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from sql import Union, As, Column
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, DictSchemaMixin, fields
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.pyson import Eval
from trytond.rpc import RPC
from trytond.ir.ui.menu import CLIENT_ICONS
__all__ = ['ItemType', 'ItemAttribute', 'ItemAttributeItemType', 'Item',
'RelationType', 'ItemRelation', 'ItemRelationAll']
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
class ItemType(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Network Item Type'
__name__ = 'network.item.type'
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
icon = fields.Selection('list_icons', 'Icon', translate=False)
attributes = fields.Many2Many(
'network.item.attribute-network.item.type-set', 'type', 'attribute',
def list_icons():
pool = Pool()
Icon = pool.get('ir.ui.icon')
return sorted(CLIENT_ICONS
+ [(name, name) for _, name in Icon.list_icons()])
class ItemAttribute(DictSchemaMixin, ModelSQL, ModelView):
"Network Item Attribute"
__name__ = 'network.item.attribute'
types = fields.Many2Many('network.item.attribute-network.item.type-set',
'attribute', 'type', 'Types')
class ItemAttributeItemType(ModelSQL):
"Network Item Attribute - Network Item Type"
__name__ = 'network.item.attribute-network.item.type-set'
attribute = fields.Many2One('network.item.attribute', 'Attribute',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
type = fields.Many2One('network.item.type', 'Item', ondelete='CASCADE',
select=True, required=True)
class Item(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Network Item'
__name__ = 'network.item'
name = fields.Char('Name', select=True)
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True, select=True, readonly=True)
type = fields.Many2One('network.item.type', 'Type', required=True,
active = fields.Boolean('Active')
relations = fields.One2Many('network.relation.all', 'from_', 'Relations')
notes = fields.Text('Notes')
icon = fields.Function(fields.Selection('list_icons', 'Icon',
translate=False), 'get_icon')
attributes = fields.Dict('network.item.attribute', 'Attributes',
('types', '=', Eval('type')),
], depends=['type'])
def __setup__(cls):
super(Item, cls).__setup__()
cls._sql_constraints = [
('code_uniq', 'UNIQUE(code)',
'The code of the network item must be unique.')
# TODO: Update of cls.__rpc__ with list_icons can be removed on Tryton
# 3.4. See: https://bugs.tryton.org/issue4043
'list_icons': RPC(),
def default_active():
return True
def get_icon(self, name):
return self.type.icon
def list_icons():
pool = Pool()
Icon = pool.get('ir.ui.icon')
return sorted(CLIENT_ICONS
+ [(name, name) for _, name in Icon.list_icons()])
def create(cls, vlist):
Sequence = Pool().get('ir.sequence')
Configuration = Pool().get('network.configuration')
vlist = [x.copy() for x in vlist]
for values in vlist:
if not values.get('code'):
config = Configuration(1)
values['code'] = Sequence.get_id(config.item_sequence.id)
return super(Item, cls).create(vlist)
def get_attribute(self, name):
Returns the value of the given attribute.
Other modules may want to implement their own way of searching for a
given attribute, for example by considering related items.
return self.attributes.get(name) if self.attributes else None
class RelationType(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Network Relation Type'
__name__ = 'network.relation.type'
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
reverse = fields.Many2One('network.relation.type', 'Reverse Relation')
class ItemRelation(ModelSQL):
'Network Relation'
__name__ = 'network.relation'
from_ = fields.Many2One('network.item', 'From', required=True, select=True,
to = fields.Many2One('network.item', 'To', required=True, select=True,
type = fields.Many2One('network.relation.type', 'Type', required=True,
class ItemRelationAll(ItemRelation, ModelView):
'Network Item Relation'
__name__ = 'network.relation.all'
def table_query(cls):
pool = Pool()
Relation = pool.get('network.relation')
Type = pool.get('network.relation.type')
relation = Relation.__table__()
type = Type.__table__()
tables = {
None: (relation, None)
reverse_tables = {
None: (relation, None),
'type': {
None: (type, (relation.type == type.id) &
(type.reverse != None)),
columns = []
reverse_columns = []
for name, field in Relation._fields.iteritems():
if hasattr(field, 'get'):
column, reverse_column = cls._get_column(tables, reverse_tables,
def convert_from(table, tables):
right, condition = tables[None]
if table:
table = table.join(right, condition=condition)
table = right
for k, sub_tables in tables.iteritems():
if k is None:
table = convert_from(table, sub_tables)
return table
query = convert_from(None, tables).select(*columns)
reverse_query = convert_from(None, reverse_tables).select(
return Union(query, reverse_query, all_=True)
def _get_column(cls, tables, reverse_tables, name):
table, _ = tables[None]
reverse_table, _ = reverse_tables[None]
if name == 'id':
return As(table.id * 2, name), As(reverse_table.id * 2 + 1, name)
elif name == 'from_':
return table.from_, reverse_table.to.as_(name)
elif name == 'to':
return table.to, reverse_table.from_.as_(name)
elif name == 'type':
reverse_type, _ = reverse_tables[name][None]
return table.type, reverse_type.reverse.as_(name)
return Column(table, name), Column(reverse_table, name)
def convert_instances(relations):
"Converts network.relation.all instances to network.relation "
pool = Pool()
Relation = pool.get('network.relation')
return Relation.browse([x.id // 2 for x in relations])
def reverse_id(self):
if self.id % 2:
return self.id - 1
return self.id + 1
def create(cls, vlist):
pool = Pool()
Relation = pool.get('network.relation')
relations = Relation.create(vlist)
return cls.browse([r.id * 2 for r in relations])
def write(cls, all_records, values):
pool = Pool()
Relation = pool.get('network.relation')
# Increase transaction counter
Transaction().counter += 1
# Clean local cache
for record in all_records:
for record_id in (record.id, record.reverse_id):
local_cache = record._local_cache.get(record_id)
if local_cache:
# Clean cursor cache
for cache in Transaction().cursor.cache.itervalues():
if cls.__name__ in cache:
for record in all_records:
for record_id in (record.id, record.reverse_id):
if record_id in cache[cls.__name__]:
reverse_values = values.copy()
if 'from_' in values and 'to' in values:
reverse_values['from_'], reverse_values['to'] = \
reverse_values['to'], reverse_values['from_']
elif 'from_' in values:
reverse_values['to'] = reverse_values.pop('from_')
elif 'to' in values:
reverse_values['from_'] = reverse_values.pop('to')
straight_relations = [r for r in all_records if not r.id % 2]
reverse_relations = [r for r in all_records if r.id % 2]
if straight_relations:
if reverse_relations:
def delete(cls, relations):
pool = Pool()
Relation = pool.get('network.relation')
# Increase transaction counter
Transaction().counter += 1
# Clean cursor cache
for cache in Transaction().cursor.cache.values():
for cache in (cache, cache.get('_language_cache', {}).values()):
if cls.__name__ in cache:
for record in relations:
for record_id in (record.id, record.reverse_id):
if record_id in cache[cls.__name__]:
del cache[cls.__name__][record_id]