
28 lines
1010 B

msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
msgctxt "field:account.invoice,allow_draft:"
msgid "Allow Draft Invoice"
msgstr "Permitir factura borrador"
msgctxt "model:ir.message,text:msg_draft_closed_period"
msgid ""
"You cannot create an account compesantion move in the period %(period)s "
"because is closed."
msgstr ""
"No puedes crear un asiento de compensación en el periodo %(period)s porque "
"está cerrado."
msgctxt "model:ir.message,text:msg_invoice_in_payment"
msgid ""
"The invoice %(invoice)s could not be possible to draft, becasue it have one "
"or more move lines in payments [IDs: %(payments)s]. This means that is "
"possible that this payment will be in a payment group and this group upload "
"on a Bank."
msgstr ""
"La factura %(invoice)s no se puede pasar a borrador, porque tiene uno o más "
"apuntes relacionados a pagos [ID: %(payments)s]. Esto quiere decir que és "
"posible que estos pagos esten ya en una remesa bancárea y ésta esté subida "
"al Banco."