Upgrade config to upgrade 4.7

This commit is contained in:
Raimon Esteve 2018-02-06 18:08:02 +01:00
parent bf39b4652a
commit 8bb426527e
1 changed files with 73 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ to_uninstall:
- account_payment_es_csb_34_01
- account_payment_es_csb_34_1_la_caixa
- account_payment_es_csb_34_11
- account_payment_es_csb_58
- account_statement_of_account
- aeat_303_es
- aeat_349_es
@ -25,18 +26,18 @@ to_uninstall:
- calendar_scheduling
- calendar_todo
- guarantee
- party_identifier
- party_vcarddav
- product_configuration
- project_unittest
- sale_invoices_paid
- sale_shipments_done
- stock_delivery_note_jreport
- stock_delivery_note_valued_jreport
- webdav
- html_report
- account_invoice_type
- account_statement_of_account
- html_report
- party_identifier
@ -97,10 +98,10 @@ before:
- fields: sale_sale.project
query: ALTER TABLE sale_sale RENAME COLUMN project TO work_project
# - comment: # change PYSON context menu
# version: 4.0
# tables: babi_report
# query: UPDATE ir_action_act_window SET domain = '[["parent", "=", null]]', context = '{"babi_tree_view": true}' WHERE context like '%babi%';
- comment: # change PYSON context menu
version: 4.0
tables: babi_report
query: "UPDATE ir_action_act_window SET domain = '[[\"parent\", \"=\", null]]', context = '{\"babi_tree_view\": true}' WHERE context like '%babi%'"
- comment: # set domain to null in account bank statement
version: 4.0
@ -109,6 +110,60 @@ before:
version: 4.0
query: UPDATE ir_action_act_window SET domain = null where id in (SELECT db_id FROM ir_model_data where fs_id = 'act_account_bank_statement_line');
- comment: # rename locale languages
version: 4.2
query: UPDATE ir_translation SET lang = 'en' WHERE lang = 'en_US';UPDATE ir_translation SET lang = 'ca' WHERE lang = 'ca_ES';UPDATE ir_translation SET lang = 'es' WHERE lang = 'es_ES';UPDATE ir_translation SET lang = 'pt' WHERE lang = 'pt_PT';UPDATE ir_translation SET lang = 'de' WHERE lang = 'de_DE';UPDATE ir_translation SET lang = 'it' WHERE lang = 'it_IT';UPDATE ir_translation SET lang = 'fr' WHERE lang = 'fr_FR';
- comment: # rename configuration locale
version: 4.2
query: UPDATE ir_configuration SET language = 'en' WHERE language = 'en_US';UPDATE ir_configuration SET language = 'ca' WHERE language = 'ca_ES';
- comment: # delete modules
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM ir_module WHERE name IN ('webdav', 'calendar', 'calendar_todo', 'calendar_scheduling', 'calendar_classification', 'party_vcarddav');
- comment: # delete modules views
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM ir_ui_view WHERE module IN ('webdav', 'calendar', 'calendar_todo', 'calendar_scheduling', 'calendar_classification', 'party_vcarddav');
- comment: # update format address
version: 4.4
query: UPDATE party_address_format SET format_ = REPLACE(format_, '${district}', '${subdivision}');
- comment: # delete party ir properties
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM ir_property where res like 'party.party,%' and SUBSTRING(res, POSITION(',' IN res) + 1)::integer not in (select id from party_party);
- comment: # delete product category ir properties
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM ir_property where res like 'product.category,%' and SUBSTRING(res, POSITION(',' IN res) + 1)::integer not in (select id from product_category);
- comment: # delete product ir properties
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM ir_property where res like 'product.template,%' and SUBSTRING(res, POSITION(',' IN res) + 1)::integer not in (select id from product_template);
# - comment: # drop ir properties in case account_asset is installed
# version: 4.4
# script: TODO https://bugs.tryton.org/issue6395
- comment: # update default_country ir_property
version: 4.4
query: UPDATE ir_property SET res = null where field in (select id from ir_model_field where name = 'default_country') and res = 'party.configuration,1';
- comment: # Update to lower case email of web users
version: 4.6
tables: web_user
query: UPDATE web_user SET email = LOWER(email);
# account_es and aeat
- comment: # add new column in code_uniq constrain when upgrade
version: 4.6
query: ALTER TABLE account_account_template DROP CONSTRAINT "account_account_template_code_uniq";
- comment: # Rename account_es_pyme to account_es
version: 4.6
query: UPDATE ir_model_data SET module = 'account_es' WHERE module = 'account_es_pyme';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_349
version: 4.6
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE state WHEN 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_349' and fs_id like 'aeat_349_template%';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_303
version: 4.6
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE state WHEN 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_303' and fs_id like 'aeat_303_mapping_code_%_val%';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_340
version: 4.6
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || '(select CASE state WHEN 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_340' and fs_id like 'aeat_340_template_type_%';
- DELETE FROM ir_translation WHERE module = 'account_es';
- DELETE FROM ir_translation WHERE module = 'account_es_pyme';
@ -151,6 +206,16 @@ after:
version: 4.0
query: update ir_translation set value = regexp_replace(value, 'record.code', 'record.number', 'g') where res_id in (select id from electronic_mail_template where model in (select id from ir_model where model in ('account.invoice', 'sale.sale', 'purchase.purchase', 'stock.shipment.in', 'stock.shipment.out', 'stock.shipment.in'))) and name like 'electronic.mail.template,%';
- comment: # drop purchase invoice line rel
version: 4.4
query: DROP TABLE purchase_invoice_line_rel;
- comment: # delete duplicated party configuration sequence
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM party_configuration_party_sequence where id = 2;
# - comment: # delete ir properties
# version: 4.4
# query: DELETE FROM ir_model_data WHERE model = 'ir.property';
# - script: ./upgrades/after/convert_domain_rules.py
# - tables: work_project
# script: ./upgrades/after/migration_project_product.py