
250 lines
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# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
import os
import urllib
from nereid.helpers import slugify, send_file, url_for
from nereid.globals import _request_ctx_stack
from werkzeug import abort
from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields
from trytond.config import CONFIG
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.pyson import Eval, Not, Equal
__all__ = ['NereidStaticFolder', 'NereidStaticFile']
class NereidStaticFolder(ModelSQL, ModelView):
"Static folder for Nereid"
__name__ = "nereid.static.folder"
_rec_name = 'folder_name'
folder_name = fields.Char(
'Folder Name', required=True, select=1,
on_change_with=['name', 'folder_name']
description = fields.Char('Description', select=1)
files = fields.One2Many('nereid.static.file', 'folder', 'Files')
def __setup__(cls):
super(NereidStaticFolder, cls).__setup__()
cls._constraints += [
('check_folder_name', 'invalid_folder_name'),
cls._sql_constraints += [
('unique_folder', 'UNIQUE(folder_name)',
'Folder name needs to be unique')
'invalid_folder_name': """Invalid folder name:
(1) '.' in folder name (OR)
(2) folder name begins with '/'""",
'folder_cannot_change': "Folder name cannot be changed"
def on_change_with_folder_name(self):
Fills the name field with a slugified name
if self.get('name'):
if not self.get('folder_name'):
self['folder_name'] = slugify(self['name'])
return self['folder_name']
def check_folder_name(self):
Check the validity of folder name
Allowing the use of / or . will be risky as that could
eventually lead to previlege escalation
if ('.' in self.folder_name) or (self.folder_name.startswith('/')):
return False
return True
def write(cls, folders, vals):
Check if the folder_name has been modified.
If yes, raise an error.
:param vals: values of the current record
if vals.get('folder_name'):
# TODO: Support this feature in future versions
return super(NereidStaticFolder, cls).write(folders, vals)
class NereidStaticFile(ModelSQL, ModelView):
"Static files for Nereid"
__name__ = "nereid.static.file"
name = fields.Char('File Name', select=True, required=True)
folder = fields.Many2One(
'nereid.static.folder', 'Folder', select=True, required=True
type = fields.Selection([
('local', 'Local File'),
('remote', 'Remote File'),
], 'File Type')
#: URL of the remote file if the :attr:`type` is remote
remote_path = fields.Char('Remote File', select=True, translate=True,
states = {
'required': Equal(Eval('type'), 'remote'),
'invisible': Not(Equal(Eval('type'), 'remote'))
#: This function field returns the field contents. This is useful if the
#: field is going to be displayed on the clients.
file_binary = fields.Function(
fields.Binary('File', filename='name'),
'get_file_binary', 'set_file_binary',
#: Full path to the file in the filesystem
file_path = fields.Function(fields.Char('File Path'), 'get_file_path')
#: URL that can be used to idenfity the resource. Note that the value
#: of this field is available only when called within a request context.
#: In other words the URL is valid only when called in a nereid request.
url = fields.Function(fields.Char('URL'), 'get_url')
def __setup__(cls):
super(NereidStaticFile, cls).__setup__()
cls._constraints += [
('check_file_name', 'invalid_file_name'),
cls._sql_constraints += [
('name_folder_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name, folder)',
'The Name of the Static File must be unique in a folder.!'),
'invalid_file_name': """Invalid file name:
(1) '..' in file name (OR)
(2) file name contains '/'""",
def default_type():
return 'local'
def get_url(self, name):
"""Return the url if within an active request context or return
False values
if is None:
return None
if self.type == 'local':
return url_for(
elif self.type == 'remote':
return self.remote_path
def get_nereid_base_path():
Returns base path for nereid, where all the static files would be
By Default it is:
<Tryton Data Path>/<Database Name>/nereid
cursor = Transaction().cursor
return os.path.join(
CONFIG['data_path'], cursor.database_name, "nereid"
def _set_file_binary(self, value):
Setter for static file that stores file in file system
:param value: The value to set
if self.type == 'local':
file_binary = buffer(value)
# If the folder does not exist, create it recursively
directory = os.path.dirname(self.file_path)
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
with open(self.file_path, 'wb') as file_writer:
def set_file_binary(cls, files, name, value):
Setter for the functional binary field.
:param files: Records
:param name: Ignored
:param value: The file buffer
for static_file in files:
def get_file_binary(self, name):
Getter for the binary_file field. This fetches the file from the
file system, coverts it to buffer and returns it.
:param name: Field name
:return: File buffer
location = self.file_path if self.type == 'local' \
else urllib.urlretrieve(self.remote_path)[0]
with open(location, 'rb') as file_reader:
return buffer(
def get_file_path(self, name):
Returns the full path to the file in the file system
:param name: Field name
:return: File path
return os.path.abspath(
)) \
if self.type == 'local' else self.remote_path
def check_file_name(self):
Check the validity of folder name
Allowing the use of / or . will be risky as that could
eventually lead to previlege escalation
if ('..' in or ('/' in
return False
return True
def send_static_file(cls, folder, name):
Invokes the send_file method in nereid.helpers to send a file as the
response to the request. The file is sent in a way which is as
efficient as possible. For example nereid will use the X-Send_file
header to make nginx send the file if possible.
:param folder: folder_name of the folder
:param name: name of the file
#TODO: Separate this search and find into separate cached method
files =[
('folder.folder_name', '=', folder),
('name', '=', name)
if not files:
return send_file(files[0].file_path)