
135 lines
7.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<data grouped="1">
<record model="ir.message" id="report_not_exists">
<field name="text">Report "%(report)s" no longer exists or you do not have the rights to access it.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="parameter_not_found">
<field name="text">Parameter "%(parameter)s" not found in Domain nor in Python Expression of filter "%(filter)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="no_dimensions">
<field name="text">Report "%(report)s" has no dimensions. At least one is needed.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="no_measures">
<field name="text">Report "%(report)s" has no measures. At least one is needed.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="timeout_exception">
<field name="text">Report computation timed out. You may consider increasing the timeout of this report.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="no_menus">
<field name="text">No menus found for report %(report)s. In order to view its data you must create menu entries.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="no_report">
<field name="text">No report found for current execution</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="no_execution">
<field name="text">No execution found for current record. Execute the update data wizard in order to create one.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="cannot_create_order_entry">
<field name="text">Order entries are created automatically</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="cannot_remove_order_entry">
<field name="text">Order entries are deleted automatically</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="one_measure_in_pie_charts">
<field name="text">Only one measure can be used in pie charts</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="filter_parameters">
<field name="text">Execution "%(execution)s" has filter parameters and you did not provide any of them. Please execute it from the menu.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="report_modification_warning">
<field name="text">Report "%(report)s" will be renamed, but if you want to also rename the menus you should create the menus again. Are you sure you want to continue with this action?</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="true">
<field name="text">True</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="false">
<field name="text">False</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="create_data_exception">
<field name="text">An Exception Occurred: %(error)s</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="create_data_exception_measures">
<field name="text">An Exception Occurred: On measures, with expression %(expression)s on record %(record)s.
Exception: %(error)s</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="create_data_exception_dimension">
<field name="text">An Exception Occurred: On dimensions, with expression %(expression)s on record %(record)s.
Exception: %(error)s</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="invalid_parameters">
<field name="text">Key "%(key)s" in domain or in python expression is not in the parameters from filter of report.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_render_report_columns">
<field name="text">Print report "%(report)s" has dimensions in columns and is not supported.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invalid_table_internal_name_first_character">
<field name="text">Invalid first character in internal name "%(internal_name)s" in table "%(table)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invalid_table_internal_name">
<field name="text">Invalid internal name "%(internal_name)s" in table "%(table)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invalid_field_internal_name_first_character">
<field name="text">Invalid first character in internal name "%(internal_name)s" in field "%(field)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invalid_field_internal_name">
<field name="text">Invalid internal name "%(internal_name)s" in field "%(field)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_filter_with_parameters">
<field name="text">Cannot use filters with parameters in table "%(table)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_table_no_fields">
<field name="text">Table "%(table)s" cannot be computed because it has no fields.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_compute_table_exception">
<field name="text">An exception occurred while computing the value for field "%(field)s" in table "%(table)s", record "%(record)s". The error was:
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invalid_aggregate">
<field name="text">Aggregates "Sum" and "Average" are not supported in non numeric fields in parameter "%(parameter)s" in widget "%(widget)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invalid_parameter_type">
<field name="text">Parameter "%(parameter)s" is not valid in widget "%(widget)s". Only the following types can be used: "%(types)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_chart_limit">
<field name="text">The number of records "%(count)s" exceeds the limit "%(limit)s" for chart "%(widget)s". You must either narrow the query or increase the limit.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_too_many_parameters">
<field name="text">There can not be more than "%(max)s" parameters of type "%(type)s" in "%(widget)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_not_enough_parameters">
<field name="text">There must be at least "%(min)s" parameters of type "%(type)s" in "%(widget)s".</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_widget_help">
<field name="text">The following is the list of valid parameter types wth the number of minimum and maximum occurrences allowed:
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_report_successful">
<field name="text">Report "%(report)s" successfully calculated.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_report_failed">
<field name="text">Calculation of report "%(report)s" failed.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_report_timeout">
<field name="text">Calculation of report "%(report)s" aborted because it took more thant %(seconds)s to compute.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_table_successful">
<field name="text">Computation of "%(table)s" finished successfully.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_table_failed">
<field name="text">Computation of "%(table)s" failed.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_circular_dependency">
<field name="text">Circular dependency with the following table sequence: