Fork 0
mirror of synced 2023-12-14 06:43:21 +01:00

207 lines
8.4 KiB

#This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
#this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from decimal import Decimal
from sql import Column
from sql.aggregate import Sum
from sql.conditionals import Coalesce
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
__all__ = ['Account']
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
class Account:
__name__ = 'analytic_account.account'
def get_balance(cls, accounts, name):
res = {}
pool = Pool()
Line = pool.get('analytic_account.line')
MoveLine = pool.get('account.move.line')
Account = pool.get('account.account')
Company = pool.get('company.company')
Currency = pool.get('currency.currency')
cursor = Transaction().cursor
table = cls.__table__()
line = Line.__table__()
move_line = MoveLine.__table__()
a_account = Account.__table__()
company = Company.__table__()
ids = [a.id for a in accounts]
childs = cls.search([('parent', 'child_of', ids)])
all_ids = {}.fromkeys(ids + [c.id for c in childs]).keys()
id2account = {}
all_accounts = cls.browse(all_ids)
for account in all_accounts:
id2account[account.id] = account
line_query = Line.query_get(line)
account_sum = {}
id2currency = {}
# Get analytic lines with account move lines
cursor.execute(*table.join(line, 'LEFT',
condition=table.id == line.account
).join(move_line, 'LEFT',
condition=move_line.id == line.move_line
).join(a_account, 'LEFT',
condition=a_account.id == move_line.account
).join(company, 'LEFT',
condition=company.id == a_account.company
Sum(Coalesce(line.debit, 0) - Coalesce(line.credit, 0)),
where=(table.type != 'view')
& table.id.in_(all_ids)
& table.active & line_query & (line.move_line != None),
group_by=(table.id, company.currency)))
for account_id, sum, currency_id in cursor.fetchall():
account_sum.setdefault(account_id, Decimal('0.0'))
if currency_id != id2account[account_id].currency.id:
currency = None
if currency_id in id2currency:
currency = id2currency[currency_id]
currency = Currency(currency_id)
id2currency[currency.id] = currency
account_sum[account_id] += Currency.compute(currency, sum,
id2account[account_id].currency, round=True)
account_sum[account_id] += \
# Get analytic lines without account move lines
cursor.execute(*table.join(line, 'LEFT',
condition=table.id == line.account
).join(company, 'LEFT',
condition=company.id == line.company2
Sum(Coalesce(line.debit, 0) - Coalesce(line.credit, 0)),
where=(table.type != 'view')
& table.id.in_(all_ids)
& table.active & line_query & (line.move_line == None),
group_by=(table.id, company.currency)))
for account_id, sum, currency_id in cursor.fetchall():
account_sum.setdefault(account_id, Decimal('0.0'))
if currency_id != id2account[account_id].currency.id:
currency = None
if currency_id in id2currency:
currency = id2currency[currency_id]
currency = Currency(currency_id)
id2currency[currency.id] = currency
account_sum[account_id] += Currency.compute(currency, sum,
id2account[account_id].currency, round=True)
account_sum[account_id] += \
for account_id in ids:
res.setdefault(account_id, Decimal('0.0'))
childs = cls.search([
('parent', 'child_of', [account_id]),
to_currency = id2account[account_id].currency
for child in childs:
from_currency = id2account[child.id].currency
res[account_id] += Currency.compute(from_currency,
account_sum.get(child.id, Decimal('0.0')), to_currency,
res[account_id] = to_currency.round(res[account_id])
if id2account[account_id].display_balance == 'credit-debit':
res[account_id] = - res[account_id]
return res
def get_credit_debit(cls, accounts, name):
res = {}
pool = Pool()
Line = pool.get('analytic_account.line')
MoveLine = pool.get('account.move.line')
Account = pool.get('account.account')
Company = pool.get('company.company')
Currency = pool.get('currency.currency')
cursor = Transaction().cursor
table = cls.__table__()
line = Line.__table__()
move_line = MoveLine.__table__()
a_account = Account.__table__()
company = Company.__table__()
if name not in ('credit', 'debit'):
raise Exception('Bad argument')
id2account = {}
ids = [a.id for a in accounts]
for account in accounts:
res[account.id] = Decimal('0.0')
id2account[account.id] = account
line_query = Line.query_get(line)
id2currency = {}
# Get analytic lines with account move lines
cursor.execute(*table.join(line, 'LEFT',
condition=table.id == line.account
).join(move_line, 'LEFT',
condition=move_line.id == line.move_line
).join(a_account, 'LEFT',
condition=a_account.id == move_line.account
).join(company, 'LEFT',
condition=company.id == a_account.company
Sum(Coalesce(Column(line, name), 0)),
where=(table.type != 'view')
& table.id.in_(ids)
& table.active & line_query & (line.move_line != None),
group_by=(table.id, company.currency)))
for account_id, sum, currency_id in cursor.fetchall():
if currency_id != id2account[account_id].currency.id:
currency = None
if currency_id in id2currency:
currency = id2currency[currency_id]
currency = Currency(currency_id)
id2currency[currency.id] = currency
res[account_id] += Currency.compute(currency, sum,
id2account[account_id].currency, round=True)
res[account_id] += id2account[account_id].currency.round(sum)
# Get analytic lines without account move lines
cursor.execute(*table.join(line, 'LEFT',
condition=table.id == line.account
).join(company, 'LEFT',
condition=company.id == line.company2
Sum(Coalesce(Column(line, name), 0)),
where=(table.type != 'view')
& table.id.in_(ids)
& table.active & line_query & (line.move_line == None),
group_by=(table.id, company.currency)))
for account_id, sum, currency_id in cursor.fetchall():
if currency_id != id2account[account_id].currency.id:
currency = None
if currency_id in id2currency:
currency = id2currency[currency_id]
currency = Currency(currency_id)
id2currency[currency.id] = currency
res[account_id] += Currency.compute(currency, sum,
id2account[account_id].currency, round=True)
res[account_id] += id2account[account_id].currency.round(sum)
return res