Currency in AEAT 303 report "%(name)s" must be Euro. No configuration found for AEAT303. Please, update your chart of accounts. To compensate periods before need to have the actual period result postive ([66] + [77] - [78]) and you can't compensate more than this result. The type of 'Return by trasnfer to foreign account' it's only for periods '3T', '4T' and from '07' to '12', check report with ID: %(report)s The Exonerated Model 390 field could be 'YES' or 'NO' only for periods '12' or '4T', check report with ID: %(report)s The Annual Operation Volume field could be 'YES' or 'NO' only for periods '12' or '4T', check report with ID: %(report)s The Sepa Check field is not correct for the period of the report. Check report with ID: %(report)s The Sepa Check field is not correct for the type selected. Check report with ID: %(report)s The type of 'Sepa Check On Return' could not be empty for the 'Type' selected (check report with ID: %(report)s). One of the Prorrata percent added in then 5th page is greater than 100, and thats not correct. (Report ID: %(report)s) The AEAT 303 report (ID: %(report)s) cannot be possible cancelled because its account move is reconciled.