fix some issues

This commit is contained in:
?ngel ?lvarez 2018-03-23 16:52:58 +01:00
parent 0843108851
commit e46c7602ea
1 changed files with 43 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ to_uninstall:
- project_current_effort
- account_payment_type_move
- product_price_list_category
- party_merge
- account_move_draft
@ -70,12 +71,20 @@ before:
- UPDATE ir_model_data SET module = 'aeat_349' WHERE module = 'aeat_349_es';
- UPDATE ir_translation SET module = 'aeat_303' WHERE module = 'aeat_303_es';
- UPDATE ir_translation SET module = 'aeat_349' WHERE module = 'aeat_349_es';
- UPDATE ir_module SET name = 'account_es_normal' WHERE name = 'account_es';
- DELETE from ir_ui_view where module = '';
- DELETE from ir_ui_view where data = '' and module = 'account_payment_type';
- UPDATE ir_ui_view SET type = NULL WHERE inherit IS NOT NULL AND type IS NOT NULL;
- DELETE FROM ir_model_data WHERE model='stock.location' AND fs_id LIKE '%transit%'
- DELETE FROM ir_ui_view where module = '%sale%milestone%'
- tables: ir_module
version: 4.7
query: UPDATE ir_module SET name = 'account_es_normal' WHERE name = 'account_es';
- tables: ir_module_module
version: 4.7
query: UPDATE ir_module_module SET name = 'account_es_normal' WHERE name = 'account_es';
- comment: -> 4.0
query: ALTER TABLE res_user_login_attempt ALTER COLUMN login TYPE VARCHAR(512);
- tables: stock_location
@ -141,7 +150,14 @@ before:
- comment: # delete modules
version: 4.4
tables: ir_module
query: DELETE FROM ir_module WHERE name IN ('webdav', 'calendar', 'calendar_todo', 'calendar_scheduling', 'calendar_classification', 'party_vcarddav');
- comment: # delete modules
tables: ir_module_module
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM ir_module_module WHERE name IN ('webdav', 'calendar', 'calendar_todo', 'calendar_scheduling', 'calendar_classification', 'party_vcarddav');
- comment: # delete modules views
version: 4.4
query: DELETE FROM ir_ui_view WHERE module IN ('webdav', 'calendar', 'calendar_todo', 'calendar_scheduling', 'calendar_classification', 'party_vcarddav');
@ -175,6 +191,10 @@ before:
query: DELETE FROM ir_property where value like 'account_tax_rule,%' and SUBSTRING(value, POSITION(',' IN value) + 1)::integer not in (select id from account_tax_rule);
- comment: # delete properties of account_journal withour foreign key
version: 4.7
query: delete from ir_property where id in (select id from ir_property where res like 'account.journal%' and value like 'ir.sequence%' and split_part(res, ',', 2)::int not in (select id from account_journal));
- comment: #
tables: ir_lang
query: ALTER TABLE ir_lang ADD parent varchar;
@ -208,14 +228,34 @@ before:
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_349
version: 4.6
tables: ir_module
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE WHEN state = 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_349' and fs_id like 'aeat_349_template%';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_349
version: 4.6
tables: ir_module_module
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE WHEN state = 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_349' and fs_id like 'aeat_349_template%';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_303
version: 4.6
tables: ir_module
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE WHEN state = 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_303' and fs_id like 'aeat_303_mapping_code_%_val%';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_303
version: 4.6
tables: ir_module_module
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE WHEN state = 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_303' and fs_id like 'aeat_303_mapping_code_%_val%';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_340
version: 4.6
tables: ir_module
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE WHEN state = 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_340' and fs_id like 'aeat_340_template_type_%';
- comment: # Rename model data aeat_340
version: 4.6
tables: ir_module_module
query: UPDATE ir_model_data set fs_id = fs_id || (select CASE WHEN state = 'installed' THEN '_pyme' ELSE '_normal' END FROM ir_module_module where name = 'account_es_pyme') where module = 'aeat_340' and fs_id like 'aeat_340_template_type_%';
- DELETE FROM ir_translation WHERE module = 'account_es';
@ -267,6 +307,8 @@ after:
query: DELETE FROM party_configuration_party_sequence where id = 2;
- comment: # migration from sale_opportunity module to core.
tables: opportunity_sale_rel
version: 4.7
query: update sale_sale s set origin = 'sale.opportunity,'|| o.opportunity from opportunity_sale_rel o where =
# - comment: # delete ir properties