=================== Production Scenario =================== Imports:: >>> import datetime >>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta >>> from decimal import Decimal >>> from proteus import config, Model, Wizard >>> from trytond.tests.tools import activate_modules >>> from trytond.modules.company.tests.tools import create_company, \ ... get_company >>> today = datetime.date.today() Activate production_process:: >>> config = activate_modules('production_process') Create company:: >>> _ = create_company() >>> company = get_company() Configuration production location:: >>> Location = Model.get('stock.location') >>> warehouse, = Location.find([('code', '=', 'WH')]) >>> production_location, = Location.find([('code', '=', 'PROD')]) >>> warehouse.production_location = production_location >>> warehouse.save() Create product:: >>> ProductUom = Model.get('product.uom') >>> unit, = ProductUom.find([('name', '=', 'Unit')]) >>> ProductTemplate = Model.get('product.template') >>> Product = Model.get('product.product') >>> template = ProductTemplate() >>> template.name = 'product' >>> template.default_uom = unit >>> template.type = 'goods' >>> template.producible = True >>> template.list_price = Decimal(30) >>> template.save() >>> product, = template.products >>> template.cost_price = Decimal(20) >>> product.save() Create Components:: >>> template1 = ProductTemplate() >>> template1.name = 'component 1' >>> template1.default_uom = unit >>> template1.type = 'goods' >>> template1.list_price = Decimal(5) >>> template1.save() >>> component1, = template1.products >>> component1.cost_price = Decimal(1) >>> component1.save() >>> meter, = ProductUom.find([('name', '=', 'Meter')]) >>> centimeter, = ProductUom.find([('name', '=', 'centimeter')]) >>> template2 = ProductTemplate() >>> template2.name = 'component 2' >>> template2.default_uom = meter >>> template2.type = 'goods' >>> template2.list_price = Decimal(7) >>> template2.save() >>> component2, = template2.products >>> component2.cost_price = Decimal(5) >>> component2.save() Create work centers and operation types:: >>> Route = Model.get('production.route') >>> OperationType = Model.get('production.operation.type') >>> RouteOperation = Model.get('production.route.operation') >>> assembly = OperationType(name='Assembly') >>> assembly.save() >>> cleaning = OperationType(name='Cleaning') >>> cleaning.save() >>> hour, = ProductUom.find([('name', '=', 'Hour')]) >>> unit, = ProductUom.find([('name', '=', 'Unit')]) >>> WorkCenter = Model.get('production.work_center') >>> WorkCenterCategory = Model.get('production.work_center.category') >>> category = WorkCenterCategory() >>> category.name = 'Default Category' >>> category.uom = hour >>> category.cost_price = Decimal('25.0') >>> category.save() >>> workcenter1 = WorkCenter() >>> workcenter1.name = 'Assembler Machine' >>> workcenter1.type = 'machine' >>> workcenter1.category = category >>> workcenter1.uom == hour True >>> workcenter1.cost_price Decimal('25.0') >>> workcenter1.save() >>> workcenter2 = WorkCenter() >>> workcenter2.name = 'Cleaner Machine' >>> workcenter2.type = 'machine' >>> workcenter2.category = category >>> workcenter2.cost_price = Decimal('50.0') >>> workcenter2.save() Create a process definition:: >>> Process = Model.get('production.process') >>> Step = Model.get('production.process.step') >>> BOM = Model.get('production.bom') >>> BOMInput = Model.get('production.bom.input') >>> BOMOutput = Model.get('production.bom.output') >>> process = Process() >>> process.name = 'Assembly components' >>> process.uom = unit >>> step1 = Step() >>> process.steps.append(step1) >>> step1.name = 'First step' >>> input1 = BOMInput() >>> step1.inputs.append(input1) >>> input1.product = component1 >>> input1.quantity = 5 >>> input2 = BOMInput() >>> step2 = Step() >>> process.steps.append(step2) >>> step2.inputs.append(input2) >>> step2.name = 'Second step' >>> input2.product = component2 >>> input2.quantity = 150 >>> input2.uom = centimeter >>> route_operation = RouteOperation() >>> step2.operations.append(route_operation) >>> route_operation.sequence = 1 >>> route_operation.operation_type = assembly >>> route_operation.work_center_category = category >>> route_operation.work_center = workcenter1 >>> route_operation.time = 1 >>> route_operation.quantity = 3 >>> route_operation.quantity_uom = unit >>> step3 = Step() >>> process.steps.append(step3) >>> step3.name = 'Third step' >>> output = BOMOutput() >>> step3.outputs.append(output) >>> output.product = product >>> output.quantity = 1 >>> route_operation = RouteOperation() >>> step3.operations.append(route_operation) >>> route_operation.sequence = 2 >>> route_operation.operation_type = cleaning >>> route_operation.calculation = 'fixed' >>> route_operation.work_center_category = category >>> route_operation.work_center = workcenter2 >>> route_operation.time = 1 >>> process.save() >>> process.reload() >>> len(process.operations) == 2 True >>> len(process.inputs) == 2 True >>> len(process.outputs) == 1 True >>> len(process.operations) == 2 True >>> len(process.route.operations) == 2 True >>> bom = process.bom >>> route = process.route >>> ProductBom = Model.get('product.product-production.bom') >>> product_bom = ProductBom() >>> product.boms.append(product_bom) >>> product_bom.process = process >>> product_bom.bom == bom True >>> product_bom.route == route True >>> product.save() >>> len(product.boms) == 1 True Create an Inventory:: >>> Inventory = Model.get('stock.inventory') >>> InventoryLine = Model.get('stock.inventory.line') >>> storage, = Location.find([ ... ('code', '=', 'STO'), ... ]) >>> inventory = Inventory() >>> inventory.location = storage >>> inventory_line1 = InventoryLine() >>> inventory.lines.append(inventory_line1) >>> inventory_line1.product = component1 >>> inventory_line1.quantity = 10 >>> inventory_line2 = InventoryLine() >>> inventory.lines.append(inventory_line2) >>> inventory_line2.product = component2 >>> inventory_line2.quantity = 5 >>> inventory.save() >>> Inventory.confirm([inventory.id], config.context) >>> inventory.state u'done' Make a production:: >>> Production = Model.get('production') >>> Operation = Model.get('production.operation') >>> production = Production() >>> production.product = product >>> production.process = process >>> production.bom == process.bom True >>> production.route == process.route True >>> len(production.operations) == 2 True >>> production.quantity = 2 >>> sorted([i.quantity for i in production.inputs]) == [10, 300] True >>> output, = production.outputs >>> output.quantity == 2 True >>> production.save() >>> production.cost == Decimal('25') True >>> Production.wait([production.id], config.context) >>> Production.assign_try([production.id], config.context) True >>> Production.run([production.id], config.context) >>> operations = [o.id for o in production.operations] >>> Operation.run(operations, config.context) >>> Operation.done(operations, config.context) >>> Production.done([production.id], config.context) >>> production.reload() >>> output, = production.outputs >>> output.state u'done' >>> config._context['locations'] = [storage.id] >>> product = Product(product.id) >>> product.quantity == 2 True Bom and routes can not be deleted because they are linked to process:: >>> process.route.delete() # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserError: Route "Assembly components" cannot be removed because it was created by process "Assembly components". >>> process.bom.delete() # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserError: BOM "Assembly components" cannot be removed because it was created by process "Assembly components".