mirror of
synced 2023-12-14 04:13:04 +01:00
522 lines
18 KiB
522 lines
18 KiB
import logging
from retrofix.exception import RetrofixException
from retrofix.fields import Char, Date, Field, Integer
from retrofix.record import Record
from decimal import Decimal
from trytond.i18n import gettext
from trytond.exceptions import UserError
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateTransition, StateView, Button
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from functools import reduce
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DecimalField(Field):
# decimals in files are separated by period '.'
# have not implemented get_for_file because we only read.
def __init__(self):
super(DecimalField, self).__init__()
def set_from_file(self, value):
return Decimal(value)
(1, 6, 'asien', Char),
(7, 8, 'fecha', Date('%Y%m%d')),
(15, 12, 'sub_cta', Char),
(27, 12, 'contra', Char),
(39, 16, 'pta_debe', DecimalField),
(55, 25, 'concepto', Char),
(80, 16, 'pta_haber', DecimalField),
(96, 8, 'factura', Char), # Integer? it fails with some files if Integer.
(104, 16, 'base_impo', DecimalField),
(120, 5, 'iva', DecimalField),
(125, 5, 'recequiv', DecimalField),
(130, 10, 'documento', Char),
(140, 3, 'departa', Char),
(143, 6, 'clave', Char),
(149, 1, 'estado', Char),
(150, 6, 'n_casado', Integer), # internal contaplus
(156, 1, 't_casado', Integer), # internal contaplus
(157, 6, 'trans', Integer),
(163, 16, 'cambio', DecimalField),
(179, 16, 'debe_me', DecimalField),
(195, 16, 'haber_me', DecimalField),
(211, 1, 'auxiliar', Char),
(212, 1, 'serie', Char),
(213, 4, 'sucursal', Char),
(217, 5, 'cod_divisa', Char),
(222, 16, 'imp_aux_me', DecimalField),
(238, 1, 'moneda_uso', Char),
(239, 16, 'euro_debe', DecimalField),
(255, 16, 'euro_haber', DecimalField),
(271, 16, 'base_euro', DecimalField),
(287, 1, 'no_conv', Char), # internal contaplus
(288, 10, 'numero_inv', Char))
def read_line(line):
if Record.valid(line, ENTRY_RECORD):
return Record.extract(line, ENTRY_RECORD)
raise RetrofixException('Invalid record: %s' % line)
def read_all(data):
return map(read_line, data.splitlines())
def filter_with_account(data):
return filter((lambda s: len(s.sub_cta.strip()) != 0), data)
def read(data):
return filter_with_account(read_all(data))
def add_tupla2(t1, t2):
return (t1[0] + t2[0], t1[1] + t2[1])
def not_balance(move):
credit_debit = reduce(
lambda t_cd, line: add_tupla2(t_cd, (line.credit, line.debit)),
move.lines, [0, 0])
logger.info('credit %f, debit %f' % (credit_debit[0], credit_debit[1]))
return credit_debit[0] != credit_debit[1]
def complete_account(account, num_digits, fill_with):
ret = account
while len(ret) < num_digits:
ret = ret + fill_with
return ret
def convert_account(account):
# hack some accounts are not correct at import.
# if more accounts appear consider using a map.
if '4000' == account:
return '40099999'
return account
def find_factura(number, company):
pool = Pool()
Invoice = pool.get('account.invoice')
invoice, = Invoice.search([('number', '=', number),
('company', '=', company)], limit=1)
return invoice
def check_factura_not_exists(number, company):
if find_factura(number, company):
raise UserError(
class Move(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'account.move'
def _get_origin(cls):
'Return list of Model names for origin Reference'
return super(Move, cls)._get_origin() + ['import.record']
class Invoice(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'account.invoice'
def _get_origin(cls):
'Return list of Model names for origin Reference'
return super(Invoice, cls)._get_origin() + ['import.record']
class ImportRecord(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Import Record'
__name__ = 'import.record'
_rec_name = 'filename'
# filename
filename = fields.Char('File Name')
class AccountImportContaplusStart(ModelView):
'Account Import Contaplus Start'
__name__ = 'account.import.contaplus.start'
name = fields.Char('Name', states={'readonly': True}, required=True)
data = fields.Binary(
'File', filename='name', required=True, depends=['name'])
is_invoice = fields.Boolean('Invoice?')
journal = fields.Many2One('account.journal', 'Journal', required=True)
def on_change_is_invoice(self):
journal_type = 'revenue' if self.is_invoice else 'general'
Journal = Pool().get('account.journal')
self.journal = Journal.search(
[('type', "=", journal_type)], limit=1)[0].id
def on_change_data(self):
inv = False
if self.data:
for iline in read_all(str(self.data, 'utf8')):
if len(iline.contra.strip()) > 0:
inv = True
self.is_invoice = inv
def default_journal():
Journal = Pool().get('account.journal')
return Journal.search([('type', '=', 'general')], limit=1)[0].id
class AccountImportContaplus(Wizard):
'Account Import Contaplus'
__name__ = 'account.import.contaplus'
start = StateView(
'account_import_contaplus.account_import_contaplus_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button(
'Import', 'import_', 'tryton-ok', default=True)
import_ = StateTransition()
def get_party(self, party):
Party = Pool().get('party.party')
parties = Party.search([('rec_name', 'ilike', '%' + party)], limit=2)
if not parties:
raise UserError(
gettext('account_import_contaplus.msg_party_not_found' ,
if (len(parties) > 1):
raise UserError(
gettext('account_import_contaplus.msg_multiple_parties_found' ,
return parties[0]
def get_account(self, account, company):
Account = Pool().get('account.account')
accounts = Account.search([('code', '=', account),
('company', '=', company)], limit=2)
if not accounts:
raise UserError(
gettext('account_import_contaplus.msg_account_not_found' ,
if (len(accounts) > 1):
raise UserError(
gettext('account_import_contaplus.msg_multiple_accounts_found' ,
return accounts[0]
def get_account_maybe(self, account, company):
Account = Pool().get('account.account')
accounts = Account.search([('code', '=', account),
('company', '=', company)], limit=2)
if not accounts:
return None
if (len(accounts) > 1):
return None
return accounts[0]
def import_moves(self, company, imp_record):
pool = Pool()
Move = pool.get('account.move')
Line = pool.get('account.move.line')
Period = pool.get('account.period')
total_credit = 0
total_debit = 0
to_create = {}
pre = "ALE-"
for iline in read(str(self.start.data, 'utf8')):
asien = pre + iline.asien
if asien not in to_create:
move = Move()
move.origin = imp_record
# move.origin_type =
move.number = asien
if len(Move.search(['number', '=', asien], limit=1)) > 0:
raise UserError(
gettext('account_import_contaplus.msg_number_exists' ,
move.date = iline.fecha
move.period = Period.find(company.id, date=move.date)
to_create[move.number] = move
move.journal = self.start.journal
move.description = " ".join([iline.concepto, iline.documento])
move.lines = []
move = to_create[move.number]
line = Line()
party = None
account = iline.sub_cta.strip()
account = convert_account(account)
account_maybe = self.get_account_maybe(account, company)
party_required = (account_maybe is None) or \
if party_required:
party = company.party.code + '-' + account
if (account[:2] in ('40', '41', '43')):
account = account[:2] + ('0' * 6)
line.account = self.get_account(account, company)
if party:
line.party = self.get_party(party)
logger.info('line account:' + account + 'requires party:' +
str(line.account.party_required) + 'party:' +
# swap debe haber in some cases due to error.
# in caja the concepto/clave determines if it is debe or haber.
if iline.concepto.strip() in (
line.debit = iline.euro_haber + iline.euro_debe
line.credit = 0
elif iline.concepto.strip() == 'cierre de caja':
if (total_credit > total_debit):
line.debit = iline.euro_haber + iline.euro_debe
line.credit = 0
line.credit = iline.euro_haber + iline.euro_debe
line.debit = 0
line.debit = iline.euro_debe
line.credit = iline.euro_haber
total_debit += line.debit
total_credit += line.credit
line.description = " ".join([iline.concepto, iline.documento])
move.lines = move.lines + (line, )
unbalance_moves = list(filter(not_balance, list(to_create.values())))
if (unbalance_moves):
raise UserError(
if to_create:
# return created moves
return to_create
def check_totals(self, invoices, totals):
for invoice in list(invoices.values()):
if not invoice.total_amount == totals[invoice.number]:
logger.info('unmatch total')
for line in invoice.lines:
raise UserError(
gettext('account_import_contaplus.msg_unmatch_total_invoice' ,
return True
def add_tax_invoice(self, invoice, vat, vat_21):
for line in invoice.lines:
# only add for lines that do not have taxes
if len(line.taxes) == 0:
line.taxes = [vat]
invoice.sii_book_key = 'E'
# TODO clientes contados should be F2 ticket
invoice.sii_operation_key = 'F1'
if vat == vat_21:
invoice.sii_subjected_key = 'S1'
invoice.sii_issued_key = '01'
invoice.sii_excemption_key = 'E2'
invoice.sii_issued_key = '02'
return invoice
def import_invoices(self, company, imp_record):
pool = Pool()
Invoice = pool.get('account.invoice')
Line = pool.get('account.invoice.line')
ModelData = pool.get('ir.model.data')
Tax = pool.get('account.tax')
logger.info("start import invoice")
# TODO upgrade 4.7
t_vat_21 = Tax(ModelData.get_id('account_es', 'iva_rep_21'))
t_vat_0 = Tax(ModelData.get_id('account_es', 'iva_rep_ex'))
vat_21, = Tax.search([('template', '=', t_vat_21),
('company', '=', company)], limit=1)
vat_0, = Tax.search([('template', '=', t_vat_0),
('company', '=', company)], limit=1)
to_create = {}
vat = vat_0 # default vat no taxes
totals = {}
invoice = None # current invoice
for iline in read(str(self.start.data, 'utf8')):
iline.factura = iline.factura.strip()
iline.serie = iline.serie.strip()
invoice_number = iline.serie + iline.factura
if invoice_number not in to_create:
# todo check num factura not alredy there.
check_factura_not_exists(invoice_number, company)
if invoice:
# check factura
# if lines empty remove from to_create
if len(invoice.lines) == 0:
del to_create[invoice.number]
self.add_tax_invoice(invoice, vat, vat_21)
vat = vat_0 # default vat no taxes
invoice = Invoice()
invoice.company = company
invoice.currency = company.currency
invoice.origin = imp_record
invoice.number = invoice_number
invoice.invoice_date = iline.fecha
invoice.type = 'out'
invoice.journal = self.start.journal
to_create[invoice.number] = invoice
invoice.lines = []
account = iline.sub_cta.strip()
if account[:2] == '43':
party_code = company.party.code + '-' + account
party = self.get_party(party_code)
if (party.customer_payment_term is None):
raise UserError(
gettext('account_import_contaplus.msg_missing_payment_term' ,
invoice.party = party
totals[invoice.number] = iline.euro_debe + iline.euro_haber
# abonos negatius
if iline.serie == 'A':
totals[invoice.number] = totals[invoice.number] * -1
invoice.account = invoice.on_change_with_account()
# on_change_party sets the payment term.
# invoice.payment_term = invoice.on_change_with_payment_term()
if account[:1] == '7' or account[:2] == '44':
line = Line()
line.account = self.get_account(iline.sub_cta.strip(), company)
line.quantity = 1
if iline.concepto.strip() == 'DIFERENCIA PORTE':
line.unit_price = iline.euro_haber * -1
line.unit_price = iline.euro_haber
if iline.concepto.strip() == 'AVERIAS/FALTAS/R':
line.taxes = [vat_0]
line.taxes = []
# abonos negatius
if iline.serie == 'A':
line.unit_price = line.unit_price * -1
line.description = iline.concepto.strip()
invoice.lines = invoice.lines + (line, )
if account[:3] == '477':
vat = vat_21
# todo duplicated code
if invoice:
# check factura
# if lines empty remove from to_create
if len(invoice.lines) == 0:
del to_create[invoice.number]
self.add_tax_invoice(invoice, vat, vat_21)
if to_create:
# recalculate invoice fields
for k, invoice in list(to_create.items()):
untaxed_amount = sum(line.quantity * line.unit_price
for line in invoice.lines if line.quantity)
# set payment type
if untaxed_amount > 0 and invoice.party.customer_payment_type:
invoice.payment_type = invoice.party.customer_payment_type
elif untaxed_amount < 0 and invoice.party.supplier_payment_type:
invoice.payment_type = invoice.party.supplier_payment_type
to_create[k] = invoice
logger.info("check total")
self.check_totals(to_create, totals)
# logger.info("posting")
# logger.info(inv.number)
# logger.info(inv.party.name)
# logger.info(inv.party.customer_payment_term.name)
# logger.info(inv.payment_term.name)
# Invoice.post([inv])
return to_create
def create_import_record(self):
pool = Pool()
ImpRecord = pool.get('import.record')
Attachment = pool.get('ir.attachment')
imp_record = ImpRecord()
imp_record.filename = self.start.name
attachment = Attachment()
attachment.name = imp_record.filename
attachment.resource = imp_record
attachment.data = self.start.data
return imp_record
def transition_import_(self):
pool = Pool()
Company = pool.get('company.company')
company_id = Transaction().context.get('company')
company = Company(company_id)
imp_record = self.create_import_record()
if (self.start.is_invoice):
with Transaction().set_context(_skip_warnings=True):
self.import_invoices(company, imp_record)
self.import_moves(company, imp_record)
return 'end'