# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full # copyright notices and license terms. from decimal import Decimal from trytond.config import config from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields from trytond.pool import Pool from trytond.pyson import Eval, Bool, If from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateAction, Button DIGITS = int(config.get('digits', 'unit_price_digits', 4)) __all__ = ['PlanCostType', 'Plan', 'PlanBOM', 'PlanProductLine', 'PlanCost', 'CreateBomStart', 'CreateBom'] class PlanCostType(ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Plan Cost Type' __name__ = 'product.cost.plan.cost.type' name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True) system = fields.Boolean('System Managed', readonly=True) plan_field_name = fields.Char('Plan Field Name', readonly=True) class Plan(ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Product Cost Plan' __name__ = 'product.cost.plan' number = fields.Char('Number', select=True, readonly=True) name = fields.Char('Name', select=True) active = fields.Boolean('Active') product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product') product_uom_category = fields.Function( fields.Many2One('product.uom.category', 'Product UoM Category'), 'on_change_with_product_uom_category') quantity = fields.Float('Quantity', digits=(16, Eval('uom_digits', 2)), required=True, depends=['uom_digits']) uom = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'UoM', required=True, domain=[ If(Bool(Eval('product')), ('category', '=', Eval('product_uom_category')), ('id', '!=', -1), )], states={ 'readonly': Bool(Eval('product')), }, depends=['product', 'product_uom_category']) uom_digits = fields.Function(fields.Integer('UoM Digits'), 'on_change_with_uom_digits') bom = fields.Many2One('production.bom', 'BOM', depends=['product'], domain=[ ('output_products', '=', Eval('product', 0)), ]) boms = fields.One2Many('product.cost.plan.bom_line', 'plan', 'BOMs') products = fields.One2Many('product.cost.plan.product_line', 'plan', 'Products') products_tree = fields.Function( fields.One2Many('product.cost.plan.product_line', 'plan', 'Products', domain=[ ('parent', '=', None), ], states={ 'readonly': ~Bool(Eval('costs', [0])), }, depends=['costs']), 'get_products_tree', setter='set_products_tree') products_cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Products Cost', digits=(16, DIGITS)), 'get_products_cost') costs = fields.One2Many('product.cost.plan.cost', 'plan', 'Costs') cost_price = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Unit Cost Price', digits=(16, DIGITS)), 'get_cost_price') notes = fields.Text('Notes') @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(Plan, cls).__setup__() cls._buttons.update({ 'compute': { 'icon': 'tryton-spreadsheet', }, 'update_product_prices': { 'icon': 'tryton-refresh', }, }) cls._error_messages.update({ 'product_lines_will_be_removed': ( 'It will remove the existing Product Lines in this plan.'), 'bom_already_exists': ( 'A bom already exists for cost plan "%s".'), 'cannot_mix_input_uoms': ('Product "%(product)s" in Cost Plan ' '"%(plan)s" has different units of measure.'), 'product_already_has_bom': ( 'Product "%s" already has a BOM assigned.'), }) @staticmethod def default_active(): return True @staticmethod def default_state(): return 'draft' def get_rec_name(self, name): res = '[%s]' % self.number if self.name: res += ' ' + self.name return res @classmethod def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause): return ['OR', ('number',) + tuple(clause[1:]), ('name',) + tuple(clause[1:]), ] @fields.depends('product', 'bom', 'boms') def on_change_product(self): res = {'bom': None} bom = self.on_change_with_bom() self.bom = bom res['boms'] = self.on_change_with_boms() if self.product: res['uom'] = self.product.default_uom.id return res @fields.depends('uom') def on_change_with_uom_digits(self, name=None): return self.uom.digits if self.uom else 2 @fields.depends('product', 'uom') def on_change_with_product_uom_category(self, name=None): if self.product: return self.product.default_uom_category.id if self.uom: return self.uom.category.id @fields.depends('product') def on_change_with_bom(self): BOM = Pool().get('production.bom') if not self.product: return boms = BOM.search([('output_products', '=', self.product.id)]) if boms: return boms[0].id @fields.depends('bom', 'boms', 'product') def on_change_with_boms(self): boms = { 'remove': [x.id for x in self.boms], 'add': [], } if not self.bom: return boms def find_boms(inputs): res = [] for input_ in inputs: if input_.product.boms: product_bom = input_.product.boms[0].bom res.append((input_.product.id, product_bom.id)) res += find_boms(product_bom.inputs) return res products = set(find_boms(self.bom.inputs)) for index, (product_id, bom_id) in enumerate(products): boms['add'].append((index, { 'product': product_id, 'bom': None, })) return boms def get_products_tree(self, name): return [x.id for x in self.products if not x.parent] @classmethod def set_products_tree(cls, lines, name, value): cls.write(lines, { 'products': value, }) def get_products_cost(self, name): if not self.quantity: return Decimal('0.0') cost = sum(p.get_total_cost(None, round=False) for p in self.products) cost /= Decimal(str(self.quantity)) digits = self.__class__.products_cost.digits[1] return cost.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) def get_cost_price(self, name): return sum(c.cost for c in self.costs if c.cost) @classmethod def remove_product_lines(cls, plans): pool = Pool() ProductLine = pool.get('product.cost.plan.product_line') CostLine = pool.get('product.cost.plan.cost') product_lines = ProductLine.search([ ('plan', 'in', [p.id for p in plans]), ]) if product_lines: cls.raise_user_warning('remove_product_lines', 'product_lines_will_be_removed') ProductLine.delete(product_lines) with Transaction().set_context(reset_costs=True): CostLine.delete(CostLine.search([ ('plan', 'in', [p.id for p in plans]), ('system', '=', True), ])) @classmethod @ModelView.button def compute(cls, plans): pool = Pool() ProductLine = pool.get('product.cost.plan.product_line') CostLine = pool.get('product.cost.plan.cost') cls.remove_product_lines(plans) to_create = [] for plan in plans: if plan.product and plan.bom: to_create.extend(plan.explode_bom(plan.product, plan.bom, plan.quantity, plan.uom)) if to_create: ProductLine.create(to_create) to_create = [] for plan in plans: to_create.extend(plan.get_costs()) if to_create: CostLine.create(to_create) def explode_bom(self, product, bom, quantity, uom): "Returns products for the especified products" pool = Pool() Input = pool.get('production.bom.input') res = [] plan_boms = {} for plan_bom in self.boms: if plan_bom.bom: plan_boms[plan_bom.product.id] = plan_bom.bom factor = bom.compute_factor(product, quantity, uom) for input_ in bom.inputs: product = input_.product if product.id in plan_boms: quantity = Input.compute_quantity(input_, factor) res.extend(self.explode_bom(product, plan_boms[product.id], quantity, input_.uom)) else: line = self.get_product_line(input_, factor) if line: line['plan'] = self.id res.append(line) return res def get_product_line(self, input_, factor): """ Returns a dict with values of the new line to create params: *input_*: Production.bom.input record for the product *factor*: The factor to calculate the quantity """ pool = Pool() UoM = pool.get('product.uom') Input = pool.get('production.bom.input') ProductLine = pool.get('product.cost.plan.product_line') quantity = Input.compute_quantity(input_, factor) cost_factor = Decimal(UoM.compute_qty(input_.product.default_uom, 1, input_.uom)) digits = ProductLine.product_cost_price.digits[1] if cost_factor == Decimal('0.0'): product_cost_price = Decimal('0.0') cost_price = Decimal('0.0') else: product_cost_price = (input_.product.cost_price / cost_factor).quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) digits = ProductLine.cost_price.digits[1] cost_price = (input_.product.cost_price / cost_factor).quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) return { 'name': input_.product.rec_name, 'product': input_.product.id, 'quantity': quantity, 'uom': input_.uom.id, 'product_cost_price': product_cost_price, 'cost_price': cost_price, } def get_costs(self): "Returns the cost lines to be created on compute" pool = Pool() CostType = pool.get('product.cost.plan.cost.type') ret = [] system_cost_types = CostType.search([ ('system', '=', True), ]) for cost_type in system_cost_types: ret.append(self._get_cost_line(cost_type)) return ret def _get_cost_line(self, cost_type): return { 'plan': self.id, 'type': cost_type.id, 'system': True, } @classmethod @ModelView.button def update_product_prices(cls, plans): for plan in plans: if not plan.product: continue plan._update_product_prices() plan.product.save() plan.product.template.save() def _update_product_prices(self): pool = Pool() Uom = pool.get('product.uom') assert self.product cost_price = Uom.compute_price(self.uom, self.cost_price, self.product.default_uom) if hasattr(self.product.__class__, 'cost_price'): digits = self.product.__class__.cost_price.digits[1] cost_price = cost_price.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) self.product.cost_price = cost_price else: digits = self.product.template.__class__.cost_price.digits[1] cost_price = cost_price.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) self.product.template.cost_price = cost_price def create_bom(self, name): pool = Pool() BOM = pool.get('production.bom') ProductBOM = pool.get('product.product-production.bom') if self.bom: self.raise_user_error('bom_already_exists', self.rec_name) bom = BOM() bom.name = name bom.inputs = self._get_bom_inputs() bom.outputs = self._get_bom_outputs() bom.save() self.bom = bom self.save() ProductBOM() if self.product.boms: product_bom = self.product.boms[0] if product_bom.bom: self.raise_user_error('product_already_has_bom', self.product.rec_name) else: product_bom = ProductBOM() product_bom.product = self.product product_bom.bom = bom product_bom.save() return bom def _get_bom_outputs(self): BOMOutput = Pool().get('production.bom.output') outputs = [] if self.product: output = BOMOutput() output.product = self.product output.uom = self.uom output.quantity = self.quantity outputs.append(output) return outputs def _get_bom_inputs(self): inputs = {} for line in self.products: if not line.product: continue input_ = self._get_input_line(line) if input_.product.id not in inputs: inputs[input_.product.id] = input_ continue existing = inputs[input_.product.id] if existing.uom != input_.uom: self.raise_user_error('cannot_mix_input_uoms', { 'plan': self.rec_name, 'product': existing.product.rec_name, }) existing.quantity += input_.quantity return inputs.values() def _get_input_line(self, line): 'Return the BOM Input line for a product line' BOMInput = Pool().get('production.bom.input') input_ = BOMInput() input_.product = line.product input_.uom = line.uom input_.quantity = line.quantity parent_line = line.parent while parent_line: input_.quantity *= parent_line.quantity parent_line = parent_line.parent return input_ @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): Sequence = Pool().get('ir.sequence') Config = Pool().get('production.configuration') vlist = [x.copy() for x in vlist] config = Config(1) for values in vlist: values['number'] = Sequence.get_id( config.product_cost_plan_sequence.id) return super(Plan, cls).create(vlist) @classmethod def copy(cls, plans, default=None): if default is None: default = {} else: default = default.copy() default['products'] = None default['products_tree'] = None new_plans = [] for plan in plans: new_plans.append(plan._copy_plan(default)) return new_plans def _copy_plan(self, default): ProductLine = Pool().get('product.cost.plan.product_line') new_plan, = super(Plan, self).copy([self], default=default) ProductLine.copy(self.products_tree, default={ 'plan': new_plan.id, 'children': None, }) return new_plan @classmethod def delete(cls, plans): CostLine = Pool().get('product.cost.plan.cost') to_delete = [] for plan in plans: to_delete += plan.costs with Transaction().set_context(reset_costs=True): CostLine.delete(to_delete) super(Plan, cls).delete(plans) class PlanBOM(ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Product Cost Plan BOM' __name__ = 'product.cost.plan.bom_line' plan = fields.Many2One('product.cost.plan', 'Plan', required=True, ondelete='CASCADE') product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product', required=True) bom = fields.Many2One('production.bom', 'BOM', domain=[ ('output_products', '=', Eval('product', 0)), ], depends=['product']) class PlanProductLine(ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Product Cost Plan Product Line' __name__ = 'product.cost.plan.product_line' name = fields.Char('Name') sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence') parent = fields.Many2One('product.cost.plan.product_line', 'Parent') children = fields.One2Many('product.cost.plan.product_line', 'parent', 'Children') plan = fields.Many2One('product.cost.plan', 'Plan', required=True, ondelete='CASCADE') product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product', domain=[ ('type', '!=', 'service'), If(Bool(Eval('children')), ('default_uom.category', '=', Eval('uom_category')), ()), ], depends=['children', 'uom_category']) quantity = fields.Float('Quantity', required=True, digits=(16, Eval('uom_digits', 2)), depends=['uom_digits']) uom_category = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('product.uom.category', 'UoM Category'), 'on_change_with_uom_category') uom = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'UoM', required=True, domain=[ If(Bool(Eval('children')) | Bool(Eval('product')), ('category', '=', Eval('uom_category')), ()), ], depends=['children', 'product', 'uom_category']) uom_digits = fields.Function(fields.Integer('UoM Digits'), 'on_change_with_uom_digits') product_cost_price = fields.Numeric('Product Cost Price', digits=(16, DIGITS), states={ 'readonly': True, }, depends=['product']) cost_price = fields.Numeric('Cost Price', required=True, digits=(16, DIGITS)) unit_cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Unit Cost', digits=(16, DIGITS), help="The cost of this product for each unit of plan's product."), 'get_unit_cost') total_cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Total Cost', digits=(16, DIGITS), help="The cost of this product for total plan's quantity."), 'get_total_cost') @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(PlanProductLine, cls).__setup__() cls._order.insert(0, ('sequence', 'ASC')) @staticmethod def order_sequence(tables): table, _ = tables[None] return [table.sequence == None, table.sequence] @fields.depends('product', 'uom') def on_change_product(self): res = {} if self.product: uoms = self.product.default_uom.category.uoms if (not self.uom or self.uom not in uoms): res['name'] = self.product.rec_name res['uom'] = self.product.default_uom.id res['uom.rec_name'] = self.product.default_uom.rec_name res['product_cost_price'] = self.product.cost_price res['cost_price'] = self.product.cost_price else: res['name'] = None res['uom'] = None res['uom.rec_name'] = '' res['product_cost_price'] = None return res @fields.depends('children', '_parent_plan.uom' 'product', 'uom') def on_change_with_uom_category(self, name=None): if self.children: # If product line has children, it must be have computable # quantities of plan product return self.plan.uom.category.id if self.product: return self.product.default_uom.category.id @fields.depends('uom') def on_change_with_uom_digits(self, name=None): if self.uom: return self.uom.digits return 2 @fields.depends('product', 'uom', 'cost_price') def on_change_with_cost_price(self): UoM = Pool().get('product.uom') if (not self.product or not self.uom or (self.cost_price and self.cost_price != self.product.cost_price)): cost = self.cost_price else: cost = UoM.compute_price(self.product.default_uom, self.product.cost_price, self.uom) if cost: digits = self.__class__.cost_price.digits[1] return cost.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) return cost @fields.depends('product', 'uom') def on_change_with_product_cost_price(self): UoM = Pool().get('product.uom') if not self.product: return if not self.uom: cost = self.product.cost_price else: cost = UoM.compute_price(self.product.default_uom, self.product.cost_price, self.uom) digits = self.__class__.product_cost_price.digits[1] return cost.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) def get_unit_cost(self, name): unit_cost = self.total_cost if unit_cost and self.plan and self.plan.quantity: unit_cost /= Decimal(str(self.plan.quantity)) digits = self.__class__.unit_cost.digits[1] return unit_cost.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) def get_total_cost(self, name, round=True): if not self.cost_price: return Decimal('0.0') # Quantity is the quantity of this line for all plan's quantity quantity = self.quantity line = self while quantity and line.parent: quantity *= line.parent.quantity line = line.parent if not quantity: return Decimal('0.0') total_cost = Decimal(str(quantity)) * self.cost_price if not round: return total_cost digits = self.__class__.total_cost.digits[1] return total_cost.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) @classmethod def copy(cls, lines, default=None): if default is None: default = {} else: default = default.copy() default['children'] = None new_lines = [] for line in lines: new_line, = super(PlanProductLine, cls).copy([line], default=default) new_lines.append(new_line) new_default = default.copy() new_default['parent'] = new_line.id cls.copy(line.children, default=new_default) return new_lines STATES = { 'readonly': Eval('system', False), } DEPENDS = ['system'] class PlanCost(ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Plan Cost' __name__ = 'product.cost.plan.cost' plan = fields.Many2One('product.cost.plan', 'Plan', required=True, ondelete='CASCADE') sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence') type = fields.Many2One('product.cost.plan.cost.type', 'Type', domain=[ ('system', '=', Eval('system')), ], required=True, states=STATES, depends=DEPENDS) internal_cost = fields.Numeric('Cost (Internal Use)', digits=(16, DIGITS), readonly=True) cost = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Cost', digits=(16, DIGITS), required=True, states=STATES, depends=DEPENDS), 'get_cost', setter='set_cost') system = fields.Boolean('System Managed', readonly=True) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(PlanCost, cls).__setup__() cls._order.insert(0, ('sequence', 'ASC')) cls._error_messages.update({ 'delete_system_cost': ('You can not delete cost "%(cost)s" ' 'from plan "%(plan)s" because it\'s managed by system.'), }) @staticmethod def order_sequence(tables): table, _ = tables[None] return [table.sequence == None, table.sequence] def get_rec_name(self, name): return self.type.rec_name @classmethod def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause): return [('type.name',) + tuple(clause[1:])] @staticmethod def default_system(): return False def get_cost(self, name): if self.system: cost = getattr(self.plan, self.type.plan_field_name) else: cost = self.internal_cost digits = self.__class__.cost.digits[1] return cost.quantize(Decimal(str(10 ** -digits))) @classmethod def set_cost(cls, records, name, value): records_todo = [r for r in records if not r.system] cls.write(records, { 'internal_cost': value, }) @classmethod def delete(cls, costs): if not Transaction().context.get('reset_costs', False): for cost in costs: if cost.system: cls.raise_user_error('delete_system_cost', { 'cost': cost.rec_name, 'plan': cost.plan.rec_name, }) super(PlanCost, cls).delete(costs) class CreateBomStart(ModelView): 'Create BOM Start' __name__ = 'product.cost.plan.create_bom.start' name = fields.Char('Name', required=True) class CreateBom(Wizard): 'Create BOM' __name__ = 'product.cost.plan.create_bom' start = StateView('product.cost.plan.create_bom.start', 'product_cost_plan.create_bom_start_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Ok', 'bom', 'tryton-ok', True), ]) bom = StateAction('production.act_bom_list') def default_start(self, fields): CostPlan = Pool().get('product.cost.plan') plan = CostPlan(Transaction().context.get('active_id')) return { 'name': plan.product.rec_name, } def do_bom(self, action): CostPlan = Pool().get('product.cost.plan') plan = CostPlan(Transaction().context.get('active_id')) bom = plan.create_bom(self.start.name) data = { 'res_id': [bom.id] } action['views'].reverse() return action, data