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synced 2023-12-14 03:12:58 +01:00
On Python 3, simplejson has a different behaviour than the stdlib json, especially for dumping bytes. issue6010 review26881003
690 lines
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690 lines
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# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
import json
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from functools import reduce, wraps
def reduced_type(types):
types = types.copy()
for k, r in [(long, int), (str, basestring), (unicode, basestring)]:
if k in types:
return types
def reduce_type(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return reduced_type(func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
class PYSON(object):
def pyson(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def types(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def eval(dct, context):
raise NotImplementedError
def __invert__(self):
if self.types() != set([bool]):
return Not(Bool(self))
return Not(self)
def __and__(self, other):
if (isinstance(other, PYSON)
and other.types() != set([bool])):
other = Bool(other)
if (isinstance(self, And)
and not isinstance(self, Or)):
return self
if self.types() != set([bool]):
return And(Bool(self), other)
return And(self, other)
__rand__ = __and__
def __or__(self, other):
if (isinstance(other, PYSON)
and other.types() != set([bool])):
other = Bool(other)
if isinstance(self, Or):
return self
if self.types() != set([bool]):
return Or(Bool(self), other)
return Or(self, other)
__ror__ = __or__
def __eq__(self, other):
return Equal(self, other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return Not(Equal(self, other))
def __gt__(self, other):
return Greater(self, other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return Greater(self, other, True)
def __lt__(self, other):
return Less(self, other)
def __le__(self, other):
return Less(self, other, True)
def get(self, k, d=''):
return Get(self, k, d)
def in_(self, obj):
return In(self, obj)
def contains(self, k):
return In(k, self)
def __repr__(self):
klass = self.__class__.__name__
return '%s(%s)' % (klass, ', '.join(map(repr, self.__repr_params__)))
def __repr_params__(self):
return NotImplementedError
class PYSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, PYSON):
return obj.pyson()
elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
return DateTime(obj.year, obj.month, obj.day,
obj.hour, obj.minute, obj.second, obj.microsecond
return Date(obj.year, obj.month, obj.day).pyson()
return super(PYSONEncoder, self).default(obj)
class PYSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
def __init__(self, context=None, noeval=False):
self.__context = context or {}
self.noeval = noeval
super(PYSONDecoder, self).__init__(object_hook=self._object_hook)
def _object_hook(self, dct):
if '__class__' in dct:
klass = CONTEXT.get(dct['__class__'])
if klass:
if not self.noeval:
return klass.eval(dct, self.__context)
dct = dct.copy()
del dct['__class__']
return klass(**dct)
return dct
class Eval(PYSON):
def __init__(self, v, d=''):
super(Eval, self).__init__()
self._value = v
self._default = d
def __repr_params__(self):
return self._value, self._default
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Eval',
'v': self._value,
'd': self._default,
def types(self):
if isinstance(self._default, PYSON):
return self._default.types()
return set([type(self._default)])
def eval(dct, context):
return context.get(dct['v'], dct['d'])
class Not(PYSON):
def __init__(self, v):
super(Not, self).__init__()
if isinstance(v, PYSON):
assert v.types() == set([bool]), 'value must be boolean'
assert isinstance(v, bool), 'value must be boolean'
self._value = v
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._value,)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Not',
'v': self._value,
def types(self):
return set([bool])
def eval(dct, context):
return not dct['v']
class Bool(PYSON):
def __init__(self, v):
super(Bool, self).__init__()
self._value = v
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._value,)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Bool',
'v': self._value,
def types(self):
return set([bool])
def eval(dct, context):
return bool(dct['v'])
class And(PYSON):
def __init__(self, *statements, **kwargs):
super(And, self).__init__()
statements = list(statements) + kwargs.get('s', [])
for statement in statements:
if isinstance(statement, PYSON):
assert statement.types() == set([bool]), \
'statement must be boolean'
assert isinstance(statement, bool), \
'statement must be boolean'
assert len(statements) >= 2, 'must have at least 2 statements'
self._statements = statements
def __repr_params__(self):
return tuple(self._statements)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'And',
's': self._statements,
def types(self):
return set([bool])
def eval(dct, context):
return bool(reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, dct['s']))
class Or(And):
def pyson(self):
res = super(Or, self).pyson()
res['__class__'] = 'Or'
return res
def eval(dct, context):
return bool(reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, dct['s']))
class Equal(PYSON):
def __init__(self, s1, s2):
statement1, statement2 = s1, s2
super(Equal, self).__init__()
if isinstance(statement1, PYSON):
types1 = statement1.types()
types1 = reduced_type(set([type(s1)]))
if isinstance(statement2, PYSON):
types2 = statement2.types()
types2 = reduced_type(set([type(s2)]))
assert types1 == types2, 'statements must have the same type'
self._statement1 = statement1
self._statement2 = statement2
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._statement1, self._statement2)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Equal',
's1': self._statement1,
's2': self._statement2,
def types(self):
return set([bool])
def eval(dct, context):
return dct['s1'] == dct['s2']
class Greater(PYSON):
def __init__(self, s1, s2, e=False):
statement1, statement2, equal = s1, s2, e
super(Greater, self).__init__()
for i in (statement1, statement2):
if isinstance(i, PYSON):
assert i.types().issubset({int, long, float, type(None)}), \
'statement must be an integer or a float'
assert isinstance(i, (int, long, float, type(None))), \
'statement must be an integer or a float'
if isinstance(equal, PYSON):
assert equal.types() == set([bool])
assert isinstance(equal, bool)
self._statement1 = statement1
self._statement2 = statement2
self._equal = equal
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._statement1, self._statement2, self._equal)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Greater',
's1': self._statement1,
's2': self._statement2,
'e': self._equal,
def types(self):
return set([bool])
def _convert(dct):
for i in ('s1', 's2'):
if dct[i] is None:
dct[i] = 0.0
if not isinstance(dct[i], (int, long, float)):
dct = dct.copy()
dct[i] = float(dct[i])
return dct
def eval(dct, context):
dct = Greater._convert(dct)
if dct['e']:
return dct['s1'] >= dct['s2']
return dct['s1'] > dct['s2']
class Less(Greater):
def pyson(self):
res = super(Less, self).pyson()
res['__class__'] = 'Less'
return res
def eval(dct, context):
dct = Less._convert(dct)
if dct['e']:
return dct['s1'] <= dct['s2']
return dct['s1'] < dct['s2']
class If(PYSON):
def __init__(self, c, t, e=None):
condition, then_statement, else_statement = c, t, e
super(If, self).__init__()
if isinstance(condition, PYSON):
assert condition.types() == set([bool]), \
'condition must be boolean'
assert isinstance(condition, bool), 'condition must be boolean'
if isinstance(then_statement, PYSON):
then_types = then_statement.types()
then_types = reduced_type(set([type(then_statement)]))
if isinstance(else_statement, PYSON):
else_types = else_statement.types()
else_types = reduced_type(set([type(else_statement)]))
assert then_types == else_types, \
'then and else statements must be the same type'
self._condition = condition
self._then_statement = then_statement
self._else_statement = else_statement
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._condition, self._then_statement, self._else_statement)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'If',
'c': self._condition,
't': self._then_statement,
'e': self._else_statement,
def types(self):
if isinstance(self._then_statement, PYSON):
return self._then_statement.types()
return set([type(self._then_statement)])
def eval(dct, context):
if dct['c']:
return dct['t']
return dct['e']
class Get(PYSON):
def __init__(self, v, k, d=''):
obj, key, default = v, k, d
super(Get, self).__init__()
if isinstance(obj, PYSON):
assert obj.types() == set([dict]), 'obj must be a dict'
assert isinstance(obj, dict), 'obj must be a dict'
self._obj = obj
if isinstance(key, PYSON):
assert key.types() == set([basestring]), 'key must be a string'
assert isinstance(key, basestring), 'key must be a string'
self._key = key
self._default = default
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._obj, self._key, self._default)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Get',
'v': self._obj,
'k': self._key,
'd': self._default,
def types(self):
if isinstance(self._default, PYSON):
return self._default.types()
return set([type(self._default)])
def eval(dct, context):
return dct['v'].get(dct['k'], dct['d'])
class In(PYSON):
def __init__(self, k, v):
key, obj = k, v
super(In, self).__init__()
if isinstance(key, PYSON):
assert key.types().issubset(set([basestring, int])), \
'key must be a string or an integer or a long'
assert isinstance(key, (basestring, int, long)), \
'key must be a string or an integer or a long'
if isinstance(obj, PYSON):
assert obj.types().issubset(set([dict, list])), \
'obj must be a dict or a list'
if obj.types() == set([dict]):
assert isinstance(key, basestring), 'key must be a string'
assert isinstance(obj, (dict, list))
if isinstance(obj, dict):
assert isinstance(key, basestring), 'key must be a string'
self._key = key
self._obj = obj
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._key, self._obj)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'In',
'k': self._key,
'v': self._obj,
def types(self):
return set([bool])
def eval(dct, context):
return dct['k'] in dct['v']
class Date(PYSON):
def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None,
delta_years=0, delta_months=0, delta_days=0, **kwargs):
year = kwargs.get('y', year)
month = kwargs.get('M', month)
day = kwargs.get('d', day)
delta_years = kwargs.get('dy', delta_years)
delta_months = kwargs.get('dM', delta_months)
delta_days = kwargs.get('dd', delta_days)
super(Date, self).__init__()
for i in (year, month, day, delta_years, delta_months, delta_days):
if isinstance(i, PYSON):
assert i.types().issubset(set([int, long, type(None)])), \
'%s must be an integer or None' % (i,)
assert isinstance(i, (int, long, type(None))), \
'%s must be an integer or None' % (i,)
self._year = year
self._month = month
self._day = day
self._delta_years = delta_years
self._delta_months = delta_months
self._delta_days = delta_days
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._year, self._month, self._day,
self._delta_years, self._delta_months, self._delta_days)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Date',
'y': self._year,
'M': self._month,
'd': self._day,
'dy': self._delta_years,
'dM': self._delta_months,
'dd': self._delta_days,
def types(self):
return set([datetime.date])
def eval(dct, context):
return datetime.date.today() + relativedelta(
class DateTime(Date):
def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None,
hour=None, minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None,
delta_years=0, delta_months=0, delta_days=0,
delta_hours=0, delta_minutes=0, delta_seconds=0,
delta_microseconds=0, **kwargs):
hour = kwargs.get('h', hour)
minute = kwargs.get('m', minute)
second = kwargs.get('s', second)
microsecond = kwargs.get('ms', microsecond)
delta_hours = kwargs.get('dh', delta_hours)
delta_minutes = kwargs.get('dm', delta_minutes)
delta_seconds = kwargs.get('ds', delta_seconds)
delta_microseconds = kwargs.get('dms', delta_microseconds)
super(DateTime, self).__init__(year=year, month=month, day=day,
delta_years=delta_years, delta_months=delta_months,
delta_days=delta_days, **kwargs)
for i in (hour, minute, second, microsecond,
delta_hours, delta_minutes, delta_seconds, delta_microseconds):
if isinstance(i, PYSON):
assert i.types() == set([int, type(None)]), \
'%s must be an integer or None' % (i,)
assert isinstance(i, (int, long, type(None))), \
'%s must be an integer or None' % (i,)
self._hour = hour
self._minute = minute
self._second = second
self._microsecond = microsecond
self._delta_hours = delta_hours
self._delta_minutes = delta_minutes
self._delta_seconds = delta_seconds
self._delta_microseconds = delta_microseconds
def __repr_params__(self):
date_params = super(DateTime, self).__repr_params__
return (date_params[:3]
+ (self._hour, self._minute, self._second, self._microsecond)
+ date_params[3:]
+ (self._delta_hours, self._delta_minutes, self._delta_seconds,
def pyson(self):
res = super(DateTime, self).pyson()
res['__class__'] = 'DateTime'
res['h'] = self._hour
res['m'] = self._minute
res['s'] = self._second
res['ms'] = self._microsecond
res['dh'] = self._delta_hours
res['dm'] = self._delta_minutes
res['ds'] = self._delta_seconds
res['dms'] = self._delta_microseconds
return res
def types(self):
return set([datetime.datetime])
def eval(dct, context):
return datetime.datetime.now() + relativedelta(
class Len(PYSON):
def __init__(self, v):
super(Len, self).__init__()
if isinstance(v, PYSON):
assert v.types().issubset(set([dict, list, basestring])), \
'value must be a dict or a list or a string'
assert isinstance(v, (dict, list, basestring)), \
'value must be a dict or list or a string'
self._value = v
def __repr_params__(self):
return (self._value,)
def pyson(self):
return {
'__class__': 'Len',
'v': self._value,
def types(self):
return set([int])
def eval(dct, context):
return len(dct['v'])
'Eval': Eval,
'Not': Not,
'Bool': Bool,
'And': And,
'Or': Or,
'Equal': Equal,
'Greater': Greater,
'Less': Less,
'If': If,
'Get': Get,
'In': In,
'Date': Date,
'DateTime': DateTime,
'Len': Len,