean()
if not self.files and 'data' not in self.files:
raise forms.ValidationError, 'No content uploaded.'
return self.cleaned_data
def get_uploaded_content(self):
return self.files['data'].read()
class UploadPatchForm(forms.Form):
filename = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_FILENAME)
content_upload = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
def get_uploaded_patch(self):
return self.files['data'].read()
class EditForm(IssueBaseForm):
closed = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
class EditLocalBaseForm(forms.Form):
subject = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_SUBJECT,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
description = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60}))
reviewers = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
cc = forms.CharField(required=False,
label = 'CC',
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
private = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=False)
closed = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
def get_base(self):
return None
class RepoForm(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField()
url = forms.URLField()
guid = forms.CharField(required=False)
class BranchForm(forms.Form):
category = forms.CharField(
widget=forms.Select(choices=[(ch, ch)
for ch in models.Branch.category.choices]))
name = forms.CharField()
url = forms.URLField()
class PublishForm(forms.Form):
subject = forms.CharField(max_length=MAX_SUBJECT,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
reviewers = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
cc = forms.CharField(required=False,
label = 'CC',
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
send_mail = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
message = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60}))
message_only = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
no_redirect = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
in_reply_to = forms.CharField(required=False,
class MiniPublishForm(forms.Form):
reviewers = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
cc = forms.CharField(required=False,
label = 'CC',
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60}))
send_mail = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
message = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60}))
message_only = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
no_redirect = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
class BlockForm(forms.Form):
blocked = forms.BooleanField(
help_text='Should this user be blocked')
FORM_CONTEXT_VALUES = [(x, '%d lines' % x) for x in models.CONTEXT_CHOICES]
FORM_CONTEXT_VALUES.append(('', 'Whole file'))
class SettingsForm(forms.Form):
nickname = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
context = forms.IntegerField(
column_width = forms.IntegerField(
notify_by_email = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
notify_by_chat = forms.BooleanField(
help_text='You must accept the invite for this to work.')
def clean_nickname(self):
nickname = self.cleaned_data.get('nickname')
# Check for allowed characters
match = re.match(r'[\w\.\-_\(\) ]+$', nickname, re.UNICODE|re.IGNORECASE)
if not match:
raise forms.ValidationError('Allowed characters are letters, digits, '
'".-_()" and spaces.')
# Check for sane whitespaces
if re.search(r'\s{2,}', nickname):
raise forms.ValidationError('Use single spaces between words.')
if len(nickname) != len(nickname.strip()):
raise forms.ValidationError('Leading and trailing whitespaces are '
'not allowed.')
if nickname.lower() == 'me':
raise forms.ValidationError('Choose a different nickname.')
# Look for existing nicknames
accounts = list(models.Account.gql('WHERE lower_nickname = :1',
for account in accounts:
if account.key() == models.Account.current_user_account.key():
raise forms.ValidationError('This nickname is already in use.')
return nickname
class MigrateEntitiesForm(forms.Form):
account = forms.CharField(label='Your previous email address')
_user = None
def set_user(self, user):
"""Sets the _user attribute.
A user object is needed for validation. This method has to be
called before is_valid() is called to allow us to validate if a
email address given in account belongs to the same user.
self._user = user
def clean_account(self):
"""Verifies that an account with this emails exists and returns it.
This method is executed by Django when Form.is_valid() is called.
if self._user is None:
raise forms.ValidationError('No user given.')
account = models.Account.get_account_for_email(self.cleaned_data['account'])
if account is None:
raise forms.ValidationError('No such email.')
if account.user.email() == self._user.email():
raise forms.ValidationError(
'Nothing to do. This is your current email address.')
if account.user.user_id() != self._user.user_id():
raise forms.ValidationError(
'This email address isn\'t related to your account.')
return account
class SearchForm(forms.Form):
format = forms.ChoiceField(
('html', 'html'),
('json', 'json')),
widget=forms.HiddenInput(attrs={'value': 'html'}))
keys_only = forms.BooleanField(
widget=forms.HiddenInput(attrs={'value': 'False'}))
with_messages = forms.BooleanField(
widget=forms.HiddenInput(attrs={'value': 'False'}))
cursor = forms.CharField(
widget=forms.HiddenInput(attrs={'value': ''}))
limit = forms.IntegerField(
widget=forms.HiddenInput(attrs={'value': '30'}))
closed = forms.NullBooleanField(required=False)
owner = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60,
'multiple': False}))
reviewer = forms.CharField(required=False,
widget=AccountInput(attrs={'size': 60,
'multiple': False}))
repo_guid = forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=MAX_URL,
label="Repository ID")
base = forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=MAX_URL)
private = forms.NullBooleanField(required=False)
created_before = forms.DateTimeField(required=False, label='Created before')
created_after = forms.DateTimeField(
required=False, label='Created on or after')
modified_before = forms.DateTimeField(required=False, label='Modified before')
modified_after = forms.DateTimeField(
required=False, label='Modified on or after')
order = forms.ChoiceField(
required=False, help_text='Order: Name of one of the datastore keys',
([(x, x), ('-' + x, '-' + x)] for x in ORDER_CHOICES),
[('', '(default)')]))
def _clean_accounts(self, key):
"""Cleans up autocomplete field.
The input is validated to be zero or one name/email and it's
validated that the users exists.
key: the field name.
Returns an User instance or raises ValidationError.
accounts = filter(None,
for x in self.cleaned_data.get(key, '').split(',')))
if len(accounts) > 1:
raise forms.ValidationError('Only one user name is allowed.')
elif not accounts:
return None
account = accounts[0]
if '@' in account:
acct = models.Account.get_account_for_email(account)
acct = models.Account.get_account_for_nickname(account)
if not acct:
raise forms.ValidationError('Unknown user')
return acct.user
def clean_owner(self):
return self._clean_accounts('owner')
def clean_reviewer(self):
user = self._clean_accounts('reviewer')
if user:
return user.email()
### Exceptions ###
class InvalidIncomingEmailError(Exception):
"""Exception raised by incoming mail handler when a problem occurs."""
### Helper functions ###
# Counter displayed (by respond()) below) on every page showing how
# many requests the current incarnation has handled, not counting
# redirects. Rendered by templates/base.html.
counter = 0
def respond(request, template, params=None):
"""Helper to render a response, passing standard stuff to the response.
request: The request object.
template: The template name; '.html' is appended automatically.
params: A dict giving the template parameters; modified in-place.
Whatever render_to_response(template, params) returns.
Whatever render_to_response(template, params) raises.
global counter
counter += 1
if params is None:
params = {}
must_choose_nickname = False
uploadpy_hint = False
if request.user is not None:
account = models.Account.current_user_account
must_choose_nickname = not account.user_has_selected_nickname()
uploadpy_hint = account.uploadpy_hint
params['request'] = request
params['counter'] = counter
params['user'] = request.user
params['is_admin'] = request.user_is_admin
params['is_dev'] = IS_DEV
params['media_url'] = django_settings.MEDIA_URL
params['special_banner'] = getattr(django_settings, 'SPECIAL_BANNER', None)
full_path = request.get_full_path().encode('utf-8')
if request.user is None:
params['sign_in'] = users.create_login_url(full_path)
params['sign_out'] = users.create_logout_url(full_path)
account = models.Account.current_user_account
if account is not None:
params['xsrf_token'] = account.get_xsrf_token()
params['must_choose_nickname'] = must_choose_nickname
params['uploadpy_hint'] = uploadpy_hint
params['rietveld_revision'] = django_settings.RIETVELD_REVISION
return render_to_response(template, params,
library.user_cache.clear() # don't want this sticking around
def _random_bytes(n):
"""Helper returning a string of random bytes of given length."""
return ''.join(map(chr, (random.randrange(256) for i in xrange(n))))
def _clean_int(value, default, min_value=None, max_value=None):
"""Helper to cast value to int and to clip it to min or max_value.
value: Any value (preferably something that can be casted to int).
default: Default value to be used when type casting fails.
min_value: Minimum allowed value (default: None).
max_value: Maximum allowed value (default: None).
An integer between min_value and max_value.
if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
value = int(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
value = default
if min_value is not None:
value = max(min_value, value)
if max_value is not None:
value = min(value, max_value)
return value
def _can_view_issue(user, issue):
if user is None:
return not issue.private
user_email = db.Email(user.email().lower())
return (not issue.private
or issue.owner == user
or user_email in issue.cc
or user_email in issue.reviewers
or user.email() in issue.collaborator_emails())
def _notify_issue(request, issue, message):
"""Try sending an XMPP (chat) message.
request: The request object.
issue: Issue whose owner, reviewers, CC are to be notified.
message: Text of message to send, e.g. 'Created'.
The current user and the issue's subject and URL are appended to the message.
True if the message was (apparently) delivered, False if not.
iid = issue.key().id()
emails = [issue.owner.email()]
if issue.reviewers:
if issue.cc:
accounts = models.Account.get_multiple_accounts_by_email(emails)
jids = []
for account in accounts.itervalues():
logging.debug('email=%r,chat=%r', account.email, account.notify_by_chat)
if account.notify_by_chat:
if not jids:
logging.debug('No XMPP jids to send to for issue %d', iid)
return True # Nothing to do.
jids_str = ', '.join(jids)
logging.debug('Sending XMPP for issue %d to %s', iid, jids_str)
sender = '?'
if models.Account.current_user_account:
sender = models.Account.current_user_account.nickname
elif request.user:
sender = request.user.email()
message = '%s by %s: %s\n%s' % (message,
reverse(show, args=[iid])))
sts = xmpp.send_message(jids, message)
except Exception, err:
logging.exception('XMPP exception %s sending for issue %d to %s',
err, iid, jids_str)
return False
if sts == [xmpp.NO_ERROR] * len(jids):
logging.info('XMPP message sent for issue %d to %s', iid, jids_str)
return True
logging.error('XMPP error %r sending for issue %d to %s',
sts, iid, jids_str)
return False
class HttpTextResponse(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['content_type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
super(HttpTextResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class HttpHtmlResponse(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['content_type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
super(HttpHtmlResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
### Decorators for request handlers ###
def post_required(func):
"""Decorator that returns an error unless request.method == 'POST'."""
def post_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
if request.method != 'POST':
return HttpTextResponse('This requires a POST request.', status=405)
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return post_wrapper
def login_required(func):
"""Decorator that redirects to the login page if you're not logged in."""
def login_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
if request.user is None:
return HttpResponseRedirect(
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return login_wrapper
def xsrf_required(func):
"""Decorator to check XSRF token.
This only checks if the method is POST; it lets other method go
through unchallenged. Apply after @login_required and (if
applicable) @post_required. This decorator is mutually exclusive
with @upload_required.
def xsrf_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
if request.method == 'POST':
post_token = request.POST.get('xsrf_token')
if not post_token:
return HttpTextResponse('Missing XSRF token.', status=403)
account = models.Account.current_user_account
if not account:
return HttpTextResponse('Must be logged in for XSRF check.', status=403)
xsrf_token = account.get_xsrf_token()
if post_token != xsrf_token:
# Try the previous hour's token
xsrf_token = account.get_xsrf_token(-1)
if post_token != xsrf_token:
msg = [u'Invalid XSRF token.']
if request.POST:
u'However, this was the data posted to the server:',
for key in request.POST:
msg.append(u'%s: %s' % (key, request.POST[key]))
msg.extend([u'', u'-'*10,
u'Please reload the previous page and post again.'])
return HttpTextResponse(u'\n'.join(msg), status=403)
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return xsrf_wrapper
def upload_required(func):
"""Decorator for POST requests from the upload.py script.
Right now this is for documentation only, but eventually we should
change this to insist on a special header that JavaScript cannot
add, to prevent XSRF attacks on these URLs. This decorator is
mutually exclusive with @xsrf_required.
return func
def admin_required(func):
"""Decorator that insists that you're logged in as administratior."""
def admin_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
if request.user is None:
return HttpResponseRedirect(
if not request.user_is_admin:
return HttpTextResponse(
'You must be admin in for this function', status=403)
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return admin_wrapper
def issue_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the issue_id handler argument."""
def issue_wrapper(request, issue_id, *args, **kwds):
issue = models.Issue.get_by_id(int(issue_id))
if issue is None:
return HttpTextResponse(
'No issue exists with that id (%s)' % issue_id, status=404)
if issue.private:
if request.user is None:
return HttpResponseRedirect(
if not _can_view_issue(request.user, issue):
return HttpTextResponse(
'You do not have permission to view this issue', status=403)
request.issue = issue
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return issue_wrapper
def user_key_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the user handler argument."""
def user_key_wrapper(request, user_key, *args, **kwds):
user_key = urllib.unquote(user_key)
if '@' in user_key:
request.user_to_show = users.User(user_key)
account = models.Account.get_account_for_nickname(user_key)
if not account:
logging.info("account not found for nickname %s" % user_key)
return HttpTextResponse(
'No user found with that key (%s)' % urllib.quote(user_key),
request.user_to_show = account.user
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return user_key_wrapper
def owner_required(func):
"""Decorator that insists you own the issue.
It must appear after issue_required or equivalent, like patchset_required.
def owner_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
if not (request.issue.owner == request.user or
return HttpTextResponse('You do not own this issue', status=403)
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return owner_wrapper
def issue_owner_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the issue_id argument and insists you own it."""
def issue_owner_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return issue_owner_wrapper
def issue_editor_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the issue_id argument and insists the user has
permission to edit it."""
def issue_editor_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
if not request.issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
return HttpTextResponse(
'You do not have permission to edit this issue', status=403)
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return issue_editor_wrapper
def patchset_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the patchset_id argument."""
def patchset_wrapper(request, patchset_id, *args, **kwds):
patchset = models.PatchSet.get_by_id(int(patchset_id), parent=request.issue)
if patchset is None:
return HttpTextResponse(
'No patch set exists with that id (%s)' % patchset_id, status=404)
patchset.issue = request.issue
request.patchset = patchset
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return patchset_wrapper
def patchset_owner_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the patchset_id argument and insists you own the
def patchset_owner_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return patchset_owner_wrapper
def patch_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the patch_id argument."""
def patch_wrapper(request, patch_id, *args, **kwds):
patch = models.Patch.get_by_id(int(patch_id), parent=request.patchset)
if patch is None:
return HttpTextResponse(
'No patch exists with that id (%s/%s)' %
(request.patchset.key().id(), patch_id),
patch.patchset = request.patchset
request.patch = patch
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return patch_wrapper
def patch_filename_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the patch_id argument."""
def patch_wrapper(request, patch_filename, *args, **kwds):
patch = models.Patch.gql('WHERE patchset = :1 AND filename = :2',
request.patchset, patch_filename).get()
if patch is None and patch_filename.isdigit():
# It could be an old URL which has a patch ID instead of a filename
patch = models.Patch.get_by_id(int(patch_filename),
if patch is None:
return respond(request, 'diff_missing.html',
{'issue': request.issue,
'patchset': request.patchset,
'patch': None,
'patchsets': request.issue.patchset_set,
'filename': patch_filename})
patch.patchset = request.patchset
request.patch = patch
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return patch_wrapper
def image_required(func):
"""Decorator that processes the image argument.
Attributes set on the request:
content: a Content entity.
def image_wrapper(request, image_type, *args, **kwds):
content = None
if image_type == "0":
content = request.patch.content
elif image_type == "1":
content = request.patch.patched_content
# Other values are erroneous so request.content won't be set.
if not content or not content.data:
return HttpResponseRedirect(django_settings.MEDIA_URL + "blank.jpg")
request.mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(request.patch.filename)[0]
if not request.mime_type or not request.mime_type.startswith('image/'):
return HttpResponseRedirect(django_settings.MEDIA_URL + "blank.jpg")
request.content = content
return func(request, *args, **kwds)
return image_wrapper
def json_response(func):
"""Decorator that converts into JSON any returned value that is not an
HttpResponse. It handles `pretty` URL parameter to tune JSON response for
either performance or readability."""
def json_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds):
data = func(request, *args, **kwds)
if isinstance(data, HttpResponse):
return data
if request.REQUEST.get('pretty','0').lower() in ('1', 'true', 'on'):
data = simplejson.dumps(data, indent=' ', sort_keys=True)
data = simplejson.dumps(data, separators=(',',':'))
return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json; charset=utf-8')
return json_wrapper
### Request handlers ###
def index(request):
"""/ - Show a list of review issues"""
if request.user is None:
return all(request, index_call=True)
return mine(request)
def _url(path, **kwargs):
"""Format parameters for query string.
path: Path of URL.
kwargs: Keyword parameters are treated as values to add to the query
parameter of the URL. If empty no query parameters will be added to
path and '?' omitted from the URL.
if kwargs:
encoded_parameters = urllib.urlencode(kwargs)
if path.endswith('?'):
# Trailing ? on path. Append parameters to end.
return '%s%s' % (path, encoded_parameters)
elif '?' in path:
# Append additional parameters to existing query parameters.
return '%s&%s' % (path, encoded_parameters)
# Add query parameters to path with no query parameters.
return '%s?%s' % (path, encoded_parameters)
return path
def _inner_paginate(request, issues, template, extra_template_params):
"""Display paginated list of issues.
Takes care of the private bit.
request: Request containing offset and limit parameters.
issues: Issues to be displayed.
template: Name of template that renders issue page.
extra_template_params: Dictionary of extra parameters to pass to page
Response for sending back to browser.
visible_issues = [i for i in issues if _can_view_issue(request.user, i)]
params = {
'issues': visible_issues,
'limit': None,
'newest': None,
'prev': None,
'next': None,
'nexttext': '',
'first': '',
'last': '',
if extra_template_params:
return respond(request, template, params)
def _paginate_issues(page_url,
"""Display paginated list of issues.
page_url: Base URL of issue page that is being paginated. Typically
generated by calling 'reverse' with a name and arguments of a view
request: Request containing offset and limit parameters.
query: Query over issues.
template: Name of template that renders issue page.
extra_nav_parameters: Dictionary of extra parameters to append to the
navigation links.
extra_template_params: Dictionary of extra parameters to pass to page
Response for sending back to browser.
offset = _clean_int(request.GET.get('offset'), 0, 0)
limit = _clean_int(request.GET.get('limit'), DEFAULT_LIMIT, 1, 100)
nav_parameters = {'limit': str(limit)}
if extra_nav_parameters is not None:
params = {
'limit': limit,
'first': offset + 1,
'nexttext': 'Older',
# Fetch one more to see if there should be a 'next' link
issues = query.fetch(limit+1, offset)
if len(issues) > limit:
del issues[limit:]
params['next'] = _url(page_url, offset=offset + limit, **nav_parameters)
params['last'] = len(issues) > 1 and offset+len(issues) or None
if offset > 0:
params['prev'] = _url(page_url, offset=max(0, offset - limit),
if offset > limit:
params['newest'] = _url(page_url, **nav_parameters)
if extra_template_params:
return _inner_paginate(request, issues, template, params)
def _paginate_issues_with_cursor(page_url,
"""Display paginated list of issues using a cursor instead of offset.
page_url: Base URL of issue page that is being paginated. Typically
generated by calling 'reverse' with a name and arguments of a view
request: Request containing offset and limit parameters.
query: Query over issues.
limit: Maximum number of issues to return.
template: Name of template that renders issue page.
extra_nav_parameters: Dictionary of extra parameters to append to the
navigation links.
extra_template_params: Dictionary of extra parameters to pass to page
Response for sending back to browser.
issues = query.fetch(limit)
nav_parameters = {}
if extra_nav_parameters:
nav_parameters['cursor'] = query.cursor()
params = {
'limit': limit,
'cursor': nav_parameters['cursor'],
'nexttext': 'Newer',
# Fetch one more to see if there should be a 'next' link. Do it in a separate
# request so we have a valid cursor.
if query.fetch(1):
params['next'] = _url(page_url, **nav_parameters)
if extra_template_params:
return _inner_paginate(request, issues, template, params)
def all(request, index_call=False):
"""/all - Show a list of up to DEFAULT_LIMIT recent issues."""
closed = request.GET.get('closed', '')
if closed in ('0', 'false'):
closed = False
elif closed in ('1', 'true'):
closed = True
elif index_call:
# for index we display only open issues by default
closed = False
closed = None
nav_parameters = {}
if closed is not None:
nav_parameters['closed'] = int(closed)
query = models.Issue.all().filter('private =', False)
if closed is not None:
# return only opened or closed issues
query.filter('closed =', closed)
return _paginate_issues(reverse(all),
def _optimize_draft_counts(issues):
"""Force _num_drafts to zero for issues that are known to have no drafts.
issues: list of model.Issue instances.
This inspects the drafts attribute of the current user's Account
instance, and forces the draft count to zero of those issues in the
list that aren't mentioned there.
If there is no current user, all draft counts are forced to 0.
account = models.Account.current_user_account
if account is None:
issue_ids = None
issue_ids = account.drafts
for issue in issues:
if issue_ids is None or issue.key().id() not in issue_ids:
issue._num_drafts = 0
def mine(request):
"""/mine - Show a list of issues created by the current user."""
request.user_to_show = request.user
return _show_user(request)
def starred(request):
"""/starred - Show a list of issues starred by the current user."""
stars = models.Account.current_user_account.stars
if not stars:
issues = []
issues = [issue for issue in models.Issue.get_by_id(stars)
if issue is not None
and _can_view_issue(request.user, issue)]
return respond(request, 'starred.html', {'issues': issues})
def _load_users_for_issues(issues):
"""Load all user links for a list of issues in one go."""
user_dict = {}
for i in issues:
for e in i.reviewers + i.cc + [i.owner.email()]:
# keeping a count lets you track total vs. distinct if you want
user_dict[e] = user_dict.setdefault(e, 0) + 1
def show_user(request):
"""/user - Show the user's dashboard"""
return _show_user(request)
def _show_user(request):
user = request.user_to_show
if user == request.user:
query = models.Comment.all().filter('draft =', True)
query = query.filter('author =', request.user).fetch(100)
draft_keys = set(d.parent_key().parent().parent() for d in query)
draft_issues = models.Issue.get(draft_keys)
# Reduce the chance of someone trying to block himself.
show_block = False
draft_issues = draft_keys = []
show_block = request.user_is_admin
my_issues = [
issue for issue in db.GqlQuery(
'SELECT * FROM Issue '
'WHERE closed = FALSE AND owner = :1 '
'ORDER BY modified DESC '
'LIMIT 100',
if issue.key() not in draft_keys and _can_view_issue(request.user, issue)]
review_issues = [
issue for issue in db.GqlQuery(
'SELECT * FROM Issue '
'WHERE closed = FALSE AND reviewers = :1 '
'ORDER BY modified DESC '
'LIMIT 100',
if (issue.key() not in draft_keys and issue.owner != user
and _can_view_issue(request.user, issue))]
closed_issues = [
issue for issue in db.GqlQuery(
'SELECT * FROM Issue '
'WHERE closed = TRUE AND modified > :1 AND owner = :2 '
'ORDER BY modified DESC '
'LIMIT 100',
datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7),
if issue.key() not in draft_keys and _can_view_issue(request.user, issue)]
cc_issues = [
issue for issue in db.GqlQuery(
'SELECT * FROM Issue '
'WHERE closed = FALSE AND cc = :1 '
'ORDER BY modified DESC '
'LIMIT 100',
if (issue.key() not in draft_keys and issue.owner != user
and _can_view_issue(request.user, issue))]
all_issues = my_issues + review_issues + closed_issues + cc_issues
account = models.Account.get_account_for_user(request.user_to_show)
return respond(request, 'user.html',
{'account': account,
'my_issues': my_issues,
'review_issues': review_issues,
'closed_issues': closed_issues,
'cc_issues': cc_issues,
'draft_issues': draft_issues,
'show_block': show_block,
def block_user(request):
"""/user/<user>/block - Blocks a specific user."""
account = models.Account.get_account_for_user(request.user_to_show)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = BlockForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
account.blocked = form.cleaned_data['blocked']
'Updating block bit to %s for user %s',
form = BlockForm()
form.initial['blocked'] = account.blocked
templates = {
'account': account,
'form': form,
return respond(request, 'block_user.html', templates)
def new(request):
"""/new - Upload a new patch set.
GET shows a blank form, POST processes it.
if request.method != 'POST':
form = NewForm()
return respond(request, 'new.html', {'form': form})
form = NewForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
issue, _ = _make_new(request, form)
if issue is None:
return respond(request, 'new.html', {'form': form})
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(show, args=[issue.key().id()]))
def use_uploadpy(request):
"""Show an intermediate page about upload.py."""
if request.method == 'POST':
if 'disable_msg' in request.POST:
models.Account.current_user_account.uploadpy_hint = False
if 'download' in request.POST:
url = reverse(customized_upload_py)
url = reverse(new)
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
return respond(request, 'use_uploadpy.html')
def upload(request):
"""/upload - Like new() or add(), but from the upload.py script.
This generates a text/plain response.
if request.user is None:
if IS_DEV:
request.user = users.User(request.POST.get('user', 'test@example.com'))
return HttpTextResponse('Login required', status=401)
# Check against old upload.py usage.
if request.POST.get('num_parts') > 1:
return HttpTextResponse('Upload.py is too old, get the latest version.')
form = UploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
issue = None
patchset = None
if form.is_valid():
issue_id = form.cleaned_data['issue']
if issue_id:
action = 'updated'
issue = models.Issue.get_by_id(issue_id)
if issue is None:
form.errors['issue'] = ['No issue exists with that id (%s)' %
elif issue.local_base and not form.cleaned_data.get('content_upload'):
form.errors['issue'] = ['Base files upload required for that issue.']
issue = None
if not issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
form.errors['user'] = ['You (%s) don\'t own this issue (%s)' %
(request.user, issue_id)]
issue = None
elif issue.closed:
form.errors['issue'] = ['This issue is closed (%s)' % (issue_id)]
issue = None
patchset = _add_patchset_from_form(request, issue, form, 'subject',
if not patchset:
issue = None
action = 'created'
issue, patchset = _make_new(request, form)
if issue is None:
msg = 'Issue creation errors: %s' % repr(form.errors)
msg = ('Issue %s. URL: %s' %
reverse('show_bare_issue_number', args=[issue.key().id()]))))
if (form.cleaned_data.get('content_upload') or
# Extend the response message: 2nd line is patchset id.
msg +="\n%d" % patchset.key().id()
if form.cleaned_data.get('content_upload'):
# Extend the response: additional lines are the expected filenames.
issue.local_base = True
base_hashes = {}
for file_info in form.cleaned_data.get('base_hashes').split("|"):
if not file_info:
checksum, filename = file_info.split(":", 1)
base_hashes[filename] = checksum
content_entities = []
new_content_entities = []
patches = list(patchset.patch_set)
existing_patches = {}
patchsets = list(issue.patchset_set)
if len(patchsets) > 1:
# Only check the last uploaded patchset for speed.
last_patch_set = patchsets[-2].patch_set
patchsets = None # Reduce memory usage.
for opatch in last_patch_set:
if opatch.content:
existing_patches[opatch.filename] = opatch
for patch in patches:
content = None
# Check if the base file is already uploaded in another patchset.
if (patch.filename in base_hashes and
patch.filename in existing_patches and
(base_hashes[patch.filename] ==
content = existing_patches[patch.filename].content
patch.status = existing_patches[patch.filename].status
patch.is_binary = existing_patches[patch.filename].is_binary
if not content:
content = models.Content(is_uploaded=True, parent=patch)
existing_patches = None # Reduce memory usage.
if new_content_entities:
for patch, content_entity in zip(patches, content_entities):
patch.content = content_entity
id_string = patch.key().id()
if content_entity not in new_content_entities:
# Base file not needed since we reused a previous upload. Send its
# patch id in case it's a binary file and the new content needs to
# be uploaded. We mark this by prepending 'nobase' to the id.
id_string = "nobase_" + str(id_string)
msg += "\n%s %s" % (id_string, patch.filename)
return HttpTextResponse(msg)
def upload_content(request):
"""/<issue>/upload_content/<patchset>/<patch> - Upload base file contents.
Used by upload.py to upload base files.
form = UploadContentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpTextResponse(
'ERROR: Upload content errors:\n%s' % repr(form.errors))
if request.user is None:
if IS_DEV:
request.user = users.User(request.POST.get('user', 'test@example.com'))
return HttpTextResponse('Error: Login required', status=401)
if not request.issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
return HttpTextResponse('ERROR: You (%s) don\'t own this issue (%s).' %
(request.user, request.issue.key().id()))
patch = request.patch
patch.status = form.cleaned_data['status']
patch.is_binary = form.cleaned_data['is_binary']
if form.cleaned_data['is_current']:
if patch.patched_content:
return HttpTextResponse('ERROR: Already have current content.')
content = models.Content(is_uploaded=True, parent=patch)
patch.patched_content = content
content = patch.content
if form.cleaned_data['file_too_large']:
content.file_too_large = True
data = form.get_uploaded_content()
checksum = md5.new(data).hexdigest()
if checksum != request.POST.get('checksum'):
content.is_bad = True
return HttpTextResponse('ERROR: Checksum mismatch.')
if patch.is_binary:
content.data = data
content.text = utils.to_dbtext(utils.unify_linebreaks(data))
content.checksum = checksum
return HttpTextResponse('OK')
def upload_patch(request):
"""/<issue>/upload_patch/<patchset> - Upload patch to patchset.
Used by upload.py to upload a patch when the diff is too large to upload all
if request.user is None:
if IS_DEV:
request.user = users.User(request.POST.get('user', 'test@example.com'))
return HttpTextResponse('Error: Login required', status=401)
if not request.issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
return HttpTextResponse(
'ERROR: You (%s) don\'t own this issue (%s).' %
(request.user, request.issue.key().id()))
form = UploadPatchForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpTextResponse(
'ERROR: Upload patch errors:\n%s' % repr(form.errors))
patchset = request.patchset
if patchset.data:
return HttpTextResponse(
'ERROR: Can\'t upload patches to patchset with data.')
text = utils.to_dbtext(utils.unify_linebreaks(form.get_uploaded_patch()))
patch = models.Patch(patchset=patchset,
filename=form.cleaned_data['filename'], parent=patchset)
if form.cleaned_data.get('content_upload'):
content = models.Content(is_uploaded=True, parent=patch)
patch.content = content
msg = 'OK\n' + str(patch.key().id())
return HttpTextResponse(msg)
def upload_complete(request, patchset_id=None):
"""/<issue>/upload_complete/<patchset> - Patchset upload is complete.
/<issue>/upload_complete/ - used when no base files are uploaded.
The following POST parameters are handled:
- send_mail: If 'yes', a notification mail will be send.
- attach_patch: If 'yes', the patches will be attached to the mail.
if patchset_id is not None:
patchset = models.PatchSet.get_by_id(int(patchset_id),
if patchset is None:
return HttpTextResponse(
'No patch set exists with that id (%s)' % patchset_id, status=403)
# Add delta calculation task.
params={'key': str(patchset.key())},
patchset = None
# Check for completeness
errors = []
if request.issue.local_base and patchset is not None:
query = patchset.patch_set.filter('is_binary =', False)
query = query.filter('status =', None) # all uploaded file have a status
if query.count() > 0:
errors.append('Base files missing.')
# Create (and send) a message if needed.
if request.POST.get('send_mail') == 'yes' or request.POST.get('message'):
msg = _make_message(request, request.issue, request.POST.get('message', ''),
send_mail=(request.POST.get('send_mail', '') == 'yes'))
_notify_issue(request, request.issue, 'Mailed')
if errors:
msg = ('The following errors occured:\n%s\n'
'Try to upload the changeset again.'
% '\n'.join(errors))
status = 500
msg = 'OK'
status = 200
return HttpTextResponse(msg, status=status)
class EmptyPatchSet(Exception):
"""Exception used inside _make_new() to break out of the transaction."""
def _make_new(request, form):
"""Creates new issue and fill relevant fields from given form data.
Sends notification about created issue (if requested with send_mail param).
Returns (Issue, PatchSet) or (None, None).
if not form.is_valid():
return (None, None)
account = models.Account.get_account_for_user(request.user)
if account.blocked:
# Early exit for blocked accounts.
return (None, None)
data_url = _get_data_url(form)
if data_url is None:
return (None, None)
data, url, separate_patches = data_url
reviewers = _get_emails(form, 'reviewers')
if not form.is_valid() or reviewers is None:
return (None, None)
cc = _get_emails(form, 'cc')
if not form.is_valid():
return (None, None)
base = form.get_base()
if base is None:
return (None, None)
def txn():
issue = models.Issue(subject=form.cleaned_data['subject'],
repo_guid=form.cleaned_data.get('repo_guid', None),
private=form.cleaned_data.get('private', False),
patchset = models.PatchSet(issue=issue, data=data, url=url, parent=issue)
if not separate_patches:
patches = engine.ParsePatchSet(patchset)
if not patches:
raise EmptyPatchSet # Abort the transaction
return issue, patchset
issue, patchset = db.run_in_transaction(txn)
except EmptyPatchSet:
errkey = url and 'url' or 'data'
form.errors[errkey] = ['Patch set contains no recognizable patches']
return (None, None)
if form.cleaned_data.get('send_mail'):
msg = _make_message(request, issue, '', '', True)
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Created')
return (issue, patchset)
def _get_data_url(form):
"""Helper for _make_new() above and add() below.
form: Django form object.
3-tuple (data, url, separate_patches).
data: the diff content, if available.
url: the url of the diff, if given.
separate_patches: True iff the patches will be uploaded separately for
each file.
cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data
data = cleaned_data['data']
url = cleaned_data.get('url')
separate_patches = cleaned_data.get('separate_patches')
if not (data or url or separate_patches):
form.errors['data'] = ['You must specify a URL or upload a file (< 1 MB).']
return None
if data and url:
form.errors['data'] = ['You must specify either a URL or upload a file '
'but not both.']
return None
if separate_patches and (data or url):
form.errors['data'] = ['If the patches will be uploaded separately later, '
'you can\'t send some data or a url.']
return None
if data is not None:
data = db.Blob(utils.unify_linebreaks(data.read()))
url = None
elif url:
fetch_result = urlfetch.fetch(url)
except Exception, err:
form.errors['url'] = [str(err)]
return None
if fetch_result.status_code != 200:
form.errors['url'] = ['HTTP status code %s' % fetch_result.status_code]
return None
data = db.Blob(utils.unify_linebreaks(fetch_result.content))
return data, url, separate_patches
def add(request):
"""/<issue>/add - Add a new PatchSet to an existing Issue."""
issue = request.issue
form = AddForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if not _add_patchset_from_form(request, issue, form):
return show(request, issue.key().id(), form)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(show, args=[issue.key().id()]))
def _add_patchset_from_form(request, issue, form, message_key='message',
"""Helper for add() and upload()."""
# TODO(guido): use a transaction like in _make_new(); may be share more code?
if form.is_valid():
data_url = _get_data_url(form)
if not form.is_valid():
return None
account = models.Account.get_account_for_user(request.user)
if account.blocked:
return None
if not issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
# This check is done at each call site but check again as a safety measure.
return None
data, url, separate_patches = data_url
message = form.cleaned_data[message_key]
patchset = models.PatchSet(issue=issue, message=message, data=data, url=url,
if not separate_patches:
patches = engine.ParsePatchSet(patchset)
if not patches:
errkey = url and 'url' or 'data'
form.errors[errkey] = ['Patch set contains no recognizable patches']
return None
if emails_add_only:
emails = _get_emails(form, 'reviewers')
if not form.is_valid():
return None
issue.reviewers += [reviewer for reviewer in emails
if reviewer not in issue.reviewers]
emails = _get_emails(form, 'cc')
if not form.is_valid():
return None
issue.cc += [cc for cc in emails if cc not in issue.cc]
issue.reviewers = _get_emails(form, 'reviewers')
issue.cc = _get_emails(form, 'cc')
if form.cleaned_data.get('send_mail'):
msg = _make_message(request, issue, message, '', True)
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Updated')
return patchset
def _get_emails(form, label):
"""Helper to return the list of reviewers, or None for error."""
raw_emails = form.cleaned_data.get(label)
if raw_emails:
return _get_emails_from_raw(raw_emails.split(','), form=form, label=label)
return []
def _get_emails_from_raw(raw_emails, form=None, label=None):
emails = []
for email in raw_emails:
email = email.strip()
if email:
if '@' not in email:
account = models.Account.get_account_for_nickname(email)
if account is None:
raise db.BadValueError('Unknown user: %s' % email)
db_email = db.Email(account.user.email().lower())
elif email.count('@') != 1:
raise db.BadValueError('Invalid email address: %s' % email)
_, tail = email.split('@')
if '.' not in tail:
raise db.BadValueError('Invalid email address: %s' % email)
db_email = db.Email(email.lower())
except db.BadValueError, err:
if form:
form.errors[label] = [unicode(err)]
return None
if db_email not in emails:
return emails
def _calculate_delta(patch, patchset_id, patchsets):
"""Calculates which files in earlier patchsets this file differs from.
patch: The file to compare.
patchset_id: The file's patchset's key id.
patchsets: A list of existing patchsets.
A list of patchset ids.
delta = []
if patch.no_base_file:
return delta
for other in patchsets:
if patchset_id == other.key().id():
if not hasattr(other, 'parsed_patches'):
other.parsed_patches = None # cache variable for already parsed patches
if other.data or other.parsed_patches:
# Loading all the Patch entities in every PatchSet takes too long
# (DeadLineExceeded) and consumes a lot of memory (MemoryError) so instead
# just parse the patchset's data. Note we can only do this if the
# patchset was small enough to fit in the data property.
if other.parsed_patches is None:
# PatchSet.data is stored as db.Blob (str). Try to convert it
# to unicode so that Python doesn't need to do this conversion
# when comparing text and patch.text, which is db.Text
# (unicode).
other.parsed_patches = engine.SplitPatch(other.data.decode('utf-8'))
except UnicodeDecodeError: # Fallback to str - unicode comparison.
other.parsed_patches = engine.SplitPatch(other.data)
other.data = None # Reduce memory usage.
for filename, text in other.parsed_patches:
if filename == patch.filename:
if text != patch.text:
# We could not find the file in the previous patchset. It must
# be new wrt that patchset.
# other (patchset) is too big to hold all the patches inside itself, so
# we need to go to the datastore. Use the index to see if there's a
# patch against our current file in other.
query = models.Patch.all()
query.filter("filename =", patch.filename)
query.filter("patchset =", other.key())
other_patches = query.fetch(100)
if other_patches and len(other_patches) > 1:
logging.info("Got %s patches with the same filename for a patchset",
for op in other_patches:
if op.text != patch.text:
# We could not find the file in the previous patchset. It must
# be new wrt that patchset.
return delta
def _get_patchset_info(request, patchset_id):
""" Returns a list of patchsets for the issue.
request: Django Request object.
patchset_id: The id of the patchset that the caller is interested in. This
is the one that we generate delta links to if they're not available. We
can't generate for all patchsets because it would take too long on issues
with many patchsets. Passing in None is equivalent to doing it for the
last patchset.
A 3-tuple of (issue, patchsets, HttpResponse).
If HttpResponse is not None, further processing should stop and it should be
issue = request.issue
patchsets = list(issue.patchset_set.order('created'))
response = None
if not patchset_id and patchsets:
patchset_id = patchsets[-1].key().id()
if request.user:
drafts = list(models.Comment.gql('WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND draft = TRUE'
' AND author = :2',
issue, request.user))
drafts = []
comments = list(models.Comment.gql('WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND draft = FALSE',
issue.draft_count = len(drafts)
for c in drafts:
c.ps_key = c.patch.patchset.key()
patchset_id_mapping = {} # Maps from patchset id to its ordering number.
for patchset in patchsets:
patchset_id_mapping[patchset.key().id()] = len(patchset_id_mapping) + 1
patchset.n_drafts = sum(c.ps_key == patchset.key() for c in drafts)
patchset.patches = None
patchset.parsed_patches = None
if patchset_id == patchset.key().id():
patchset.patches = list(patchset.patch_set.order('filename'))
attempt = _clean_int(request.GET.get('attempt'), 0, 0)
if attempt < 0:
response = HttpTextResponse('Invalid parameter', status=404)
for patch in patchset.patches:
pkey = patch.key()
patch._num_comments = sum(c.parent_key() == pkey for c in comments)
if request.user:
patch._num_my_comments = sum(
c.parent_key() == pkey and c.author == request.user
for c in comments)
patch._num_my_comments = 0
patch._num_drafts = sum(c.parent_key() == pkey for c in drafts)
if not patch.delta_calculated:
if attempt > 2:
# Too many patchsets or files and we're not able to generate the
# delta links. Instead of giving a 500, try to render the page
# without them.
patch.delta = []
# Compare each patch to the same file in earlier patchsets to see
# if they differ, so that we can generate the delta patch urls.
# We do this once and cache it after. It's specifically not done
# on upload because we're already doing too much processing there.
# NOTE: this function will clear out patchset.data to reduce
# memory so don't ever call patchset.put() after calling it.
patch.delta = _calculate_delta(patch, patchset_id, patchsets)
patch.delta_calculated = True
# A multi-entity put would be quicker, but it fails when the
# patches have content that is large. App Engine throws
# RequestTooLarge. This way, although not as efficient, allows
# multiple refreshes on an issue to get things done, as opposed to
# an all-or-nothing approach.
# Reduce memory usage: if this patchset has lots of added/removed
# files (i.e. > 100) then we'll get MemoryError when rendering the
# response. Each Patch entity is using a lot of memory if the files
# are large, since it holds the entire contents. Call num_chunks and
# num_drafts first though since they depend on text.
# These are 'active' properties and have side-effects when looked up.
# pylint: disable=W0104
patch.text = None
patch._lines = None
patch.parsed_deltas = []
for delta in patch.delta:
patch.parsed_deltas.append([patchset_id_mapping[delta], delta])
except DeadlineExceededError:
logging.exception('DeadlineExceededError in _get_patchset_info')
if attempt > 2:
response = HttpTextResponse(
'DeadlineExceededError - create a new issue.')
response = HttpResponseRedirect('%s?attempt=%d' %
(request.path, attempt + 1))
# Reduce memory usage (see above comment).
for patchset in patchsets:
patchset.parsed_patches = None
return issue, patchsets, response
def show(request, form=None):
"""/<issue> - Show an issue."""
issue, patchsets, response = _get_patchset_info(request, None)
if response:
return response
if not form:
form = AddForm(initial={'reviewers': ', '.join(issue.reviewers)})
last_patchset = first_patch = None
if patchsets:
last_patchset = patchsets[-1]
if last_patchset.patches:
first_patch = last_patchset.patches[0]
messages = []
has_draft_message = False
for msg in issue.message_set.order('date'):
if not msg.draft:
elif msg.draft and request.user and msg.sender == request.user.email():
has_draft_message = True
num_patchsets = len(patchsets)
return respond(request, 'issue.html',
{'issue': issue, 'patchsets': patchsets,
'messages': messages, 'form': form,
'last_patchset': last_patchset,
'num_patchsets': num_patchsets,
'first_patch': first_patch,
'has_draft_message': has_draft_message,
'is_editor': issue.user_can_edit(request.user),
def patchset(request):
"""/patchset/<key> - Returns patchset information."""
patchset = request.patchset
issue, patchsets, response = _get_patchset_info(request, patchset.key().id())
if response:
return response
for ps in patchsets:
if ps.key().id() == patchset.key().id():
patchset = ps
return respond(request, 'patchset.html',
{'issue': issue,
'patchset': patchset,
'patchsets': patchsets,
'is_editor': issue.user_can_edit(request.user),
def account(request):
"""/account/?q=blah&limit=10&timestamp=blah - Used for autocomplete."""
def searchAccounts(property, domain, added, response):
query = request.GET.get('q').lower()
limit = _clean_int(request.GET.get('limit'), 10, 10, 100)
accounts = models.Account.all()
accounts.filter("lower_%s >= " % property, query)
accounts.filter("lower_%s < " % property, query + u"\ufffd")
accounts.order("lower_%s" % property)
for account in accounts:
if account.key() in added:
if domain and not account.email.endswith(domain):
if len(added) >= limit:
response += '%s (%s)\n' % (account.email, account.nickname)
return added, response
added = set()
response = ''
domain = os.environ['AUTH_DOMAIN']
if domain != 'gmail.com':
# 'gmail.com' is the value AUTH_DOMAIN is set to if the app is running
# on appspot.com and shouldn't prioritize the custom domain.
added, response = searchAccounts("email", domain, added, response)
added, response = searchAccounts("nickname", domain, added, response)
added, response = searchAccounts("nickname", "", added, response)
added, response = searchAccounts("email", "", added, response)
return HttpTextResponse(response)
def edit(request):
"""/<issue>/edit - Edit an issue."""
issue = request.issue
base = issue.base
if issue.local_base:
form_cls = EditLocalBaseForm
form_cls = EditForm
if request.method != 'POST':
reviewers = [models.Account.get_nickname_for_email(reviewer,
for reviewer in issue.reviewers]
ccs = [models.Account.get_nickname_for_email(cc, default=cc)
for cc in issue.cc]
form = form_cls(initial={'subject': issue.subject,
'description': issue.description,
'base': base,
'reviewers': ', '.join(reviewers),
'cc': ', '.join(ccs),
'closed': issue.closed,
'private': issue.private,
if not issue.local_base:
return respond(request, 'edit.html', {'issue': issue, 'form': form})
form = form_cls(request.POST)
if not issue.local_base:
if form.is_valid():
reviewers = _get_emails(form, 'reviewers')
if form.is_valid():
cc = _get_emails(form, 'cc')
if form.is_valid() and not issue.local_base:
base = form.get_base()
if not form.is_valid():
return respond(request, 'edit.html', {'issue': issue, 'form': form})
cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data
was_closed = issue.closed
issue.subject = cleaned_data['subject']
issue.description = cleaned_data['description']
issue.closed = cleaned_data['closed']
issue.private = cleaned_data.get('private', False)
base_changed = (issue.base != base)
issue.base = base
issue.reviewers = reviewers
issue.cc = cc
if base_changed:
for patchset in issue.patchset_set:
db.run_in_transaction(_delete_cached_contents, list(patchset.patch_set))
if issue.closed == was_closed:
message = 'Edited'
elif issue.closed:
message = 'Closed'
message = 'Reopened'
_notify_issue(request, issue, message)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(show, args=[issue.key().id()]))
def _delete_cached_contents(patch_set):
"""Transactional helper for edit() to delete cached contents."""
# TODO(guido): No need to do this in a transaction.
patches = []
contents = []
for patch in patch_set:
content = patch.content
except db.Error:
content = None
patched_content = patch.patched_content
except db.Error:
patched_content = None
if content is not None:
if patched_content is not None:
patch.content = None
patch.patched_content = None
if contents:
logging.info("Deleting %d contents", len(contents))
if patches:
logging.info("Updating %d patches", len(patches))
def delete(request):
"""/<issue>/delete - Delete an issue. There is no way back."""
issue = request.issue
tbd = [issue]
for cls in [models.PatchSet, models.Patch, models.Comment,
models.Message, models.Content]:
tbd += cls.gql('WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1', issue)
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Deleted')
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(mine))
def delete_patchset(request):
"""/<issue>/patch/<patchset>/delete - Delete a patchset.
There is no way back.
issue = request.issue
ps_delete = request.patchset
ps_id = ps_delete.key().id()
patchsets_after = issue.patchset_set.filter('created >', ps_delete.created)
patches = []
for patchset in patchsets_after:
for patch in patchset.patch_set:
if patch.delta_calculated:
if ps_id in patch.delta:
db.run_in_transaction(_patchset_delete, ps_delete, patches)
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Patchset deleted')
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(show, args=[issue.key().id()]))
def _patchset_delete(ps_delete, patches):
"""Transactional helper for delete_patchset.
ps_delete: The patchset to be deleted.
patches: Patches that have delta against patches of ps_delete.
patchset_id = ps_delete.key().id()
tbp = []
for patch in patches:
if tbp:
tbd = [ps_delete]
for cls in [models.Patch, models.Comment]:
tbd += cls.gql('WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1', ps_delete)
def close(request):
"""/<issue>/close - Close an issue."""
issue = request.issue
issue.closed = True
if request.method == 'POST':
new_description = request.POST.get('description')
if new_description:
issue.description = new_description
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Closed')
return HttpTextResponse('Closed')
def mailissue(request):
"""/<issue>/mail - Send mail for an issue.
This URL is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. However,
older versions of upload.py or wrapper scripts still may use it.
if not request.issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
if not IS_DEV:
return HttpTextResponse('Login required', status=401)
issue = request.issue
msg = _make_message(request, issue, '', '', True)
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Mailed')
return HttpTextResponse('OK')
def download(request):
"""/download/<issue>_<patchset>.diff - Download a patch set."""
if request.patchset.data is None:
return HttpTextResponse(
'Patch set (%s) is too large.' % request.patchset.key().id(),
padding = ''
user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
if user_agent and 'MSIE' in user_agent:
# Add 256+ bytes of padding to prevent XSS attacks on Internet Explorer.
padding = ('='*67 + '\n') * 4
return HttpTextResponse(padding + request.patchset.data)
def description(request):
"""/<issue>/description - Gets/Sets an issue's description.
Used by upload.py or similar scripts.
if request.method != 'POST':
description = request.issue.description or ""
return HttpTextResponse(description)
if not request.issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
if not IS_DEV:
return HttpTextResponse('Login required', status=401)
issue = request.issue
issue.description = request.POST.get('description')
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Changed')
return HttpTextResponse('')
def fields(request):
"""/<issue>/fields - Gets/Sets fields on the issue.
Used by upload.py or similar scripts for partial updates of the issue
without a patchset..
# Only recognizes a few fields for now.
if request.method != 'POST':
fields = request.GET.getlist('field')
response = {}
if 'reviewers' in fields:
response['reviewers'] = request.issue.reviewers or []
if 'description' in fields:
response['description'] = request.issue.description
if 'subject' in fields:
response['subject'] = request.issue.subject
return response
if not request.issue.user_can_edit(request.user):
if not IS_DEV:
return HttpTextResponse('Login required', status=401)
fields = simplejson.loads(request.POST.get('fields'))
issue = request.issue
if 'description' in fields:
issue.description = fields['description']
if 'reviewers' in fields:
issue.reviewers = _get_emails_from_raw(fields['reviewers'])
if 'subject' in fields:
issue.subject = fields['subject']
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Changed')
return HttpTextResponse('')
def patch(request):
"""/<issue>/patch/<patchset>/<patch> - View a raw patch."""
return patch_helper(request)
def patch_helper(request, nav_type='patch'):
"""Returns a unified diff.
request: Django Request object.
nav_type: the navigation used in the url (i.e. patch/diff/diff2). Normally
the user looks at either unified or side-by-side diffs at one time, going
through all the files in the same mode. However, if side-by-side is not
available for some files, we temporarly switch them to unified view, then
switch them back when we can. This way they don't miss any files.
Whatever respond() returns.
_add_next_prev(request.patchset, request.patch)
request.patch.nav_type = nav_type
parsed_lines = patching.ParsePatchToLines(request.patch.lines)
if parsed_lines is None:
return HttpTextResponse('Can\'t parse the patch to lines', status=404)
rows = engine.RenderUnifiedTableRows(request, parsed_lines)
return respond(request, 'patch.html',
{'patch': request.patch,
'patchset': request.patchset,
'view_style': 'patch',
'rows': rows,
'issue': request.issue,
'context': _clean_int(request.GET.get('context'), -1),
'column_width': _clean_int(request.GET.get('column_width'),
def image(request):
"""/<issue>/content/<patchset>/<patch>/<content> - Return patch's content."""
response = HttpResponse(request.content.data, content_type=request.mime_type)
filename = re.sub(
r'[^\w\.]', '_', request.patch.filename.encode('ascii', 'replace'))
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename
response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store'
return response
def download_patch(request):
"""/download/issue<issue>_<patchset>_<patch>.diff - Download patch."""
return HttpTextResponse(request.patch.text)
def _issue_as_dict(issue, messages, request=None):
"""Converts an issue into a dict."""
values = {
'owner': library.get_nickname(issue.owner, True, request),
'owner_email': issue.owner.email(),
'modified': str(issue.modified),
'created': str(issue.created),
'closed': issue.closed,
'cc': issue.cc,
'reviewers': issue.reviewers,
'patchsets': [p.key().id() for p in issue.patchset_set.order('created')],
'description': issue.description,
'subject': issue.subject,
'issue': issue.key().id(),
'base_url': issue.base,
'private': issue.private,
if messages:
values['messages'] = [
'sender': m.sender,
'recipients': m.recipients,
'date': str(m.date),
'text': m.text,
'approval': m.approval,
'disapproval': m.disapproval,
for m in models.Message.gql('WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1', issue)
return values
def _patchset_as_dict(patchset, request=None):
"""Converts a patchset into a dict."""
values = {
'patchset': patchset.key().id(),
'issue': patchset.issue.key().id(),
'owner': library.get_nickname(patchset.issue.owner, True, request),
'owner_email': patchset.issue.owner.email(),
'message': patchset.message,
'url': patchset.url,
'created': str(patchset.created),
'modified': str(patchset.modified),
'num_comments': patchset.num_comments,
'files': {},
for patch in models.Patch.gql("WHERE patchset = :1", patchset):
# num_comments and num_drafts are left out for performance reason:
# they cause a datastore query on first access. They could be added
# optionally if the need ever arises.
values['files'][patch.filename] = {
'id': patch.key().id(),
'is_binary': patch.is_binary,
'no_base_file': patch.no_base_file,
'num_added': patch.num_added,
'num_chunks': patch.num_chunks,
'num_removed': patch.num_removed,
'status': patch.status,
'property_changes': '\n'.join(patch.property_changes),
return values
def api_issue(request):
"""/api/<issue> - Gets issue's data as a JSON-encoded dictionary."""
messages = ('messages' in request.GET and
request.GET.get('messages').lower() == 'true')
values = _issue_as_dict(request.issue, messages, request)
return values
def api_patchset(request):
"""/api/<issue>/<patchset> - Gets an issue's patchset data as a JSON-encoded
values = _patchset_as_dict(request.patchset, request)
return values
def _get_context_for_user(request):
"""Returns the context setting for a user.
The value is validated against models.CONTEXT_CHOICES.
If an invalid value is found, the value is overwritten with
get_param = request.GET.get('context') or None
if 'context' in request.GET and get_param is None:
# User wants to see whole file. No further processing is needed.
return get_param
if request.user:
account = models.Account.current_user_account
default_context = account.default_context
default_context = django_settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT
context = _clean_int(get_param, default_context)
if context is not None and context not in models.CONTEXT_CHOICES:
context = django_settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT
return context
def _get_column_width_for_user(request):
"""Returns the column width setting for a user."""
if request.user:
account = models.Account.current_user_account
default_column_width = account.default_column_width
default_column_width = django_settings.DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH
column_width = _clean_int(request.GET.get('column_width'),
return column_width
def diff(request):
"""/<issue>/diff/<patchset>/<patch> - View a patch as a side-by-side diff"""
if request.patch.no_base_file:
# Can't show side-by-side diff since we don't have the base file. Show the
# unified diff instead.
return patch_helper(request, 'diff')
patchset = request.patchset
patch = request.patch
patchsets = list(request.issue.patchset_set.order('created'))
context = _get_context_for_user(request)
column_width = _get_column_width_for_user(request)
if patch.is_binary:
rows = None
rows = _get_diff_table_rows(request, patch, context, column_width)
except FetchError, err:
return HttpTextResponse(str(err), status=404)
_add_next_prev(patchset, patch)
return respond(request, 'diff.html',
{'issue': request.issue,
'patchset': patchset,
'patch': patch,
'view_style': 'diff',
'rows': rows,
'context': context,
'context_values': models.CONTEXT_CHOICES,
'column_width': column_width,
'patchsets': patchsets,
def _get_diff_table_rows(request, patch, context, column_width):
"""Helper function that returns rendered rows for a patch.
FetchError if patch parsing or download of base files fails.
chunks = patching.ParsePatchToChunks(patch.lines, patch.filename)
if chunks is None:
raise FetchError('Can\'t parse the patch to chunks')
# Possible FetchErrors are handled in diff() and diff_skipped_lines().
content = request.patch.get_content()
rows = list(engine.RenderDiffTableRows(request, content.lines,
chunks, patch,
if rows and rows[-1] is None:
del rows[-1]
# Get rid of content, which may be bad
if content.is_uploaded and content.text != None:
# Don't delete uploaded content, otherwise get_content()
# will fetch it.
content.is_bad = True
content.text = None
request.patch.content = None
return rows
def diff_skipped_lines(request, id_before, id_after, where, column_width):
"""/<issue>/diff/<patchset>/<patch> - Returns a fragment of skipped lines.
*where* indicates which lines should be expanded:
'b' - move marker line to bottom and expand above
't' - move marker line to top and expand below
'a' - expand all skipped lines
patch = request.patch
if where == 'a':
context = None
context = _get_context_for_user(request) or 100
column_width = _clean_int(column_width, django_settings.DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH,
rows = _get_diff_table_rows(request, patch, None, column_width)
except FetchError, err:
return HttpTextResponse('Error: %s; please report!' % err, status=500)
return _get_skipped_lines_response(rows, id_before, id_after, where, context)
# there's no easy way to put a control character into a regex, so brute-force it
# this is all control characters except \r, \n, and \t
_badchars_re = re.compile(
def _strip_invalid_xml(s):
"""Remove control chars other than \r\n\t from a string to be put in XML."""
if _badchars_re.search(s):
return ''.join(c for c in s if c >= ' ' or c in '\r\n\t')
return s
def _get_skipped_lines_response(rows, id_before, id_after, where, context):
"""Helper function that returns response data for skipped lines"""
response_rows = []
id_before_start = int(id_before)
id_after_end = int(id_after)
if context is not None:
id_before_end = id_before_start+context
id_after_start = id_after_end-context
id_before_end = id_after_start = None
for row in rows:
m = re.match('^<tr( name="hook")? id="pair-(?P<rowcount>\d+)">', row)
if m:
curr_id = int(m.groupdict().get("rowcount"))
# expand below marker line
if (where == 'b'
and curr_id > id_after_start and curr_id <= id_after_end):
# expand above marker line
elif (where == 't'
and curr_id >= id_before_start and curr_id < id_before_end):
# expand all skipped lines
elif (where == 'a'
and curr_id >= id_before_start and curr_id <= id_after_end):
if context is not None and len(response_rows) >= 2*context:
# Create a usable structure for the JS part
response = []
response_rows = [_strip_invalid_xml(r) for r in response_rows]
dom = ElementTree.parse(StringIO('<div>%s</div>' % "".join(response_rows)))
for node in dom.getroot().getchildren():
content = [[x.items(), x.text] for x in node.getchildren()]
response.append([node.items(), content])
return response
def _get_diff2_data(request, ps_left_id, ps_right_id, patch_id, context,
column_width, patch_filename=None):
"""Helper function that returns objects for diff2 views"""
ps_left = models.PatchSet.get_by_id(int(ps_left_id), parent=request.issue)
if ps_left is None:
return HttpTextResponse(
'No patch set exists with that id (%s)' % ps_left_id, status=404)
ps_left.issue = request.issue
ps_right = models.PatchSet.get_by_id(int(ps_right_id), parent=request.issue)
if ps_right is None:
return HttpTextResponse(
'No patch set exists with that id (%s)' % ps_right_id, status=404)
ps_right.issue = request.issue
if patch_id is not None:
patch_right = models.Patch.get_by_id(int(patch_id), parent=ps_right)
patch_right = None
if patch_right is not None:
patch_right.patchset = ps_right
if patch_filename is None:
patch_filename = patch_right.filename
# Now find the corresponding patch in ps_left
patch_left = models.Patch.gql('WHERE patchset = :1 AND filename = :2',
ps_left, patch_filename).get()
if patch_left:
new_content_left = patch_left.get_patched_content()
except FetchError, err:
return HttpTextResponse(str(err), status=404)
lines_left = new_content_left.lines
elif patch_right:
lines_left = patch_right.get_content().lines
lines_left = []
if patch_right:
new_content_right = patch_right.get_patched_content()
except FetchError, err:
return HttpTextResponse(str(err), status=404)
lines_right = new_content_right.lines
elif patch_left:
lines_right = patch_left.get_content().lines
lines_right = []
rows = engine.RenderDiff2TableRows(request,
lines_left, patch_left,
lines_right, patch_right,
rows = list(rows)
if rows and rows[-1] is None:
del rows[-1]
return dict(patch_left=patch_left, patch_right=patch_right,
ps_left=ps_left, ps_right=ps_right, rows=rows)
def diff2(request, ps_left_id, ps_right_id, patch_filename):
"""/<issue>/diff2/... - View the delta between two different patch sets."""
context = _get_context_for_user(request)
column_width = _get_column_width_for_user(request)
ps_right = models.PatchSet.get_by_id(int(ps_right_id), parent=request.issue)
patch_right = None
if ps_right:
patch_right = models.Patch.gql('WHERE patchset = :1 AND filename = :2',
ps_right, patch_filename).get()
if patch_right:
patch_id = patch_right.key().id()
elif patch_filename.isdigit():
# Perhaps it's an ID that's passed in, based on the old URL scheme.
patch_id = int(patch_filename)
else: # patch doesn't exist in this patchset
patch_id = None
data = _get_diff2_data(request, ps_left_id, ps_right_id, patch_id, context,
column_width, patch_filename)
if isinstance(data, HttpResponse) and data.status_code != 302:
return data
patchsets = list(request.issue.patchset_set.order('created'))
if data["patch_right"]:
_add_next_prev2(data["ps_left"], data["ps_right"], data["patch_right"])
return respond(request, 'diff2.html',
{'issue': request.issue,
'ps_left': data["ps_left"],
'patch_left': data["patch_left"],
'ps_right': data["ps_right"],
'patch_right': data["patch_right"],
'rows': data["rows"],
'patch_id': patch_id,
'context': context,
'context_values': models.CONTEXT_CHOICES,
'column_width': column_width,
'patchsets': patchsets,
'filename': patch_filename,
def diff2_skipped_lines(request, ps_left_id, ps_right_id, patch_id,
id_before, id_after, where, column_width):
"""/<issue>/diff2/... - Returns a fragment of skipped lines"""
column_width = _clean_int(column_width, django_settings.DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH,
if where == 'a':
context = None
context = _get_context_for_user(request) or 100
data = _get_diff2_data(request, ps_left_id, ps_right_id, patch_id, 10000,
if isinstance(data, HttpResponse) and data.status_code != 302:
return data
return _get_skipped_lines_response(data["rows"], id_before, id_after,
where, context)
def _get_comment_counts(account, patchset):
"""Helper to get comment counts for all patches in a single query.
The helper returns two dictionaries comments_by_patch and
drafts_by_patch with patch key as key and comment count as
value. Patches without comments or drafts are not present in those
# A key-only query won't work because we need to fetch the patch key
# in the for loop further down.
comment_query = models.Comment.all()
# Get all comment counts with one query rather than one per patch.
comments_by_patch = {}
drafts_by_patch = {}
for c in comment_query:
pkey = models.Comment.patch.get_value_for_datastore(c)
if not c.draft:
comments_by_patch[pkey] = comments_by_patch.setdefault(pkey, 0) + 1
elif account and c.author == account.user:
drafts_by_patch[pkey] = drafts_by_patch.setdefault(pkey, 0) + 1
return comments_by_patch, drafts_by_patch
def _add_next_prev(patchset, patch):
"""Helper to add .next and .prev attributes to a patch object."""
patch.prev = patch.next = None
patches = models.Patch.all().filter('patchset =', patchset.key()).order(
patchset.patches = patches # Required to render the jump to select.
comments_by_patch, drafts_by_patch = _get_comment_counts(
models.Account.current_user_account, patchset)
last_patch = None
next_patch = None
last_patch_with_comment = None
next_patch_with_comment = None
found_patch = False
for p in patches:
if p.filename == patch.filename:
found_patch = True
p._num_comments = comments_by_patch.get(p.key(), 0)
p._num_drafts = drafts_by_patch.get(p.key(), 0)
if not found_patch:
last_patch = p
if p.num_comments > 0 or p.num_drafts > 0:
last_patch_with_comment = p
if next_patch is None:
next_patch = p
if p.num_comments > 0 or p.num_drafts > 0:
next_patch_with_comment = p
# safe to stop scanning now because the next with out a comment
# will already have been filled in by some earlier patch
patch.prev = last_patch
patch.next = next_patch
patch.prev_with_comment = last_patch_with_comment
patch.next_with_comment = next_patch_with_comment
def _add_next_prev2(ps_left, ps_right, patch_right):
"""Helper to add .next and .prev attributes to a patch object."""
patch_right.prev = patch_right.next = None
patches = list(models.Patch.gql("WHERE patchset = :1 ORDER BY filename",
ps_right.patches = patches # Required to render the jump to select.
n_comments, n_drafts = _get_comment_counts(
models.Account.current_user_account, ps_right)
last_patch = None
next_patch = None
last_patch_with_comment = None
next_patch_with_comment = None
found_patch = False
for p in patches:
if p.filename == patch_right.filename:
found_patch = True
p._num_comments = n_comments.get(p.key(), 0)
p._num_drafts = n_drafts.get(p.key(), 0)
if not found_patch:
last_patch = p
if ((p.num_comments > 0 or p.num_drafts > 0) and
ps_left.key().id() in p.delta):
last_patch_with_comment = p
if next_patch is None:
next_patch = p
if ((p.num_comments > 0 or p.num_drafts > 0) and
ps_left.key().id() in p.delta):
next_patch_with_comment = p
# safe to stop scanning now because the next with out a comment
# will already have been filled in by some earlier patch
patch_right.prev = last_patch
patch_right.next = next_patch
patch_right.prev_with_comment = last_patch_with_comment
patch_right.next_with_comment = next_patch_with_comment
def inline_draft(request):
"""/inline_draft - Ajax handler to submit an in-line draft comment.
This wraps _inline_draft(); all exceptions are logged and cause an
abbreviated response indicating something went wrong.
Note: creating or editing draft comments is *not* XSRF-protected,
because it is not unusual to come back after hours; the XSRF tokens
time out after 1 or 2 hours. The final submit of the drafts for
others to view *is* XSRF-protected.
return _inline_draft(request)
except Exception, err:
logging.exception('Exception in inline_draft processing:')
# TODO(guido): return some kind of error instead?
# Return HttpResponse for now because the JS part expects
# a 200 status code.
return HttpHtmlResponse(
'<font color="red">Error: %s; please report!</font>' %
def _inline_draft(request):
"""Helper to submit an in-line draft comment."""
# TODO(guido): turn asserts marked with XXX into errors
# Don't use @login_required, since the JS doesn't understand redirects.
if not request.user:
# Don't log this, spammers have started abusing this.
return HttpTextResponse('Not logged in')
snapshot = request.POST.get('snapshot')
assert snapshot in ('old', 'new'), repr(snapshot)
left = (snapshot == 'old')
side = request.POST.get('side')
assert side in ('a', 'b'), repr(side) # Display left (a) or right (b)
issue_id = int(request.POST['issue'])
issue = models.Issue.get_by_id(issue_id)
assert issue # XXX
patchset_id = int(request.POST.get('patchset') or
request.POST[side == 'a' and 'ps_left' or 'ps_right'])
patchset = models.PatchSet.get_by_id(int(patchset_id), parent=issue)
assert patchset # XXX
patch_id = int(request.POST.get('patch') or
request.POST[side == 'a' and 'patch_left' or 'patch_right'])
patch = models.Patch.get_by_id(int(patch_id), parent=patchset)
assert patch # XXX
text = request.POST.get('text')
lineno = int(request.POST['lineno'])
message_id = request.POST.get('message_id')
comment = None
if message_id:
comment = models.Comment.get_by_key_name(message_id, parent=patch)
if comment is None or not comment.draft or comment.author != request.user:
comment = None
message_id = None
if not message_id:
# Prefix with 'z' to avoid key names starting with digits.
message_id = 'z' + binascii.hexlify(_random_bytes(16))
if not text.rstrip():
if comment is not None:
assert comment.draft and comment.author == request.user
comment.delete() # Deletion
comment = None
# Re-query the comment count.
if comment is None:
comment = models.Comment(key_name=message_id, parent=patch)
comment.patch = patch
comment.lineno = lineno
comment.left = left
comment.text = db.Text(text)
comment.message_id = message_id
# The actual count doesn't matter, just that there's at least one.
models.Account.current_user_account.update_drafts(issue, 1)
query = models.Comment.gql(
'WHERE patch = :patch AND lineno = :lineno AND left = :left '
'ORDER BY date',
patch=patch, lineno=lineno, left=left)
comments = list(c for c in query if not c.draft or c.author == request.user)
if comment is not None and comment.author is None:
# Show anonymous draft even though we don't save it
if not comments:
return HttpTextResponse(' ')
for c in comments:
return render_to_response('inline_comment.html',
{'user': request.user,
'patch': patch,
'patchset': patchset,
'issue': issue,
'comments': comments,
'lineno': lineno,
'snapshot': snapshot,
'side': side,
def _get_affected_files(issue, full_diff=False):
"""Helper to return a list of affected files from the latest patchset.
issue: Issue instance.
full_diff: If true, include the entire diff even if it exceeds 100 lines.
2-tuple containing a list of affected files, and the diff contents if it
is less than 100 lines (otherwise the second item is an empty string).
files = []
modified_count = 0
diff = ''
patchsets = list(issue.patchset_set.order('created'))
if len(patchsets):
patchset = patchsets[-1]
for patch in patchset.patch_set.order('filename'):
file_str = ''
if patch.status:
file_str += patch.status + ' '
file_str += patch.filename
# No point in loading patches if the patchset is too large for email.
if full_diff or modified_count < 100:
modified_count += patch.num_added + patch.num_removed
if full_diff or modified_count < 100:
diff = patchset.data
return files, diff
def _get_mail_template(request, issue, full_diff=False):
"""Helper to return the template and context for an email.
If this is the first email sent by the owner, a template that lists the
reviewers, description and files is used.
context = {}
template = 'mails/comment.txt'
if request.user == issue.owner:
if db.GqlQuery('SELECT * FROM Message WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND sender = :2',
issue, db.Email(request.user.email())).count(1) == 0:
template = 'mails/review.txt'
files, patch = _get_affected_files(issue, full_diff)
context.update({'files': files, 'patch': patch, 'base': issue.base})
return template, context
def publish(request):
""" /<issue>/publish - Publish draft comments and send mail."""
issue = request.issue
if request.user == issue.owner:
form_class = PublishForm
form_class = MiniPublishForm
draft_message = None
if not request.POST.get('message_only', None):
query = models.Message.gql(('WHERE issue = :1 AND sender = :2 '
'AND draft = TRUE'), issue,
draft_message = query.get()
if request.method != 'POST':
reviewers = issue.reviewers[:]
cc = issue.cc[:]
if (request.user != issue.owner and
request.user.email() not in issue.reviewers and
not issue.is_collaborator(request.user)):
if request.user.email() in cc:
reviewers = [models.Account.get_nickname_for_email(reviewer,
for reviewer in reviewers]
ccs = [models.Account.get_nickname_for_email(cc, default=cc) for cc in cc]
tbd, comments = _get_draft_comments(request, issue, True)
preview = _get_draft_details(request, comments)
if draft_message is None:
msg = ''
msg = draft_message.text
form = form_class(initial={'subject': issue.subject,
'reviewers': ', '.join(reviewers),
'cc': ', '.join(ccs),
'send_mail': True,
'message': msg,
return respond(request, 'publish.html', {'form': form,
'issue': issue,
'preview': preview,
'draft_message': draft_message,
# Supply subject so that if this is a bare request to /publish, it won't
# fail out if we've selected PublishForm (which requires a subject).
augmented_POST = request.POST.copy()
if issue.subject:
augmented_POST.setdefault('subject', issue.subject)
form = form_class(augmented_POST)
# If the user is blocked, intentionally redirects him to the form again to
# confuse him.
account = models.Account.get_account_for_user(request.user)
if account.blocked or not form.is_valid():
return respond(request, 'publish.html', {'form': form, 'issue': issue})
if request.user == issue.owner:
issue.subject = form.cleaned_data['subject']
if form.is_valid() and not form.cleaned_data.get('message_only', False):
reviewers = _get_emails(form, 'reviewers')
reviewers = issue.reviewers
if (request.user != issue.owner and
request.user.email() not in reviewers and
not issue.is_collaborator(request.user)):
if form.is_valid() and not form.cleaned_data.get('message_only', False):
cc = _get_emails(form, 'cc')
cc = issue.cc
# The user is in the reviewer list, remove them from CC if they're there.
if request.user.email() in cc:
if not form.is_valid():
return respond(request, 'publish.html', {'form': form, 'issue': issue})
issue.reviewers = reviewers
issue.cc = cc
if not form.cleaned_data.get('message_only', False):
tbd, comments = _get_draft_comments(request, issue)
tbd = []
comments = []
if comments:
logging.warn('Publishing %d comments', len(comments))
msg = _make_message(request, issue,
for obj in tbd:
_notify_issue(request, issue, 'Comments published')
# There are now no comments here (modulo race conditions)
models.Account.current_user_account.update_drafts(issue, 0)
if form.cleaned_data.get('no_redirect', False):
return HttpTextResponse('OK')
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(show, args=[issue.key().id()]))
def _encode_safely(s):
"""Helper to turn a unicode string into 8-bit bytes."""
if isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.encode('utf-8')
return s
def _get_draft_comments(request, issue, preview=False):
"""Helper to return objects to put() and a list of draft comments.
If preview is True, the list of objects to put() is empty to avoid changes
to the datastore.
request: Django Request object.
issue: Issue instance.
preview: Preview flag (default: False).
2-tuple (put_objects, comments).
comments = []
tbd = []
# XXX Should request all drafts for this issue once, now we can.
for patchset in issue.patchset_set.order('created'):
ps_comments = list(models.Comment.gql(
'WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND author = :2 AND draft = TRUE',
patchset, request.user))
if ps_comments:
patches = dict((p.key(), p) for p in patchset.patch_set)
for p in patches.itervalues():
p.patchset = patchset
for c in ps_comments:
c.draft = False
# Get the patch key value without loading the patch entity.
# NOTE: Unlike the old version of this code, this is the
# recommended and documented way to do this!
pkey = models.Comment.patch.get_value_for_datastore(c)
if pkey in patches:
patch = patches[pkey]
c.patch = patch
if not preview:
ps_comments.sort(key=lambda c: (c.patch.filename, not c.left,
c.lineno, c.date))
comments += ps_comments
return tbd, comments
def _patchlines2cache(patchlines, left):
"""Helper that converts return value of ParsePatchToLines for caching.
Each line in patchlines is (old_line_no, new_line_no, line). When
comment is on the left we store the old_line_no, otherwise
if left:
it = ((old, line) for old, _, line in patchlines)
it = ((new, line) for _, new, line in patchlines)
return dict(it)
def _get_draft_details(request, comments):
"""Helper to display comments with context in the email message."""
last_key = None
output = []
linecache = {} # Maps (c.patch.key(), c.left) to mapping (lineno, line)
modified_patches = []
fetch_base_failed = False
for c in comments:
if (c.patch.key(), c.left) != last_key:
url = request.build_absolute_uri(
reverse(diff, args=[request.issue.key().id(),
output.append('\n%s\nFile %s (%s):' % (url, c.patch.filename,
c.left and "left" or "right"))
last_key = (c.patch.key(), c.left)
patch = c.patch
if patch.no_base_file:
linecache[last_key] = _patchlines2cache(
patching.ParsePatchToLines(patch.lines), c.left)
if c.left:
old_lines = patch.get_content().text.splitlines(True)
linecache[last_key] = dict(enumerate(old_lines, 1))
new_lines = patch.get_patched_content().text.splitlines(True)
linecache[last_key] = dict(enumerate(new_lines, 1))
except FetchError:
linecache[last_key] = _patchlines2cache(
patching.ParsePatchToLines(patch.lines), c.left)
fetch_base_failed = True
context = linecache[last_key].get(c.lineno, '').strip()
url = request.build_absolute_uri(
'%s#%scode%d' % (reverse(diff, args=[request.issue.key().id(),
c.left and "old" or "new",
output.append('\n%s\n%s:%d: %s\n%s' % (url, c.patch.filename, c.lineno,
context, c.text.rstrip()))
if modified_patches:
return '\n'.join(output)
def _make_message(request, issue, message, comments=None, send_mail=False,
draft=None, in_reply_to=None):
"""Helper to create a Message instance and optionally send an email."""
attach_patch = request.POST.get("attach_patch") == "yes"
template, context = _get_mail_template(request, issue, full_diff=attach_patch)
# Decide who should receive mail
my_email = db.Email(request.user.email())
to = ([db.Email(issue.owner.email())] +
issue.reviewers +
[db.Email(email) for email in issue.collaborator_emails()])
cc = issue.cc[:]
reply_to = to + cc
if my_email in to and len(to) > 1: # send_mail() wants a non-empty to list
if my_email in cc:
issue_id = issue.key().id()
subject = '%s (issue %d)' % (issue.subject, issue_id)
patch = None
if attach_patch:
subject = 'PATCH: ' + subject
if 'patch' in context:
patch = context['patch']
del context['patch']
if issue.message_set.count(1) > 0:
subject = 'Re: ' + subject
if comments:
details = _get_draft_details(request, comments)
details = ''
message = message.replace('\r\n', '\n')
text = ((message.strip() + '\n\n' + details.strip())).strip()
if draft is None:
msg = models.Message(issue=issue,
msg = draft
msg.subject = subject
msg.recipients = reply_to
msg.text = db.Text(text)
msg.draft = False
msg.date = datetime.datetime.now()
msg.issue_was_closed = issue.closed
if in_reply_to:
msg.in_reply_to = models.Message.get(in_reply_to)
replied_issue_id = msg.in_reply_to.issue.key().id()
if replied_issue_id != issue_id:
logging.warn('In-reply-to Message is for a different issue: '
'%s instead of %s', replied_issue_id, issue_id)
msg.in_reply_to = None
except (db.KindError, db.BadKeyError):
logging.warn('Invalid in-reply-to Message or key given: %s', in_reply_to)
if send_mail:
# Limit the list of files in the email to approximately 200
if 'files' in context and len(context['files']) > 210:
num_trimmed = len(context['files']) - 200
del context['files'][200:]
context['files'].append('[[ %d additional files ]]' % num_trimmed)
url = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse(show, args=[issue.key().id()]))
reviewer_nicknames = ', '.join(library.get_nickname(rev_temp, True,
for rev_temp in issue.reviewers)
cc_nicknames = ', '.join(library.get_nickname(cc_temp, True, request)
for cc_temp in cc)
my_nickname = library.get_nickname(request.user, True, request)
reply_to = ', '.join(reply_to)
description = (issue.description or '').replace('\r\n', '\n')
home = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse(index))
context.update({'reviewer_nicknames': reviewer_nicknames,
'cc_nicknames': cc_nicknames,
'my_nickname': my_nickname, 'url': url,
'message': message, 'details': details,
'description': description, 'home': home,
for key, value in context.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, str):
except UnicodeDecodeError:
logging.error('Key %s is not valid unicode. value: %r' % (key, value))
# The content failed to be decoded as utf-8. Enforce it as ASCII.
context[key] = value.decode('ascii', 'replace')
body = django.template.loader.render_to_string(
template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
logging.warn('Mail: to=%s; cc=%s', ', '.join(to), ', '.join(cc))
send_args = {'sender': my_email,
'to': [_encode_safely(address) for address in to],
'subject': _encode_safely(subject),
'body': _encode_safely(body),
'reply_to': _encode_safely(reply_to)}
if cc:
send_args['cc'] = [_encode_safely(address) for address in cc]
if patch:
send_args['attachments'] = [('issue_%s_patch.diff' % issue.key().id(),
attempts = 0
while True:
except apiproxy_errors.DeadlineExceededError:
# apiproxy_errors.DeadlineExceededError is raised when the
# deadline of an API call is reached (e.g. for mail it's
# something about 5 seconds). It's not the same as the lethal
# runtime.DeadlineExeededError.
attempts += 1
if attempts >= 3:
if attempts:
logging.warning("Retried sending email %s times", attempts)
return msg
def star(request):
"""Add a star to an Issue."""
account = models.Account.current_user_account
account.user_has_selected_nickname() # This will preserve account.fresh.
if account.stars is None:
account.stars = []
id = request.issue.key().id()
if id not in account.stars:
return respond(request, 'issue_star.html', {'issue': request.issue})
def unstar(request):
"""Remove the star from an Issue."""
account = models.Account.current_user_account
account.user_has_selected_nickname() # This will preserve account.fresh.
if account.stars is None:
account.stars = []
id = request.issue.key().id()
if id in account.stars:
account.stars[:] = [i for i in account.stars if i != id]
return respond(request, 'issue_star.html', {'issue': request.issue})
def draft_message(request):
"""/<issue>/draft_message - Retrieve, modify and delete draft messages.
Note: creating or editing draft messages is *not* XSRF-protected,
because it is not unusual to come back after hours; the XSRF tokens
time out after 1 or 2 hours. The final submit of the drafts for
others to view *is* XSRF-protected.
query = models.Message.gql(('WHERE issue = :1 AND sender = :2 '
'AND draft = TRUE'),
request.issue, request.user.email())
if query.count() == 0:
draft_message = None
draft_message = query.get()
if request.method == 'GET':
return _get_draft_message(draft_message)
elif request.method == 'POST':
return _post_draft_message(request, draft_message)
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
return _delete_draft_message(draft_message)
return HttpTextResponse('An error occurred.', status=500)
def _get_draft_message(draft):
"""Handles GET requests to /<issue>/draft_message.
draft: A Message instance or None.
Returns the content of a draft message or an empty string if draft is None.
return HttpTextResponse(draft.text if draft else '')
def _post_draft_message(request, draft):
"""Handles POST requests to /<issue>/draft_message.
If draft is None a new message is created.
request: The current request.
draft: A Message instance or None.
if draft is None:
draft = models.Message(issue=request.issue, parent=request.issue,
sender=request.user.email(), draft=True)
draft.text = request.POST.get('reviewmsg')
return HttpTextResponse(draft.text)
def _delete_draft_message(draft):
"""Handles DELETE requests to /<issue>/draft_message.
Deletes a draft message.
draft: A Message instance or None.
if draft is not None:
return HttpTextResponse('OK')
def search(request):
"""/search - Search for issues or patchset.
Returns HTTP 500 if the corresponding index is missing.
if request.method == 'GET':
form = SearchForm(request.GET)
if not form.is_valid() or not request.GET:
return respond(request, 'search.html', {'form': form})
form = SearchForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpTextResponse('Invalid arguments', status=400)
logging.info('%s' % form.cleaned_data)
keys_only = form.cleaned_data['keys_only'] or False
format = form.cleaned_data['format'] or 'html'
limit = form.cleaned_data['limit']
with_messages = form.cleaned_data['with_messages']
if format == 'html':
keys_only = False
limit = limit or DEFAULT_LIMIT
if not limit:
if keys_only:
# It's a fast query.
limit = 1000
elif with_messages:
# It's an heavy query.
limit = 10
limit = 100
q = models.Issue.all(keys_only=keys_only)
if form.cleaned_data['cursor']:
if form.cleaned_data['closed'] is not None:
q.filter('closed = ', form.cleaned_data['closed'])
if form.cleaned_data['owner']:
q.filter('owner = ', form.cleaned_data['owner'])
if form.cleaned_data['reviewer']:
q.filter('reviewers = ', form.cleaned_data['reviewer'])
if form.cleaned_data['private'] is not None:
q.filter('private = ', form.cleaned_data['private'])
if form.cleaned_data['repo_guid']:
q.filter('repo_guid = ', form.cleaned_data['repo_guid'])
if form.cleaned_data['base']:
q.filter('base = ', form.cleaned_data['base'])
# Calculate a default value depending on the query parameter.
# Prefer sorting by modified date over created date and showing
# newest first over oldest.
default_sort = '-modified'
if form.cleaned_data['created_after']:
q.filter('created >= ', form.cleaned_data['created_after'])
default_sort = 'created'
if form.cleaned_data['modified_after']:
q.filter('modified >= ', form.cleaned_data['modified_after'])
default_sort = 'modified'
if form.cleaned_data['created_before']:
q.filter('created < ', form.cleaned_data['created_before'])
default_sort = '-created'
if form.cleaned_data['modified_before']:
q.filter('modified < ', form.cleaned_data['modified_before'])
default_sort = '-modified'
sorted_by = form.cleaned_data['order'] or default_sort
# Update the cursor value in the result.
if format == 'html':
nav_params = dict(
(k, v) for k, v in form.cleaned_data.iteritems() if v is not None)
return _paginate_issues_with_cursor(
results = q.fetch(limit)
form.cleaned_data['cursor'] = q.cursor()
if keys_only:
# There's not enough information to filter. The only thing that is leaked is
# the issue's key.
filtered_results = results
filtered_results = [i for i in results if _can_view_issue(request.user, i)]
data = {
'cursor': form.cleaned_data['cursor'],
if keys_only:
data['results'] = [i.id() for i in filtered_results]
data['results'] = [_issue_as_dict(i, with_messages, request)
for i in filtered_results]
return data
### Repositories and Branches ###
def repos(request):
"""/repos - Show the list of known Subversion repositories."""
# Clean up garbage created by buggy edits
bad_branches = models.Branch.gql('WHERE owner = :1', None).fetch(100)
if bad_branches:
repo_map = {}
for repo in models.Repository.all().fetch(1000, batch_size=100):
repo_map[str(repo.key())] = repo
branches = []
for branch in models.Branch.all().fetch(2000, batch_size=100):
# Using ._repo instead of .repo returns the db.Key of the referenced entity.
# Access to a protected member FOO of a client class
# pylint: disable=W0212
branch.repository = repo_map[str(branch._repo)]
branches.sort(key=lambda b: map(
unicode.lower, (b.repository.name, b.category, b.name)))
return respond(request, 'repos.html', {'branches': branches})
def repo_new(request):
"""/repo_new - Create a new Subversion repository record."""
if request.method != 'POST':
form = RepoForm()
return respond(request, 'repo_new.html', {'form': form})
form = RepoForm(request.POST)
errors = form.errors
if not errors:
repo = models.Repository(
except (db.BadValueError, ValueError), err:
errors['__all__'] = unicode(err)
if errors:
return respond(request, 'repo_new.html', {'form': form})
branch_url = repo.url
if not branch_url.endswith('/'):
branch_url += '/'
branch_url += 'trunk/'
branch = models.Branch(repo=repo, repo_name=repo.name,
category='*trunk*', name='Trunk',
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(repos))
SVN_ROOT = 'http://svn.python.org/view/*checkout*/python/'
# category, name, url suffix
('*trunk*', 'Trunk', 'trunk/'),
('branch', '2.5', 'branches/release25-maint/'),
('branch', 'py3k', 'branches/py3k/'),
# TODO: Make this a POST request to avoid XSRF attacks.
def repo_init(_request):
"""/repo_init - Initialze the list of known Subversion repositories."""
python = models.Repository.gql("WHERE name = 'Python'").get()
if python is None:
python = models.Repository(name='Python', url=SVN_ROOT)
pybranches = []
pybranches = list(models.Branch.gql('WHERE repo = :1', python))
for category, name, url in BRANCHES:
url = python.url + url
for br in pybranches:
if (br.category, br.name, br.url) == (category, name, url):
br = models.Branch(repo=python, repo_name='Python',
category=category, name=name, url=url)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(repos))
def branch_new(request, repo_id):
"""/branch_new/<repo> - Add a new Branch to a Repository record."""
repo = models.Repository.get_by_id(int(repo_id))
if request.method != 'POST':
form = BranchForm(initial={'url': repo.url,
'category': 'branch',
return respond(request, 'branch_new.html', {'form': form, 'repo': repo})
form = BranchForm(request.POST)
errors = form.errors
if not errors:
branch = models.Branch(
except (db.BadValueError, ValueError), err:
errors['__all__'] = unicode(err)
if errors:
return respond(request, 'branch_new.html', {'form': form, 'repo': repo})
branch.repo_name = repo.name
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(repos))
def branch_edit(request, branch_id):
"""/branch_edit/<branch> - Edit a Branch record."""
branch = models.Branch.get_by_id(int(branch_id))
if branch.owner != request.user:
return HttpTextResponse('You do not own this branch', status=403)
if request.method != 'POST':
form = BranchForm(initial={'category': branch.category,
'name': branch.name,
'url': branch.url,
return respond(request, 'branch_edit.html',
{'branch': branch, 'form': form})
form = BranchForm(request.POST)
errors = form.errors
if not errors:
branch.category = form.cleaned_data.get('category')
branch.name = form.cleaned_data.get('name')
branch.url = form.cleaned_data.get('url')
except (db.BadValueError, ValueError), err:
errors['__all__'] = unicode(err)
if errors:
return respond(request, 'branch_edit.html',
{'branch': branch, 'form': form})
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(repos))
def branch_delete(request, branch_id):
"""/branch_delete/<branch> - Delete a Branch record."""
branch = models.Branch.get_by_id(int(branch_id))
if branch.owner != request.user:
return HttpTextResponse('You do not own this branch', status=403)
repo = branch.repo
num_branches = models.Branch.gql('WHERE repo = :1', repo).count()
if not num_branches:
# Even if we don't own the repository? Yes, I think so! Empty
# repositories have no representation on screen.
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(repos))
### User Profiles ###
def settings(request):
account = models.Account.current_user_account
if request.method != 'POST':
nickname = account.nickname
default_context = account.default_context
default_column_width = account.default_column_width
form = SettingsForm(initial={'nickname': nickname,
'context': default_context,
'column_width': default_column_width,
'notify_by_email': account.notify_by_email,
'notify_by_chat': account.notify_by_chat,
chat_status = None
if account.notify_by_chat:
presence = xmpp.get_presence(account.email)
except Exception, err:
logging.error('Exception getting XMPP presence: %s', err)
chat_status = 'Error (%s)' % err
if presence:
chat_status = 'online'
chat_status = 'offline'
return respond(request, 'settings.html', {'form': form,
'chat_status': chat_status})
form = SettingsForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
account.nickname = form.cleaned_data.get('nickname')
account.default_context = form.cleaned_data.get('context')
account.default_column_width = form.cleaned_data.get('column_width')
account.notify_by_email = form.cleaned_data.get('notify_by_email')
notify_by_chat = form.cleaned_data.get('notify_by_chat')
must_invite = notify_by_chat and not account.notify_by_chat
account.notify_by_chat = notify_by_chat
account.fresh = False
if must_invite:
logging.info('Sending XMPP invite to %s', account.email)
except Exception, err:
# XXX How to tell user it failed?
logging.error('XMPP invite to %s failed', account.email)
return respond(request, 'settings.html', {'form': form})
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(mine))
def account_delete(_request):
account = models.Account.current_user_account
return HttpResponseRedirect(users.create_logout_url(reverse(index)))
def migrate_entities(request):
msg = None
if request.method == 'POST':
form = MigrateEntitiesForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
# verify that the account belongs to the user
old_account = form.cleaned_data['account']
old_account_key = str(old_account.key())
new_account_key = str(models.Account.current_user_account.key())
for kind in ('Issue', 'Repository', 'Branch'):
params={'kind': kind,
'old': old_account_key,
'new': new_account_key})
msg = (u'Migration job started. The issues, repositories and branches'
u' created with your old account (%s) will be moved to your'
u' current account (%s) in a background task and should'
u' be visible for your current account shortly.'
% (old_account.user.email(), request.user.email()))
form = MigrateEntitiesForm()
return respond(request, 'migrate_entities.html', {'form': form, 'msg': msg})
def task_migrate_entities(request):
"""/tasks/migrate_entities - Migrates entities from one account to another."""
kind = request.POST.get('kind')
old = request.POST.get('old')
new = request.POST.get('new')
batch_size = 20
if kind is None or old is None or new is None:
logging.warning('Missing parameters')
return HttpResponse()
if kind not in ('Issue', 'Repository', 'Branch'):
logging.warning('Invalid kind: %s' % kind)
return HttpResponse()
old_account = models.Account.get(db.Key(old))
new_account = models.Account.get(db.Key(new))
if old_account is None or new_account is None:
logging.warning('Invalid accounts')
return HttpResponse()
# make sure that accounts match
if old_account.user.user_id() != new_account.user.user_id():
logging.warning('Accounts don\'t match')
return HttpResponse()
model = getattr(models, kind)
key = request.POST.get('key')
query = model.all().filter('owner =', old_account.user)
if key:
query = query.filter('__key__ >', db.Key(key))
query = query.order('__key__')
tbd = []
for entity in query.fetch(batch_size):
entity.owner = new_account.user
if tbd:
params={'kind': kind, 'old': old, 'new': new,
'key': str(tbd[-1].key())})
return HttpResponse()
def user_popup(request):
"""/user_popup - Pop up to show the user info."""
return _user_popup(request)
except Exception, err:
logging.exception('Exception in user_popup processing:')
# Return HttpResponse because the JS part expects a 200 status code.
return HttpHtmlResponse(
'<font color="red">Error: %s; please report!</font>' %
def _user_popup(request):
user = request.user_to_show
popup_html = memcache.get('user_popup:' + user.email())
if popup_html is None:
num_issues_created = db.GqlQuery(
'SELECT * FROM Issue '
'WHERE closed = FALSE AND owner = :1',
num_issues_reviewed = db.GqlQuery(
'SELECT * FROM Issue '
'WHERE closed = FALSE AND reviewers = :1',
user.nickname = models.Account.get_nickname_for_email(user.email())
popup_html = render_to_response('user_popup.html',
{'user': user,
'num_issues_created': num_issues_created,
'num_issues_reviewed': num_issues_reviewed,
# Use time expired cache because the number of issues will change over time
memcache.add('user_popup:' + user.email(), popup_html, 60)
return popup_html
def incoming_chat(request):
This handles incoming XMPP (chat) messages.
Just reply saying we ignored the chat.
msg = xmpp.Message(request.POST)
except xmpp.InvalidMessageError, err:
logging.warn('Incoming invalid chat message: %s' % err)
return HttpTextResponse('')
sts = msg.reply('Sorry, Rietveld does not support chat input')
logging.debug('XMPP status %r', sts)
return HttpTextResponse('')
def incoming_mail(request, recipients):
Handle incoming mail messages.
The issue is not modified. No reviewers or CC's will be added or removed.
_process_incoming_mail(request.raw_post_data, recipients)
except InvalidIncomingEmailError, err:
return HttpTextResponse('')
def _process_incoming_mail(raw_message, recipients):
"""Process an incoming email message."""
recipients = [x[1] for x in email.utils.getaddresses([recipients])]
incoming_msg = mail.InboundEmailMessage(raw_message)
if 'X-Google-Appengine-App-Id' in incoming_msg.original:
raise InvalidIncomingEmailError('Mail sent by App Engine')
subject = incoming_msg.subject or ''
match = re.search(r'\(issue *(?P<id>\d+)\)$', subject)
if match is None:
raise InvalidIncomingEmailError('No issue id found: %s', subject)
issue_id = int(match.groupdict()['id'])
issue = models.Issue.get_by_id(issue_id)
if issue is None:
raise InvalidIncomingEmailError('Unknown issue ID: %d' % issue_id)
sender = email.utils.parseaddr(incoming_msg.sender)[1]
body = None
for _, payload in incoming_msg.bodies('text/plain'):
# FIXME(andi): Remove this when issue 2383 is fixed.
# 8bit encoding results in UnknownEncodingError, see
# http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=2383
# As a workaround we try to decode the payload ourselves.
if payload.encoding == '8bit' and payload.charset:
body = payload.payload.decode(payload.charset)
# If neither encoding not charset is set, but payload contains
# non-ASCII chars we can't use payload.decode() because it returns
# payload.payload unmodified. The later type cast to db.Text fails
# with a UnicodeDecodeError then.
elif payload.encoding is None and payload.charset is None:
# assume utf-8 but set replace flag to go for sure.
body = payload.payload.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
body = payload.decode()
if body is None or not body.strip():
raise InvalidIncomingEmailError('Ignoring empty message.')
elif len(body) > django_settings.RIETVELD_INCOMING_MAIL_MAX_SIZE:
# see issue325, truncate huge bodies
trunc_msg = '... (message truncated)'
end = django_settings.RIETVELD_INCOMING_MAIL_MAX_SIZE - len(trunc_msg)
body = body[:end]
body += trunc_msg
# If the subject is long, this might come wrapped into more than one line.
subject = ' '.join([x.strip() for x in subject.splitlines()])
msg = models.Message(issue=issue, parent=issue,
recipients=[db.Email(x) for x in recipients],
# Add sender to reviewers if needed.
all_emails = [str(x).lower()
for x in ([issue.owner.email()] +
issue.reviewers +
issue.cc +
if sender.lower() not in all_emails:
query = models.Account.all().filter('lower_email =', sender.lower())
account = query.get()
if account is not None:
issue.reviewers.append(account.email) # e.g. account.email is CamelCase
def xsrf_token(request):
"""/xsrf_token - Return the user's XSRF token.
This is used by tools like git-cl that need to be able to interact with the
site on the user's behalf. A custom header named X-Requesting-XSRF-Token must
be included in the HTTP request; an error is returned otherwise.
if not request.META.has_key('HTTP_X_REQUESTING_XSRF_TOKEN'):
return HttpTextResponse(
'Please include a header named X-Requesting-XSRF-Token '
'(its content doesn\'t matter).',
return HttpTextResponse(models.Account.current_user_account.get_xsrf_token())
def customized_upload_py(request):
"""/static/upload.py - Return patched upload.py with appropiate auth type and
default review server setting.
This is used to let the user download a customized upload.py script
for hosted Rietveld instances.
f = open(django_settings.UPLOAD_PY_SOURCE)
source = f.read()
# When served from a Google Apps instance, the account namespace needs to be
# switched to "Google Apps only".
if ('AUTH_DOMAIN' in request.META
and request.META['AUTH_DOMAIN'] != 'gmail.com'):
source = source.replace('AUTH_ACCOUNT_TYPE = "GOOGLE"',
# On a non-standard instance, the default review server is changed to the
# current hostname. This might give weird results when using versioned appspot
# URLs (eg. 1.latest.codereview.appspot.com), but this should only affect
# testing.
if request.META['HTTP_HOST'] != 'codereview.appspot.com':
review_server = request.META['HTTP_HOST']
if request.is_secure():
review_server = 'https://' + review_server
source = source.replace('DEFAULT_REVIEW_SERVER = "codereview.appspot.com"',
'DEFAULT_REVIEW_SERVER = "%s"' % review_server)
return HttpResponse(source, content_type='text/x-python; charset=utf-8')
def calculate_delta(request):
"""/calculate_delta - Calculate deltas for a patchset.
This URL is called by taskqueue to calculate deltas behind the
scenes. Returning a HttpResponse with any 2xx status means that the
task was finished successfully. Raising an exception means that the
taskqueue will retry to run the task.
This code is similar to the code in _get_patchset_info() which is
run when a patchset should be displayed in the UI.
key = request.POST.get('key')
if not key:
logging.debug('No key given.')
return HttpResponse()
patchset = models.PatchSet.get(key)
except (db.KindError, db.BadKeyError), err:
logging.debug('Invalid PatchSet key %r: %s' % (key, err))
return HttpResponse()
if patchset is None: # e.g. PatchSet was deleted inbetween
return HttpResponse()
patchset_id = patchset.key().id()
patchsets = None
for patch in patchset.patch_set.filter('delta_calculated =', False):
if patchsets is None:
# patchsets is retrieved on first iteration because patchsets
# isn't needed outside the loop at all.
patchsets = list(patchset.issue.patchset_set.order('created'))
patch.delta = _calculate_delta(patch, patchset_id, patchsets)
patch.delta_calculated = True
return HttpResponse()