Sharoon Thomas 61382f60e1 Remove dependency on ccy #41
CCY was used to identify the currency from the
country part of the locale (eg. US in  en_US) to
identify the currency. The library is both a burden
and a pain to install automatically.

This patch removes the dependency on the library
and adds a new field to language where the default
currency for the language can be specified. If a default
currency is not specified in the language, it is picked up
from the currency of the company of the website
2013-01-15 21:50:04 +05:00

599 lines
19 KiB

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Routing: Sites, URLs
:copyright: (c) 2010 by Sharoon Thomas
:copyright: (c) 2010-2012 by Openlabs Technologies & Consulting (P) Ltd.
:license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details
from ast import literal_eval
import pytz
from werkzeug import abort, redirect
from wtforms import Form, TextField, PasswordField, validators
from nereid import jsonify, flash, render_template, url_for, cache
from nereid.globals import session, request
from nereid.helpers import login_required, key_from_list, get_flashed_messages
from nereid.signals import login, failed_login, logout
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.backend import TableHandler
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.pool import Pool
from .i18n import _
# pylint: disable-msg=E1101
class URLMap(ModelSQL, ModelView):
A collection of URLs for a website. This is analogous to werkzeug's
URL Map.
:param name: Name of the URL Map
:param default_subdomain: Default subdomain for URLs in this Map
:param active: Whether the URL Map is active or not.
:param rules: O2M URLRules
:param charset: default value - utf-8
:param strict_slashes: Boolean field if / in url map is taken seriously
:param unique_urls: Enable `redirect_defaults` in the URL Map and
redirects the defaults to the URL
_name = "nereid.url_map"
_description = "Nereid URL Map"
name = fields.Char(
'Name', required=True, select=True,
default_subdomain = fields.Char(
'Default Subdomain',
rules = fields.One2Many(
charset = fields.Char('Char Set')
strict_slashes = fields.Boolean('Strict Slashes')
unique_urls = fields.Boolean('Unique URLs')
active = fields.Boolean('Active')
def default_active(self):
"By default URL is active"
return True
def default_charset(self):
"By default characterset is utf-8"
return 'utf-8'
def get_rules_arguments(self, map_id):
Constructs a list of dictionary of arguments needed
for URL Rule construction. A wrapper around the
URL RULE get_rule_arguments
rule_args = [ ]
rule_obj = Pool().get('nereid.url_rule')
url_map = self.browse(map_id)
for rule in url_map.rules:
return rule_args
class LoginForm(Form):
"Default Login Form"
email = TextField(_('e-mail'), [validators.Required(), validators.Email()])
password = PasswordField(_('Password'), [validators.Required()])
class WebSite(ModelSQL, ModelView):
One of the most powerful features of Nereid is the ability to
manage multiple websites from one back-end. A web site in nereid
represents a collection or URLs, settings.
:param name: Name of the web site
:param base_url: The unique URL of the website, You cannot have two
websites, with the same base_url
:param url_map: The active URL Map for the website (M2O URLMap)
:param company: The company linked with the website.
:param active: Whether the website is active or not.
_name = ""
_description = "Nereid WebSite"
#: The name field is used for both information and also as
#: the site identifier for nereid. The WSGI application requires
#: SITE argument. The SITE argument is then used to load URLs and
#: other settings for the website. Needs to be unique
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, select=True)
#: The URLMap is made as a different object which functions as a
#: collection of Rules. This will allow easy replication of sites
#: which perform with same URL structures but different templates
url_map = fields.Many2One('nereid.url_map', 'URL Map', required=True)
#: The company to which the website belongs. Useful when creating
#: records like sale order which require a company to be present
company = fields.Many2One('', 'Company', required=True)
active = fields.Boolean('Active')
#: The list of countries this website operates in. Used for generating
#: Countries list in the registration form etc.
countries = fields.Many2Many(
'', 'website', 'country',
'Countries Available')
#: Allowed currencies in the website
currencies = fields.Many2Many(
'website', 'currency', 'Currencies Available')
#: Default language
default_language = fields.Many2One('ir.lang', 'Default Language',
#: The res.user with which the nereid application will be loaded
#: .. versionadded: 0.3
application_user = fields.Many2One(
'res.user', 'Application User', required=True
guest_user = fields.Many2One(
'nereid.user', 'Guest user', required=True
timezone = fields.Selection(
[(x, x) for x in pytz.common_timezones], 'Timezone', translate=False
def default_timezone(self):
return 'UTC'
def default_active(self):
return True
def __init__(self):
super(WebSite, self).__init__()
self._sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)',
'Another site with the same name already exists!')
def country_list(self):
Return the list of countries in JSON
return jsonify(result = [
{'key':, 'value':} \
for c in request.nereid_website.countries
def subdivision_list(self):
Return the list of states for given country
country = int(request.args.get('country', 0))
if country not in [ for c in request.nereid_website.countries]:
subdivision_obj = Pool().get('country.subdivision')
ids =[('country', '=', country)])
subdivisions = subdivision_obj.browse(ids)
return jsonify(
result = [{
'code': s.code,
} for s in subdivisions
def get_urls(self, name):
Return complete list of URLs
url_map_obj = Pool().get('nereid.url_map')
website_id =[('name', '=', name)])
if not website_id:
raise RuntimeError("Website with Name %s not found" % name)
website = self.browse(website_id[0])
return url_map_obj.get_rules_arguments(
def stats(self, **arguments):
Test method.
return u'Request: %s\nArguments: %s\nEnviron: %s\n' \
% (request, arguments, request.environ)
def home(self):
"A dummy home method which just renders home.jinja"
return render_template('home.jinja')
def login(self):
Simple login based on the email and password
Required post data see :class:LoginForm
login_form = LoginForm(request.form)
if not request.is_guest_user and request.args.get('next'):
return redirect(request.args['next'])
if request.method == 'POST' and login_form.validate():
user_obj = Pool().get('nereid.user')
result = user_obj.authenticate(,
# Result can be the following:
# 1 - Browse record of User (successful login)
# 2 - None - Login failure without message
# 3 - Any other false value (no message is shown. useful if you
# want to handle the message shown to user)
if result:
# NOTE: Translators leave %s as such
flash(_("You are now logged in. Welcome %(name)s",
session['user'] =
if request.is_xhr:
return 'OK'
return redirect(
'next', url_for('')
elif result is None:
flash(_("Invalid login credentials"))
failed_login.send(self, form=login_form)
if request.is_xhr:
return 'NOK'
return render_template('login.jinja', login_form=login_form)
def logout(self):
"Log the user out"
session.pop('user', None)
_('You have been logged out successfully. Thanks for visiting us')
return redirect(
def account_context(self):
"""This fills the account context for the template
rendering my account. Additional modules might want to fill extra
data into the context
return dict(
user = request.nereid_user,
party =,
def account(self):
context = self.account_context()
return render_template('account.jinja', **context)
def get_currencies(self):
"""Returns available currencies for current site
.. note::
A special method is required so that the fetch can be speeded up,
by pushing the categories to the central cache which cannot be
done directly on a browse node.
cache_key = key_from_list([
# The website is automatically appended to the cache prefix
rv = cache.get(cache_key)
if rv is None:
rv = [{
'symbol': c.symbol,
} for c in request.nereid_website.currencies]
cache.set(cache_key, rv, 60*60)
return rv
def _user_status(self):
"""Returns the commonly required status parameters of the user
This method could be inherited and components could be added
rv = {
'messages': get_flashed_messages()
if request.is_guest_user:
'logged_id': False
'logged_in': True,
'name': request.nereid_user.display_name
return rv
def user_status(self):
Returns a JSON of the user_status
return jsonify(status=self._user_status())
class URLRule(ModelSQL, ModelView):
URL Rule
A rule that represents a single URL pattern
:param path: Path of the URL
:param name: Name of the URL. This is used for reverse mapping, hence
needs to be unique
:param handler: The handler of this URL or the target model.method
which is called. The representation is::
For example: To call list_parties method in use:
The signature of the method being called should be:
def method(self, **arguments):
return "Hello World"
where request is the request object and arguments is the dictionary
of the values generated from the match of the URL
:param active: Whether the website is active or not.
:param defaults: Defaults of the URL (O2M - URLRuleDefaults)
:param method: POST, GET,
:param only_for_generation: URL will not be mapped, but can be used
for URL generation. Example for static pages, where content
delivery is managed by apache, but URL generation is necessary
:param redirect_to: (M2O self) Another URL to which the redirect has to
be done
:param sequence: Numeric sequence of the URL Map.
:param url_map: Relation field for url_rule o2m
_name = "nereid.url_rule"
_description = "Nereid URL Rule"
_rec_name = 'rule'
rule = fields.Char('Rule', required=True, select=True,)
endpoint = fields.Char('Endpoint', select=True,)
active = fields.Boolean('Active')
defaults = fields.One2Many('nereid.url_rule_defaults', 'rule', 'Defaults')
#: This field will be deprecated from version Set or Unset the
#: boolean fields for HTTP methods instead of using this.
methods = fields.Function(
('("POST",)', 'POST'),
('("GET",)', 'GET'),
('("GET", "POST")', 'GET/POST')
], 'Methods'
), 'get_methods', setter='set_methods'
#: This field is retained for migration, but will be removed in
old_methods = fields.Selection(
('("POST",)', 'POST'),
('("GET",)', 'GET'),
('("GET", "POST")', 'GET/POST')
], 'Methods (Deprecated)'
# Supported HTTP methods
http_method_get = fields.Boolean('GET')
http_method_post = fields.Boolean('POST')
http_method_patch = fields.Boolean('PATCH')
http_method_put = fields.Boolean('PUT')
http_method_delete = fields.Boolean('DELETE')
only_for_genaration = fields.Boolean('Only for Generation')
redirect_to = fields.Char('Redirect To')
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', required=True,)
url_map = fields.Many2One('nereid.url_map', 'URL Map')
def __init__(self):
super(URLRule, self).__init__()
self._order.insert(0, ('sequence', 'ASC'))
def init(self, module_name):
:param module_name: Module Name (Automatically passed by caller)
cursor = Transaction().cursor
table = TableHandler(cursor, self, module_name)
# Drop the required index on methods
table.not_null_action('methods', action="remove")
# Rename methods to old_methods
table.column_rename('methods', 'old_methods')
# Check if the new boolean fields exist
http_method_fields_exists = table.column_exist('http_method_get')
super(URLRule, self).init(module_name)
if not http_method_fields_exists:
# if the http method fields did not exist before this method
# should transition old_methods to the boolean fields
rule_ids =[])
for rule in self.browse(rule_ids):
self.set_methods([], 'methods', rule.old_methods)
def default_active(self):
return True
def default_methods(self):
return '("GET",)'
def get_methods(self, ids, name):
The methods field will be deprecated in Till then display the
field value based on the boolean fields which replaces the selection
Note that this only handles GET and POST methods as they were the only
ones handled before v2.4.0.6.
:param ids: List of ids
:param name: Name of the function field
res = {}
for rule in self.browse(ids):
if rule.http_method_get and rule.http_method_post:
res[] = '("GET", "POST")'
elif rule.http_method_post and not rule.http_method_get:
res[] = '("POST",)'
res[] = '("GET",)'
return res
def set_methods(self, ids, name, value):
Set the values of http_* boolean fields based on the value of methods
:param ids: List of ids to update
:param name: Name of function field
:param value: The string value of tuple used in methods selection
methods, write_vals = literal_eval(value), {}
if 'GET' in methods:
write_vals['http_method_get'] = True
if 'POST' in methods:
write_vals['http_method_post'] = True
if write_vals:
self.write(ids, write_vals)
def get_http_methods(self, rule):
Returns an iterable of HTTP methods that the URL has to support.
.. versionadded:
:param rule: Browse record of the rule
methods = []
if rule.http_method_get:
if rule.http_method_post:
if rule.http_method_put:
if rule.http_method_delete:
if rule.http_method_patch:
return methods
def get_rule_arguments(self, rule_id):
Return the arguments of a Rule in the corresponding format
rule = self.browse(rule_id)
defaults = dict(
[(i.key, i.value) for i in rule.defaults]
return {
'rule': rule.rule,
'endpoint': rule.endpoint,
'methods': self.get_http_methods(rule),
'build_only': rule.only_for_genaration,
'defaults': defaults,
'redirect_to': rule.redirect_to or None,
class URLRuleDefaults(ModelSQL, ModelView):
Defaults for the URL
:param key: The char for the default's key
:param value: The Value for the default's Value
:param Rule: M2O Rule
_name = "nereid.url_rule_defaults"
_description = "Nereid URL Rule Defaults"
_rec_name = 'key'
key = fields.Char('Key', required=True, select=True)
value = fields.Char('Value', required=True, select=True)
rule = fields.Many2One('nereid.url_rule', 'Rule', required=True,
class WebsiteCountry(ModelSQL):
"Website Country Relations"
_name = ''
_description = __doc__
website = fields.Many2One('', 'Website')
country = fields.Many2One('', 'Country')
class WebsiteCurrency(ModelSQL):
"Currencies to be made available on website"
_name = ''
_table = 'website_currency_rel'
_description = __doc__
website = fields.Many2One(
'', 'Website',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=1, required=True)
currency = fields.Many2One(
'currency.currency', 'Currency',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=1, required=True)