from sql import Union, As from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields from trytond.pyson import Eval __all__ = ['RelationType', 'PartyRelation', 'PartyRelationAll', 'Party'] __metaclass__ = PoolMeta class RelationType(ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Relation Type' __name__ = 'party.relation.type' name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True) reverse = fields.Many2One('party.relation.type', 'Reverse Relation', ondelete='CASCADE', domain=[('id', '!=', Eval('id'))], depends=['id']) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(RelationType, cls).__setup__() cls._sql_constraints += [ ('id_reverse_different', 'CHECK(id <> reverse)', 'Relation Type cannot be linked to itself.'), ] class PartyRelation(ModelSQL): 'Party Relation' __name__ = 'party.relation' from_ = fields.Many2One('', 'From', required=True, select=True, ondelete='CASCADE') to = fields.Many2One('', 'To', required=True, select=True, ondelete='CASCADE') type = fields.Many2One('party.relation.type', 'Type', required=True, select=True, ondelete='CASCADE') class PartyRelationAll(PartyRelation, ModelView): 'Party Relation' __name__ = 'party.relation.all' @staticmethod def table_query(): pool = Pool() Relation = pool.get('party.relation') Type = pool.get('party.relation.type') relation = Relation.__table__() type = Type.__table__() main_columns = (relation.create_uid, relation.create_date, relation.write_uid, relation.write_date) cols = main_columns + (As( * 2, 'id'), relation.from_,, relation.type) query =*cols) cols = main_columns + (As( * 2 + 1, 'id'),'from_'), relation.from_.as_('to'), type.reverse) reverse_query = relation.join(type, condition=relation.type == reverse_query =*cols) query = Union(query, reverse_query, all_=True) return query @staticmethod def convert_instances(relations): " Converts party.relation.all instances to party.relation " pool = Pool() Relation = pool.get('party.relation') return Relation.browse(list(set([int( / 2) for x in relations]))) @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): pool = Pool() Relation = pool.get('party.relation') return Relation.create(vlist) @classmethod def write(cls, relations, values): pool = Pool() Relation = pool.get('party.relation') return Relation.write(cls.convert_instances(relations), values) @classmethod def delete(cls, relations): pool = Pool() Relation = pool.get('party.relation') return Relation.delete(cls.convert_instances(relations)) class Party: __name__ = '' relations = fields.One2Many('party.relation.all', 'from_', 'Relations')