#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os dbname = sys.argv[1] config_file = sys.argv[2] digits = int(os.environ['upgrade_account_chart_digits']) domain = os.environ.get('upgrade_account_chart_domain') if domain: domain = eval(domain) from trytond.config import config as CONFIG CONFIG.update_etc(config_file) from trytond.pool import Pool from trytond.transaction import Transaction import logging Pool.start() pool = Pool(dbname) pool.init() context = {} logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) with Transaction().start(dbname, 1, context=context): Company = pool.get('company.company') ModelData = pool.get('ir.model.data') Configuration = pool.get('account.configuration') Account = pool.get('account.account') AccountTemplate = pool.get('account.account.template') Party = pool.get('party.party') party = Party.search([('name', '=', 'Generic for Party required Accounts')]) if not party: party = Party(name='Generic for Party required Accounts', code='GPRA') party.save() else: party, = party user_obj = pool.get('res.user') user = user_obj.search([('login', '=', 'admin')], limit=1)[0] user_id = user.id cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor() to_save = [] for template in AccountTemplate.search([]): if template.type or template.childs: continue code = template.code[:-1] cursor.execute( "select id, code, type from account_account_template where code like '%s' and type > 0 limit 1" % code) res = cursor.fetchone() if not res: code = code[:-1] cursor.execute( "select id, code, type from account_account_template where code like '%s' and type > 0 limit 1" % code) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: id, code, type = res template.type = type to_save.append(template) AccountTemplate.save(to_save) Transaction().commit() cursor.execute(''' update account_move_line set party=%s where id in ( select l.id from account_move_line l, account_account a where l.account=a.id and a.party_required and l.party is null) ''' % party.id) UpdateChart = pool.get('account.update_chart', type='wizard') Account.parent.left = None Account.parent.right = None Account._mptt_fields = set() if domain is None: domain=[] for company in Company.search(domain): logger.info("company %s" % company.id) user.companies += (company,) user.company = company.id user.save() with Transaction().set_context(company=company.id): config = Configuration(1) if not config.default_account_code_digits: config.default_account_code_digits = digits config.force_digits = False config.save() print("digits:", digits, config.default_account_code_digits) template = AccountTemplate(ModelData.get_id('account_es', 'pgc_0')) account = Account.search([('template', '=', template), ('company','=', company.id)], limit=1) if not account: print("No Account Found for company:", company.id) continue account = account[0] session_id, _, _ = UpdateChart.create() update_chart = UpdateChart(session_id) update_chart.start.account = account update_chart.start.account_code_digits = config.default_account_code_digits #print(update_chart.start.account_code_digits) logger.info('%s: Upgrading Account Chart' % (company.rec_name)) update_chart.transition_update() logger.info('%s: End Account Chart' % (company.rec_name)) Transaction().commit() Account.parent.left = 'left' Account.parent.right = 'right' # for company in Company.search(domain): # logger.info("company %s" % company.id) # logger.info('%s: Rebuild tree' % (company.rec_name)) # with Transaction().set_context(company=company.id): # Account._rebuild_tree('parent', None, 0) # logger.info('%s: End rebuild tree' % (company.rec_name)) # # logger.info('Done') # Fast way to calculate parent_left and right cr = Transaction().connection.cursor() def browse_rec(root, pos=0): where = 'parent' + '=' + str(root) if not root: where = 'parent IS NULL' cr.execute('SELECT id FROM %s WHERE %s \ ORDER BY %s' % ('account_account', where, 'parent')) pos2 = pos + 1 childs = cr.fetchall() for id in childs: pos2 = browse_rec(id[0], pos2) cr.execute('update %s set "left"=%s, "right"=%s\ where id=%s' % ('account_account', pos, pos2, root)) return pos2 + 1 query = 'SELECT id FROM %s WHERE %s IS NULL order by %s' % ( 'account_account', 'parent', 'parent') pos = 0 cr.execute(query) for (root,) in cr.fetchall(): pos = browse_rec(root, pos) cr.execute(query) for (root,) in cr.fetchall(): pos = browse_rec(root, pos) Transaction().commit()