Werkzeug==2.1.2 pycryptodome cryptography>=2.1.4 pyopenssl>=17.5.0 bcrypt blinker Genshi>=0.6 MarkupSafe>=2.1.0 Jinja2>=3.1.0 argparse>=1.2.1 jsonrpclib lxml>=3.1.0 nose>=1.2.1 polib>=1.0.2 psycopg2-binary>=2.4.6 pydot # require freetds-dev python-magic pyparsing>=1.5.6 python-dateutil>=2.1 python-ldap>=2.4.10 # requires libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev ldap3 python-sql==1.4.0 python-stdnum>=1.15 banknumber pytz>=2012h relatorio>=0.7.0 simplejson>=2.6.2 six openpyxl==3.0.10 mock html2text emailvalid simpleeval pyflakes pypdf>=3 cached-property wrapt passlib langid babel weasyprint<53 pycparser pycha>=0.4.0 pyyaml ipaddress Unidecode humanize urllib3>=1.26.0 # getmail easyimap>=0.3.3 #retrofix / aeat retrofix>=0.29.0 # aeat_sii zeep # facturae xmlsig # product_attachments pillow slug # galatea decorator # Using flask-login 0.6.2 breaks the login process because # the session is lost little after the login flask_login==0.6.1 whoosh # party_maps geopy # printer # apt-get install libcups2-dev pycups # account_payment_gateway_paypal iso8601 # sale_edi, purchase_edi_response oyaml git+https://github.com/NaN-tic/python-edifact#egg=edifact unicodecsv requests>=2.23.0 requests-oauthlib # country issue11128 pycountry==20.7.3 # currency forex-python>=1.8 # filestore-s3 git+https://github.com/NaN-tic/tryton-filestore-s3@main#egg=tryton-filestore_s3 #stock_shipment_ecommerce ShopifyAPI>=12.0.0 # carrier_send_shipments_mrw mrw>=0.0.6 # freeze time tests freezegun>=1.2.0 # html_report qrcode python-barcode # account_payment_braintree braintree>=4.16.0 # web_shop_vue_storefront elasticsearch>=8.3.0 # web_shop_vue_storefront_stripe stripe>=4.1.0 # Flask Repositories: Flask==2.1.3 Flask-Babel>=0.8 Flask-WTF==1.0.1 flask_tryton>=0.5 Flask-paginate Flask-Mail Flask-Cache flask-lesscss py-wikimarkup emailvalid htmlmin redsys pycrypto email_validator flask_session # importer charset-normalizer # authentication_saml pysaml2 # account_statement_csb43 csb43 # account_statement_ofx ofxparse # Other core dependencies defusedxml efficient-apriori # febelfin-coda 0.2.0 .whl file has a bug that makes pip think that the 0.1.1 # version was installed instead of 0.2.0. Using --no-binary forces pip to # compile the package from source and the right version is shown. febelfin-coda --no-binary=febelfin-coda geomet mt940 # Required by upgrades blessings # Required by marketing_email_template Markdown # babi openai