
123 lines
7 KiB

babi_multiprocess.diff # [trytond] babi multiprocess
trytond_test_database.diff # [trytond] avoid errors on upgrades from version 3.4
logging_jsonrpc_exeption.diff # [trytond] logging JSONRPC Exception
issue8776.diff # [trytond] Add slugify tool
account_payment_view.diff # [account_payment]
account_payment_sepa_locale.diff # [account_payment_sepa]
issue3932.diff # [account] rule account move and account move line by company
issue6253.diff # [account_invoice] add invoice type criteria
issue4506.diff # [account_invoice] Add credit invoices keyword from account.invoice
issue8479.diff # [account_invoice] missing invoice payment method rule by company
issue8618.diff # [account_invoice] Allow changing amount in manual invoice taxes
issue9032.diff # [account_invoice_stock] Skip sum quantity of cancelled invoices
issue4030.diff # [analytic_account] Not selected root accounts in analytic account lines
analitic_line_company_rules.diff # [analytic_account] Not selected root accounts in analytic account lines
sale_list_price.diff # [sale] Can't convert to currency with list price is null (multicompany)
sale_supply_supply_on_sale_multivalue.diff # [sale_supply] supply_on_sale field multvalue #035100
#sale_remove_multiselection.diff # [sale] remove multiselection handling exceptions
sale_copy.diff # [sale] set _cache fields to null when copy
#purchase_remove_multiselection.diff # [purchase] remove multiselection handling exceptions
issue4482.diff # [stock] stock inventory misses company access rule
search_warehouse.diff # [stock] search function for warehouse
issue239_630.diff # [stock] get location quantity by product, product template or lot
stock_quantity_to_zero.diff # [stock] Ensure to sum with value.
stock_quantity_to_zero_pass_test.diff # [stock] Ensure to sum with value.
issue9737.diff # [stock] Delete outgoing_moves with zero quantity on packing customer shipment
issue10467.diff # [stock_lot] add lot to grouping when assign try if lot it's required on product
production_view.diff #[production] Split inputs and outputs on pages
issue8702.diff # [stock_supply_forecast] Support production forecast
party_identifier_migration.diff # set vat_eu as valid vat
issue8860.diff # [stock_forecast] stock_forecast does not spread all the quantities
statement_of_account.diff # [account] Cumulate balance of previous fiscal years
model.diff # [trytond] Allows dynamic fields in Model as required by the wizard in sale_pos_template_quantities
issue9103.diff # [trytond] User-defined reports for custom template extensions
issue10009.diff # [trytond] Remove active test from sequences and languages action
issue9616.diff # [analytic_invoice] Analytic move is not created when closing an asset
#fifo_quantity_round.diff # issue9664 [product_cost_fifo] Round fifo_quantity before save, to avoid problems when compare with quantity [Remove on 5.8]
account_payment_search_payment_amount.diff # [account_payment] Optimize searcher search_payment_amount
purchase_line_rule.diff # [purchase] Add missing rule on purchase_line
issue9797.diff # [account_payment_sepa] Slowness processing sepa
issue9802.diff # [stock] Improve performance when partially assigning moves
issue9519.diff # [sale + purchase] Use search context for product field on line
issue9814.diff #[product] Product template search bar showing non serchable product.product function fields as recomendation
rule_account_journal_period.diff # [account] Add missing rule for account.journal.period
issue8944.diff # [sale_shipment_cost] Prevent crash when duplicating a sale and moving it to quote state.
account_asset.diff # [account_asset] permit update asset running without move yet.
issue8834.diff # [account_payment_clearing] Party required when mark a payment succeed and counterpart account is required
project_invoice_progress_compute_qty.diff # [project_invoice] Twice compute qty UOM convertion (to calculate pogress and create invoice line)
issue10068.diff # [trytond] Use safe_join in SharedDataMiddlewareIndex
issue10053.diff # [party] Configure available identifiers
# Cost and Recompute Cost issues
production_cost_fifo-Update-cost-of-moves-when-recomputing-product-cost.patch #[issue8795 + issue7271] Remove on 5.8
production-Update-cost-of-moves-when-recomputing-product-cost.patch #[issue8795 + issue7271] Remove on 5.8
stock-Update-cost-of-moves-when-recomputing-product-cost.patch #[issue8795 + issue7271] Remove on 5.8
production-Keep-cost-of-unused-input-products.patch #[issue9637] Remove on 5.8
cost_price_in_productions_without_inputs.diff # [production]
product_cost_fifo-Use-all-moves-to-compute-FIFO.patch #[issue9443 issue9274] Remove on 5.8
product-cost-fifo-Use-original-cost-price-for-returned-move.patch #[issue9440] Remove on 6.0
stock-Use-original-cost-price-for-returned-move.patch #[issue9440] Remove on 6.0
sale-Use-original-cost-price-for-returned-move.patch #[issue9440] Remove on 6.0
sale_supply_drop_shippment-Use-original-cost-price-for-returned-move.patch #[issue9440] Remove on 6.0
product_cost_fifo-Do-not-update-average-cost-price-i.patch #[issue9484] Remove on 6.0
product_cost_fifo-Enforce-filling-cost-price-of-move.patch #[issue9397] Remove on 6.0
stock-Enforce-filling-cost-price-of-move.patch #[issue9397] Remove on 6.0
# End Cost and Recompute Cost issues
issue3209.diff # [production] Not validate cost inputs and outputs 043523 (not merge to 6.x)
issue10271.diff # [sale] The label total_amount_cache field in is "Total Tax"
account_asset_update_asset.diff # [account_asset] convert float to decimal [#044336] Remove on 6.0
issue10382.diff # [stock_split] Decimals of quantity move exceed the total digits when split move
issue10338.diff # [bank] Search on rec_name of other model in search_rec_name
issue9146.diff # [account_stock_landed_cost] Use field digits on secondary unit
stock_lot_sled_ca_locale.diff # [stock_lot_sled] Fix wrong translation [#044921]
issue9122.diff # [stock_supply] Add cron job to supply stock
issue10500.diff # [account_invoice] Fix msg_invoice_same_account_line variables name
issue9049-issue4050.diff # [purchase] Add origin and set on returned purchase + Add return wizard
issue10680.diff # [product] Fix get_template in reference field case
issue10845.diff # [commission] Do not reverse commission when canceling invoice with move
project_work_company_rule.diff # [project] Add company rule at project level [#048280]
issue9004.diff # [product] Make product code unique
# worker_logger.diff #[trytond] Move exception handling into transaction to keep the database name
deactivable_product_supplier.diff # [purchase] Allow product supplier to be dactivated [#048267] Remove on 6.0
issue11077.diff # [trytond] Fill Value of MultiValue with the other default values [#048483] Remove on 6.0
issue8952.diff # [country] Use Tryton's CDN to download postal codes Remove on 6.4
issue10363.diff # [production] Remove unique product constraint on BOM