C?dric Krier 8af79f3fc6 Fix PYSON.Equal with Array
In javascript, Array comparison doesn't work with '=='. It should use the

2016-04-15 14:09:35 +07:00

655 lines
22 KiB

/* This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. */
(function() {
'use strict';
Sao.PYSON = {};
Sao.PYSON.PYSON = Sao.class_(Object, {
init: function() {
pyson: function() {
throw 'NotImplementedError';
types: function() {
throw 'NotImplementedError';
Sao.PYSON.PYSON.eval_ = function(value, context) {
throw 'NotImplementedError';
Sao.PYSON.Encoder = Sao.class_(Object, {
encode: function(pyson) {
return JSON.stringify(pyson, function(k, v) {
if (v instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
return v.pyson();
} else if (v._isAMomentObject) {
if (v.isDate) {
return Sao.PYSON.Date(
} else {
return Sao.PYSON.DateTime(
return v;
Sao.PYSON.Decoder = Sao.class_(Object, {
init: function(context) {
this.__context = context || {};
decode: function(str) {
var reviver = function(k, v) {
if (typeof v == 'object' && v !== null) {
var cls = Sao.PYSON[v.__class__];
if (cls) {
return cls.eval_(v, this.__context);
return v;
return JSON.parse(str, reviver.bind(this));
Sao.PYSON.Eval = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(value, default_) {
if (default_ === undefined) {
default_ = '';
this._value = value;
this._default = default_;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Eval',
'v': this._value,
'd': this._default
types: function() {
if (this._default instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
return this._default.types();
} else {
return [typeof this._default];
Sao.PYSON.Eval.eval_ = function(value, context) {
if (value.v in context) {
return context[value.v];
} else {
return value.d;
Sao.PYSON.Not = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(value) {;
if (value instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(value.types()).not(['boolean']).length ||
jQuery(['boolean']).not(value.types()).length) {
throw 'value must be boolean';
} else {
if (typeof value != 'boolean') {
throw 'value must be boolean';
this._value = value;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Not',
'v': this._value
types: function() {
return ['boolean'];
Sao.PYSON.Not.eval_ = function(value, context) {
return !value.v;
Sao.PYSON.Bool = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(value) {;
this._value = value;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Bool',
'v': this._value
types: function() {
return ['boolean'];
Sao.PYSON.Bool.eval_ = function(value, context) {
if (value.v instanceof Object) {
return !jQuery.isEmptyObject(value.v);
} else {
return Boolean(value.v);
Sao.PYSON.And = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(statements) {
if (statements === undefined) {
statements = [];
for (var i = 0, len = statements.length; i < len; i++) {
var statement = statements[i];
if (statement instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(statement.types()).not(['boolean']).length ||
jQuery(['boolean']).not(statement.types()).length) {
throw 'statement must be boolean';
} else {
if (typeof statement != 'boolean') {
throw 'statement must be boolean';
if (statements.length < 2) {
throw 'must have at least 2 statements';
this._statements = statements;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'And',
's': this._statements
types: function() {
return ['boolean'];
Sao.PYSON.And.eval_ = function(value, context) {
var result = true;
for (var i = 0, len = value.s.length; i < len; i++) {
var statement = value.s[i];
result = result && statement;
return result;
Sao.PYSON.Or = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.And, {
pyson: function() {
var result =;
result.__class__ = 'Or';
return result;
Sao.PYSON.Or.eval_ = function(value, context) {
var result = false;
for (var i = 0, len = value.s.length; i < len; i++) {
var statement = value.s[i];
result = result || statement;
return result;
Sao.PYSON.Equal = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(statement1, statement2) {;
var types1, types2;
if (statement1 instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
types1 = statement1.types();
} else {
types1 = [typeof statement1];
if (statement2 instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
types2 = statement2.types();
} else {
types2 = [typeof statement2];
if (jQuery(types1).not(types2).length ||
jQuery(types2).not(types1).length) {
throw 'statements must have the same type';
this._statement1 = statement1;
this._statement2 = statement2;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Equal',
's1': this._statement1,
's2': this._statement2
types: function() {
return ['boolean'];
Sao.PYSON.Equal.eval_ = function(value, context) {
if (value.s1 instanceof Array && value.s2 instanceof Array) {
return, value.s2);
} else {
return value.s1 == value.s2;
Sao.PYSON.Greater = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(statement1, statement2, equal) {;
var statements = [statement1, statement2];
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var statement = statements[i];
if (statement instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(statement).not(['number']).length) {
throw 'statement must be an integer or a float';
} else {
if (typeof statement != 'number') {
throw 'statement must be an integer or a float';
if (equal === undefined) {
equal = false;
if (equal instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(equal.types()).not(['boolean']).length ||
jQuery(['boolean']).not(equal.types()).length) {
throw 'equal must be boolean';
} else {
if (typeof equal != 'boolean') {
throw 'equal must be boolean';
this._statement1 = statement1;
this._statement2 = statement2;
this._equal = equal;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Greater',
's1': this._statement1,
's2': this._statement2,
'e': this._equal
types: function() {
return ['boolean'];
Sao.PYSON.Greater._convert = function(value) {
value = jQuery.extend({}, value);
value.s1 = Number(value.s1);
value.s2 = Number(value.s2);
return value;
Sao.PYSON.Greater.eval_ = function(value, context) {
value = Sao.PYSON.Greater._convert(value);
if (value.e) {
return value.s1 >= value.s2;
} else {
return value.s1 > value.s2;
Sao.PYSON.Less = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.Greater, {
pyson: function() {
var result =;
result.__class__ = 'Less';
return result;
Sao.PYSON.Less._convert = Sao.PYSON.Greater._convert;
Sao.PYSON.Less.eval_ = function(value, context) {
value = Sao.PYSON.Less._convert(value);
if (value.e) {
return value.s1 <= value.s2;
} else {
return value.s1 < value.s2;
Sao.PYSON.If = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(condition, then_statement, else_statement) {;
if (condition instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(condition.types()).not(['boolean']).length ||
jQuery(['boolean']).not(condition.types()).length) {
throw 'condition must be boolean';
} else {
if (typeof condition != 'boolean') {
throw 'condition must be boolean';
var then_types, else_types;
if (then_statement instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
then_types = then_statement.types();
} else {
then_types = [typeof then_statement];
if (else_statement === undefined) {
else_statement = null;
if (else_statement instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
else_types = else_statement.types();
} else {
else_types = [typeof else_statement];
if (jQuery(then_types).not(else_types).length ||
jQuery(else_types).not(then_types).length) {
throw 'then and else statements must be the same type';
this._condition = condition;
this._then_statement = then_statement;
this._else_statement = else_statement;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'If',
'c': this._condition,
't': this._then_statement,
'e': this._else_statement
types: function() {
if (this._then_statement instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
return this._then_statement.types();
} else {
return [typeof this._then_statement];
Sao.PYSON.If.eval_ = function(value, context) {
if (value.c) {
return value.t;
} else {
return value.e;
Sao.PYSON.Get = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(obj, key, default_) {;
if (default_ === undefined) {
default_ = null;
if (obj instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(obj.types()).not(['object']).length ||
jQuery(['object']).not(obj.types()).length) {
throw 'obj must be a dict';
} else {
if (!(obj instanceof Object)) {
throw 'obj must be a dict';
this._obj = obj;
if (key instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(key.types()).not(['string']).length ||
jQuery(['string']).not(key.types()).length) {
throw 'key must be a string';
} else {
if (typeof key != 'string') {
throw 'key must be a string';
this._key = key;
this._default = default_;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Get',
'v': this._obj,
'k': this._key,
'd': this._default
types: function() {
if (this._default instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
return this._default.types();
} else {
return [typeof this._default];
Sao.PYSON.Get.eval_ = function(value, context) {
if (value.k in value.v) {
return value.v[value.k];
} else {
return value.d;
Sao.PYSON.In = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(key, obj) {;
if (key instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(key.types()).not(['string', 'number']).length) {
throw 'key must be a string or a number';
} else {
if (!~['string', 'number'].indexOf(typeof key)) {
throw 'key must be a string or a number';
if (obj instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(obj.types()).not(['object']).length ||
jQuery(['object']).not(obj.types()).length) {
throw 'obj must be a dict or a list';
} else {
if (!(obj instanceof Object)) {
throw 'obj must be a dict or a list';
this._key = key;
this._obj = obj;
pyson: function() {
return {'__class__': 'In',
'k': this._key,
'v': this._obj
types: function() {
return ['boolean'];
Sao.PYSON.In.eval_ = function(value, context) {
if (value.v.indexOf) {
return Boolean(~value.v.indexOf(value.k));
} else {
return !!value.v[value.k];
Sao.PYSON.Date = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(year, month, day, delta_years, delta_months, delta_days)
if (year === undefined) year = null;
if (month === undefined) month = null;
if (day === undefined) day = null;
if (delta_years === undefined) delta_years = 0;
if (delta_months === undefined) delta_months = 0;
if (delta_days === undefined) delta_days = 0;
this._test(year, 'year');
this._test(month, 'month');
this._test(day, 'day');
this._test(delta_years, 'delta_years');
this._test(delta_days, 'delta_days');
this._test(delta_months, 'delta_months');
this._year = year;
this._month = month;
this._day = day;
this._delta_years = delta_years;
this._delta_months = delta_months;
this._delta_days = delta_days;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Date',
'y': this._year,
'M': this._month,
'd': this._day,
'dy': this._delta_years,
'dM': this._delta_months,
'dd': this._delta_days
types: function() {
return ['object'];
_test: function(value, name) {
if (value instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(value.types()).not(
['number', typeof null]).length) {
throw name + ' must be an integer or None';
} else {
if ((typeof value != 'number') && (value !== null)) {
throw name + ' must be an integer or None';
Sao.PYSON.Date.eval_ = function(value, context) {
var date = Sao.Date(value.y, value.M && value.M - 1, value.d);
if (value.dy) date.add(value.dy, 'y');
if (value.dM) date.add(value.dM, 'M');
if (value.dd) date.add(value.dd, 'd');
return date;
Sao.PYSON.DateTime = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.Date, {
init: function(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond,
delta_years, delta_months, delta_days, delta_hours,
delta_minutes, delta_seconds, delta_microseconds) {, year, month, day,
delta_years, delta_months, delta_days);
if (hour === undefined) hour = null;
if (minute === undefined) minute = null;
if (second === undefined) second = null;
if (microsecond === undefined) microsecond = null;
if (delta_hours === undefined) delta_hours = 0;
if (delta_minutes === undefined) delta_minutes = 0;
if (delta_seconds === undefined) delta_seconds = 0;
if (delta_microseconds === undefined) delta_microseconds = 0;
this._test(hour, 'hour');
this._test(minute, 'minute');
this._test(second, 'second');
this._test(microsecond, 'microsecond');
this._test(delta_hours, 'delta_hours');
this._test(delta_minutes, 'delta_minutes');
this._test(delta_seconds, 'delta_seconds');
this._test(delta_microseconds, 'delta_microseconds');
this._hour = hour;
this._minute = minute;
this._second = second;
this._microsecond = microsecond;
this._delta_hours = delta_hours;
this._delta_minutes = delta_minutes;
this._delta_seconds = delta_seconds;
this._delta_microseconds = delta_microseconds;
pyson: function() {
var result =;
result.__class__ = 'DateTime';
result.h = this._hour;
result.m = this._minute;
result.s = this._second; = this._microsecond;
result.dh = this._delta_hours; = this._delta_minutes;
result.ds = this._delta_seconds;
result.dms = this._delta_microseconds;
return result;
Sao.PYSON.DateTime.eval_ = function(value, context) {
var date = Sao.DateTime(value.y, value.M && value.M - 1, value.d,
value.h, value.m, value.s, && / 1000);
if (value.dy) date.add(value.dy, 'y');
if (value.dM) date.add(value.dM, 'M');
if (value.dd) date.add(value.dd, 'd');
if (value.dh) date.add(value.dh, 'h');
if ( date.add(, 'm');
if (value.ds) date.add(value.ds, 's');
if (value.dms) date.add(value.dms / 1000, 'ms');
return date;
Sao.PYSON.Len = Sao.class_(Sao.PYSON.PYSON, {
init: function(value) {;
if (value instanceof Sao.PYSON.PYSON) {
if (jQuery(value.types()).not(['object', 'string']).length ||
jQuery(['object', 'string']).not(value.types()).length) {
throw 'value must be an object or a string';
} else {
if ((typeof value != 'object') && (typeof value != 'string')) {
throw 'value must be an object or a string';
this._value = value;
pyson: function() {
return {
'__class__': 'Len',
'v': this._value
types: function() {
return ['integer'];
Sao.PYSON.Len.eval_ = function(value, context) {
if (typeof value.v == 'object') {
return Object.keys(value.v).length;
} else {
return value.v.length;