
85 lines
2.6 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
# This file is part product_esale module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
import slug
import unicodedata
from simpleeval import simple_eval
from genshi.template import NewTextTemplate as TextTemplate
from jinja2 import Template as Jinja2Template
from trytond.config import config as config_
template_engine = config_.get('product', 'template_engine', default='genshi')
SRC_CHARS = u"""/*+?¿!&$[]{}`^<>=~%|\\"""
def unaccent(text):
if not text:
return ''
for c in range(len(SRC_CHARS)):
text = text.replace(SRC_CHARS[c], '')
text = text.replace('º', '. ')
text = text.replace('ª', '. ')
text = text.replace(' ', ' ')
output = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text).encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
return output.decode('utf-8')
def slugify(value):
"""Convert value to slug: az09 and replace spaces by -"""
return slug.slug(value)
def seo_lenght(string):
'''Get first 155 characters from string'''
if len(string) > 155:
return '%s...' % (string[:152])
return string
def esale_eval(expression, record):
'''Evaluates the given :attr:expression
:param expression: Expression to evaluate
:param record: The browse record of the record
if template_engine == 'genshi':
return _engine_genshi(expression, record)
elif template_engine == 'jinja2':
return _engine_jinja2(expression, record)
return _engine_python(expression, record)
def template_context(record):
""" Generate the template context
This is mainly to assist in the inheritance pattern
return {'record': record}
def _engine_python(expression, record):
'''Evaluate the pythonic expression and return its value
if expression is None:
return ''
tpl_context = template_context(record)
return simple_eval(expression, tpl_context)
def _engine_genshi(expression, record):
:param expression: Expression to evaluate
:param record: Browse record
if not expression:
return ''
template = TextTemplate(expression)
tpl_context = template_context(record)
return template.generate(**tpl_context).render(encoding='UTF-8')
def _engine_jinja2(expression, record):
:param expression: Expression to evaluate
:param record: Browse record
if not expression:
return ''
template = Jinja2Template(expression)
tpl_context = template_context(record)
return template.render(tpl_context).encode('utf-8')